Please click on one of the following links to go to a category:
FISTS around the World
FISTS Affiliated Clubs (Europe) New linksca!!!
Component Suppliers
CW Kit Suppliers
Learning and Improving Morse Code
Morse History
Morse Keys and Paddles Collections
Morse Key, Paddles, Keyer & Related Device Suppliers
Museums (Real)
Museums (Virtual)
QSL Card Suppliers
Software for CW
If you know of any Morse code-related websites that you feel European members (in particular) will be interested in, please send details to in an email.
FISTS around the World
- FISTS Down Under Chapter (Australia & New Zealand).
- FISTS East Asia Chapter.
- FISTS Americas Chapter.
- Rob M0BPT's website contains an index with links to the older Brasspounder newsletters.
- fistscw Group (reflector).
- FISTS on Facebook contains news updates from FISTS.
- FISTS on Bluesky contains news updates from FISTS.
- Video of FISTS founders George G3ZQS and Bill G2AKK talking about FISTS and Samuel Morse in rare video footage filmed, edited and uploaded by Jim G4YLB.
FISTS Affiliated Clubs (Europe)
Clubs with one or more members of both the club and FISTS can be affiliated with FISTS.For information, visit the club's website or the FISTS Affiliated Clubs web page.
*** If your FISTS-Affiliated club is not listed or the details are out-of-date, please contact us with details.
- 30m CW Activity Group (30CW).
- 807 ARO
- Andover Radio Amateur Club (ARAC)
- Antrim and District Amateur Radio Society (ADARS)
- Appledore and District Amateur Radio Club (ADARC)
- Ashton in Makerfield Amateur Radio Club
- Ayr Amateur Radio Group (AARG)
- Bishop Auckland Radio Amateur's Club (BARAC)
- Blackwood & District Amateur Radio Society
- Bolton Wireless Club
- Chippenham and District Amateur Radio Club (CADARC)
- New!!! Cray Valley Radio Society (CVRS)
- Essex CW Amateur Radio Club (ECWARC).
- Felixstowe & District Amateur Radio Society (FDARS).
- Finningley Amateur Radio Society (FARS).
- Flight Refuelling Amateur Radio Society (FRARS).
- Fort Purbrook Amateur Radio Club (FPARC).
- Holsworthy Amateur Radio Club (HARC)
- Hastings Electronics and Radio Club (HERC)
- Huntingdonshire Amateur Radio Society (HARS)
- Leicester Radio Society (LRS)
- Lincoln Short Wave Club
- Livingston and District Amateur Radio Society (LADARS)
- Newton-le-Willows Amateur Radio Club (NLWARC)
- Norfolk Amateur Radio Club (NARC)
- Norfolk Tank Museum Radio Club
- Pontefract and District Amateur Radio Society (PDARS)
- Radio Amateur Old Timers' Association (RAOTA)
- Radio Security Service Memorial Amateur Radio Society
- Riviera Amateur Radio Club (RARC)
- New!!! Surrey Electronic Maker and Radio Club (SEMARC)
- Southdown Amateur Radio Society (SARS)
- Spalding & District Amateur Radio Society (SDARS)
- Telford &District Amateur Radio Society (TDARS)
- Warrington Amateur Radio Club (WARC)
- Widnes and Runcorn Amateur Radio Club
- Worksop Amateur Radio Society
- AGCW-DL e.V. is Germany's largest club of CW friends.
- CWops' goal is to bring together Amateur Radio operators who enjoy communicating by Morse Code (CW).
- Deutscher Telegrafie Club (DTC) is dedicated to and very much engaged in all areas related to telegraphy in the Amateur Radio Service.
- European CW Association (EuCW) is an association of European CW clubs. Using the Association as a platform, member clubs may exchange ideas and information, arrange various activities involving mutual participation, and generally co-operate for the benefit of amateur radio CW operation.
- First Class CW Operators' Club (FOC), founded in 1938, promotes good CW (morse code) operating, activity, friendship and socialising.
- GQRP Club promotes low power amateur radio and publishes the Sprat magazine.
International CW Council (ICWC) is comprised of representatives from CW clubs world-wide, promotes and aids in the retention and growth of International Morse Code as a mode of communication between amateur radio operators.
Note: ICWC provides a comprehensive CW Events Calendar. - Long Island CW Club (LICW) is an international organisation specialising in learning Morse code.
- Maritime Radio Historical Society (MRHS) is a small group of dedicated individuals who share the goals of documenting, preserving and restoring the artifacts of maritime radio history.
- MEGS Morse Enthusiasts Group Scotland was formed in January 1991 to encourage Morse Code working, at all levels of ability.
- Morse Telegraph Club is an international non-profit organization dedicated to the perpetuation of the knowledge and traditions of telegraphy.
- Northern Amateur Radio Societies Association (NARSA) organises the Blackpool Amateur Radio, Computer and Electronics Exhibition that takes place at the Norbreck Castle Hotel every year.
- PA3BWK Ultimate Morse Code Web Site hosts the web pages for the HSC, VHSC, SHSC and EHSC clubs and provides many other Morse resources.
- QRP Amateur Radio Club International (QRP ARCI) is for QRP enthusiasts worldwide and publishes the QRP Quarterly magazine.
- RAIBC is the charity working for radio amateurs with disabilities.
- Radio Amateur Old Timers' Association (RAOTA) seeks to keep alive the pioneer spirit and traditions of the past in today's Amateur Radio by means of personal and radio contact, whilst being mindful of any special needs.
- Radio Officers Association (ROASS) is a society for ex. Merchant Navy Radio Officers. The website contains historical information of interest to everyone.
- UK QRP Group specialises in non-contest low power radio communication via CW (Morse code), phone, and the attended operation of data terminal equipment.
- Vintage and Military Amateur Radio Society (VMARS) exists to help and support Radio Amateurs and Shortwave Listeners who wish to restore and operate vintage military or commercial radio equipment on the amateur bands.
Component Suppliers
- AMTOOLS UK supplies crystals and torroids amongst other items.
- Bitsbox (UK) supplies a wide variety of components with low delivery charges.
- Bowood Electronics (UK) supplier of components with low delivery costs.
- CPC (UK) has a good range but expensive.
- ESR Electronics Components (UK) supplies components.
- GQRP Club Sales (UK) has common QRP components such as crystals and torroids available for members at very low prices and delivery.
- JAB Electronic Components (UK) supplies a wide range of components.
- Mainline Electronics (UK) supplies high voltage variable capacitors (the old Jackson range), reduction drives and other items.
- PICAXE Store (UK) supplies PICAXE microprocessors and related kits and accessories, including commonly used components.
- Rapid (UK) has a wide range of components.
- Spectrum Communications (UK) supplies various components, including replacements for Toko coils.
- Switch Electronics (UK) has a wide range of components and other items, including Hammond enclosures.
- W. H. Westlake Electronics (UK) specialises in supplying cables and connectors.
- 6V6 Vintage Components (UK) component and kit supplier, including several hard-to-get variable capacitors for receiver or QRP work and a range of valves (tubes).
- Circuit Simulator Applet simulates circuits online. It comes with a large number of common circuits and you can add your own. It uses a Java Applet, so for most people no software installation is necessary - just visit the web page.
- NUEkey touch sensor keyer paddle design by Milt W8NUE.
- The GQRP Sprat Pixie file contains circuits and details of various FOXX/Pixie QRPP simple CW transceivers.
CW Kit Suppliers
- Elecraft (USA) supplies the famous K-series transceivers and accessories kits.
- Four State QRP Group kits index (USA) supplies CW-related kits.
- (USA) supplies the popular PicoKeyer and other kits.
- (Czech Republic) supplies various touch key and keyer kits.
- HF SIGNALS (India) The Home of BITX transceivers.
- Idiom Press (USA) supplies kit and assembled keyers.
- Jackson Harbor Press (USA) supplier of morse-accessory kits.
- roWaves provide a number of Juma range products including LF CW transmitters.
- K1EL Systems (USA) provides the popular WinKeyer, WKUSB and other CW-related kits.
- Kanga Products (UK) supplies kits including the Foxx-3 CW transceiver, OXO and Junk Box Special CW transmitters, Sudden receivers and other items.
- New England QRP Club (NEQRP) (USA) supplies the well-respected NEScaf audio filter kit.
- Pacific Antenna (USA) supplies various QRP-related Kits.
- QRPGuys (USA) supplies supplies a range of CW-related kits including a Mini Paddle (single lever), Mini Keyer/Paddle (single lever), Iambic Mini Paddle, Mini Keyer V1, Mini Keyer V2, and Code Practice Oscillator.
- QRPme run by Rex Harper, W1REX, supplies QRP CW and other kits including the famous Tuna Tin kits.
- QRP Labs (UK / FISTS member Hans, G0UPL) supplies many QRP kits, including for QRP CW .
- SOTABEAMS supplies kits for CW audio DSP filters as well as built units.
- Walford Electronics (UK) supplier of kits for Radio Amateurs.
Learning and Improving Morse Code
For a more detailed discussion of learning and improving Morse Code, please see the Resources web page.There are also some downloadable books in the Publications section.
- CW Forever (Wayback Machine) is a free Morse code training program from Geo W9RFX.
- CW Freak.NET is a free program that allows you to practice Morse using callsigns. You can compare your scores to others around the world in monthly, annual, and permanent rankings.
- ebook2cw is a free program that enables you to convert electronic books and other text into MP3 files containing Morse code at speeds of your choice.
- Koch CW Trainer is a free Windows program that enables you to practice Morse using the Koch method, text files, words and callsigns.
- LCWO Learn CW Online is a website that allows you to practice Morse using the Koch method, code groups, plain text, callsigns, words, QTC and generate practice MP3 files. Note: Requires Flash.
- LIDS, run by FISTS member Michael G0POT and who can be found using @lids_cw (X) are committed to helping people try CW and to build their confidence.
- Morse Code Player, is web-based and can play RSGB news items at chosen speeds and with selectable noise. It can also play practice items such as letter groups and callsigns and is provided by Graham G4JBD.
- QRQ is a QRQ (fast CW) trainer for Linux, Unix, OS X, & Windows from the world's leading QRQ expert, Fabian Kurz DJ5CW.
- QRQcw is a web site specialising learning and using QRQ (fast) CW.
- RufzXP is a free program that allows you to practice Morse using callsigns and random characters. You can compare your scores to others around the world.
- S.M.R.C.C. Morse Practice provides MP3 Morse files with text, QSOs and letter groups at 12, 18 and 25 w.p.m. S.M.R.C.C (South Manchester Radio and Computing Club) also runs a 80m Morse practise net on Tuesday evenings.
- Teach8 is the current version of the ZL1AN's free and popular Teach4 Morse code training program for Windows, now maintained by Andrew ZL1AF.
- The Morse Crusade is Ian G4XFC's website, promoting the teaching of Morse using fast character sending, as employed in training methods such as the Koch method and Farnsworth spacing.
- The Old Man and the Sea web page created by Petr OK2CQR contains MP3 files of The Old Man and the Sea at 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 words per minute.
Morse History
- Coastal Station Recordings has a fascinating set of Morse recordings from coastal stations and shipping.
- For a Night Each Year, the Airwaves Buzz With Morse Code is a very good New York Times article about the annual commemoration of the closure of coastal stations, focusing on KPH (Northern California).
- KPH: The Wireless Giant" is a short YouTube video about KPH (coastal station on the USA West coast), including its closure and re-opening.
- Morse Code on 78 rpm Records describes various 78 rpm recordings of Morse, including images of the labels and audio samples from the recordings. The page is provided by Norman G4LQF, FISTS #15928.
- Morse Recordings at Internet Archive includes a set of historic recordings provided by David N1EA.
- Portishead Radio - GKA is a website containing a huge amount of information and photographs of Portishead Radio.
- Portishead Radio (GKA) documentary is a short video that includes a ringing endorsement of CW, despite its declining use at the time.
- Samuel Morse's Reversal of Fortune is a Smithsonian article documenting Samuel Morse's failure as a painter then subsequent success in telegraphy.
- Vintage Radio & Electronics website has fascinating collections of information and photographs on vintage radio sets and other electronics.
Morse Keys and Paddles Collections
- Dennis K6DF (FISTS Awards Manager) provides photographs and descriptions of his key collection.
- Mark M6BRN provides photographs and descriptions of his collection of telegraph items and crystal radios.
- Morse Garage is Fred, HB9JCP's website and includes a history and images of Vibroplex keys.
- MORSEMAD is John G0RDO's website and contains lots of information, history, pictures of bug keys, straight keys, morse items etc. plus links to other CW related sites.
- Navy Transmitting Key Photos and Info contains lots of photos of US Navy straight keys, bugs and memorabilia.
- Ron G3YUH makes, collects, and refurbishes Morse keys.
- W1TP Telegraph Museum contains a vast collection of key photographs, including some very early and obscure ones.
Morse Key, Paddles, Keyer & Related Device Suppliers
Also see the section CW Kit Suppliers for keyer kits.- 3rd Planet Solar / KC9ON supplies straight keys, keyer, code practice oscillator, mouse-to-computer interface and key-to-computer interface.
- 9A5N supplies a 'Solid State CW paddle', an electronic implementation of a mechanical paddle key.
- American Morse Equipment (USA) manufactures and supplies keys.
- BaMaTech (Germany) supplies Straight Keys, paddles, and accessories.
- Begali (Italy) manufactures and supplies keys.
- (USA) manufactures and supplies the Whiterook series of mini keys and paddles, keyers and other items.
- Idiom Press (USA) supplies kit and assembled keyers.
- Johnny G3LIV (UK) supplies the "CableTidy" for Vibroplex keyers, antennas and computer interface products.
- Kent Morse Keys (Germany) manufacturer and supplier of keys.
- March Magnetic Paddles (USA) keys are made by John K4QU.
- Martin Lynch & Sons Ltd (UK) supplies keys.
- N3ZN Keys (USA) supplies a variety of single and dual paddles.
- Stampfl Morse Keys (Switzerland) supplies various straight keys.
- Steve Roberts W1SFR (USA) sells torsion bar keys.
- UR5CDX Keys and Paddles (Ukraine) supplies a straight key, and various single and dual paddles.
- Vibroplex (USA) supplies a range of semi-automatic (bug) keys, straight keys and paddles.
- VIZ KEY (USA) supplies a range of paddles and semi-automatic (bug) keys.
- Waters & Stanton PLC (UK) supplies various keys and keyers.
Museums (Real)
- National Radio Centre (Bletchley Park, UK) is a showcase for radio communications technology-a technology powering the 21st century economy. The centre provides the opportunity to get "up close and personal" with the history and technology of radio communications. The NRC is run by the Radio Society of Great Britain.
- Radiomuseum has details of 184,000 radio models and 817,000 pictures including tubes(valves) / semiconductors, old time loop antennas, crystal receivers, speakers, radio amateur gear, tape recorders, record players, microphones and boatanchors.
- Porthcurno Museum of Global Communications (UK) houses collections related to the story of international telegraph communications and the significance of the role of Porthcurno in that story.
- The Museum of Technology (Throckenholt near Spalding, UK) specialises in the evolution of electrical, electronic and warfare technology between the period 1850 and 1980, inculding a collection of telegraphy items.
Museums (Virtual)
- Heathkit Virtual Museum has details of Heathkit and their kits, including many photographs.
- Marconi Archives at the Bodleian Library, University of Oxford has an extensive collection of Marconi-related documents, photos and film clips available.
- Amateur Dipole Antenna Calculator can be used to calculate dipole lengths in feet/inches and meters.
- Azimuthal Map (NS6T) alows you to configure and print Great Circle (Azimuthal) maps. This is very handy for aligning antennas - countries may not be in the direction you think they are.
- CW Club RBN (Reverse Beacon) Spotter from Fabian DJ5CW displays frequencies and callsigns of FISTS members and/or other clubs who are currently on the air or have been recently.
- Find QTH locator or map square alows you to click on a map to find out your QTH Locator (Maidenhead Locator) with up to 10 characters accuracy. You can also type in a QTH Locator to display where it is on the map. Note: if printing your Locator on QSL cards, be sure to double-check your location on the map.
- Hamcall is an online callbook, allowing you to look up details of an amateur radio station using the callsign.
- Iambic keyer mode A and B is a document describing the differences between Iambic Mode A keying and Iambic Mode B keying. It's written by Chuck Olson WB9KZY.
- International Morse Code (PDF) is the official ITU document giving the Morse code for letters, numbers, punctuation and procedural signals.
- Maidenhead Grid Square Locator Map (K2DSL) alows you find out a QTH Locator (Maidenhead Locator) by typing in a town, post code or ZIP code and viewing a map. Note: if printing your Locator on QSL cards, be sure to double-check your location on the map.
- Ofcom Online Licensing Portal allows UK radio amateurs to validate their licence (required at least every 5 years), amend it, or apply for a new one.
- QRZ.COM is an online callbook, allowing you to look up details of an amateur radio station using the callsign.
- Time Zone Buddy is a very useful website for determing current or future dates & times in different time zones (e.g. for skeds).
FISTS Key Note
is a quarterly magazine delivered to
FISTS members
by download or postal mail.
The members' archive
page includes nearly all editions back to 1987.
The RAIBC provides spoken versions of Key Note for 2008 onwards as MP3 files. These are available from the RAIBC website or from the Key Note archive links above. - K9YA Telegraph is a free monthly online magazine, specialising in personal stories and Morse history.
- Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Stations in Essex: The Centenary of Brentwood and Ongar Radio Stations is a book telling the story of these two Marconi Company radio stations from their establishment in 1921 until new technology and other factors saw their demise.
- The Art & Skill of Radio Telegraphy is a free, downloadable book that contains much information on learning Morse to a very high standard and is essential reading for anyone with an interest in Morse code.
- Zen and the Art of Radiotelegraphy is a free downloadable book that teaches Morse with a focus on the psychology.
QSL Card Suppliers
- CLASSIC Publishing Co QSL Cards (UK).
- FISTS QSL Cards are available direct from us (FISTS CW Club).
- LZ1JZ QSL Card Print (Bulgaria) is run by Tony LZ1JZ and provides high quality printing at good prices.
- is hosted by FISTS CW Club and contains released and proposed ADIF (Amateur Radio Data Interchange Format) specifications.
- Elsie is a program for filter design. The student version is free.
- Goathiker (Steve WGOAT) has filmed many fascinating videos of his CW and other expeditions into the mountains along with his two "pack goats". These are very entertaining and even non-radio amateur family members will enjoy the goats' antics.
- Lego Morse Code Paddles has a video by Hugo M0HSW showing his Lego paddles in action.
- Lego SideSwiper has a video by Rob G4LMW FISTS #14000 showing his Lego sideswiper key in action.
- Morse code ringtone generator is free and allows you to generate Morse ring tone (midi) files that you can download to your mobile (cell) phone.
- Portable in Herefordshire (SOTA setup) (YouTube video) shows FISTS member Sandy G0VQW out in the field demonstrating SOTA to fellow FISTS members Tony G3ZRJ and Rich G4FAD.
- QRP transmitter powered by a straight key shows details, photographs and a video of Jari OH6DC's straight key powered transmitter.
- has a comprehensive set of links for Morse-related topics.
- Samuel Morse Regular Font allows you to view and print Morse code versions of documents.
- SMS Morsecode has a video by Tony HB9BLU showing him using Morse code to send a text (SMS) message on his mobile (cell) phone. Be sure to read the Morse in the closing credits.
- Strange Morse Keys by Jari OH6DC has many weird and wonderful Morse keys, all fully working. The website includes a video for each key, and Jari's Morse code sending skills are very apparent. Listen out for the amusing comments sent by Morse in each video.
- Telegraph Clacks out RSS Feeds shows details and lots of photographs of constructing a brass telegraph sounder, based on historical plans.
- UK Amateur Radio Call Signs has comprehensive historical details of UK amateur radio callsign series and when they were originally issued.
- Virtual Bug Key provides a simulation of a bug key so that you can press the paddles and see how it works. Note: requires Flash on your computer.
Software for CW
- Fldigi is a free, multi-platform digital decoding package that includes a CW decoder.
[1] The price quoted may have changed since the link was last updated; check the supplier's website for the latest information.
Acknowledgements: Special thanks to Michael G0POT for providing updates to this page.
Thank you also to Tony G3ZRJ, Paul G4BNU, John M0CDL, Dave G4AJY, Rob G4LMW, Ian G4MLW, Tom ON4TOM, Ian G6TGO, John G0RDO, Jack WA6KYO, Martyn GW6ITJ, Rob M0BPT, Petr OK2CQR, Gordon G3ZFZ, David N1EA, Dave G4UGM, Malcolm G4YMB, Norman G4LQF, Dennis M0MMX, Frank 2E0YAR, Paul G0UFV, Mauro HB9FBG, and John, G4YTJ for suggesting websites.
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