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News 2013

December 2013

  • 28 Dec 13: The final FISTS Eu Activity of the year is the Fifth Sunday on 29th December, 13:00-17:00 UTC.

    The minimum exchange is RST, name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  European FISTS Activities are relaxed events with sociable QSOs and everyone, from those relatively new to CW to experts, is encouraged to join in.  Logs are welcomed but not essential.

    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz, and QSOs must include exchange of RST, name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.
  • 26 Dec 13: If you have some spare time over the holidays, you might like to try building the NB6M paddles.

    These are straightforward to make using only simple materials.
  • Clipart Christmas holly.
    25 Dec 13: From all at FISTS, have a very happy Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year.
  • 25 Dec 13: UK radio amateurs: There is a summary available of the December RSGB/Ofcom review meeting.

    Topics included: 5 MHz NoV, Amateur Radio Licence Review, Renewal of Packet, Beacon and Repeater NoVs, Renewal of Permanent Special Event Callsigns, Homecoming Scotland, Commonwealth Games Glasgow 2014, Public Sector Spectrum Release, VHF Spectrum Release, Amateur Interference and Abuse of Licence Conditions, EMC Interference, Building on the success of G100RSGB, and Changes to the regulations governing the use of CB Radio.
  • 21 Dec 13: Ladder Sunday: Like to say 'Happy Christmas' on-air to other members?  You can do this in the final 2013 FISTS Eu Ladder sessions on Sunday 22nd December, 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.

    The Ladder involves relaxed, conversational QSOs and is a good opportunity to meet up with other members.  Call CQ or call other people at a speed of your own choosing.  Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz, and QSOs must include exchange of name, RST received, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  Members worldwide are encouraged to join in.
  • 20 Dec 13: The Autumn 2013 Key Note is now available to all FISTS members.

    Please visit this link to get your copy:

    Any problems with passwords etc., PLEASE send an email to Graham G3ZOD

    Short of ideas for Christmas stocking fillers?  Various new products are covered!  Other items include:
    • Australian Gems: Piergraph No. 2
    • VK5JST Analyser Kit Build
    • Millionaire and Platinum Awards
    • Signal Reports
    • Homebrew Key Contest Results
    • Telegraphy - the Noble Art of Communication
    • Reviews of QRP CW Radio Stands
    ... and much more.
  • 18 Dec 13: The latest version (2.7.1) of the free FISTS Log Converter program includes support for all 2014 FISTS Eu Activities as well as some new features and bug fixes.

    The program is available from the download page.

    FISTS Log Converter can be used to track and apply for central FISTS Awards, FISTS Down Under Awards, and create submissions for FISTS European on-air activities.  It can either read ADIF files created by logbook programs, or its own internal logbook can be used.  Many thanks to Alex PA1FOX, Peter G4LHI, and Richard G0ILN for helping with testing this new version.
  • 12 Dec 13: I have for sale a Vibroplex Square Racer paddle, as new, hardly used.

    Photograph available here.

    Phil fists 13270
  • 07 Dec 13: Ladder Sunday: Now that Straight Key Week is over, don't forget that the next FISTS Eu Ladder sessions follow on immediately: Sunday 8th December, 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.

  • 04 Dec 13: Please join us in congratulating the following FISTS Awards winners:

    IanG4MLW#130 Millionaire 4 Million Endorsement
    StanK4UK#2934 Perpetual Prefix 50 Endorsement
    AlanKA5VZG#15363 Perpetual Prefix 50, 100, and 150 Endorsements
    DavidG4DXX#15919 Basic Century
    ViktorOE7LVI#15921 Basic Century
    UriaIZ4ZBN#16562 Basic Century

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • Elecraft photograph of their K1 QRP CW transceiver.
    02 Dec 13: I am selling my Elecraft K1, 2 years old, built by me, 4-band board (40, 30, 20 and 17 meters, crystal for 15 meters is still available), built-in ATU and battery-pack complete with rechargeable Eneloop batteries.  In perfect working condition, only used at home.  User guide in English, bought directly from Elecraft USA.

    For further info., I can be reached via link text.  Vy 73, Robert, DM4RW FISTS nr 15890.
  • 02 Dec 13: The latest version (2.6.6) of the free FISTS Log Converter program for Windows fixes issues with scoring for the FISTS Europe Straight Key Week 2013 Activity.
    For users of the optional internal logbook, new features include fields for My Rig, My Antenna, and SOTA.

    The program is available from the download page.

    FISTS Log Converter can be used to track and apply for central FISTS Awards, FISTS Down Under Awards, and create submissions for FISTS European on-air activities.  It can either read ADIF files created by logbook programs, or its own internal logbook can be used.  Many thanks to Peter G4LHI and Richard G0ILN for helping with testing this new version.

November 2013

  • 30 Nov 13: Join us in FISTS Eu Straight Key Week 2013, Sun 1st - Sat 7th December UTC inclusive.  Use your straight (pump) key or a sideswiper and enjoy relaxed, friendly QSOs.

    One QSO with a station per band per day and exchange a minimum of RST, name, QTH, & member number (if available).  Log submissions are desirable but not essential - the main thing is to enjoy the QSOs.  Hope to hear you there!

    Note: Optionally, the FISTS Log Converter Windows program can be used to create a log and score for Straight Key Week; just record the FISTS member numbers in your electronic logbook's comments / remarks, e.g. FISTS 765432
  • 29 Nov 13: It's a pleasure to welcome our latest members:

    PeterEA6TS#16588 Kelvin2E1ADT#16589 BarryM0IML#16590
    DerekG3ZCH#16591 PeteG0PNM#16592 JarmoOH2BN#16593
  • 29 Nov 13: The eighth and final FISTS Eu International Day activity of the year, St. Andrew Day, is on Saturday 30th November, 14:00-17:00 UTC.  Activity is typically around 7.028 and 14.058 MHz.

    The minimum exchange is RST, name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  European FISTS Activities are relaxed events with sociable QSOs and everyone, from those relatively new to CW to experts, is encouraged to join in.  The scoring provides most points for contacting members and non-members from Scotland.  Log submissions are welcomed but not essential.
  • 29 Nov 13: Hi all, I will be QRV on Barbados again from 28th Nov'.  I will have a laptop with me so I will post info' on bands etc.  I hope to make contact with many FISTS members during my two week stay.  I will have with me my FT897D and as a backup my FT817D, antenna wise I have various options, a RACAL kevlar dipole 72 feet on each leg and an offset with the longest section at 76 feet with a home brew 9:1 unun for beach operating with the long section up a coconut tree and if all fails a roll of wire.  I never know what my situation will be for antennas until I arrive; however, I usually manage to get something going.

    I will be visiting the local club The Radio Society of Barbados (8P6AW) on Friday nights as usual, their very well appointed shack is at my disposal.  However, the club opens up at 19.30 local that makes it 23.30 GMT in the UK.  I did ok last year by getting up at 02.00 local on 40 mtrs to make contact with fellow Dover Club members on 40 mtrs from 06.00 GMT; a bit of a wrench but hey I can sleep some on a sunbed later, the advantage of CW shines through, headphones on, my Palm Paddle and disturb no one in the middle of the night.

    73 Peter G0KOK, G6USA, 8P9CC #13226
  • 27 Nov 13: N3ZN Keys has introduced a new single lever paddle version of 'The Hulk', the ZN-SLH.

    This is the heaviest of the N3ZN single lever paddles with a weight of 4 pounds, 5 ounces.  The fingerpieces are available in red, blue, or black carbon fiber.
  • 27 Nov 13: CW - The King of Modes.

    An analysis of QSOs uploaded to Club Log showed that there is now a higher percentage of CW QSOs being uploaded than SSB!

    To see the graph and discussion, visit Michael G7VJR's blog entry.
  • 23 Nov 13: Ladder Sunday: The next FISTS Eu Ladder sessions are on Sunday 24th November, 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.

    The Ladder involves relaxed, conversational QSOs and is a good opportunity to meet up with other members.  Call CQ or call other people at a speed of your own choosing.  Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz, and QSOs must include exchange of name, RST received, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  Members worldwide are encouraged to join in.
  • 22 Nov 13: The FISTS Down Under December 2013 Newsletter is now available.

    FISTS Down Under is the Australian & New Zealand Chapter of the FISTS CW Club.

  • 17 Nov 13: The FISTS North America Fall Sprint results are now available.

    Included in the participants are Vanni I5ECW and Peter G4LHI from FISTS in Europe!
  • 17 Nov 13: New key from GHD: GF501A Single Lever Speed Key.

    GHD has released a successor to the late lamented GF601 "Speed Key," the new GF501A.  The GF501A is a Double-speed Key, Cootie Key, and single lever paddle combined.  It has a distinctive "lollypop" fingerpiece and highly polished chrome base measuring 4" x 3.25" and it weighs in at 2 Lb 1 oz.  GH-GF501A GHD Single Lever Speed Key $209.95.

    Available from Morse Express (USA).
  • 17 Nov 13: New key from Scheunemann: SM140 Kleine Handtaste.

    The Schurr MMK has been reincarnated as the Scheunemann Kleine Handtaste or "Small Hand Key".  Actually a midsize hand key with a comfortable and a solid brass base, the Kleine Handtaste will sit solidly on the desk and provide hours of comfortable brass-pounding for the discerning operator.

    Available from Morse Express (USA).  Weight: 16 oz.  Size: 4.3"x2"x1.6"  Price: $209.95 (USD).
  • 16 Nov 13: Morse Express are taking pre-orders for their 2013 Christmas Key, a fully functional miniature telegraph key made by GHD Telegraph Key in Sendai City, Japan.

    The key is fully adjustable, with precision pin bearings at the trunnion, and it has two miniature binding posts.  Its balance is perfect, and lever tension is provided by an unusual but very effective piston compression spring that is located forward of the trunnion post.  The contacts are hard-silver and the unique and distinctive triangular base is finished in mirror-polished hard chrome.  The knob is hand-turned ebony, and there are three small anti-skid rubber feet on the bottom for stability.
  • 16 Nov 13: We're delighted to welcome our latest members:

    MikeVE3YF#16428 SummerVE5SDH#16429 JimVE5EIS#16430
    BillN9HKN#16431 DennisW6DQ#16432 SpikeK9MX#16433
    PhilAF6GA#16434 SeanKB1YOQ#16435 CharlieKJ4VUD#16436
    BillWB4WTN#16437 BrunoWA8DHP#16438 WardN1QVW#16439
    DonK4KI#16440 BillAC2JO#16441 BillK1AQB#16442
    DavidW4JKU#16443 TonyG1JMX#16580 BobG3ZNH#16581
    ChrisSM4LRA#16582 JohnG4YSB#16583 RoyG4GRM#16584
    GrahamG7NEH#16585 SteveG1KQH#16586 AndreaIZ2ZYN#16587
  • 09 Nov 13: Ladder Sunday: The next FISTS Eu Ladder sessions are on Sunday 10th November, 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.

    The Ladder involves relaxed, conversational QSOs and is a good opportunity to meet up with other members.  Call CQ or call other people at a speed of your own choosing.  Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz, and QSOs must include exchange of name, RST received, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  Members worldwide are encouraged to join in.
  • 07 Nov 13: QRP CW in the Snow

    Video of Yuri's UA1CEG/p QRP-walk in the snow forest 3 or 4 years ago.  As you know, Yuri operate QRP/p very often.

    In the movie Yuri explained his portable home-brew radio "Druzhok" (Friend).  He operated DC [direct conversion] RX + additional TX unit (TRX in result).  Also Yuri described inside design and components of his superhet RX.  Most of all I like the final - Yuri's grandchildren eat shishkebab (meat in fire) in the Winter forest, hi :-)  Hopefully, all of you enjoy the movie.  Comments, remarks and questions are welcome.  Thanks to Vlad UR0ET for English remarks in the movie!  Oleg RV3GM/KH6OB
  • 07 Nov 13: SOTAbeams (UK) has a new range of perspex stands for popular QRP CW radios.

    These include personalised ones with callsign for K1, KX3, FT817, and X1M, and a non-personalised one for KX1, HB-1B, and R4020.  Please see the SOTAbeams website for details and current prices.
  • 07 Nov 13: The OpenQRP 40m CW Transceiver kit is now available for delivery to the USA and Canada from OpenQRP.com (USA) at $150.00 plus $10.00 shipping (USD).

    This provides around 6 to 8 Watts output at 13.5 V on 7 MHz.  It includes an LCD display, CW decoder, memory keyer, and has 400 Hz IF selectivity.  The processor is based on Arduino technology, allowing experimentation with the firmware.  It is designed by Steve Elliott, K1EL, well known for his WinKeyer family of keyers.

    The OpenQRP 40m CW Transceiver kit is also available from Kanga Products (UK) at £89 (GBP) excluding delivery.
  • 07 Nov 13: UK radio amateurs: It's been reported that many have not validated their licence within the required period as required by Ofcom to keep the licence current.  This can be done via the Ofcom website.

    Ofcom have also produced a document explaining how to use the website to validate a licence.  (Note that club licences have to be validated by contacting Ofcom by email or telephone.)
  • 04 Nov 13: UK radio amateurs: Ofcom will be holding consultations next year on UK amateur radio licensing topics.  These include:
    • Currently UK amateurs change their country prefix dependent on location e.g. MW0QQQ visits England and uses the callsign M0QQQ.  However, this is not how Ofcom interpret the current licence - they think MW0QQQ should still use MW0QQQ when in England.  Discussions may include whether to use Ofcom's interpretation, change the licence to follow long-standing practice, or use an additional prefix e.g. MW0QQQ uses M/MW0QQQ when visiting England.
    • Ofcom would prefer that a licensee only holds a single callsign (with the exception of club callsigns and NoVs).  This would primarily affect licensees who currently have Foundation, Intermediate, and Full callsigns listed on the Ofcom database.
    • Finding a method of re-allocating a club callsign without needing a letter of authority from the existing holder.
    • Other items relating to special event licences, maritime mobile, controlling high altitude balloons, expiring repeater NoVs where the repeater is not operating, and rules around operating whilst waiting for a licence to be issued.
    To participate (and not sleepwalk into unwanted changes!): (Note: the Essex Ham website contains a useful summary.)
  • 04 Nov 13: Hamcrafters (previously K1EL Systems) has added the WinKeyer WKUSB-SMT kit to its WinKeyer product range at 89 USD.

    This is an SMT-based WinKeyer with all the SMT components ready-mounted on the PCB and only requires a few "through-hole" components adding.  It also uses the latest Winkey3 IC (V30).
  • 02 Nov 13: Please listen out for the special event callsign GB4FCV, CW-only, 30 November - 13 December 2013 inclusive on 160m, 80m, 40m, and 20m.

    This commemorates Sir Francis Chichester's voyage in 1966/1967.

    For more information, please see http://qrz.com/db/GB4FCV.
  • 02 Nov 13: Please join us in congratulating the following FISTS Awards winners:

    GeneAA8MI#914 Platinum
    PeterG4LHI#2219 Perpetual Prefix 100 Endorsement
    DickN5KIP#8653 Platinum
    MichaelW3QT#13724 Silver Century
    KeithWD8AFB#15361 Basic Century

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 01 Nov 13: We're very pleased to welcome our latest members:

    DavidVK4MDX#14171 Faizul9M2MZZ#15144 RickK5IAR#16420
    FrankAA8VG#16421 RickNJ5W#16422 RickVE3TYP#16423
    GeorgeW9ZSJ#16424 TomasK4VOZ#16425 JohnW3HMS#16426
    JacksonK7MYU#16427 ChrisG0VRX#16570 MatthewM6YVM#16571
    John2E0CWJ#16572 BenDH0DK#16573 RogerG4PUM#16574
    ThomasDK1EY#16575 RogerG0SSZ#16576 JohnG4BOU#16577
    AlfredoEA1FCL#16578 DaveG4AON#16579

October 2013

  • 30 Oct 13: The RSGB Marconi CW 2m Contest is this coming Weekend, 2nd November 1400 UTC - 3rd November 1400 UTC.  It is part of a Europe-wide contest and is the third out of three annual RSGB VHF CW contests (4m, 6m and 2m).

    Unlike HF contests, QSOs are a bit more relaxed and don't expect to get 599 for each QSO!  The exchange is RST, serial number and 6 character locator.  Most activity centres around 144.050, with the primary CW band plan area 144.000-144.110 MHz.
  • 29 Oct 13: ARRL's "Old Betsy" Restored

    Prior to 1989, ARRL tours were treated to a demonstration of the co-founder Hiram Percy Maxim's rotary spark-gap transmitter, "Old Betsy".  The vintage transmitter, on display in the lobby of the Maxim Memorial Station W1AW, sustained some damage, however, and has remained silent for nearly 24 years.

    Old Betsy has now been repaired, a protective polycarbonate shield placed around her and is now functional.  You can fire up Old Betsy and use the key on Maxim's roll-top desk to send code.  Tour guides will be able to demonstrate her (but without an antenna!).  When she is running, tour goers can carefully look at the blue spark generated by the keying.  For more information, please see Old Betsy.
  • 28 Oct 13: The FISTS Down Under November 2013 Newsletter is now available.

    FISTS Down Under is the Australian & New Zealand Chapter of the FISTS CW Club.

  • Small image of the W1SFR KX3/KX1 Helper.
    25 Oct 13: Steve Roberts W1SFR is offering a number of new QRP/CW-related items for sale.  These include:
    • KX3/KX1 Helper: A foam stand lined with non-slip material to hold the KX3 at a high angle (also other rigs with the controls display on the top surface such as: KX1, HB1-B, TenTec 40/ series, and PFR).  19.95 USD.
    • QRPad: A foam stand lined with non-slip material for rigs with front-facing controls such as MFJ, OHR, Weber, and Open QRP.  12.95 USD.
    • FistRest: Neoprene mat covered with non-slip material to provide support when using keys.  4.95 USD.
    • EndFed 40-6m Antenna: 31 feet long and made with genuine "Wireman" 18 ga Silky Antenna wire.  The 9:1 UnUN weighs 3.92 oz. The Antenna wire and lug weigh 3.12 oz.  Total weight about 7.34oz.  47.50 USD.
    (Thanks to Frank, 2E0YAR, for spotting this.)
  • 25 Oct 13: Ladder Sunday: The next FISTS Eu Ladder sessions are on Sunday 27th October, 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.  (UK members: note the clock change from BST to GMT (UTC) this weekend!)

    The Ladder involves relaxed, conversational QSOs.  Call CQ or call other people at a speed of your own choosing.  Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz, and QSOs must include exchange of name, RST received, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  Members worldwide are encouraged to join in.
  • 25 Oct 13: 11th IARU HST World championship, Borovec 2013

    The 11th IARU High Speed Telegraphy (HST) World championship took place from 22-26 September in Borovec, Bulgaria.

    More than 130 participants (90 competitors) from 12 countries attended the event.  Good results were achieved, confirmed with one new world record in female category: Julia Vyazovskaya UA4FGO at receiving figures text 310 s/min.

    The complete list of current HST world records can be found at

    The complete results of the 11th World Championship can be found at

    The organizing Society BFRA did an outstanding job and each member of the organizing committee deserves credit for a well done job.  The next 8th IARU-R1 HST championship will be held in Montenegro in September 2014.
  • 23 Oct 13: A short 1939 movie from New Zealand shows how telegraphy and Morse code was used.

    This is well worth watching, featuring operators, equipment, and stations.
  • 19 Oct 13: A very warm welcome to our latest members:

    PeterG7EOK#16558 JohnG4XJN#16559 JohnM0EOU#16560
    VicG0BVZ#16561 UriaIZ4ZBN#16562 GeraldM6GCL#16563
    NickG4IWO#16564 UdoDO1IP#16565 BillGM4UBJ#16566
    StuartM0CUD#16567 ChrisM0NAY#16568 Jonathan2E0HUR#16569
  • 15 Oct 13: Helvetia Telegraphy Club (HTC) offer a Morse Code Certificate and Awards.

    The HTC Morse Code exam is set up in levels:
    • Passing the basic level is recognized with a framed certificate (Switzerland only) for 60 cpm (12 wpm).
    • Passing an advanced level is recognized with a lapel pin (available worldwide) for 80 cpm (16 wpm), 100 cpm (20 wpm), and 120 cpm (24 wpm).
    Tests for the advanced levels of the HTC exam can be taken comfortably at home using the HQX training program (ver 3.7. or later).
    The advanced tests may be taken by any ham radio operator, whether those coming back to Morse Code, those who are setting a new goal for themselves or if you simply want to test your abilities.

    The fee for a badge is CHF 10.00, EUR 10.00, or USD 12.00 inclusive of delivery.  More informationRules.

    (Thanks to Tim, AC5SH, for spotting this.)
  • 11 Oct 13: EZKeyer 2 kit: The Four State QRP Group is pleased to announce the availability of a new kit.  Building on the very popular EZKeyer, this new and capable Morse Code keyer has some additional features - a beautiful blue, easy building enclosure, new PIC microcontroller, larger message memories, additional commands, new printed circuit board layout, and large panel mount push button switches for easy assembly and use.

    See the kit's home page for more details and ordering information. www.4sqrp.com/ek2.php
  • 11 Oct 13: Dave Benson, K1SWL, has announced that he has closed Small Wonder Labs.  Dave writes on his website:
    Effective immediately, I am closing Small Wonder Labs.  I have discontinued sales of the RockMite, and will ship out the last several dozen orders shortly.  I'll continue to support requests for replacement/ missing RockMite parts from existing customers over the short term.

    I'm now coordinating with another QRP vendor to have him assume production/sales of the RockMite.  I'll update this site with further information once arrangements are finalized.
  • 09 Oct 13: N3ZN Keys has introduced a new iambic paddle, the ZN-9H, "The HULK" (with a weight of 4 pounds, 5 ounces).

    The CNCed steel base is 1" thick x 3 1/2" W x 4" deep.  The fingerpieces are available in red, blue, or black carbon fiber.  The price is $365.00 (USD).
  • 09 Oct 13: The October 2013 edition of the "morsEAsia" newsletter from FISTS East Asia is available.  This edition features members' antenna systems.
    FISTS East Asia was formed in 2004 to provide East Asian members with various services in their native languages.
  • 09 Oct 13: Ladder Sunday: The next FISTS Eu Ladder sessions are on Sunday 13th October, 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.  These involve relaxed, conversational QSOs.  Call CQ or call other people at a speed of your own choosing.  Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz, and QSOs must include exchange of name, RST received, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  Members worldwide are encouraged to join in.
  • 09 Oct 13: The FISTS North America Fall Sprint takes place on Saturday 12th October 1700-2100 UTC.

    This will be a special "trick or treat" event.  All stations who submit a log with 5 or more legal contacts (2-way CW with the proper exchange in the log) will be entered into a drawing for a FISTS grab bag.

    The "Grab Bag" will contain a FISTS mug, T-shirt (put your size on your log please), window cling, pin and other FISTS goodies. Certificates will still be sent to the top scorers in each category, as usual.

    Members worldwide are invited to participate.

    The exchange includes: RST, U.S. state or Canadian province or DXCC country, first name, FISTS member number.  Non-members send their power output in Watts instead of a member number.
  • 06 Oct 13: Kanga (UK) has a new kit - the OpenQRP 40m CW Transceiver at £89 (GBP).

    This provides around 6 to 8 Watts output at 13.5 V on 7 MHz.  It includes an LCD display and memory keyer, and has 400 Hz IF selectivity.  The processor is based on Arduino technology, allowing experimentation with the firmware.  It is designed by Steve Elliott, K1EL, well known for his WinKeyer family of keyers.
  • 06 Oct 13: Ten-Tec has a new transceiver available, the Rebel Model 506 "Open Source QRP CW Transceiver" at $199 (USD).

    This provides around 4 to 5 Watts output at 13.5 V on either 7 MHz or 14 MHz (switchable by internal links).  The processor is based on Arduino technology, allowing experimentation with the firmware.
  • 05 Oct 13: It's a pleasure to welcome our latest members:

    BobVK4ARC#14170 DouglasVE3DVC#16416 JoeNV1W#16417
    CraigWB3GCK#16418 BillK5NCO#16419 Rob2E0MEX#16511
    BillG0EYL#16512 GarethM0NBK#16514 AlanM0ZTG#16515
    MikeG3OVL#16516 RobG0IOZ#16517 GlenGW4MVA#16518
    Lorna2E0YAO#16519 TonyG0OOR#16520 PaulG0EPC#16521
    NeilM0WBG#16522 MickM0LEV#16523 Seth2E0PIC#16524
    Ian2E0GBA#16525 RikG0FPZ#16526 JohnM6DKF#16527
    MartinG3ZAY#16528 MelvynG0KGU#16529 PeterG4ENC#16530
    George2E0GCD#16531 JohnG4FZA#16532 DonG0VZQ#16533
    JohnG3ZSE#16534 DavidG3TJP#16535 BobG3YHI#16536
    KerryG8VR#16537 Maureen2E0HDS#16538 JenniM0HZT#16539
    ChrisG3SVL#16540 BarrieM0NAE#16541 Gary2E0GBV#16542
    EricG3KPU#16543 Sue2E0SUJ#16544 DanG0RMX#16545
    BarrieM5AEC#16546 JohnG4RAC#16547 AndrewG8BYB#16548
    Carol2E0GRR#16549 RogerG3PVU#16550 CsabaM0VCD#16551
    PeteMW0RSS#16552 PeterM0EJL#16553 Robert2E0FXT#16554
    FredGM3ALZ#16555 UdoDF4BJ#16556 SteveG3AGW#16557
  • 05 Oct 13: Please join us in congratulating the following FISTS Awards winners:

    PeterG4LHI#2219 Perpetual Prefix 50 Endorsement
    StanK4UK#2934 Millionaire 18 Million Endorsement
    GeorgeK4GM#10323 Basic Century
    DarrenG0OTT#14062 Perpetual Prefix 50 Endorsement

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 02 Oct 13: The seventh FISTS Eu International Day activity, German Unity Day, is on Thursday 3rd October, 14:00-17:00 UTC.  Activity is typically around 7.028 and 14.058 MHz.  The minimum exchange is RST, name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  European FISTS Activities are relaxed events with sociable QSOs and everyone, from those relatively new to CW to experts, is encouraged to join in.  The scoring provides most points for contacting members and non-members from Germany.  Log submissions are welcomed but not essential.

    The free FISTS Log Converter program can be used to create log submissions for this and all other European FISTS Activities.

September 2013

  • 29 Sep 13: At the UK National Hamfest there was a lot of interest in Chris G5VZ's touch keyer project.

    In view of this, we have provided a special online edition of Key Note containing the two articles covering the design and construction.
  • 29 Sep 13: We're delighted to welcome our latest members:

    JohnJR2MDI#15142 Kyo #15143 SimonM0VKY#16299
    ChrisN3GBJ#16410 ChrisKJ4MPT#16411 JohnAB1SW#16412
    RonWM9Q#16413 ThomasNV1T#16414 MarkN9YDZ#16415
    MartinG0JCN#16500 FranckF5NSM#16501 FinnEI4GOB#16502
    Martin2M0BEC#16503 JamieMM0JMI#16504 VanniI5ECW#16505
    WilPA3Q#16506 AlanMW0BGL#16507 MarcusOE3MBU#16508
    FredG3SVK#16509 PaulM0PHO#16510
  • 29 Sep 13: The FISTS Down Under October 2013 Newsletter is now available.

    FISTS Down Under is the Australian & New Zealand Chapter of the FISTS CW Club.

  • 24 Sep 13: The Summer 2013 Key Note is now available to all FISTS members.

    Please visit this link to get your copy:

    Any problems with passwords etc., PLEASE send an email to Graham G3ZOD

  • 24 Sep 13: Here's a reminder that FISTS CW Club will be attending the UK National Hamfest at Newark (Nottinghamshire) this coming Friday 27th and Saturday 28th September, 2013.

    Gates open at 09:30 BST and doors open at 10:00 BST.

    Lincoln Shortwave Club is providing free RSGB Morse Tests available on demand throughout the show at 5, 12, 15, & 20 wpm.
    Book these at the information desk.  If you want to use a bug (semi-automatic) key, paddles, or a keyer for sending, you need to bring them with you.
  • 21 Sep 13: The first Italian National Convention on Telegraphy is on Saturday 13 October 2013 in Ariccia near the capital, Rome.

    This event is organised by the A.R.I. Castelli Romani club.

    For more information before and after this event, please see II0CW on QRZ.COM, the special callsign in use for the event.  The email address on the QRZ.COM page can also be used.
  • 18 Sep 13: Ladder Sunday: The next FISTS Eu Ladder sessions are on Sunday 22nd September, 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.  These involve relaxed, conversational QSOs.  Call CQ or call other people at a speed of your own choosing.  Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz, and QSOs must include exchange of name, RST received, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  Members worldwide are encouraged to join in.
  • 12 Sep 13: FISTS North America's Get Your Feet Wet Weekend Contest starts on Friday 13th September 0000 UTC and runs until 15th September 2359 UTC.

    Its purpose is to encourage less experienced operators.  Contacts must be 2-way human-keyed CW (iambics are fine - just no computerized or memory keyers).  Suggested calling frequencies are 3.558, 7.110, 14.110, 21.110, and 28.110.  Call "CQ FC".  The exchange is:
    Callsign/N (newcomer) or Callsign/E (experienced), RST, Name, QTH, FISTS number or power, last two digits of the year licensed.
    Example: WZ8C/E, 599, Nancy, MI, 0379, 88.
    (Outside the US, 'N' or 'E' can be sent in the QSO instead of as a callsign suffix.)
  • 12 Sep 13: Vibroplex has introduced the Vibrocube Iambic Paddle.

    It registers just under 6 pounds on the scale.  The base is USA-forged cold rolled steel, upper components are zinc, steel and brass.  The finger pieces are hard red acrylic.  Instead of magnetic tensioning, it uses the tried and true spring loaded method which provides a greater range of possible tension settings than magnets allow.

    The base measures 1.5" H x 3.5" W x 3.5" D, the overall height of the key with rubber feet installed is 4.25".  The large oversize acrylic finger pieces are 2.125" at their tallest point.  Large paddles accommodate a large hand easily and take minimal hand movement to use.
  • 12 Sep 13: Satoshi JI0VWL has produced a new version of his callsign trainer, CW Freq.NET, that now runs on Windows 2000 through to Windows 8.
    The differences between "CW Freak.NET" and the previous "CW Freak" are:
    • Abolished 20Q/50Q mode and merged to Competition mode (25Q).
    • Three types of ranking are available (this month, this year, all-time).
    • The score transition graph of your local ranking is available.
  • 12 Sep 13: Join us in celebrating 90 years of DX in ZL.  The Special Callsign ZM90DX will be in use between October 1, 2013 to October 31, 2014.

    New Zealand Dxers are proud of the many ZL DXing milestones over the years.  The Kiwi DX Group an informal group of ZL Dxers and contesters are commemorating this event and many other ZL firsts, which occurred during this period.
  • 12 Sep 13: On Sunday 29 September 2013, members of the Musick Point Radio Group will mark the 20th anniversary of the closure of Auckland Radio ZLD with a reunion for former Auckland Radio staff at Musick Point, and a day of on-air activities.

    On the air: ZL1ZLD will operate on SSB (radiotelephone) and CW (radiotelegraph) from 10am to midnight NZT on Sunday 29 September (22h00 Saturday 28 Sept to 1200 Sunday 29 Sept UTC).

    Our aim is to contact as many stations as possible in New Zealand and worldwide.
  • 12 Sep 13: NASA's Juno spacecraft will fly past Earth on October 9, 2013 to receive a gravity assist from our planet, putting it on course for Jupiter.
    To celebrate this event, the Juno mission is inviting amateur radio operators around the world to say "HI" to Juno in a coordinated Morse Code message. Juno's radio   plasma wave experiment, called Waves, should be able to detect the message if enough people participate.

    For more information, please see Say "HI" to Juno!.
  • 11 Sep 13: We're very pleased to welcome our latest members:

    Thousand Islands Repeater ClubKD2CPX#16300 JimKJ4WLH#16393 JoeAD7OO#16394
    MichaelW4SMI#16395 SteveKJ4KKI#16396 RoyAC2GS#16397
    RobieKV4QP#16398 BobKA3ZKJ#16399 EdN4EAC#16401
    JamesAJ4XK#16402 LexieKD0UMZ#16403 LarryW7IXZ#16404
    RoyN5SWE#16405 BillKK4EOG#16406 LeslieN7LOB#16407
    ChrisN9JCA#16408 RonAF5Q#16409
  • 03 Sep 13: Please join us in congratulating the following FISTS Awards winners:

    GeneAA8MI#914 Silver Century
    RoyG4PRL#8997 Millionaire
    RienPA7RA#9819 Gold Century
    RussK0LUW#12117 Perpetual Prefix 50 Endorsement
    JohnG4LRG#14873 Basic Century

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 03 Sep 13: Ladder Sunday: The next FISTS Eu Ladder sessions are on Sunday 8th September, 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.  These involve relaxed, conversational QSOs.  Call CQ or call other people at a speed of your own choosing.  Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz, and QSOs must include exchange of name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  Members worldwide are encouraged to join in.
  • 03 Sep 13: FISTS North America's G3ZQS Memorial Straight Key Contest starts on Friday 6th September 23:00 UTC and runs until Sunday 8th September 23:00 UTC.

    Members worldwide are invited to participate.

    This is for straight (pump) keys on 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, and 10m.  Call "CQ FS".  The exchange is:
    RST, U.S. state/Canadian province/DXCC country, first name, FISTS number (or power output for non-FISTS)
  • 01 Sep 13: Congratulations to Chris G5VZ, FISTS Activity Manager, who has been voted Chairman of the European CW Association (EuCW).  This role is for three years, and is in addition to Chris representing FISTS as our ECM (EuCW Communications Manager).

    FISTS in Europe is a member of EuCW, which is an alliance of European Clubs with an interest in CW.

August 2013

  • 31 Aug 13: Share Your Morse - JOTA 2013

    Ivo Klinkert PA1IVO reports that the PCBs for the electronic Morse Sounder kit for this year's JOTA have arrived from China.

    The 56th Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) takes place October 19-20, 2013 and provides the opportunity for millions of Scouts around the world to meet on the air via Amateur Radio.

    Ivo Klinkert PA1IVO and Leo van Empel PA0LEZ have developed the Morse code sounder kit for use during this year's JOTA.

    See the English language description and video.

    Share Your Morse - JOTA 2013 in Google English.
  • 28 Aug 13: We're very pleased to welcome our latest members:

    JohnVK2JWA#14169 LesG4GMS#16291 Russ2W1RSS#16292
    BobLA8AW#16293 AndyIZ4BKK#16294 EddyDM5JBN#16295
    DavidG6ORL#16296 AngelM0HDF#16297 MartinG4GON#16298
  • 27 Aug 13: The FISTS Down Under September 2013 Newsletter is now available.

    FISTS Down Under is the Australian & New Zealand Chapter of the FISTS CW Club.

  • 23 Aug 13: Ladder Sunday: The next FISTS Eu Ladder sessions are on Sunday 25th August, 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.  These involve relaxed, conversational QSOs.  Call CQ or call other people at a speed of your own choosing.  Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz, and QSOs must include exchange of name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  Members worldwide are encouraged to join in.
  • 21 Aug 13: There is an update (version 2.6.3) available for FISTS Log Converter.  This fixes a problem experienced when the program is first run after installation.  If you are already using version 2.6.0 successfully, there is no need to install the update.

    Many thanks to Peter G4LHI for helping with testing this new version.
  • 18 Aug 13: The latest version (2.6.0) of the free FISTS Log Converter program for Windows now supports the new Spectrum Award and endorsements, and the new endorsements for the Rag Chewers, Worked All States, and Prefix Awards.

    Additional features included are support for incomplete QSOs, messages on QSLs, and the new 630m (472-479 kHz) band.

    The program is available from the download page.

    FISTS Log Converter can be used to track and apply for central FISTS Awards, FISTS Down Under Awards, and create submissions for FISTS European on-air activities.  It can either read ADIF files created by logbook programs, or its own internal logbook can be used.  Many thanks to Richard G0ILN for helping with testing this new version.
  • 13 Aug 13: A very warm welcome to our latest members:

    HermanVK2IXV#14168 PraveenVU3CKP#15141 GrahamG8YWL#16286
    ColinG0PMY#16287 MikeG0OHD#16288 RaeMM3WVP#16289
    DaveG3XOB#16290 DamionNG9I#16377 PatN3GWZ#16378
    NielWA7SSA#16379 SteveW4NHO#16380 MarkAE4MT#16381
    GeorgeNW4G#16382 JohnAB4O#16383 SteveWB4OMM#16384
    GaryKE2YK#16385 PhilW0CQ#16386 ErichN7EH#16387
    MikeKC6SSE#16388 MarkWA5MA#16389 DaveW1AON#16390
    JerelKJ6GDN#16391 DaveN1DLS#16392
  • 09 Aug 13: Ladder Sunday: The next FISTS Eu Ladder sessions are on Sunday 11th August, 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.  These involve relaxed, conversational QSOs.  Call CQ or call other people at a speed of your own choosing.  Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz, and QSOs must include exchange of name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  Members worldwide are encouraged to join in.
  • 03 Aug 13: Members of FISTS Eu and Renewals

    The labels on the Spring 2013 Key Note envelopes did not include a line with member number and renewal date.  To check your renewal date, instead please send an email or have a look online at fists.co.uk/members - this will show your renewal date and type of subscription.

    Sorry for the inconvenience; the company that prints & distributes Key Note has apologised for this oversight.
  • 03 Aug 13: FISTS CW Club will be attending the UK National Hamfest at Newark (Nottinghamshire) on 27th and 28th September 2013.

    Gates open at 09:30 BST and doors open at 10:00 BST.

    Lincoln Shortwave Club is providing free RSGB Morse Tests available on demand throughout the show at 5, 12, 15, & 20 wpm.
    Book these at the information desk.  If you want to use a bug (sem-automatic) key, paddles, or a keyer for sending, you need to bring them with you.
  • 02 Aug 13: The First Class CW Operators' Club (FOC) has made freely available an edition of its magazine "FOCUS", covering its 75th Anniversary activities.

    For more information, please see the FOC website.

  • 02 Aug 13: LoTW Users: The ARRL has released a new version of TQSL, TQSL 1.14.3.

    If you use your logbook program to upload/download QSOs with LoTW directly, you may need to consult the program's documentation for any configuration changes needed.
  • 01 Aug 13: Please join us in congratulating the following FISTS Awards winners:

    IanG4MLW#130 Perpetual Prefix 50, 100 & 150 Endorsements
    JohnG0RDO#6459 Basic Century, Silver Century, Gold Century, Millionaire, Millionaire 2 & 3 Million Endorsements

    Ian G4MLW is the first ever member to achieve the Perpetual Prefix Award Endorsements!

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.

July 2013

  • 31 Jul 13: SOTAbeams, owned by G3CWI, will be stocking Palm Radio products, including the new Pico Paddle (reviewed in the Eu Spring Key Note).

    He is offering a discount on Palm Radio products for a short period before the stock arrives.
  • 31 Jul 13: In this video FISTS member Ed N7CFA, #1402, at age 91 takes to the air literally, skydiving for the first time.

    For more information, see the article Longview man, 91, takes first sky dive.

  • 30 Jul 13: It's a pleasure to welcome our latest members:

    MaxZL4VV#14166 PeterVK3NAD#14167 SapaYC8DFR#15139
    DeoJQ1OLT#15140 MartinGW4GNY#16274 PaulON6DP#16275
    FredG3YJQ#16276 CollisM6AVQ#16277 TerryG0CSU#16278
    RogerG3YTN#16279 YngviTF3Y#16280 PaulM0PWD#16281
    MikeG6ONV#16282 John2E0EEK#16283 DerrickM6DCK#16284
  • 26 Jul 13: The FISTS Down Under August 2013 newsletter is now available.

    FISTS Down Under is the Australian & New Zealand Chapter of the FISTS CW Club.

  • 26 Jul 13: Ladder Sunday: The next FISTS Eu Ladder sessions are on Sunday 28th July, 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.  These involve relaxed, conversational QSOs.  Call CQ or call other people at a speed of your own choosing.  Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz, and QSOs must include exchange of name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  Members worldwide are encouraged to join in.
  • 22 Jul 13: The Spring 2013 Key Note is now available to all FISTS members.  Please click this link to get your copy:

    Any problems with passwords etc., PLEASE send an email to Graham G3ZOD

    Apologies for the lateness of this edition.  Copies by post should arrive in around 2 weeks' time.

    Reminder: subscriptions for 2013-2014 became due on 1st April this year.
  • 22 Jul 13: 'The Sky Hook' is Sandy G0VQW, FISTS #3739's latest CW video.

    Sandy tries out different kites, antennas, and bands.

  • 17 Jul 13: Club Log users: Should Club Log OQRS allow users to charge for bureau cards?

    Please have your say by completing the Bureau cards via OQRS survey.  Thank you!
  • 17 Jul 13: Continuous Wave, which was different than the first type of radio which was spark which was Damped Waves, called Type B Modulation, while Continuous Wave was called CW modulation, or type A1 modulation.

    So we celebrate a bit of history with the first CW transmitter, the Alexanderson Alternator.

    I asked Lars Kalland, SM6NM who runs the Grimeton Radio / SAQ transmissions from the last remaining operational Alexanderson Alternator for a recording of the last transmission from SAQ.  He gave me one and I'd like to share it with you.

    Story at http://www.grimeton.info/grimeton_radio_station.html

    Nice photos are at: http://www.flickriver.com/places/Sweden/Halland/Grimeton/search/

    Recording of SAQ is here: http://archive.org/details/GrimetonRadioSaq201306300900UtcBroadcast

    David N1EA
  • 16 Jul 13: The July 2013 edition of the "morsEAsia" newsletter from FISTS East Asia is available.  This edition features many QSL cards belonging to members.
    FISTS East Asia was formed in 2004 to provide East Asian members with various services in their native languages.
  • 11 Jul 13: We're delighted to welcome our latest members:

    GeorgeVK4GSF#14165 Tony2E0SBS#16270 DerekG3XWD#16271
    BobM6RSB#16272 MervG4KLE#16273 DouglasWB6AJX#16367
    EdWH7TT#16368 BobW8CQL#16369 RobertKC9WJK#16370
    PhilipAK4UE#16371 MatthewKC8FTO#16372 TimW3ATB#16373
    KennethKE4RG#16374 LoydK4LCH#16375 LarryKK4RDQ#16376
  • 10 Jul 13: 'Kite portable first attempt' is Sandy G0VQW, FISTS #3739's latest CW video.  He writes:
    "This is my first go at kite/p.  I used a 40 meter end fed wire supported near vertical using a kite as the skyhook"
  • 10 Jul 13: The sixth FISTS International Day activity, Bastille Day, is on Sunday 14th July, 14:00-17:00 UTC (15:00-18:00 BST).  Activity is typically around 7.028 and 14.058 MHz.  The minimum exchange is RST, name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  European FISTS Activities are relaxed events with sociable QSOs and everyone, from those relatively new to CW to experts, is encouraged to join in.  The scoring provides most points for contacting members and non-members from France.  Log submissions are welcomed but not essential.

    QSOs that take place during the overlap between the Bastille Day and Ladder activities can be submitted in logs for both.

    The free FISTS Log Converter program can be used to create log submissions for this and all other European FISTS Activities.
  • 10 Jul 13: Ladder Sunday: The next FISTS Eu Ladder sessions are on Sunday 14th July, 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.  These involve relaxed, conversational QSOs.  Call CQ or call other people at a speed of your own choosing.  Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz, and QSOs must include exchange of name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  Members worldwide are encouraged to join in.
  • 09 Jul 13: The FISTS North America Summer Sprint takes place on Friday 12th July 2000-2400 EDT (Saturday 13th July 0000-0400 UTC).  Members worldwide are invited to participate.

    The exchange includes: RST, U.S. state or Canadian province or DXCC country, first name, FISTS member number.  Non-members send their power output in Watts instead of a member number.
  • 04 Jul 13: Sandy G0VQW, FISTS #3739, has recorded a new video Radio operating (North Devon).  He writes:
    "Whilst on the annual family holiday I take the opportunity to keep in touch with some radio ham friends from the holiday caravan."
  • 04 Jul 13: Please join us in congratulating the following FISTS Awards winners:

    RichardG0ILN#398 Millionaire
    PeterG4LHI#2219 Millionaire 6 Million Sticker
    FritzDL4FDM#2225 Millionaire
    IanZL2AIM#9683 Millionaire

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 04 Jul 13: The fifth FISTS International Day activity, Tynwald Day, is on Friday 5th July, 14:00-17:00 UTC (15:00-18:00 BST).  Activity is typically around 7.028 and 14.058 MHz.  The minimum exchange is RST, name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  European FISTS Activities are relaxed events with sociable QSOs and everyone, from those relatively new to CW to experts, is encouraged to join in.  The scoring provides most points for contacting members and non-members from the Isle of Man.  Log submissions are welcomed but not essential.

    The free FISTS Log Converter program can be used to create log submissions for this and all other European FISTS Activities.
  • 04 Jul 13: The UK special prefixes GV, MV, or 2V, can be used by NOV holders from tomorrow, Friday July 5, until the end of July 31, 2013.

    It's not too late to apply online for one.  You will need to have your licence number ready.

June 2013

  • 30 Jun 13: The New FISTS SPECTRUM AWARD Starts JULY 1st, 2013 at 0001 UTC !

    The FISTS Spectrum Award will be issued for working 100 different FISTS Members on any one band, i.e. all QSOs listed in the log must be on the same band.

    The award Start Date is July 1, 2013, all logged QSOs must be made on or after the start date.

    Spectrum Award Endorsements available for 100 FISTS Member contacts made on additional bands, other than the original band the award is issued for.

    An award certificate will be issued for the first log of 100 contacts on the same band.  For each log submitted thereafter, endorsement stickers for the appropriate band will be issued.  This endorsement sticker may be attached to the original certificate.

    Required Log Data needed for all Spectrum Award QSOs:
    Call Worked, Name, Date, Band, and FISTS Number.

    The same FISTS station may be worked once on each band.
  • 30 Jun 13: We're delighted to welcome our latest members:

    SteveVK7CW#14164 TonyG6GLP#16262 GaryM6SWF#16263
    BryanG4CVF#16264 MitchM0BIW#16265 DavidG7AGI#16266
    SuzyG1XST#16267 StuartM0JKB#16268 JimG3ZQC#16269
    ToddKC9UEW#16358 DennisN9XFX#16359 BobAJ5C#16360
    BobK4CQF#16361 ArthurKC9WXO#16362 DanKC6BIF#16363
    EdWB5BGY#16364 SteveKE7JIP#16365 PrestonW3PLS#16366
  • 27 Jun 13: The FISTS Down Under July 2013 newsletter is now available.

    FISTS Down Under is the Australian & New Zealand Chapter of the FISTS CW Club.

  • 27 Jun 13: The second FISTS Fifth Sunday activity is on 30th June, 13:00-17:00 UTC.  The minimum exchange is RST, name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  European FISTS Activities are relaxed events with sociable QSOs and everyone, from those relatively new to CW to experts, is encouraged to join in.  Logs are welcomed but not essential.

    The free FISTS Log Converter program can be used to create an entry for this and all other European FISTS Activities.
  • 20 Jun 13: The EUCW Straight Key Day takes place this Saturday 22nd June, 08:00-22:00 UTC.

    For more information and a list of recommended frequencies, please see the EUCW Straight Key Day web page.  FISTS in Europe is a member of the EUCW, so please support this event.
  • 20 Jun 13: Pete W5PEH, FISTS 11907, has recorded a video using Tom G3HGE's prototype single lever magnetic paddle:
    "Tom G3HGE has made a new Single Lever Paddle.  I know most of us use a straight key or bug and even cootie keys, but if you also use a paddle or you are interested in one, I have to say for the performance and price this paddle is super IMHO.  Please check out my demo video and notes.  Very nice feeling key."
  • 20 Jun 13: UK amateurs: The second annual RSGB 6m CW contest is this coming Sunday 23rd June, 0900-1200 UTC.

    This promises to be interesting with the added likelihood of sporadic E.  The exchange is RST, serial number and 6 character locator, with most European CW activity between 50.080-50.100 MHz.  Unlike HF contests, though, don't expect to get 599 for each QSO!
  • 20 Jun 13: Ladder Sunday: The next FISTS Eu Ladder sessions are on Sunday 23rd June, 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.  These involve relaxed, conversational QSOs.  Call CQ or call other people at a speed of your own choosing.  Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz, and QSOs must include exchange of name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  Members worldwide are encouraged to join in.
  • 20 Jun 13: Japanese QRP Ham Radio station 8J9VLP

    Hidehiko JA9MAT is on the air with the special amateur radio callsign 8J9VLP (Very Low Power).

    This JARL Hokuriku QRP Club 2013 QRP Day Special Callsign Hokuriku district of Japan from the Side of Japan Sea.

    op JA9MAT "Hide" from June 20, 2013 to June 30, 2013 QRV on 40/30/20/17/15/10/6m mainly by CW but also by PSK/RTTY/JT65/JT9

    Most everyday watching 14060kHz around 20:00 UTC or calling CQ around 14060kHz by 5W out CW mode.

    And also every day QRV as JT65A mode on 14076 kHz.

    If you hear me please call me!

    Rig:Icom IC736
    Ant:Halfsized G5RV (40m & 30m band)
    Cushcraft R6000 (All above 20m band)
  • 17 Jun 13: The FISTS North America Spring Sprint 2013 results are now available.

    The Sprints are run quarterly.  For more information about them, please see Sprints on the FISTS North America website.
  • 16 Jun 13: We're very pleased to welcome our latest members:

    Portsmouth Radio ClubN8QA#16100 David2E0CTU#16259 MauroHB9FBG#16260
    SteveDB1AAY#16261 RochelleAE7ZQ#16333 BobWU5Q#16346
    BobN7WY#16347 StuartKD5ZIG#16348 TomKL3QI#16349
  • 14 Jun 13: Stephan Rafler presents a "tap code" for fast, easy and efficient communication over channels that allow only two signal types: a single sound (e.g. a knock), or no sound (i.e. silence).

    He has written a paper about this and a program.  There is also a YouTube video available.
  • 14 Jun 13: India's oldest communication services - the telegram - will become history on July 15, 2013.

    Financial constraints have forced the Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd to wind up the telegraphic service, which would be remembered mainly as a historically inexpensive but relatively quick method of sending alerts related to births, deaths and emergency situations.  For more information, see the article in the The Hindu.
  • 14 Jun 13: In celebration of the RSGB's Centenary, all UK amateurs can apply for an NOV for use of the special prefix GV, MV, or 2V, for use from July 5, at 0001 BST until July 31 at 2359 BST.

    If you're working towards the FISTS Prefix award and endorsements, look out for stations using these prefixes.

    Applications can be made online.  You will need to have your licence number ready.
  • RSGB logo, copyright RSGB.
    14 Jun 13: UK amateurs: The RSGB is asking for local and national clubs to submit newsetters to an archive:
    "The RSGB Archives at the national Radio Centre would like electronic copies of local and national club newsletters - including back numbers - which will be held for the benefit of future amateur radio researchers.  If your club would be willing to let us keep copies of this material, please contact Martin Atherton, G3ZAY (g3zay at btinternet dot com) or Elaine Richards, G4LFM (elaine.richards at rsgb dot org dot uk) so that we can discuss the best way to transfer them."
  • 14 Jun 13: UK Amateurs: As part of the RSGB Centenary celebrations Society Members can join a friend for just £1.00 (GBP).

    The offer is strictly limited to those in the UK and is only valid until July 14, 2013.

    Further information at http://rsgbshop.org/poundmember

    Note: UK Radio Amateurs aged under 18 or those aged 25 and under in Full Time Education are already entitled to Free RSGB membership, see http://rsgb.org/main/myrsgb/join-us/
  • 09 Jun 13: I will be QRV as IK0IXI/0 from Trasimeno Lake, central Italy, ww loc. JN63AE from June 21 to 29.  It will be a 10 days relaxing holiday in a Camping located on the northern shore of the Lake.  The location is valid for the Italian Lake Award (aka Diploma del Laghi Italiani - D.L.I.) as I0-058.

    Activity will be mostly QRO (100W and Dipoles-GP) on 40m and 20m around 7.025 and 14025 kHz, with some tests on QRP frequencies using my homemade rigs.

    See you.  73 Fabio, IK0IXI.  FISTS 14539
  • 08 Jun 13: Palm Radio (makers of the Palm Mini Paddle MP-817) now offers a brand new CW paddle, called the "Pico Paddle".

    Special mounting kits are available for the FT-817 and KX3 along with other accessories.

    The new paddle and the related items are available at the Friedrichshafen HAM Radio fair at the end of this month, Hall A1, booth E 602.
  • 08 Jun 13: Ladder Sunday: The next FISTS Eu Ladder sessions are on Sunday 9th June, 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.  These involve relaxed, conversational QSOs.  Call CQ or call other people at a speed of your own choosing.  Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz, and QSOs must include exchange of name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  Members worldwide are encouraged to join in.
  • 05 Jun 13: From 1st June 2013, the Prefix Award has been extended to include endorsements for adding 50, 100, and 150 more prefixes (5, 10, and 15 per call area number respectively).

  • 04 Jun 13: A very warm welcome to our latest members:

    GeoffG3UCK#16250 GordonMM0MUR#16251 RobGD4RFZ#16252
    PatM0XII#16253 SydM0SGF#16254 JohnGSWL18#16255
    DuncanG3WZD#16256 RickM0ZAV#16257 ScottWA9STI#16318
    MikeAA6AE#16319 JohnN2DVD#16320 NancyK9DIG#16321
    DanKC9UPP#16322 TimKQ8M#16323 TomyKF7GC#16324
    MarkWA2NYY#16325 RickKB1CU#16326 AlvinW8UJM#16327
    DannyKF7TDF#16328 EdwardKE3HL#16329 TravisW3TMB#16330
    GordonVE3OLH#16331 MikeW3ASW#16332 WilliamAD4SM#16333
    JohnWA8UXO#16334 AndrewW8XCT#16335 DanW9CP#16336
    DavidAE5SS#16337 PaulNR3P#16338 LarryWB1DBY#16339
    GeorgeKD8SMH#16340 AndyNB0O#16341 DaveW5KKC#16342
    JeffKA0KAF#16343 ChuckKM9U#16344 DanWT7D#16345
    RickW1GHF#16351 NickN3CK#16352 DanNJ4V#16353
    DaveW5QZ#16354 GrantKC9YUF#16355 ShellyKC9RQN#16356
  • 04 Jun 13: Band Endorsements are now also available for the FISTS Rag Chewers Award.

    Qualifying QSOs must be on or after 1st June 2013.
  • 03 Jun 13: From 1st June 2013, the FISTS Worked All (US) States Award has been extended to include endorsements for contacting all 50 US States on individual bands.

    Qualifying QSOs must be on or after 1st June 2013.

    (At the time of writing, the FISTS Log Converter program only supports the basic WAS Award; it will be extended to cover the WAS band endorsements later in the year.  The new version will work retrospectively, so start logging those QSOs now!)
  • 03 Jun 13: Please join us in congratulating the following FISTS Awards winners:

    GrahamG3ZOD#8835 Millionaire 2 Million Sticker
    RobertKB9MLE#13933 Millionaire 4 Million Sticker, Worked All States

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 03 Jun 13: The Four State QRP Group is pleased to announce the availability of the Cyclone 40 Transceiver.

    This innovative and simple transceiver by NM0S is an enhanced version of Dave's QRP ARCI's 72 Part Challenge Design Contest entry in 2010.  This is a complete kit, including the enclosure.  The price is a buck a part plus shipping, $104 (USD) total, for domestic sales.  Purchasing info and more details are on the kit's home page here http://www.4sqrp.com/cyclone.php .   Here are some of the design features:
    • All through hole parts and easy assembly.  NO SMD parts
    • Less than 100 components
    • Superhet receiver with very good sensitivity and selectivity
    • "Perfect" QSK very high speed and absolutely seamless operation.
    • VFO tunes the entire 125 kHZ CW segment of the 40M band at a comfortable tuning rate.
    • Transmitter output is nominally 4W.  Those built so far are running ~ 4.6W
    • Frequency readout is included so you know where you are at all times.
    • A very attractive PCB enclosure is included, asy to assemble, looks great.
    • All parts are included, jacks, knobs, enclosure, transformers, everything.
    This is a complete kit, including a black enclosure with white silkscreened labels.

    We hope you enjoy this high performance transceiver.
  • 03 Jun 13: FISTS member Andy, G0JLX / A45WY, is operational on Saturdays from the Royal Omani Radio Society (ROARS) HQ operating under their callsign A47RS.  Andy writes:
    "Initially at least, I shall be restricted to operating from the HQ station, so will be signing A47RS, but identifying myself with my own call from time to time.

    For the latest information, see A45WY on QRZ.COM or my A45WY web page http://www.g0jlx.org.uk/a45wy/.

    Operating will likely be "holiday style" which will be rather ad-hoc for a few hours each week, most probably on a Saturday (our second weekend day) in the afternoons - evenings.

    Oman is GMT + 4 (or BST + 3 if you prefer), so 1200 noon GMT is 1300 BST and is 1600 locally.  The ROARS HQ closes at 2200 local, so we leave the operations room a bit before that.  There are no Friday operations.

    HQ has an all band capability, although there are maintenance works going on with some of the WARC band antennas at the moment.

    QSL is all direct, via the singular address I've put up on QRZ.com as the logs are all manual, in a paper-based log book that needs signing every time we use it.  I don't have any QSL cards printed up yet, but will get some done.  Please be aware that airmail postage here is expensive.

    I'm afraid I cannot accept 'sked' requests as I never know who might be already operating when I get there and my work has to take absolute priority anyway.  However, that said, I shall enjoy swinging the beams to 320° and calling G land."
  • 03 Jun 13: Frank PA4N has created a web application that reads Reverse Beacon Network skimmer spots, and filters for calls of CW Clubs.  The matching calls are then listed in band map format.  This makes it easy to find where your fellow CW club members are currently active on the bands.

    The application has the following features:
    • Choose which CW clubs members you want to see.  The program supports CWops, FISTS, FOC, HSC, VHSC, SHSC, EHSC and SKCC.
    • Choose which bands you are interested in (160 - 6 meters).
    • Choose which CW speeds you want to see spots for (selectable in 5 WPM steps).
    • Choose from which continent(s) you want skimmers to be enabled.
    • Choose what maximum spot age you want to see.
    The application is available at http://pa4n.xs4all.nl/bandmap.html
  • 03 Jun 13: Martin IK2RMZ has announced the results of the EUCW QRS Activity Week 2013.  For the second year running, FISTS achieved the top club position.

    In the individual over 5 watts category, FISTS Member Peter G4LHI was placed in first position.  Phil 2E0DPH achieved first place in the 5 watts and under section.

    In addition to Peter and Phil, the following members contributed to the club position:  Derek M0DRK, Dick SV0XBN/9, Piet PA3AFF, Ray G0EML, Richard G0ILN, Timo OH5FNI, and Graham G3ZOD.
    For the full results, please see https://eucw.org/euqrs13.html

May 2013

  • 30 May 13: Please listen out for the special event callsign GB4SSC, CW-only, 1 July - 14 July 2013 inclusive on 160m, 80m, 40m, 30m and 20m.

    This celebrates the invention of the jet engine by Sir Frank Whittle.

    For more information, please see http://qrz.com/db/GB4SSC.  Geoffrey M1EDF.
  • 30 May 13: FISTS has a new operating award coming soon!

    Watch FISTS News here for details!
  • 30 May 13: Heathkit is back with a survey!

    There is a survey from Heathkit here (be warned - it's fairly long) and it includes an opportunity to sign up to a mailing list:


    This is a bit of a surprise after the apparent final demise of the Heathkit company and name last year.
  • 30 May 13: K1EL Systems, supplier of the well-known Winkeyer keyers, has been re-named Hamcrafters.

    Hamcrafters continues to be a joint venture by Art K1BX and Steve K1EL.
  • 27 May 13: The FISTS Down Under June 2013 newsletter is now available.
    Late breaking news: VK4EI/VK4SWE-Lyn #14132 is to participate in a DXpedition H44IOTA to the Solomon Islands during June and July 2013.  They will be visiting seven IOTA Islands.  You can see more information and also how to make donation to the project at http://h44iota.com
    FISTS Down Under is the Australian & New Zealand Chapter of the FISTS CW Club.
  • 17 May 13: It's a pleasure to welcome our latest members:

    ShinJR7ASO#15138 DaveG4OTV#16241 TerryMW6TAB#16242
    PaoloIZ8SKD#16243 NickMM0NJC#16244 MikeM3ZZA#16245
    QuentinGW3BV#16246 BadgerM6BRZ#16247 DaveGM4NFI#16248
  • 16 May 13: We have been contacted to ask if anyone has an RAF Type D Morse key for sale.

    If you do have one available, please email details and we will forward the information on to the person concerned.
  • 16 May 13: FISTS Europe's Exchange Your Age Week 2013 (EYAW) starts this coming Saturday 18th May 00:01 UTC and runs continuously for 7 days.  FISTS members worldwide are welcome to join in.  QSOs are very relaxed with (at a minimum) an exchange of name, QTH, member number and age.  They can be with members and non-members on any band except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m and wavelengths higher than 500m; keep an ear out on and around the FISTS Frequencies.  It's not necessary to submit a log afterwards, but they are very much appreciated.  Even if you're not competitive, it's an excellent opportunity to come on the air and meet old friends and make new ones.
  • FISTS pentagon logo.
    16 May 13: The European FISTS Spring 2013 Key Note is running very much later than I had hoped.

    Apologies for this.  On the positive side, the Summer Key Note will follow on all the sooner after it!

    73 de Graham G3ZOD
  • 10 May 13: This weekend (11/12 May 2013) has lots of opportunities for FISTS members.  Activities include:

    Sat, 17-21 UTC: FISTS North America Spring Sprint
    Sun, 14-16 UTC: FISTS Europe Ladder
    Sun, 18-20 UTC: FISTS Europe Ladder

    FISTS is a member of the European CW Association, EUCW, so please also support:

    Sat, 10-12 UTC: EUCW Fraternizing CW QSO Party
    Sun, 18-20 UTC: EUCW Fraternizing CW QSO Party

    (Note: the Sunday EUCW Fraternizing CW QSO Party runs concurrently with the FISTS evening Ladder and has very similar requirements for QSOs - entering both is straightforward.)

    Finally, for UK VHF CW enthusiasts, it's also the annual RSGB 4m (70 MHz) CW Contest on Sunday:

    Sun, 09-12 UTC: RSGB 4m CW Contest
  • 10 May 13: The European FISTS website www.fists.co.uk may be unavailable on Sunday 12th May between 11:30 & 14:30 UTC due to our hosting company performing maintenance.

  • 06 May 13: The fourth FISTS International Day activity, Europa Day, is on Thursday 9th May, 14:00-17:00 UTC (15:00-18:00 BST).  Activity is typically around 7.028 and 14.058 MHz.  The minimum exchange is RST, name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  European FISTS Activities are relaxed events with sociable QSOs and everyone, from those relatively new to CW to experts, is encouraged to join in.  The scoring provides most points for contacting members and non-members outside England, France, Germany, Ireland, Isle of Man, Scotland and Wales.  Log submissions are welcomed but not essential.

    The free FISTS Log Converter program can be used to create log submissions for this and all other European FISTS Activities.
  • 02 May 13: Please join us in congratulating the following FISTS Awards winners:

    RichardG0ILN#398 Silver Century
    RobertAA2SM#2434 Silver Century
    RienPA7RA#9819 Millionaire 2 Million Sticker

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 02 May 13: The latest version (2.5.6) of the free FISTS Log Converter program fixes problems with creating logs for the EUCW QRS Week activity.

    The program is available from the download page.

    Many thanks to Richard G0ILN for reporting the issues and helping with testing this new version.

April 2013

  • 29 Apr 13: It's a pleasure to welcome our latest members:

    JohnVK7JB#14163 JackW2JWP#16196 JimKK6BCU#16197
    StephenAG2J#16198 RayAB9HT#16199 JuanEA5BLP#16232
    GerryEI4GD#16233 SveinLA6IKA#16234 IldefonsoEA5HEU#16235
    DavidG0FKX#16236 BarryG4PCL#16237 MarioOR4K#16238
    LiamG4UWP#16239 StuartM6VGE#16240 KentKG7CPR#16301
    JoeKJ8O#16302 TommyKC2WXP#16303 JeffN4JSG#16304
    NeilKJ4CIA#16305 BobW0ZPE#16306 MikeW1AWG#16307
    DaleK3OET#16308 GeorgeK8ZER#16309 BruceAA5CO#16310
    BobKB0KXL#16311 DerekK3XD#16312 NormN7JOE#16313
    SamWE5EE#16314 JyrkiAG6SN#16315 DaveKB1WOD#16316
  • 28 Apr 13: The EUCW QRS Activity Week takes place this week 29th April - 3rd May.  The maximum speed is 14 wpm.  For more information and a list of recommended frequencies, please see the EUCW QRS Activity Week web page.  (The FISTS Log Converter program for Windows supports creating log submissions for the QRS Activity Week.)
  • 26 Apr 13: The FISTS Down Under May 2013 newsletter is now available.
    FISTS Down Under is the Australian & New Zealand Chapter of the FISTS CW Club.
  • 26 Apr 13: Ladder Sunday: The next FISTS Eu Ladder sessions are on Sunday 28th April, 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.  These involve relaxed, conversational QSOs.  Call CQ or call other people at a speed of your own choosing.  Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz, and QSOs must include exchange of name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  Members worldwide are encouraged to join in.
  • 22 Apr 13: The third FISTS International Day activity, St. George's Day, is tomorrow, Tuesday 23rd April, 14:00-17:00 UTC (15:00-18:00 BST).  The minimum exchange is RST, name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  European FISTS Activities are relaxed events with sociable QSOs and everyone, from those relatively new to CW to experts, is encouraged to join in.  The scoring provides most points for contacting members and non-members in England.  Logs are welcomed but not essential.

    The free FISTS Log Converter program can be used to create an entry for this and all other European FISTS Activities.
  • 22 Apr 13: Please listen out for GB4RPI, CW-only, 11 April - 8 May 2013 on 160m, 80m, 40m, 30m and 20m.

    GB4RPI commemorates the loss on 18th June 1972 of the British European Airways owned Hawker Siddeley Trident aircraft G-ARPI and 118 passengers on a scheduled flight from Heathrow, London to Brussels.  Shortly after take off the Aircraft suffered a deep stall, crashing on the outskirts of Staines.  For more information, please see http://qrz.com/db/GB4RPI.  Geoffrey M1EDF.
  • 14 Apr 13: Please listen out for GB4PEN, CW-only, 10-23 May 2013 on 160m, 80m, 40m and 30m.

    Although this special event of the loss of The Penlee Lifeboat is a remembrance of those that lost their lives, it is not to commemorate the anniversary of the tragedy but to use as a subject event to coincide with my personal annual RNLI collection / donation.  Any donations will be accepted and passed on to the RNLI.  For more information, please see http://qrz.com/db/GB4PEN.  Geoffrey M1EDF.
  • 13 Apr 13: We're delighted to welcome our latest members:

    MaxZL2CVW#14162 AngkorBA2BI#15134 HamaJI1GQO#15135
    Ilyas9M2UST#15136 TonW7HGW#16186 PeteKB1NZP#16187
    TonyWR5T#16188 GaryKF5JEH#16189 JohnW3FRO#16190
    DickW3SYY#16191 JohnKC2LLP#16192 NormW0HI#16193
    PavelAC4PA#16194 DavidVE3KLX#16195 Debbie2E0BAF#16222
    TapioOH7FTM#16223 Mike2E0GTT#16224 MikeG0OGE#16225
    AeilkoPA3GBK#16226 MartinDL9MN#16227 DavidM6DRQ#16228
    AndyG3ZYP#16229 RemyF4ERM#16230 OwenMW0GMH#16231
  • IARU Region 1 logo.
    13 Apr 13: UK amateurs: The RSGB has submitted a proposal for consideration at the IARU Region 1 C4 Committee (HF Matters) Interim Meeting 20-21 April 2013 in Vienna that involves reducing the CW-only band plan frequency range on 30m to make more spectrum available for data modes.  In view of feedback from FISTS members and Chris G5VZ, our FISTS Spectrum Representative, the RSGB is now reconsidering its position on this.  If you haven't already written to the RSGB, and whether or not you agree with the proposal and are / are not an RSGB member, we strongly suggest that you make your views known to the RSGB:
    Graham Coomber, The General Manager, Radio Society of Great Britain, 3 Abbey Court, Fraser Road, Priory Business Park, Bedford MK44 3WH.
  • 13 Apr 13: UK amateurs: The RSGB C4 (HF) and C5 (VHF+) online Yahoo discussion groups are used by the RSGB to solicit opinions on spectrum policy.  FISTS members in the UK are strongly recommended to join the C4 and C5 groups and make their voices heard; being an RSGB member is not a requirement.  The groups can be joined at:
    C4 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ukc4discussion
    C5 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ukc5discussion
  • 13 Apr 13: Ladder Sunday: The next FISTS Eu Ladder sessions are tomorrow, Sunday 14th April, 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.  These involve relaxed, conversational QSOs.  Call CQ or call other people at a speed of your own choosing.  Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz, and QSOs must include exchange of name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  Members worldwide are encouraged to join in.
  • 11 Apr 13: The April 2013 edition of the "morsEAsia" newsletter from FISTS East Asia is available.  This edition includes many photographs of radios belonging to members.
    FISTS East Asia was formed in 2004 to provide East Asian members with various services in their native languages.
  • 04 Apr 13: Please join us in congratulating the following FISTS Awards winners:

    FritzDL4FDM#2225 Perpetual Prefix & Silver Century
    MilanOK1KW#4827 Millionaire 5, 6, & 7 Million Stickers
    FISTS CW ClubMX5IPX#7778 Basic Century
    GeneW5GXV#11347 Millionaire 20 Million Sticker

    MX5IPX now joins the FISTS CW Club National callsigns that have a CC (Century Certificate) Number: GX0IPX, GX3ZQS, MX5IPX, ZL6FF (ZM6FF), VK2FDU and KN0WCW.  If you are collecting CC numbers towards a Platinum series award and make contact with one of these stations, remember to ask the operator to send you the club callsign's CC number over the air.

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 04 Apr 13: French CW Society - Special Event

    Look for special event callsign TM28UFT to be active during the 28th annual meeting of the French CW Society, the Union Francaise des Telegraphistes UFT, which will be held in Panazol, Région Limousin, Center France, between April 7-21st.

    Activity will be on the HF bands and possibly more, for this CW only operation.

    QSL Manager is Bernard, F9IE.  All QSOs will be confirmed by the Bureau. SWL QSL cards should go also via the French Bureau.  After the operation and before you QSL, please check your QSO online at the UFT Web site www.uft.net.

    However, those who would like to have a direct card, should ask for it not before July 15th, to Bernard, F9IE, (QRZ.com address is correct).  In such a case, don't forget SAE and 1 valid IRC or 2 USDs.

    Have fun.  73/88, Maurice, F5NQL (one of the operators)

March 2013

  • 31 Mar 13: We're very pleased to welcome our latest members:

    BarryZL2LN#14159 JasonVK4FJGS#14160 ThomasVK3EO#14161
    ReedBV4QO#15130 Zaki9M2ZAK#15131 AdriYD1CSV#15132
    InaYD1NAA#15133 DaveGM6HGF#16218 OlivierF5PKR#16219
  • 30 Mar 13: The latest version (2.5.4) of the free FISTS Log Converter program fixes a problem with creating logs for the FISTS Fifth Sundays activities as well as providing other enhancements.

    You can get a copy of the program from the download page.
  • 29 Mar 13: The first FISTS Fifth Sunday activity is on 31st March, 13:00-17:00 UTC.  The minimum exchange is RST, name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  European FISTS Activities are relaxed events with sociable QSOs and everyone, from those relatively new to CW to experts, is encouraged to join in.  Logs are welcomed but not essential.

    The free FISTS Log Converter program can be used to create an entry for this and all other European FISTS Activities.
  • 28 Mar 13: The FISTS Down Under April 2013 newsletter is now available.
    FISTS Down Under is the Australian & New Zealand Chapter of the FISTS CW Club.
  • 22 Mar 13: Etherkit's CC1 beta QRP monoband CW transceiver kit is discussed in Dave AA7EE's blog.

    The tiny, VFO-controlled transceiver can produce 2-3 Watts out and uses mostly SMD components.  This looks to be the first rival to the famous KD1JV ATS and MTR series transceiver kits.
  • 22 Mar 13: Ladder Sunday: The next FISTS Ladder sessions are on Sunday 24th March, 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.  These are relaxed events with a minimum exchange of name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  Call CQ or call other people at a speed of your own choosing.  Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz.
  • 20 Mar 13: A very warm welcome to our latest members:

    DanielN5HHH#16162 BarryWA5DTK#16163 JeffK7JGS#16164
    RayKB3VWK#16165 MartyAA7IX#16166 ChrisKA3EVT#16167
    StephenKC4FIT#16168 BenKJ4IKN#16169 MikeN1MB#16170
    GoolsKD1OT#16171 JoseKE4SND#16172 PhilK5DOR#16173
    JimKG0AJ#16174 JohnW7KCN#16175 HoraceN7DRW#16176
    JeanFG8NY#16177 KevinAA7YQ#16178 EarleAB6WL#16179
    LloydKK4AOF#16180 DonKZ8R#16181 BobW2SBC#16182
    JimN5XH#16183 JohnW3ADE#16184 JimN4YNR#16185
    JohnM1JSS#16214 RichardM6CNI#16215 DulynMW0WYN#16216
    DougieMM0MPA#16217 Andover Radio Amateur ClubG0ARC G6ARC#16220
  • 15 Mar 13: The second FISTS International Day activity, St. Patrick's Day, is on Sunday 17th March, 14:00-17:00 UTC.  The minimum exchange is RST, name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  European FISTS Activities are relaxed events with sociable QSOs and everyone, from those relatively new to CW to experts, is encouraged to join in.  The scoring provides most points for contacting members and non-members in Ireland.  Logs are welcomed but not essential.

    The free FISTS Log Converter program can be used to create an entry for this and all other European FISTS Activities.
  • 13 Mar 13: The FISTS Straight Key Week 2012 results have been published by Rob M0BPT.
  • 12 Mar 13: Andover Radio Amateur Club (ARAC) (UK) holds Morse Workshops to help people who are learning morse code, those who would like to refresh their rusty skills or those that would like to improve their sending speed.

    Please contact us if you are interested!  Email: link text

    In the meantime our Morse Booklet might whet your appetite!
  • 11 Mar 13: The FISTS 25th Anniversary Outstanding Achievement Plaques are being posted out this week and photographs are available on the North American FISTS website.

    The plaques are in recognition of the Version 1 & 2 prefix awards achieved in 2012 by Ian G4MLW, Darren G0OTT, Russ K0LUW, Milan OK1KW, Ray WB0PYF, Stan K4UK, Peter G4LHI, Alan KA5VZG, Rocky AE7US, and Erkki OH7QR.

    Although the Version 2 & 3 Prefix Awards ended on December 31, 2012, the Version 1, otherwise known as the "Perpetual Prefix Award", is a permanent FISTS Award, and members are encouraged to work towards it.
  • 08 Mar 13: ZL6FF, the New Zealand FISTS Club station, will be operating in the Commonwealth Contest from Takaka, Golden Bay.

    The operator is ZL2JKY/G3JKY, Jakey, FISTS #6462.

    Vy 73 de Ralph ZL2AOH
  • 07 Mar 13: Ladder Sunday: The next FISTS Ladder sessions are on Sunday 10th March, 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.  These are relaxed events with a minimum exchange of name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  Call CQ or call other people at a speed of your own choosing.  Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz.
  • 03 Mar 13: In the Wythall Radio Club Newsletter, FISTS member Chris, G7DDN, has written an interesting article about learning Morse Code.

    The Wythall Radio club meets every Tuesday at Wythall House, 52 Silver Street, Wythall, BIRMINGHAM, B47 6LZ.
  • 03 Mar 13: FISTS will be at the Wythall Rally (UK) this coming Sunday, 10th March 2013.

    The rally opens at 10am at Woodrush Sports Centre, Shawhurst Lane, Hollywood, Near Wythall, Birmingham, B47 5JW.

    Please come and say 'hello'.
  • 03 Mar 13: The latest version (2.5.2) of the free FISTS Log Converter program fixes a problem with creating logs for the FISTS International Days activities as well as providing a few other enhancements.

    You can get a copy of the program from the download page.
  • 03 Mar 13: Please join us in congratulating the following FISTS Awards winners:

    JohnM0BUY#3797 Basic Century
    RonW5VYN#12761 Nightmare Alphanumeric
    GaryAB0BM#13663 Millionaire 5 Million Sticker
    PeteWA6OEF#15666 Basic Century, Silver Century, Millionaire and 2, 3, 4, & 5 Million Stickers

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 03 Mar 13: It's a pleasure to welcome our latest members:

    BernieZL2HIT#14158 KiyoJH1KMU#15129 LaneN8AFT#16158
    Tren #16159 DanielAE5XK#16160 AdamKB9VLR#16161
    JonM6BZO#16204 KeithG0HKC#16205 LouisEI2HOB#16206
    ChrisG3XVL#16207 PaulG3VCN#16208 ChrisM6BHR#16209
    MartinM0MWS#16211 LynneM6FAB#16212 DenisM0USV#16213

February 2013

  • 27 Feb 13: The first FISTS International Day activity, St. David's Day, is on Friday 1st March, 14:00-17:00 UTC.  The minimum exchange is RST, name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  European FISTS Activities are relaxed events with sociable QSOs and everyone, from those relatively new to CW to experts, is encouraged to join in.  The scoring provides most points for contacting members and non-members in Wales.  Logs are welcomed but not essential.

    The free FISTS Log Converter program can be used to create an entry for this and all other European FISTS Activities.
  • 26 Feb 13: The FISTS Brasspounder February 2013 newsletter has just been published by Chris G5VZ.  Brasspounder provides news, views and results for FISTS Activities in Europe/UK.
  • 24 Feb 2013: FISTS Eu members: If you visiting the Dayton Hamvention this year, please can you contact Nancy WZ8C from FISTS North America.
  • 24 Feb 2013: The FISTS Down Under March 2013 newsletter is now available.
    FISTS Down Under is the Australian & New Zealand Chapter of the FISTS CW Club.
  • 23 Feb 13: Ladder Sunday: The next FISTS Ladder sessions are tomorrow, Sunday 24th February, 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.  These are relaxed events with a minimum exchange of name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  Call CQ or call other people at a speed of your own choosing.  Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz.
  • 20 Feb 13: Fleeces with FISTS logos (UK)

    Readers of the FISTS yahoo email reflector will be aware that I managed an unofficial FISTS fleece purchase recently, but these few words are to advertise the fact to all FISTS members who may not read the web sites.

    I have organised the embroidery of some fleeces bearing the FISTS logo, as in my photograph.  The fleeces are very good quality and the embroidery is superb; an item to be worn with pride.

    The cost is £21.50 per fleece plus £5 postage.  If you would like to order one, in one of a variety of colours, please call Embroidery Unlimited (UK) on 01722 711 118, mentioning FISTS Club and they'll discuss colours and sizes with you.

    I would repeat that this is an UNOFFICIAL FISTS fleece, so please do not email Graham or any FISTS official for info.  I should be your point of contact, G4YVM, 07749 199453, but I am NOT working for Embroidery Unlimited nor am I making a profit neither can I sort out any problems nor make orders on your behalf.  I merely organised it and paid for the design origination because I love FISTS!

    Please do buy a fleece though, they are lovely and warm and they advertise your favourite club!!

    David G4YVM.
  • 16 Feb 13: 25th Anniversary Year Results!

    From all the comments received, many members enjoyed operating during the 25th Anniversary celebration in 2012.  Trying to earn the various awards available for the 25th Anniversary was a real challenge.  Hopefully all enjoyed a good time by renewing old friendships as well as making some new CW friends along the way . . .  Whereas logs were received for Versions 1 and 2 Prefix Awards, no "qualifying" logs were received for the Version 3 Award as of the deadline date of Jan 31, 2013.  Therefore, no Version 3 Prefix Award Plaques will be issued.

    Instead . . .

    "Outstanding Achievement Plaques" will be issued to the Top Ten submitted logs as shown below:

    Dr. Ian Jones - G4MLWDarren McDonald - G0OTT
    Russ Halbert - K0LUWMilan Pavel - OK1KW
    Ray Myers - WB0PYFStan Reas - K4UK
    Peter Rosamond - G4LHIAlan Schriver - KA5VZG
    Rocky Cookus - AE7USErkki Simila - OH7QR

    73, Dennis K6DF, FISTS Awards Mgr.
  • 16 Feb 13: We're delighted to welcome our latest members:

    Rizal9M2RDX#15127 Piju9M2PJU#15128 PhilG4HFU#15997
    MikeM0XOR#15998 BillG0KCZ#15999 JasonN6WBL#16115
    JohnKJ6CFB#16116 WalterVE7BGJ#16117 JohnAI2D#16118
    DonWV6B#16119 RichAA9L#16120 JeffreyKB3DX#16121
    JonK6DAT#16122 JohnKB2HUK#16123 JohnVA7JWS#16124
    DanAK4SQ#16125 RikW2RIK#16126 DaveN7NTQ#16127
    LarryN5FAN#16128 KevinN9XV#16129 MitchKF5OEF#16130
    MikeN8MRS#16131 JeffK8KZB#16132 AmyWA8MY#16133
    RonK0PTK#16134 DarrenN4ATX#16135 DonKD3CA#16136
    MarkWS3T#16137 DutchK7DUT#16138 PeterKD2BAN#16139
    RickKF5TKC#16140 EdAC8LJ#16141 TimKB0ZLK#16142
    FrankWA6VZA#16143 Charles #16144 FredK5FP#16145
    MikeW5MI#16146 JohnWK2T#16147 PeterKC2KKX#16148
    JosephVA3BWF#16149 ReaganKB3FTE#16151 RickN3RO#16152
    AndyK2OO#16153 VinceWN2BRU#16154 FrankKG6EYC#16155
    BenK4GHS#16156 JohnW2CWI#16157 Graham2E0GBE#16201
    Dave2D0YLX#16202 MikeG3YPE#16203 Lincoln Short Wave ClubG5FZ#16210
  • 09 Feb 13: Ladder Sunday: The next FISTS Ladder sessions are tomorrow, Sunday 10th February, 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.  These are relaxed events with a minimum exchange of name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  Call CQ or call other people at a speed of your own choosing.  Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz.

    Also, here's a reminder that today is FISTS North America's Winter Sprint (17:00-21:00 UTC).  Listen out for Cliff KU4GW, who plans to be on as W4FFF, the club call for the North Carolina FISTS Club, for 3 hours of the Sprint beginning at 18:00 UTC on 15 meters, then at 19:00 on 20 meters, and at 20:00 on 40 meters.
  • 04 Feb 13: Ian G4XFC, Founder of the Morse Crusade is personally giving a presentation on "Cracking the Code, the Secret of Learning Morse Code the Easy Way".
    This event is open to everyone and it is being held on the Monday the 11th of February 2013.  Doors open at 7pm and the presentation will start at 8pm at the South Yorkshire Transport Sports & Social Club, Greenhill Main Rd, Sheffield, S8 7RH.  The Venue has spacious seating for 50 people with Bar and Toilets and excellent parking facilities outside.  There will be a charge at the door of £2 (£1 for members) and to help with seating arrangements, non club members please contactPeter G3PHO beforehand.

    You can visit Sheffield Amateur Radio Club website to find out more about the club.
  • 04 Feb 13: In the video There's a spy in Lampwick woods, FISTS member Sandy, G0VQW, goes out /P overnight in the woods for the FOC Marathon; no car, no caravan, and no end of fun!
  • 04 Feb 13: Saturday 9th February 17:00-21:00 UTC is the FISTS North America Winter Sprint.  Members worldwide are invited to participate.

    The exchange includes: RST, U.S. state or Canadian province or DXCC country, first name, FISTS member number.  Non-members send their power output in Watts instead of a member number.
  • 02 Feb 13: Please join us in congratulating the following FISTS Awards winners:

    JohnVK4TJ#9080 Millionaire 5 Million Sticker
    DickK8MW#9183 Gold Century, Diamond Century & Platinum 250
    CodyKC2LSD#11793 Millionaire 3 & 4 Million Stickers
    RussK0LUW#12117 Diamond Century
    RonW5VYN#12761 Millionaire 6, 7, 8 & 9 Million Stickers

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 01 Feb 13: A very warm welcome to our latest members:

    BrianVK6TGQ#14156 ChrisVK4FR#14157 KevinM0KMH#15989
    ChrisGW0DGJ#15990 WynMW0AQZ#15991 MikeG8FDR#15992
    WilliamF5VHP#15993 JohnGI4EBS#15994 PeterG3JRH#15995
    JohnM0JSO#15996 East Cleveland ARCG4CRS#16200

January 2013

  • 30 Jan 13: The FISTS Brasspounder November/December 2012 newsletter has just been published by Rob M0BPT.  Brasspounder provides news, views and results for FISTS Activities in Europe/UK.
  • 30 Jan 13: 11th World High Speed Telegraphy Championship

    The Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs (BFRA) is pleased to invite High Speed Telegraphy (HST) teams, individual competitors and visitors/guests from all over the world to 11th World HST Championship to be held in Bulgaria, September 22-26, 2013.

    The Championship will be held in Borovets, 70 km south of capitol Sofia (60 km from Sofia Airport).  Borovets is one of the well known Bulgarian mountain resorts situated in Rila Mountain at height 1200 m above sea level.

    Correspondence and information:
    Address for correspondence: BFRA, P.O. Box 830, BG-1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
    Telephones: +359 897 949888 (President), +359 894 292211 (Secretary)
    Website: www.bfra.org
  • 29 Jan 13: Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society (UK) Morse classes will be starting again on Thursday, January 31 at 7pm, but in a new venue - The Bell, Danbury.

    CARS apologise to the current Morse Class but due to circumstances outside their control, Danbury Village Hall, Committee Room is not longer available for the time being.

    However, The Bell Bar and Bistro in Danbury has agreed that they can meet in their Function Room on the First Floor starting Thursday, January 31, 2013.

    There is a Car Park by the side of the building. Tea or Coffee or Soft Drinks can be purchased at the Bar and taken to the Function Room (or will be delivered there, Staff being available.) Real Ales are also served.

    The Bell Bar and Bistro, 128 Main Road, Danbury, CHELMSFORD, CM3 4DT www.thebelldanbury.co.uk

    The Morse classes, run by Andrew Kersey, G0IBN, have proved very popular. Foundation holders have been keen to find out more about this mode which enables DX working using very low power levels.

    Those interested in learning Morse code or wanting to increase their Morse skills should contact: Andrew, G0IBN, on 01621 868347
  • 26 Jan 2013: The FISTS Down Under February 2013 newsletter is now available.
    FISTS Down Under is the Australian & New Zealand Chapter of the FISTS CW Club.
  • 26 Jan 13: Ladder Sunday: The next FISTS Ladder sessions are tomorrow, Sunday 27th January, 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.  These are relaxed events with a minimum exchange of name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  Call CQ or call other people at a speed of your own choosing.  Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz.
  • 19 Jan 13: In the video The Morse Game Technical QSO, LZ40YG makes a memory keyer out of paper and aluminium foil.
  • Small image of a Dewsbury Electronics Supa-Keya.
    18 Jan 13: Hi Terry Rowe here, G0UAD, FISTS 5500.  I have a small problem.  I have acquired a Dewsbury Electronics Supa-Keya, without any instructions or even a power pack.  Does any member of the club know of this piece of equipment and perhaps have an instruction manual which would enable me to get it working?  I have searched online but there is no trace of it.  It is for loading and automatically sending short, often used overs, i.e. CQ de Call etc etc.  I can be contacted via email.
  • 18 Jan 13: In the video SKN Fun, Michael WA6ARA shows a novel way of providing a CQ loop with a straight key.
    Probably not a good idea to do this in a FISTS activity! 
  • 18 Jan 13: The RSGB have launched a newsletter for newcomers to amateur radio called "Getting Started".
    You can register for the free newsletter at http://www.rsgb.org/gettingstarted
  • 14 Jan 13: We're very pleased to welcome our latest members:

    DickVK3AGQ#14155 AndyM0STL#15986 TonyG4TRY#15987
  • FISTS pentagon logo.
    13 Jan 13: Logs for the Version 2 & 3 of the Prefix Awards must be sent to the Awards Manager by 31st January 2013.  These anniversary awards ended on 31st December 2012.  (The Version 1 "Perpetual" Prefix Award is a permanent FISTS Award and there is no time limit on earning it.)
  • 12 Jan 13: Ladder Sunday: The first FISTS Ladder sessions for 2013 are on Sunday 13th January, 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.  These are relaxed events with a minimum exchange of name, QTH and (if applicable) FISTS member number.  Call CQ or call other people at a speed of your own choosing.  Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz.  Please review the rules as there have been some changes for 2013.
  • 12 Jan 13: The latest version (2.5.0) of the free FISTS Log Converter program includes support for the European FISTS 2013 Activities (Ladder, Exchange Your Age Week, Fifth Sundays, International Days, and Straight Key Week) and also the EUCW QRS Activity Week.

    This version also allows you to send applications for FISTS Awards without needing to save them as files and email them manually.

    A new Restore feature allows QSOs to be restored from a backup file, giving a choice of either completely replacing existing QSOs or merging them.

    You can get a copy of the program from the download page.
  • 09 Jan 13: It's a pleasure to welcome our latest members:

    EricF5RPN#15980 TrevorM1CXF#15981 SimonIK6REB#15982
    IanG6OVR#15983 ChrisMI0AHH#15984 KenG7FTD#15985
  • 06 Jan 13: The Winter 2012 Key Note is now available to all FISTS members.  Please click this link to get your copy:

    Any problems with passwords etc., PLEASE send an email to Graham G3ZOD

    Note: There have been some changes in the rules for the Ladder (first sessions next Sunday, 13th January), EYAW and SKW.  Please review the new rules in Key Note or in the Activities Calendar.  Due to releasing this Key Note early so that there is some notice before the first Ladder sessions, the paper Key Note will follow in 1-2 weeks' time; apologies for the delay.
  • 06 Jan 13: ACTIVE ELEMENTS www.active-elements.org

    Kelvin Marsh, M0AID is bringing together resources for disabled radio amateurs in a new web site to be found at www.active-elements.org.  Working with Quentin, GW3BV and Chris, G5VZ, Kelvin is publishing accessibility evaluations of amateur radio equipment, spoken word manuals and audio demonstrations.

    Kelvin says, "Blind and partially sighted radio amateurs often use standard equipment that might easily seem impossible to operate.  They can be incredibly resourceful but do need to be informed about what's available.  Amateurs with other disabilities also need to know if equipment is accessible or whether adaptations are available to make it so.  ActiveElements attempts to draw together experience and knowledge gained by disabled operators from all over the world and make it available to anyone with an interest."

    Kelvin's team began work on the site during last autumn, building a range of evaluations, reviews and recordings plus links to resources available on other sites.  The site is fully accessible and combines an attractive visual design with clear text while also being optimised for screen reader software like Window-Eyes or NVDA.  Development of the site continues and the formal launch of Active Elements is planned for 1st March 2013.

    If you would like more information on Active Elements, please call Kelvin on +44(0)1823 412 087 or email link text
  • 02 Jan 13: Please join us in congratulating the following FISTS Awards winners:

    IanG4MLW#130 Millionaire 3 Million Sticker
    ErkkiOH7QR#8318 Prefix Version 1 and Prefix Version 2
    DarrenG0OTT#14062 Millionaire 2 Million Sticker
    RockyAE7US#16052 Prefix Version 1 and Prefix Version 2

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 01 Jan 13: The January 2013 edition of the "morsEAsia" newsletter from FISTS East Asia is available.  This edition includes an extensive collection of members' keys.
    FISTS East Asia was formed in 2004 to provide East Asian members with various services in their native languages.
    A very Happy New Year to everyone from all at FISTS.

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