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News 2016

December 2016

  • 27 Dec 16: The latest version (3.4.0) of the free FISTS Log Converter program for Windows is now available.

    This version supports 2017 Activities: Ladder (FISTS Europe), Cumulatives (FISTS Americas), Snakes & Ladders (EuCW), & QRS Week (EuCW).

    FISTS Log Converter can be used in conjunction with almost all amateur radio logbook programs -or- for anyone not currently using one, it includes its own optional, easy-to-use logbook.

    The program is available from the download web page.  Many thanks to the testers: Dennis K6DF, Peter G4LHI, and Richard G0ILN.
  • 24 Dec 16: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 25 December 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.

    Have a very happy Christmas and good wishes for the New Year from all at FISTS CW Club.
  • 24 Dec 16: PRIZES!!  Win a bug key!  The final 2016 session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives takes place Sunday 25 December 2000-2200 UTC (*note the change of times for November & December).

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps get some points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in August - December 2016.  QSOs must be a minimum of 5 minutes long and bands allowed are 80m, 40m, & 20m.  The exchange is:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    Vibroplex "Bug" Keys will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place operators!
    Be sure to send in your logs!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.  The free FISTS Log Converter program for Windows can be used to create and submit logs at the end of each month.  Select the "Activities" tab, then the month, and then "Cumulatives".

    Have a very happy Christmas and good wishes for the New Year from all at FISTS CW Club.
  • 18 Dec 16: If you haven't already, please submit your log for Straight Key Week 2016 (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 31st December.

    The results will be published around mid-January.
  • 12 Dec 16: Please join us in congratulating the recent FISTS CW Club Awards winners:

    IanG4MLW#130 Millionaire 8 Million Endorsement
    JohnK3WWP#2002 Prefix Award, Prefix 50 & 100 & 150 Endorsement
    KenG4RHR#2248 Rag Chewers
    MilanOK1KW#4827 Millionaire 14 & 15 Million Endorsement
    PeterM5ABN#6423 Millionaire 4 Million Endorsement
    GlennKO4OL#6583 Millionaire
    ClayKE5HL#8002 Prefix Award, Prefix 50 Award Endorsement
    CecilK5YQF#8077 Diamond Century, 1 X QRP, Millionaire, Spectrum 20m, Spectrum 40m, Prefix Award, Prefix 50 Award Endorsement
    DerekM0DRK#8344 Millionaire 2 Million Endorsement
    PrestonWA6OEF#15666 Millionaire 11 Million Endorsement, Platinum
    VanniI5ECW#16505 Gold Century
    KepaEA6BB#18080 Basic Century, Millionaire
    TomDK3DUA#18090 Basic Century, Silver Century, Millionaire

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 11 Dec 16: The FISTS BrassPounder December 2016 newsletter has just been published.

    BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.

    This edition includes details of the November 2016 FISTS Ladder and Two Metre activities.

  • 11 Dec 16: The FISTS CW Club Americas Cumulatives Report December 2016 is now available.

    It contains the monthly results and soapbox comments for the FISTS Americas Cumulatives on-air activity in November 2016.

  • 10 Dec 16: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 11 December 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • 10 Dec 16: PRIZES!!  Win a bug key!  The penultimate 2016 session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives takes place Sunday 11 December 2000-2200 UTC (*note the change of times for November & December).

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps get some points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in August - December 2016.  QSOs must be a minimum of 5 minutes long and bands allowed are 80m, 40m, & 20m.  The exchange is:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    Vibroplex "Bug" Keys will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place operators!
    Be sure to send in your logs!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.  The free FISTS Log Converter program for Windows can be used to create and submit logs at the end of each month.  Select the "Activities" tab, then the month, and then "Cumulatives".
  • 05 Dec 16: We're very pleased to welcome our latest FISTS CW Club members:

    NameCallNo. NameCallNo. NameCallNo.
    WadeKW4EMG#17952 BillK7WXW#17962 TomDK3DUA#18090
    WilliamKM4UUO#17953 BobF6EJN#18081 ClaudioIZ0LZC#18091
    WilliamWG0R#17954 MartinM0CTK#18082 Denise2E0JTM#18092
    WilliamAI6TX#17955 StefanSA0PDX#18083 PaulusCT7AGR#18093
    VernAE0TT#17956 RonPA3GBY#18084 MikeG0KCH#18094
    RichardK5TKO#17957 GertON4GS#18085 RichardG4WKW#18095
    RickWD5ETD#17958 FrankDO7FDS#18086 StuartM6SNH#18096
    LukeW2LAF#17959 PeterON3PGO#18087 AdrianG0KOM#18097
    AlanWA1LBG#17960 KaiDB5DN#18088    
    JohnKE5RS#17961 LarryG4HLN#18089    
  • 04 Dec 16: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following November 2016 activities by their closing dates (ignore any warnings about Ladder late entries from FISTS Log Converter):
    Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you can't win, it's really helpful to send in logs to encourage others to join in.

    See the Activity Calendar web page for details on sending in FISTS Eu activity logs.
    See the EuCW Snakes & Ladders web page for details of sending in logs for it.
  • 04 Dec 16: Please submit your November logs for the FISTS CW Club Americas Cumulatives by the end of December 10th (ignore any warnings about late entries from FISTS Log Converter).

    Even if you only had one QSO, it's very helpful to send in logs to encourage others to join in and give you a chance of winning one of the Vibroplex bug key prizes.
  • 03 Dec 16: Straight Key Week is here!  Please join us in the one of the most popular FISTS CW Club Europe Activities, running from 00:01 on Sunday 04 December to 23:59 on Saturday 10 December 2016 UTC. 

    Entrants must use straight keys or sideswipers (no bug keys, keyers, keyboards etc.)

    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, RST, QTH, & member number (if applicable).
    Note: you can contact the same operator once per day.

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is not essential but very much appreciated.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with members of FISTS Europe.

November 2016

  • 30 Nov 16: The new FISTS CW Club Americas KeyNote newsletter Issue 4, 2016 is ready to download for all current FISTS members.

    As well as the regular features, this issue includes:
    • Sailing with Morse
    • An Early Example of the Dreaded Rettysnitch?
    • CW...What's That? Who? Me?
    • Wabun Morse Code?
    • CWops Announces Recipients of 2016 Award for Advancing the Art of CW

    Current members of FISTS Down Under, FISTS East Asia & FISTS Europe can use their FISTS Europe website password to get a copy.

  • 27 Nov 16: The FISTS BrassPounder November 2016 newsletter has just been published.

    BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.

    This edition includes details of the October 2016 FISTS Ladder and QRS Fifth Sunday 2016 activities.

  • 27 Nov 16: The FISTS CW Club Americas Cumulatives Report November 2016 is now available.

    It contains the monthly results and soapbox comments for the FISTS Americas Cumulatives on-air activity in October 2016.

  • 26 Nov 16: PRIZES!!  Win a bug key!  The next session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives takes place Sunday 27 November 2000-2200 UTC (*note the change of times for November & December).

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps get some points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in August - December 2016.  QSOs must be a minimum of 5 minutes long and bands allowed are 80m, 40m, & 20m.  The exchange is:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    Vibroplex "Bug" Keys will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place operators!
    Be sure to send in your logs!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.  The free FISTS Log Converter program for Windows can be used to create and submit logs at the end of each month.  Select the "Activities" tab, then the month, and then "Cumulatives".
  • 26 Nov 16: FISTS CW Club Europe Weekend activities 27 November 2016.
    Please join us in the Ladder & Two Meter sessions:

    Ladder sessions: Sunday 27 November 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    2m CW Activity: November Saturdays & Sundays 0900-1000 UTC.  Around 144.052 MHz (keep at least 1 kHz away from 144.050 MHz).  Exchange a minimum of:
        RST, name, 6-character locator, & member number (if available).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • 13 Nov 16: PRIZES!!  Win a bug key!  The next session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives takes place Sunday 13 November 2000-2200 UTC (*note the change of times for November & December).

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps get some points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in August - December 2016.  QSOs must be a minimum of 5 minutes long and bands allowed are 80m, 40m, & 20m.  The exchange is:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    Vibroplex "Bug" Keys will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place operators!
    Be sure to send in your logs!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.  The free FISTS Log Converter program for Windows can be used to create and submit logs at the end of each month.  Select the "Activities" tab, then the month, and then "Cumulatives".
  • 13 Nov 16: FISTS CW Club Europe Weekend activities 13 November 2016.
    Please join us in the Ladder & Two Meter sessions:

    Ladder sessions: Sunday 13 November 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    2m CW Activity: November Saturdays & Sundays 0900-1000 UTC.  Around 144.052 MHz (keep at least 1 kHz away from 144.050 MHz).  Exchange a minimum of:
        RST, name, 6-character locator, & member number (if available).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • 04 Nov 16: The FISTS CW Club Europe 2m CW Activity is back for the month of November.  Activity is on Saturdays and Sundays 0900-1000 UTC around 144.052 MHz (keep at least 1 kHz away from 144.050 MHz).

    Exchange a minimum of:
        RST, name, 6-character locator, & member number (if available).

    One QSO with an operator per day.

    Note: The session on Sunday 6 November is during the RSGB Marconi CW 2m Contest; add a serial number to the exchange and enter both!
  • 04 Nov 16: The RSGB Marconi CW 2m Contest is this coming Weekend, 5 November 1400 UTC - 6 November 1400 UTC.  It is part of a Europe-wide contest and is the third out of three annual RSGB VHF CW contests (4m, 6m and 2m).

    Unlike HF contests, QSOs are a bit more relaxed and don't expect to get 599 for each QSO!  The exchange is RST, serial number and 6 character locator.  Most activity centres around 144.050, with the primary CW band plan area 144.025 - 144.110MHz MHz.
  • 02 Nov 16: We're very pleased to welcome our latest FISTS CW Club members:

    NameCallNo. NameCallNo. NameCallNo.
    Aaron9V1WO#15187 StevenKG5ARD#17940 TonyG4ZNI#18063
    KurtHS0ZBS#15188 NickW3VN#17941 TomG0HBV#18064
    PhilVK6GX#15201 PeterKK6RUH#17942 JohnG4FOL#18065
    AlfredW1DUW#17924 RobertK9FS#17943 PaoloIU1BFI#18066
    JohnWA2CHV#17925 JohnW4YG#17944 MikeM0MBZ#18067
    HerbertKD2TUG#17926 KenAD0UA#17945 Stu2E0XXO#18068
    MichaelNJ8U#17927 RogerAE4RM#17946 TrevG4CLE#18069
    RobertKB4RGC#17928 CarlN6TVN#17947 DaveMM0HVW#18070
    AaronKD7VDG#17929 LucasW6AER#17948 ThomasDB5FT#18071
    CarlAA4H#17930 FilipAB3HK#17949 MorganMD0DXW#18072
    KimballN8FNC#17931 JonathanKD9EHO#17950 LesG4PEK#18073
    RichardKD0NPM#17932 FranklinKF2FI#17951 GiorgioIW2JJS#18074
    Nevada ARAW7YN#17933 GilesG0NXA#18055 NorrisGW4WLX#18075
    AlanW6AWD#17934 AndyE51AND#18056 TonyG0LUB#18076
    FrankAA1HQ#17935 DaveGW4XIH#18057 AndrewG8AXO#18077
    GlennKK4LPG#17936 RolfDL6ZB#18058 MichalOK1PSI#18078
    DavidN8KZ#17937 BobG4LYJ#18059 BillGW0FGO#18079
    JamesVE1KEY#17938 Chris5P5I#18060 KepaEA6BB#18080
    JeremyKG5BIU#17939 FanisSV2BBK#18061    

October 2016

  • 30 Oct 16: Please submit your October logs for the FISTS CW Club Americas Cumulatives by the end of November 5th.  Even if you only had one QSO, it's very helpful to send in logs to encourage others to join in and give you a chance of winning one of the Vibroplex bug key prizes.
  • 30 Oct 16: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following October 2016 activities by their closing dates:
    Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you can't win, it's really helpful to send in logs to encourage others to join in.

    See the Activity Calendar web page for details on sending in FISTS Eu activity logs.
    See the EuCW Snakes & Ladders web page for details of sending in logs for it.
  • 30 Oct 16: The FISTS CW Club Americas Cumulatives Report October 2016 is now available.

    It contains the monthly results and soapbox comments for the FISTS Americas Cumulatives on-air activity in September 2016.

  • 30 Oct 16: The FISTS BrassPounder October 2016 newsletter has just been published.

    BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.

    This edition includes details of the September 2016 FISTS Ladder and Two Metre 2016 activities.

  • 28 Oct 16: The fourth and final FISTS CW Club Europe QRS Fifth Sunday is 30 October, 0001-2359 UTC - a whole day of QRS activity, maximum 14 wpm.

    The main idea is to have lots of QRS QSOs and, if you wish, send in a log too.  Please chat as much as you like during your QSOs, but do include these:
        Name, QTH, & RST.

    *** Don't forget to write QRS in your logbook's 'Comment' (or similar) field if you are sending in a log.
  • 21 Oct 16: FISTS CW Club Europe Weekend activities 23 October 2016.

    Please join us in the Ladder sessions: Sunday 23 October 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • 21 Oct 16: The next session of the new FISTS Americas Cumulatives takes place Sunday 23 October 1900-2100 UTC.

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps get some points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in August - December 2016.  QSOs must be a minimum of 5 minutes long and bands allowed are 80m, 40m, & 20m.  The exchange is:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    See the full details on the website.  The free FISTS Log Converter program for Windows can be used to create and submit logs at the end of each month.  Select the "Activities" tab, then the month, and then "Cumulatives".
  • 08 Oct 16: FISTS CW Club Europe Weekend activities 09 October 2016.

    Please join us in the Ladder sessions: Sunday 09 October 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • 08 Oct 16: The next session of the new FISTS Americas Cumulatives takes place Sunday 09 October 1900-2100 UTC.

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps get some points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in August - December 2016.  QSOs must be a minimum of 5 minutes long and bands allowed are 80m, 40m, & 20m.  The exchange is:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    See the full details on the website.  The free FISTS Log Converter program for Windows can be used to create and submit logs at the end of each month.  Select the "Activities" tab, then the month, and then "Cumulatives".
  • 08 Oct 16: The FISTS CW Club Americas Fall Unlimited Speed Sprint takes place on Saturday 08 October 1700-2100 UTC on 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m & 10m.

    Call "CQ FS".  The exchange includes:
    RST, U.S. state or Canadian province or DXCC country, first name, FISTS member number.
    Non-members send their power output in Watts instead of a member number.

    Members worldwide are invited to participate.

    For N1MM contest logger users, a User Defined Contest (UDC) file is available.  Go to the N1MM website, choose "FILES" then "User Defined Contests (UDC)" and look for the file G3ZQSmem.zip (can be used for Sprints despite the name).  A FISTS Call History File is also available.
  • 04 Oct 16: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following September 2016 activities:
    Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you can't win, it's really helpful to send in logs to encourage others to join in.

    See the Activity Calendar web page for details on sending in FISTS Eu activity logs.
    See the EuCW Snakes & Ladders web page for details of sending in logs for it.
  • 04 Oct 16: Please submit your September logs for the FISTS CW Club Americas Cumulatives by the end of October 10th.  Even if you only had one QSO, it's very helpful to send in logs to encourage others to join in.

    Note: if using FISTS Log Converter to send in your log (recommended), please ignore the message saying that logs should already have been submitted (this is fixed in version 3.3.4).

September 2016

  • 30 Sep 16: The FISTS CW Club Americas Fall Slow Speed Sprint (max. 13 wpm) takes place on Saturday 01 October 1700-2100 UTC on 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m & 10m.

    Call "CQ FS".  The exchange includes:
    RST, U.S. state or Canadian province or DXCC country, first name, FISTS member number.
    Non-members send their power output in Watts instead of a member number.

    Members worldwide are invited to participate.

    For N1MM contest logger users, a User Defined Contest (UDC) file is available.  Go to the N1MM website, choose "FILES" then "User Defined Contests (UDC)" and look for the file G3ZQSmem.zip (can be used for Sprints despite the name).  A FISTS Call History File is also available.
  • 23 Sep 16: FISTS CW Club will be at the National Hamfest at Newark, UK, on Saturday 1st October 2016 - please come and visit us!

    The National Hamfest opens at 09:30 BST.  For more information, see http://www.nationalhamfest.org.uk.
  • 23 Sep 16: The next session of the new FISTS Americas Cumulatives takes place Sunday 25 September 1900-2100 UTC.  Listen out for the FISTS Club callsign KN0WCW during this session!

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps get some points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in August - December 2016.  QSOs must be a minimum of 5 minutes long and bands allowed are 80m, 40m, & 20m.  The exchange is:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    See the full details on the website.  The free FISTS Log Converter program for Windows can be used to create and submit logs at the end of each month.  Select the "Activities" tab, then the month, and then "Cumulatives".
  • 23 Sep 16: FISTS CW Club Europe Weekend activities 25 September 2016.
    Please join us in the Accuracy Challenge & Ladder:

    New!!  Accuracy Challenge: Sunday 25 September 1400-1600 UTC - the final session of the two session activity.  It runs concurrently with the afternoon Ladder.  Exchange a minimum of:
        RST, name, QTH, member number*, 3-letter word*, 3-digit number*.
    (*if available from your QSO partner.  Obtain your new word & number from http://fists.co.uk/mac )

    Ladder sessions: Sunday 25 September 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • 21 Sep 16: The new FISTS CW Club Americas KeyNote newsletter Issue 3, 2016 is ready to download for all current FISTS members.

    As well as the regular features, this issue includes:
    • Ham Radio Kid.
    • Stamps for the Wounded.
    • How I Became an Old-Time Landline Telegrapher (for a day).
    • When All Else Fails Use a Straight Key!
    • CW Fun.
    • British RAF "Bathtub Key".
    • Morse Music.
    • World Time Buddy.
    • The Fun of Morse Code.

    Current members of FISTS Down Under, FISTS East Asia & FISTS Europe can use their FISTS Europe website password to get a copy.
  • 16 Sep 16: The FISTS CW Club Americas Cumulatives Report September 2016 is now available.

    It contains the monthly results and soapbox comments for the FISTS Americas Cumulatives on-air activity.

  • 16 Sep 16: The FISTS BrassPounder September 2016 newsletter has just been published.

    BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.

    This edition includes details of the August 2016 FISTS Ladder and Two Metre 2016 activities.

  • 10 Sep 16: FISTS CW Club Europe Weekend activities 11 September 2016.
    Please join us in the Accuracy Challenge and & Ladder:

    New!!  Accuracy Challenge: Sunday 11 September 1400-1600 UTC - the first session of a 2 session activity.  These run concurrently with the afternoon Ladders in September.  Exchange a minimum of:
        RST, name, QTH, member number*, 3-letter word*, 3-digit number*.
    (*if available from your QSO partner. Obtain your word & number from http://fists.co.uk/mac )

    Ladder sessions: Sunday 11 September 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • 10 Sep 16: The next session of the new FISTS Americas Cumulatives takes place Sunday 11 September 1900-2100 UTC.  Listen out for the FISTS Club callsign KN0WCW during this session!

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps get some points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in August - December 2016.  QSOs must be a minimum of 5 minutes long and bands allowed are 80m, 40m, & 20m.  The exchange is:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    See the full details on the website.  The free FISTS Log Converter program for Windows can be used to create and submit logs at the end of each month.  Select the "Activities" tab, then the month, and then "Cumulatives".
  • 04 Sep 16: Please join us in congratulating the recent FISTS CW Club Awards winner:

    JohnG4LRG#14873 Millionaire 2 and 3 Million Endorsements

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 01 Sep 16: FISTS CW Club will be at the Telford HamFest (UK) on Sunday 4th September 2016, so please come and say hello.

    The doors open at 10:15 BST and maps etc. are available from the Telford HamFest website.
  • 01 Sep 16: FISTS CW Club Americas G3ZQS Memorial Straight Key Contest starts on Friday 2nd September 23:00 UTC and runs until Sunday 4th September 23:00 UTC.

    Bands are: 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, and 10m.  Call "CQ FS".  The exchange is:
    RST, U.S. state/Canadian province/DXCC country, first name, FISTS number (or power output for non-FISTS).

    Members worldwide are invited to participate.

    For N1MM contest logger users, a User Defined Contest (UDC) file is available.  Go to the N1MM website, choose "FILES" then "User Defined Contests (UDC)" and look for the file G3ZQSmem.zip (can be used for Sprints despite the name).  A FISTS Call History File is also available.  Thanks to Les G4OGB for providing the UDC file.
  • 01 Sep 16: We're very pleased to welcome our latest FISTS CW Club members:

    NameCallNo. NameCallNo. NameCallNo.
    PaulVK3ZT#15202 MichaelKM4NNE#17913 MarkW7BZ#17922
    IanVK2GDI#15203 TimothyK5TGS#17914 EarlN4AAA#17923
    TonyVK3CAB#15204 RonW7SHA#17915 SteveM3YAW#18050
    Richard2W0RTJ#17698 ThomasKA4DQJ#17916 EgonPA3AAT#18051
    PatF8BON#17699 LawrenceKC8JCB#17917 MikeG4VQH#18052
    MarkKK4BYZ#17909 LeighWH6LC#17918 NevilleM0VSP#18053
    PhilN9TD#17910 RobertN3FJ#17919 AndyM0MUX#18054
    AlanWA3ZKI#17911 MichaelKE8CHP#17920    
    ThomasKI6BNL#17912 RobKA6JLT#17921    
  • 01 Sep 16: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following August 2016 activities:
    • Ladder (FISTS CW Club Eu) no later than 5 September.
    • Two Meter (FISTS CW Club Eu) no later than 10 September.
    • Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 September.
    Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you can't win, it's really helpful to send in logs to encourage others to join in.

    See the Activity Calendar web page for details on sending in FISTS Eu activity logs.
    See the EuCW Snakes & Ladders web page for details of sending in logs for it.

August 2016

  • 30 Aug 16: Please submit your August logs for the FISTS CW Club Americas Cumulatives by the end of September 5th UTC.  Even if you only had one QSO, it's very helpful to send in logs to encourage others to join in.

    Note: if using FISTS Log Converter to send in your log (recommended), please ignore the message saying that logs should already have been submitted (this will be fixed in the next version).
  • 27 Aug 16: The second session of the new FISTS Americas Cumulatives takes place Sunday 28 August 1900-2100 UTC.

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps get some points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in August - December 2016.  QSOs must be a minimum of 5 minutes long and bands allowed are 80m, 40m, & 20m.  The exchange is:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    See the full details on the website.  The free FISTS Log Converter program for Windows can be used to create and submit logs at the end of each month.  Select the "Activities" tab, then the month, and then "Cumulatives".
  • 27 Aug 16: FISTS CW Club Europe Weekend activities 28 August 2016.
    Please join us in the Ladder & Two Meter sessions:

    Ladder sessions: Sunday 28 August 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    2m CW Activity: Sunday 0800-0900 UTC - the last session until November!  Around 144.052 MHz (keep at least 1 kHz away from 144.050 MHz).  Exchange a minimum of:
        RST, name, 6-character locator, & member number (if available).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • 24 Aug 16: The FISTS BrassPounder August 2016 newsletter has just been published.

    BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.

    This edition includes details of the FISTS July 2016 Ladder and QRS Fifth Sundays 2016 activities.

  • 14 Aug 16: The first session of the new FISTS Americas Cumulatives takes place today, Sunday 14 August 1900-2100 UTC.

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps get some points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in August - December 2016.  QSOs must be a minimum of 5 minutes long and bands allowed are 80m, 40m, & 20m.  The exchange is:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    See the full details on the website.  The free FISTS Log Converter program for Windows can be used to create and submit logs at the end of each month.  Select the "Activities" tab, then the month, and then "Cumulatives".
  • 11 Aug 16: FISTS CW Club Europe Weekend activities 13/14 August 2016.
    Please join us in the Ladder & Two Meter sessions:

    Ladder sessions: Sunday 14 August 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    2m CW Activity: Saturdays and Sundays 0800-0900 UTC during August, around 144.052 MHz (keep at least 1 kHz away from 144.050 MHz).  Exchange a minimum of:
        RST, name, 6-character locator, & member number (if available).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • 05 Aug 16: We're very pleased to welcome our latest FISTS CW Club members:

    NameCallNo. NameCallNo. NameCallNo.
    MikeVK4MIK#14199 DwightKB4WLF#17883 MichaelK5ESS#17897
    HideJR6HK#15186 DavidW8DSN#17884 TomKT4XN#17898
    JohnGM4SLV#17686 StevenK7EAU#17885 LynnKJ4RTE#17899
    ChrisG0TSQ#17687 GeorgeWA0FSE#17886 JamesKC9UNW#17900
    PauloC91PM#17688 LisaKC1YL#17887 FredNF1U#17901
    PhilG8SGB#17689 GeorgeWB2OLJ#17888 CharlesKM9N#17902
    Norfolk Amateur Radio Club (NARC)G4ARN#17690 MartinWB0VKL#17889 PaulKB4RGK#17903
    Steven2M0SKJ#17691 DavidWK0L#17890 DrennenAF9U#17904
    PeterDF5IN#17692 TedW6VXP#17891 BillKD9FSE#17905
    PadraighEI3GUB#17693 TomK9TYR#17892 SteveK9DY#17906
    GregDL3GJ#17694 VernW0VMP#17893 MichaelK1MRF#17907
    TrevorM0TVR#17695 AlbertW9ZJX#17894 MichaelWE2EEE#17908
    JohnZS1ZC#17697 DavidN3CKI#17895    
    JamesKE0GVW#17882 KirkW0KM#17896    
  • 05 Aug 16: Please join us in congratulating the recent FISTS CW Club Awards winners:

    SugiJK7UST#7178 Silver Century
    DavidAB0TO#9957 Basic Century
    JohnG4LRG#14873 Millionaire 2/3 Million Endorsements
    JarmoOH2BN#16593 Millionaire
    JoeDL4CF#16979 Basic Century, Silver Century, Gold Century, Millionaire, Millionaire 2/3/4/5/6/7/8 Million Endorsements, Spectrum 40m, Prefix, Prefix 50/100/150 Endorsements
    JoeW8JPF#17164 Basic Century

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 05 Aug 16: The FISTS CW Club Europe 2m CW Activity is back for the months of August & November.  During August, activity is on Saturdays and Sundays 0800-0900 UTC around 144.052 MHz (keep at least 1 kHz away from 144.050 MHz).

    Exchange a minimum of:
        RST, name, 6-character locator, & member number (if available).

    One QSO with an operator per day. 
  • 04 Aug 16: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following July 2016 activities:
    Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you can't win, it's really helpful to send in logs to encourage others to join in.

    See the Activity Calendar web page for details on sending in FISTS Eu activity logs.
    See the EuCW Snakes & Ladders web page for details of sending in logs for it.

July 2016

  • 29 Jul 16: The next FISTS CW Club Europe QRS Fifth Sunday is 31 July, 0001-2359 UTC - a whole day of QRS activity, maximum 14 wpm.

    The main idea is to have lots of QRS QSOs and, if you wish, send in a log too.  Please chat as much as you like during your QSOs, but do include these:
        Name, QTH, & RST.

    *** Don't forget to write QRS in your logbook's 'Comment' (or similar) field if you are sending in a log.
  • 23 Jul 16: Please join us in FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 24 July 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.

    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with members of FISTS Europe.
  • 08 Jul 16: The FISTS BrassPounder July 2016 newsletter has just been published.

    BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.

    This edition includes details of the FISTS June 2016 Ladder and Mechanical Key Days 2016 activities.  It also covers the new FISTS DXCC League web page and new FISTS Americas Cumulatives activity.

  • 08 Jul 16: Please join us in FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 10 July 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.

    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with members of FISTS Europe.
  • 06 Jul 16: The FISTS CW Club Americas Summer Unlimited Sprint takes place on Saturday 09 July 0000-0400 UTC (note: this is Friday evening in the US) on 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m & 10m.

    Call "CQ FS".  The exchange includes:
    RST, U.S. state or Canadian province or DXCC country, first name, FISTS member number.
    Non-members send their power output in Watts instead of a member number.

    Members worldwide are invited to participate.

    For N1MM contest logger users, a User Defined Contest (UDC) file is available.  Go to the N1MM website, choose "FILES" then "User Defined Contests (UDC)" and look for the file G3ZQSmem.zip (can be used for Sprints despite the name).  A FISTS Call History File is also available.
  • 02 Jul 16: There is a new FISTS CW Club Americas Yahoo Group - FISTS members and non-members are invited to join.  Please mention your callsign when signing up.

    Yahoo Groups provide access by email alone or by the web interface, and in addition to messaging, features include polls and libraries of links, photos, and files.
  • 01 Jul 16: The new FISTS CW Club Americas KeyNote newsletter Issue 2, 2016 is ready to download for all current FISTS members.

    As well as the regular features, this issue includes:
    • FISTS at Dayton, 2016.
    • FISTS Cumulatives.
    • FISTS Awards-The Easy Way.
    • Home-Brew Keys.
    • CW Island Hopping Trip to the Gulf of Texas.
    • The Romance of CW.
    • FISTS Photos.
    • FISTS Spring 2016 Sprint Results.

    Current members of FISTS Down Under, FISTS East Asia & FISTS Europe can use their FISTS Europe website password to get a copy.
  • 01 Jul 16: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following June 2016 activities:
    Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you can't win, it's really helpful to send in logs to encourage others to join in.

    See the Activity Calendar web page for details on sending in FISTS Eu activity logs.
    See the EuCW Snakes & Ladders web page for details of sending in logs for it.
  • 01 Jul 16: We're very pleased to welcome our latest FISTS CW Club members:

    NameCallNo. NameCallNo. NameCallNo.
    DennisVK4OC#14197 RichardW8DUK#17866 StevenW3TAU#17875
    MichaelVK2CCW#14198 Jean-PaulKD9JPC#17867 DarrellAB2E#17876
    KazJN3IWE#15185 HowardW5AOP#17868 KirkK3KWB#17877
    ChrisMW6XFU#17681 ThomasW4TDV#17869 TomK7TLI#17878
    Mike5B4AIK#17682 CharlesNS7I#17870 HowardN3FEL#17879
    IanG4JQT#17683 DonWS4E#17871 GregN8GAS#17880
    SimonM0TRJ#17684 AndresN9HHT#17872 GaryN0XMS#17881
    GaryG4ZAD#17685 DonalK3CUU#17873    
    NathalieKK4FLA#17865 SteveN3FWE#17874    
  • 01 Jul 16: Please join us in congratulating the recent FISTS CW Club Awards winners:

    RienPA7RA#9819 Diamond Century Award
    RonDL5CL#17425 Millionaire 4 Million Endorsement

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 01 Jul 16: The FISTS CW Club Americas Summer Slow Speed Sprint (max. 13 wpm) takes place on Saturday 02 July 0000-0400 UTC on 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m & 10m.

    Call "CQ FS".  The exchange includes:
    RST, U.S. state or Canadian province or DXCC country, first name, FISTS member number.
    Non-members send their power output in Watts instead of a member number.

    Members worldwide are invited to participate.

    For N1MM contest logger users, a User Defined Contest (UDC) file is available.  Go to the N1MM website, choose "FILES" then "User Defined Contests (UDC)" and look for the file G3ZQSmem.zip (can be used for Sprints despite the name).  A FISTS Call History File is also available.

June 2016

  • 30 Jun 16: The "summer/autumn" EuCW Snakes & Ladders run starts on Friday July 1st and ends on December 31st.

    If you've not participated previously, now is a great time to start.  QSOs must take at least five minutes, stations must be European stations and the mode must be CW.  Each station may be contacted once per day, irrespective of the band.

    For more details, please see the comprehensive rules.
  • 26 Jun 16: Please join us in FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 26 June 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.

    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with members of FISTS Europe.
  • 16 Jun 16: The latest version (3.2.10) of the free FISTS Log Converter program for Windows is now available.

    This version incorporates the new EuCW Snakes & Ladders rules for frequencies in the 30m and 80m bands for June 2016 onwards.

    FISTS Log Converter can be used in conjunction with almost all amateur radio logbook programs -or- for anyone not currently using one, it includes its own optional, easy-to-use logbook.

    The program is available from the download web page.  Many thanks to the test team: Alex PA1FOX, Peter G4LHI, and Richard G0ILN.
  • 12 Jun 16: Please join us in congratulating the recent FISTS CW Club Awards winners:

    RichardG0ILN#398 Millionaire 4 Million Endorsement
    JohnK1ESE#10466 Silver Century, Gold Century, Millionaire, Millionaire 2 to 8 Million Endorsements, Worked All States, Spectrum 40m, Spectrum 20m, Prefix, Prefix 50, 100 & 150 Endorsements
    CharlieN0CVW#16026 Basic Century, Spectrum 20m
    EmilI5EFO#17028 Basic Century
    RichW4RQ#17310 Basic Century, Prefix, Prefix 50 & 100 Endorsements

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 11 Jun 16: The FISTS BrassPounder June 2016 newsletter has just been published.

    BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.

    This edition includes details of the FISTS May 2016 Ladder and Fifth Sunday activities.

  • 11 Jun 16: Please join us in FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 12 June 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.

    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with members of FISTS Europe.
  • 11 Jun 16: If you haven't already, please submit your log for the FISTS CW Club Eu Mechanical Key Days 2016 activity no later than 30 June.

    Results will be published in the July 2016 edition of Brasspounder.
  • 07 Jun 16: We're very pleased to welcome our latest FISTS CW Club members:

    NameCallNo. NameCallNo. NameCallNo.
    TonyVK1VIC#14192 GeorgeAA4GT#17813 JeffreyN8NOE#17840
    RoyVK6RR#14193 DavidAK4IC#17814 JimKI4I#17841
    NigelVK2FNT#14194 EricN3DWS#17815 JohnNJ0U#17842
    DavidZL4LDY#14195 JeffKC6LTO#17816 ElliotAC6AC#17843
    BrianVK4BOW#14196 ThomasN5GP#17817 JohnK8YYZ#17844
    HalJE1REU#15182 MarkW9MNM#17818 JimKF9XK#17845
    KenJH0ILL#15183 MarkAG5AW#17819 DaleKC0SHX#17846
    YadoJP6TDI#15184 BruceWB2ADF#17820 StephenNZ4Z#17847
    BobG6TDR#17669 BillKK4QDZ#17821 CurtW0ALC#17848
    GiovanniIK0TWN#17670 AndrewND8D#17822 ThomasK4TIO#17849
    ColinM0JXS#17671 YoshiakiND1Y#17823 StephenK8BGR#17850
    Trev2E0JSJ#17672 TimAB0S#17824 JimKE4GVO#17851
    Owen2E0NWE#17673 RogerW0AJE#17825 MichaelWB0SND#17852
    SteveG0HCR#17674 DougKY4DAD#17826 KurtNI8K#17853
    DavidM0HJR#17675 ToddK3TAJ#17827 NicholasN4TAE#17854
    WalterAC4IM#17676 JamesKC3CSH#17828 TomKO5USA#17855
    RogerM0DOH#17677 JoeKC3CSI#17829 JohnKD2HEK#17856
    JackOZ4F#17678 LuisKB8PYT#17830 PaulKG5NKW#17857
    AndyM0VVA#17679 PaulVA3PDC#17831 RobertND2O#17858
    OnzoWW5OBA#17805 DavidK4MCG#17832 MarcusN5ZY#17859
    MarilynAF7BI#17806 CharlesWB9QQZ#17833 JamesW4UCA#17860
    WayneKC1AUM#17807 DavidN3DRL#17834 AlexanderW5YB#17861
    ScottK0LAR#17808 RandyW8FN#17835 FredNE2E#17862
    WillW0ZRJ#17809 ThomasK9VER#17836 Richard #17863
    AlKA1SOL#17810 BarclayWT4BT#17837 JerryKK6PA#17864
    JeffK9VEG#17811 CraigW5CCP#17838    
    ToddN7TWL#17812 DaleKC0QNS#17839    
  • 05 Jun 16: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following May 2016 activities:
    Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you can't win, it's really helpful to send in logs to encourage others to join in.

    See the Activity Calendar web page for details on sending in FISTS Eu activity logs.
    See the EuCW Snakes & Ladders web page for details of sending in logs for it.
  • 05 Jun 16: FISTS CW Club Europe's new Mechanical Key Days 2016 on-air activity starts at 00:01 Monday 6th June and runs until 23:59 Friday 10th June UTC.

    Please dust off your bug key, sideswiper or straight key and join us.  QSOs don't have to be with stations also using mechanical keys, but if (hopefully) you are going to send in a log, you must use a mechanical key.

    Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, RST, QTH, & member number (if applicable).

    *** Don't forget to write MKD for each qualifying QSO in your logbook's 'Comment' (or similar) field.

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is not essential but very much appreciated.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with members of FISTS Europe.

May 2016

  • 27 May 16: The next FISTS CW Club Europe QRS Fifth Sunday is 29 May, 0001-2359 UTC - a whole day of QRS activity, maximum 14 wpm.

    The main idea is to have lots of QRS QSOs and, if you wish, send in a log too.  Please chat as much as you like during your QSOs, but do include these:
        Name, QTH, & RST.

    *** Don't forget to write QRS in your logbook's 'Comment' (or similar) field if you are sending in a log.
  • 20 May 16: Please join us in FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 22 May 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.

    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with members of FISTS Europe.
  • 14 May 16: The RSGB 4m (70 MHz) CW Contest 2016 is Sunday 15 May 0900-1200 UTC.

    The exchange is: RST, Serial Number (starting at 001) and a 6 character (e.g. IO92JL) locator and UK stations send the first 2 letters of their Postcode.

    This is one of three RSGB VHF CW contests (6m, 4m, & 2m).  These are more relaxed than HF contests and typically 'real' RSTs are exchanged, so have fun and listen carefully!
  • 13 May 16: The FISTS CW Club Americas Spring Unlimited Sprint takes place on Saturday 14 May 1700-2100 UTC on 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m & 10m.

    Call "CQ FS".  The exchange includes:
    RST, U.S. state or Canadian province or DXCC country, first name, FISTS member number.
    Non-members send their power output in Watts instead of a member number.

    Members worldwide are invited to participate.

    For N1MM contest logger users, a User Defined Contest (UDC) file is available.  Go to the N1MM website, choose "FILES" then "User Defined Contests (UDC)" and look for the file G3ZQSmem.zip (can be used for Sprints despite the name).  A FISTS Call History File is also available.
  • 10 May 16: Please join us in congratulating the recent FISTS CW Club Awards winners:

    JohnGM0EPO#209 Spectrum 40m
    MikeG0POT#9875 Millionaire
    GeneW5GXV#11347 Millionaire 22 & 23 Million Endorsements
    PeteG0PNM#16592 Prefix 50 Endorsement

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 10 May 16: We're very pleased to welcome our latest FISTS CW Club members:

    NameCallNo. NameCallNo. NameCallNo.
    SteveAI6KX#15178 NeilGM7NYB#17665 JimKB5RK#17786
    PeterVR2VPH#15179 NickG0HFL#17666 CharlieNJ7V#17787
    ShunJJ1DJX#15180 DarrenM6GQQ#17667 BruceK8UDH#17788
    YoHS6ZBQ#15181 JohnG4DRS#17668 SteveKL7SRC#17789
    GraemeG0WCZ#17648 RonaldW8RJL#17770 PhilipWE7A#17790
    AndrewG8INV#17649 WilliamKM4NGV#17771 LloydKC5FM#17791
    JelleON6PJ#17651 WayneW4HG#17772 BrentKJ6PEH#17792
    SteveG4YGA#17652 FrankW1VER#17773 DavidK5FIG#17793
    ZebHB9FXW#17653 JamesKB9ON#17774 PaulKD9DAE#17794
    IanG4EVK#17654 DavidKN1SIX#17775 MichaelAE7XP#17795
    Joanne2E1BCF#17655 PhilKB5EBB#17776 FrankK5PHB#17796
    LeeG0DBE#17656 DonaldKG5DW#17777 GlennKO5TER#17797
    SteveM0PAV#17657 RobertAC9KJ#17778 StanleyWA6VJY#17798
    MarkM6KNM#17658 StevenN1TYH#17779 AlvaroHK5NLJ#17799
    CharlesG4JQX#17659 AndrewNB8F#17780 ConcettaWH6DZB#17800
    Chippenham and District Amateur Radio ClubG3VRE#17660 StuartKG5MCG#17781 RichardAH6NM#17801
    GarethG0MFR#17661 RobertKF4ILV#17782 GeneW4KLA#17802
    LawrieGM0TLM#17662 DavidKD2IIK#17783 MerleNM5MW#17803
    FilipON3FV#17663 AlfredWA2VJL#17784 TerryWB6TA#17804
    GrahamM3IME#17664 BrianAJ4RI#17785    
  • 08 May 16: The FISTS BrassPounder May 2016 newsletter has just been published.

    BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.

    This edition includes details of the FISTS April 2016 Ladder.

  • 08 May 16: Please join us in FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 08 May 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.

    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with members of FISTS Europe.
  • 06 May 16: The FISTS CW Club Americas Spring Slow Speed Sprint (max. 13 wpm) takes place on Saturday 07 May 1700-2100 UTC on 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m & 10m.

    Call "CQ FS".  The exchange includes:
    RST, U.S. state or Canadian province or DXCC country, first name, FISTS member number.
    Non-members send their power output in Watts instead of a member number.

    Members worldwide are invited to participate.

    For N1MM contest logger users, a User Defined Contest (UDC) file is available.  Go to the N1MM website, choose "FILES" then "User Defined Contests (UDC)" and look for the file G3ZQSmem.zip (can be used for Sprints despite the name).  A FISTS Call History File is also available.
  • 02 May 16: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following April 2016 activities:
    Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you can't win, it's really helpful to send in logs to encourage others to join in.

    See the Activity Calendar web page for details on sending in FISTS Eu activity logs.
    See the EuCW/AGCW QRS Week and EuCW Snakes & Ladders web pages for details of sending in logs for them.

April 2016

  • 29 Apr 16: The new FISTS CW Club Americas April 2016 KeyNote newsletter is ready to download for all current FISTS members.

    Included in this issue:
    • The Story of a Special Key.
    • Learning CW.
    • W8CYG's Stealth Antenna.
    • Wanting to Be a Radio Ham.
    • History of KN0WCW-FISTS USA Club Call.
    • A Dashing Man of Vision.
    ... and much more.

    Current members of FISTS Down Under, FISTS East Asia & FISTS Europe can use their FISTS Europe website password to get a copy.
  • 22 Apr 16: The EuCW/AGCW QRS Activity Week 2016 takes place this coming week Monday 25 April 00:00 - Friday 29 April 23:59 UTC.  The maximum speed is 14 wpm and any band can be used.  QSOs must be at least 5 minutes long.  For more information and a list of recommended frequencies, please see the EuCW web page.

    FISTS CW Club is a member of EuCW, so please support this activity.

    The free FISTS Log Converter program for Windows makes it easy to create and send in logs for the QRS Activity Week.
  • 22 Apr 16: Please join us in FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 24 April 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.

    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with members of FISTS Europe.
  • 17 Apr 16: The St. Richard's Catholic College ARISS contact in Bexhill will take place on Monday, April 18, 2016 at 14:56:06 GMT (3:56:06 pm BST) with Tim Peake GB1SS.  HERC (Hastings Electronics and Radio Club) has been invited to witness the contact and participate in the interactive STEM space conference.  HERC operators will be on air with G6HH from St. Richard's grounds using a full G5RV.  FISTS members will be present on the station which has been kindly organised by FIST Phil G3MGQ.  A mixture of voice and CW is expected on the day.  FISTS members are invited to contact G6HH at St. Richard's Catholic College in Bexhill and share a fantastic day together.

    Please note that G6HH will be QRT around the time of the contact, and return to air when the ARISS UK team give the go ahead to ensure that ISS contact operations run smoothly.
  • 16 Apr 16: The March 2016 Key Note is now available to all current FISTS CW Club members.

    Please visit the Members' Area to get your copy:

    If you have forgotten your password or don't have one, please send an email to

    Items in this issue include:
    • How I learned Morse ... and whatwas good for me!
    • Book review: The Long Silence Falls, Volume 2.
    • Training Keys.
    • Arthur J. Gould, G3JKY, SK.
    • George M. Allan GM4HYF, SK.
    • Pordenone Radio Rally 2015.
    • 2016 On-air Activity Rules.
    ... and more besides!
  • 07 Apr 16: Please join us in FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 10 April 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.

    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with members of FISTS Europe.
  • 07 Apr 16: The FISTS BrassPounder April 2016 newsletter has just been published.

    BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.

    This edition includes details of the FISTS March 2016 Ladder and Exchange Your Age Week 2016.

  • 06 Apr 16: The April 2016 FISTS CW Club Down Under newsletter is available.

    FISTS Down Under is the Australian & New Zealand Chapter of the FISTS CW Club.

  • 05 Apr 16: Please join us in congratulating the recent FISTS CW Club Awards winners:

    JohnGM0EPO#209 Silver Century
    PeterG4LHI#2219 2 X QRP
    MichaelW3QT#13724 Rag Chewers
    GeoffG0DDX#15552 Basic Century
    PeteG0PNM#16592 Prefix
    David2E0EML#16683 Rag Chewers, Rag Chewers 2m Endorsement
    ChrisF6EAZ#16987 Silver Century

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 05 Apr 16: FISTS will be attending the NARSA Rally at the Norbreck Exhibition Centre, Blackpool, UK on Sunday 10th April.  We're on stand 10, which is in the main hall in the corner to the left of the snack bar.

    This is a lively event with a wide range of club and trade stands - well worth a visit.  The entrance fee is £5.  The doors open at 10:30 BST and maps etc. are available on the NARSA website.

    NARSA is providing RSGB Morse Competency tests at the rally.
  • 01 Apr 16: We're very pleased to welcome our latest FISTS CW Club members:

    NameCallNo. NameCallNo. NameCallNo.
    EdwardBV4WN#15174 KurtON4CGW#17647 VernonWB8UTS#17757
    TomBV2JD#15175 Ayr Amateur Radio Group (AARG)GS0AYR#17650 JerryKI6RRD#17758
    MasaJR0VSF#15176 DuaneK4WAB#17744 ChristopherKL2KL#17759
    DharitriVU3RON#15177 JimN4YOK#17745 MikeAA1PR#17760
    HelmutOE4HDS#17636 MichaelWH6YH#17746 ErnieKC4SIT#17761
    BigLouisGSWL37#17637 WilliamWG9O#17747 SteveK2HG#17762
    KevinM0KCO#17638 JosephW3JVC#17748 LouannW5LDX#17763
    IngvarSM7DUZ#17639 BobK6IWA#17749 DavidWB0MQA#17764
    PeteGSWL38#17640 ThomasKI7AFS#17750 ClaudeK8MPW#17765
    RobMM6ZFT#17641 DonaldN0DH#17751 PeterKC1CUH#17766
    PaulM0GSX#17642 LarryNJ3Z#17752 RobertW1RCP#17767
    JeffGSWL39#17643 DavidN3CI#17753 JosephKF6FVD#17768
    PeterG4LDD#17644 JohnK7KPX#17754 Susan-#17769
    JohnG4ISS#17645 RogerKG7BCK#17755    
    Lewis2M0LUG#17646 PeterKC9SS#17756    
  • 01 Apr 16: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following March 2016 activities:
    Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you can't win, it's really helpful to send in logs to encourage others to join in.

    See the Activity Calendar web page for details on sending in FISTS Eu activity logs.
    See the EuCW Snakes & Ladders web page for details of sending in logs for it.

March 2016

  • Small photograph of a Single Lever Portable Torsion Bar Key with 'Station' Base from KX3 Helper.
    28 Mar 16: The new Single Lever Portable Torsion Bar Key with 'Station' Base portable paddle from KX3 Helper looks great and functions like no other.

    It's an all new key that you'll be proud to own and use on your next portable outing or at home in the shack.  Built to function equally as well as a sideswiper (cootie) key, it gives you options that only a single lever key can offer.

    The base is milled out of a solid block of aluminum and there is an optional stainless steel base for home use.  The control lever "carrier" is brass and the finger pieces are made of rare woods with a signature Mother-Of-Pearl dot on each side.
  • 25 Mar 16: Please join us in FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 27 March 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.  (UK members note the clock change overnight - the BST times are 1500-1700 and 1900-2100.)

    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with members of FISTS Europe.
  • 24 Mar 16: Did you know that the quarterly newsletter "Hot Iron" from Tim Walford G3PCJ of Walford Electronics has been available free via email since September 2015?

    If you would like to be added to the distribution list, please send Tim an email addressed to .

    "Hot Iron" contains articles on circuits for amateur radio receivers, transmitters, test gear, antennae, construction methods, new kit developments, and feedback on builders' experiences.
  • 23 Mar 16: The new Mini Keying Adapter from Hamgadgets (USA) allows keyers such as the Ultra PicoKeyer to key transmitters such as those based on the Pixie design that require switching of a relatively high current of around several hundred milliamps.

    The Mini Keying Adapter is available either as a kit or assembled.

  • 20 Mar 16: The new Isle CW Transmitter Kit from Walford Electronics (Tim G3PCJ) is available in single-band and 3-band versions.  It provides 1.5 Watts from a 12 Volt supply.

    The single band Isle includes a 3.58 MHz ceramic resonator for 80m which can be pulled over several tens of KHz down from the nominal figure using the on board trimmer.  It can use a crystal or ceramic resonator for frequency control.  The band can be any one of those in the 20 - 80m group.

    For the three band Isle (as opposed to three frequencies all in the same band), you need to add the Twin LPF kit as well as the extra crystals.  The control of the crystals and the filter relays are both done by the same contacts of the rig's centre off band switch.  The TX RF output path to the extra filters is switched by the extra relays of the Twin LP kit that are connected either side of the original filter on the TX PCB.  This also allows the same set of filters and aerial changeover relay to be used when the Linear is also installed.
  • 19 Mar 16: SOTAbeams (Richard G3CWI) is offering pre-order of a new range of ready-made LASERBEAM digital audio filter modules.

    These are the perfect addition to your project or even to your existing radio.  Unlike analogue filters, digital filters provide near-perfect characteristics.  Because of the way that they are implemented, they are better than analogue filters in almost every way!

    LASERBEAM Modules have been designed for ease of use.  Each module has two filters onboard. There are three combinations to choose from:
    1. The General Purpose module has a narrow CW filter (550 - 850 Hz) and an SSB filter (300 - 2700 Hz).
    2. The CW module has two narrow filters (550 - 850 Hz) and (300 - 1300 Hz).
    3. The SSB module has a standard SSB filter (300 - 2700 Hz) and a narrow SSB filter (300 - 2400 Hz).
    There is also a hardware integration kit available, which is currently on offer at half price.
  • 16 Mar 16: HamGadgets (USA) is now stocking the 20m, 30m, 40m, and 80m versions of the QRPme Rockmite ][ crystal-controlled QRPP CW transceiver kits and enclosures.  For more information, see the HamGadgets Rockmite page.

    (Note: in Europe, the Rockmite ][ is available from Kanga Products in the UK.)
  • 15 Mar 16: Dan M0TGN is working with Dennis G6YBC (Kanga Products) to provide his Arduino-based Morse tutor as a kit.  If you would like to register an interest in this and receive updates on the project, you can fill in the Morse Tutor - Enquiry form.

    For more details on the Morse tutor, please see Dan's November 2015 Blog entry.
  • 14 Mar 16: The Palm Radio PaddleBase is a heavy base stand for Palm Radio Mini and Micro paddles and is available now in limited quantity.

    This solid base is about 15 mm high and the diameter is about 92 mm.  It is handcrafted from steel and weighs approximately 800 grams.  The surface is powder-coated and an anti-slip mat is attached to the bottom.

    There are two threaded holes, fitting the Quick Mount for Mini Paddle and Palm Single so they can be screwed on with the supplied screws.  Mounting with the magnets of our Quick Mounts is also perfectly possible; the keys hold very well on the PaddleBase.
  • 14 Mar 16: The LNR Mountain Topper Tri-Bander QRP CW transceiver, developed by by Steve Weber, KD1JV Designs, and manufactured by LNR Precision, Inc., is now available in kit form from Kanga Products (UK).

    It is a very small, very efficient three band QRP CW rig.  This is a kit with a difference; the only part you have to do is put it into its case, fit the antenna socket and a couple of other sockets for key and headphones.  The PCB is fully populated and has been tested by LNR in the USA before shipping.
  • 14 Mar 16: QRPGuys is offering a range of CW-related kits at modest prices.

    These are: Mini Paddle (single lever), Mini Keyer/Paddle (single lever), Iambic Mini Paddle, Mini Keyer V1, Mini Keyer V2, and Code Practice Oscillator.

    Upcoming are versions of the single and dual paddle keys with bases included.

    QRPGuys also supplies kits for an EFHW (end fed half wave) Mini Tuner, Digital Dial / Frequency Counter, Digital RF Probe, and 12W, 50 ohm, Dummy Load/Power Meter.
  • 14 Mar 16: If you took part in FISTS CW Club Europe's Exchange Your Age Week, please do send in a log.

    The closing date for logs is 31 March 2016.
  • 11 Mar 16: Please join us in FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 13 March 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with members of FISTS Europe.
  • 06 Mar 16: The FISTS BrassPounder March 2016 newsletter has just been published.

    BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.

    This edition includes details of the FISTS February 2016 Ladder.

  • 04 Mar 16: This year marks the return of FISTS CW Club Europe's Exchange Your Age Week.  It starts on Sunday 06 March 00:01 UTC and runs continuously until Saturday 12 March 23:59 UTC.

    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, member number (if applicable), & age in years (if available).
    Age is sent as a whole number of years, e.g. 54

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with members of FISTS Europe.
  • 03 Mar 16: Please join us in congratulating the recent FISTS CW Club Awards winners:

    RichardG0ILN#398 2 X QRP
    PeterG4LHI#2219 1 X QRP, Rag Chewers 2m Endorsement, Millionaire 9 Million Endorsement
    ClayKE5HL#8002 Millionaire 5 Million Endorsement
    PeteWA6OEF#15666 Millionaire 10 Million Endorsement
    RonDL5CL#17425 Silver Century, Gold Century, Prefix and 50, 100, & 150 Endorsements, Millionaire and 2 & 3 Million Endorsements

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 01 Mar 16: We're very pleased to welcome our latest FISTS CW Club members:

    NameCallNo. NameCallNo. NameCallNo.
    TakuJM7UBI#15170 HowardNU7A#17719 JohnKH3AE#17732
    AkiJE6NSS#15171 DavidAE4ZR#17720 RichardK4MZE#17733
    TakaJE3QXC#15172 GeorgeWB2GTC#17721 CarlK7CWA#17734
    ShigeJH1DUU#15173 PaulN3APD#17722 Sunlife ArcW7ASL#17735
    KlausDL1BJA#17628 DavidKM4GBW#17723 ErikK6CZH#17736
    ColinG3PGK#17629 RichardNI7F#17724 ScottN8SY#17737
    DonG1EGI#17630 DanielW7PAZ#17725 JoeWB4HMA#17738
    ChrisG7NPL#17631 GaryAF8A#17726 JohnW7JKC#17739
    AdrianoIZ3SVI#17632 DaveKD9VT#17727 NicholasAA7QK#17740
    ArtDC7DX#17633 MarkKE0HJB#17728 RichardN1NIJ#17741
    RickG4PGD#17634 PaulAF7HL#17729 MichaelAJ4VF#17742
    Paul2E0FNW#17635 BrianKJ6RAT#17730 JohnN6RCD#17743
    RobKD0WNX#17718 JamesKA5FVG#17731    
  • 01 Mar 16: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following February 2016 activities:
    Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you can't win, it's really helpful to send in logs to encourage others to join in.

    See the Activity Calendar web page for details on sending in FISTS Eu activity logs.
    See the EuCW Snakes & Ladders web page for details of sending in logs for it.

February 2016

  • 25 Feb 16: Please join us in FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 28 February 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with members of FISTS Europe.
  • 18 Feb 16: The latest version (3.2.5) of the free FISTS Log Converter program for Windows is now available.

    This version fixes an issue with EuCW Snakes & Ladders and includes some improvements.

    FISTS Log Converter can be used in conjunction with almost all amateur radio logbook programs -or- for anyone not currently using one, it includes its own optional, easy-to-use logbook.

    The program is available from the download web page.  Many thanks to the test team: Alex PA1FOX, Peter G4LHI, and Richard G0ILN.
  • 15 Feb 16: The FISTS BrassPounder February 2016 newsletter has just been published.

    BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.

    This edition includes details of the FISTS January 2016 Ladder and QRS Fifth Sunday.

  • 12 Feb 16: Please join us in FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 14 February 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with members of FISTS Europe.
  • 12 Feb 16: The FISTS CW Club Americas Winter Unlimited Speed Sprint takes place on Saturday 13 February 1700-2100 UTC on 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m & 10m.

    The exchange includes:
    RST, U.S. state or Canadian province or DXCC country, first name, FISTS member number.
    Non-members send their power output in Watts instead of a member number.

    Members worldwide are invited to participate.

    For N1MM contest logger users, a User Defined Contest (UDC) file is available.  Go to the N1MM website, choose "FILES" then "User Defined Contests (UDC)" and look for the file G3ZQSmem.zip (can be used for Sprints despite the name).  A FISTS Call History File is also available.
  • 10 Feb 16: The latest version (3.2.5) of the free FISTS Log Converter program for Windows is now available.

    This version includes all FISTS Europe 2016 Activities.

    For anyone using the internal logbook feature, you can now enter FISTS Europe and EuCW activities directly from the logbook page using the new "Enter..." button at the bottom right.  You can also use the new "Awards" button on the same page to assess your awards.

    FISTS Log Converter can be used in conjunction with almost all amateur radio logbook programs -or- for anyone not currently using one, it includes its own optional, easy-to-use logbook.

    The program is available from the download web page.  Many thanks to the test team: Alex PA1FOX, Peter G4LHI, Robert DM4RW, and Richard G0ILN.
  • 06 Feb 16: The February 2016 FISTS CW Club Down Under newsletter is available.

    FISTS Down Under is the Australian & New Zealand Chapter of the FISTS CW Club.

  • 06 Feb 16: The FISTS CW Club Americas Winter Slow Speed Sprint (max. 13 wpm) takes place today on Saturday 06 February 1700-2100 UTC on 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m & 10m.

    The exchange includes: RST, U.S. state or Canadian province or DXCC country, first name, FISTS member number.  Non-members send their power output in Watts instead of a member number.

    Members worldwide are invited to participate.

    For N1MM contest logger users, a User Defined Contest (UDC) file is available.  Go to the N1MM website, choose "FILES" then "User Defined Contests (UDC)" and look for the file G3ZQSmem.zip (can be used for Sprints despite the name).  A FISTS Call History File is also available.
  • 06 Feb 16: Please join us in congratulating the recent FISTS CW Club Awards winners:

    RoyG4PRL#8997 Diamond Century, 1 X QRP, Millionaire 2 Million Endorsement
    GaryAB0BM#13663 Millionaire 7 Million Endorsement
    KoenPA0KVA#14867 Basic Century
    ChrisG3XVL#16207 Millionaire 2 Million Endorsement
    PeteG0PNM#16592 Millionaire 3 Million Endorsement
    FerEA4BL#17046 Basic Century
    RonDL5CL#17425 Basic Century, Millionaire

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 06 Feb 16: We're very pleased to welcome our latest FISTS CW Club members:

    NameCallNo. NameCallNo. NameCallNo.
    TakeJR2IUB#15167 JariOH6TX#17609 LawrenceKW4OH#17700
    KatsuAG6XJ#15168 SteveG3PND#17610 TonyW6VFW#17701
    YukiJO4BIA#15169 JeanON7HG#17611 JockN1JI#17702
    MichaelKE0FFT#17585 PaulM1AFQ#17612 BillN7IBG#17703
    RalphN9OAT#17586 IanEA7JUK#17613 PaulKA9VAU#17704
    ArchieW4FCE#17587 GrahamGM0IMH#17614 RonN4KPJ#17705
    MikeW4OCO#17588 MikeG4IZZ#17615 RockyAF5AF#17706
    HowardK9GHL#17589 BrianMW3BMF#17616 JeffreyKM4QDB#17707
    MarkusK5WTX#17590 RonG0MZK#17617 MarkN5UZZ#17708
    BillWA8FZZ#17591 AndrewG3WZZ#17618 CraigW4CAN#17709
    DavidAE9Q#17592 ChrisM0XRS#17619 TimWD8TD#17710
    RichardKE8CHG#17593 Danish Contest AcademyOZ5E#17620 JohnWA2KSM#17711
    EugeneKF5RZG#17594 FeriHA7HF#17621 RichardAB6XG#17712
    JohnKC9TUI#17595 NigelG4BSW#17622 DavidN6XJP#17713
    GeraldW9MET#17596 GordonGM4OAS#17623 HughKA3TTW#17714
    ScottWZ0W#17597 GeoGI4SJQ#17624 BarryK3SUI#17715
    RobertK4RDH#17598 Martin2E0SUR#17625 TimothyW7TGG#17716
    JamesK5TSK#17599 SteveG0WCS#17626 RonaldK0PGE#17717
  • 03 Feb 16: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following January 2016 activities:
    Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you can't win, it's really helpful to send in logs to encourage others to join in.

    See the Activity Calendar web page for details on sending in FISTS Eu activity logs.
    See the EuCW Snakes & Ladders web page for details of sending in logs for it.

January 2016

  • 29 Jan 16: The first ever FISTS Europe QRS Fifth Sunday (31 January, 0001-2359 UTC) is a whole day of QRS activity, maximum 14 wpm.

    The main idea is to have lots of QRS QSOs and, if you wish, send in a log too.  Please chat as much as you like during your QSOs, but do include these:
        Name, QTH, & RST.

    *** Don't forget to write QRS in your logbook's 'Comment' (or similar) field if you are sending in a log.
  • 22 Jan 16: Please join us in FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 24 January 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with members of FISTS Europe.
  • 08 Jan 16: The FISTS Brasspounder January 2016 newsletter has just been published.

    Brasspounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.

    This edition includes the final 2015 Ladder and Staight Key Week results.

  • 03 Jan 16: Please join us in congratulating the recent FISTS CW Club Awards winners:

    JohnGM0EPO#209 Millionaire
    RandyW2RAN#2080 Spectrum 40m, Spectrum 20m Endorsement, Millionaire 2-7 (inclusive) Million Endorsements
    AndySP9NLI#3741 Basic Century, Silver Century, Millionaire
    BertF6HKA#14577 Nightmare Alphanumeric, Worked All States 20m Endorsement
    PeteWA6OEF#15666 Millionaire 9 Million Endorsement
    ChrisG3XVL#16207 Rag Chewers
    ChrisF6EAZ#16987 Millionaire
    RomeoIK2DJV#17600 Basic Century,Silver Century, Millionaire

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 01 Jan 16: We're very pleased to welcome our latest FISTS CW Club members:

    NameCallNo. NameCallNo. NameCallNo.
    YasuJH2HTQ#15166 WoodyK1LB#17572 CarlosWB6MCW#17584
    GregoryM6ORT#17499 GaryN8QC#17573 RomeoIK2DJV#17600
    DavidKL7QW#17562 CoryVE3ZCV#17574 MarcelloIK0DMQ#17601
    BarryK9NRW#17563 RossK0RTS#17575 DickG0IFN#17602
    AlexanderKC9KWS#17564 ThomasKD0WRR#17576 BryanM1CMR#17603
    MartinN7HSI#17565 FrankW1FRA#17577 ClayHB9FIR#17604
    EdwardKM4FXK#17566 TomAK4NY#17578 RichardM6FWH#17605
    RogerVE3RDE#17567 MichaelKD2JZS#17579 GiuIZ3EAW#17606
    ScottKA9P#17568 EdwardWD8JVV#17580 Dave2E0ODB#17607
    JohnAA7US#17569 WilliamWG9WG#17581 JerryHF1D#17608
    MichaelW6MVM#17570 MichaelKF4RIF#17582    
    DavidKO4KL#17571 RollinsKE2F#17583    
  • 01 Jan 16: Happy New Year!  If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following December 2015 activities:
    Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you can't win, it's really helpful to send in logs to encourage others to join in.

    See the Activity Calendar web page for details on sending in FISTS Eu activity logs.
    See the EuCW Snakes & Ladders web page for details of sending in logs for it.

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