> News 2018
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News 2018
December 2018
31 Dec 18: The latest version, 3.6.0, of the free
FISTS Log Converter
program for Windows is now available.
This version adds support for these on-air 2019 Activities:- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe).
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW).
- QRS Week (EuCW).
FISTS Log Converter can be used in conjunction with almost all amateur radio logbook programs -or- for anyone not currently using one, it includes its own optional, easy-to-use logbook.
The program is available from the download web page. Many thanks to the testers: Alex PA1FOX, Michael G0POT, Peter G4LHI, and Richard G0ILN. -
29 Dec 18: Please send in your logs for the following December 2018 activities:
- Straight Key Week (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 31 December.
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 January.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW; note S&L 2018 finishes on 31 December) no later than 7 January.
Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs to encourage others to join in.
22 Dec 18: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe on-air activities:
Sunday 23 December 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members. -
has three, 1-hour sessions per day starting at 0800, 1300, & 1800 UTC on each day.
Upcoming days in December are Thursday 27th, Friday 28th.
The idea is absolutely NOT a contest but a means of enabling us to meet each other on air. Operation is on 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, & 10m. Calling 'CQ FISTS' on or around the FISTS centre of activity frequencies is recommended.
Sunday 23 December 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
20 Dec 18: The
Autumn 2018 Key Note
is now available to all current FISTS CW Club members.
Please visit the Members' Area to get your copy:
Items in this issue include:
- Ship's Radio Room Clocks - A Little History
- Morse Code Sending Bars
- Review: Hamshop.cz CW Touch Paddle
- Keys that are out of this World
- New "FISTS Collection" Disc from Club Sales
- QRP operation from Malta 9H3FC/G4UDG
- "Hunting for the Unicorn" G3VBS
... and more besides!
13 Dec 18: Please join us in congratulating the recent
FISTS CW Club Awards
Name Callsign Member Awards Dennis K6DF #3076 Prefix Preston WA6OEF #15666 Millionaire 12 Million Endorsement Vanni I5ECW #16505 Diamond Century, Millionaire 2 Million Endorsement, Millionaire 3 Million Endorsement, Millionaire 4 Million Endorsement, Millionaire 5 Million Endorsement, Millionaire 6 Million Endorsement, Spectrum 40m, Spectrum 20m Endorsement, Prefix, Prefix 50 Endorsement Joe IK2WAD #18599 Basic Century Danny ON4VT #18890 Basic Century, Millionaire, Prefix, Prefix 50 Endorsement, Prefix 100 Endorsement, Prefix 150 Endorsement
For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page. -
12 Dec 18: We're very pleased to welcome our latest
FISTS CW Club members:
Name Call No. Name Call No. Name Call No. Toto YD9DRB #15277 Edward W4EMM #18938 Stephen KC1KCV #18968 Ken N7KO #18836 Scottie AB8TI #18939 George WB2BNB #18969 Saki DD5XX #18874 Norman KN4GSL #18940 Tim KF7WJY #18970 Eriks YL3AKE #18881 Eli N2ELI #18941 Stephen WB0UWE #18971 Sandro IW2EAB #18882 Bob KI5CDC #18942 Bill W5HWZ #18972 Mui M0MUI #18883 Karl Heinz K5KHK #18943 David W0DCX #18973 Les G4JDS #18884 Jim KA3LXM #18944 Carl W1AGE #18974 Jean Claude F6EJU #18885 Ken AA5CF #18945 Tom N0TLW #18975 Ivan 9H1PI #18886 Bryan KO4YB #18946 Michael AB7RU #18976 Paul M0PLA #18887 Bill N3EDO #18947 Steve K9ZW #18977 Peter GM0EUL #18888 Michael KD2IYI #18948 Ira KB2DJJ #18978 Ed M0TZX #18889 Bill KK4LYQ #18949 Mike VE3WDM #18979 Danny ON4VT #18890 Justin KN4PRB #18950 Richard N4BC #18980 Steve G6SGA #18892 Robert K6ZLU #18951 Brian AA9KG #18981 Geoff G0UVX #18893 David KA9KOJ #18952 Beverlin KH7LM #18982 Vlado IU0HMB #18894 Bill N2NDF #18953 Gordon N8GMM #18983 Chris G0WUS #18895 Wayne W5EGT #18954 Bill W2IIT #18984 Tom GM3ZLC #18896 Roger N3GE #18955 Jerry WA5RAF #18985 Adam G0ORY #18897 Walter KC3CEY #18956 Robert KN4IXU #18986 John 2E0GUA #18898 Al N1SMB #18957 Pierre VA4PM #18987 Rod G3RTB #18899 Alfred N3BXZ #18958 Jim K2PHD #18988 Mac G3ZHZ #18900 Brent KF7IIG #18959 Bill W4OM #18989 Ted W1HGY #18930 David NN4E #18960 Steve KB3JC #18990 Enzo VE3VTG #18931 Marvin W8MLL #18961 Jerry N5EKO #18991 Todd N7TMS #18932 James WZ9Q #18962 Thomas KE8HUM #18992 David ND4K #18933 Kevin KW0KW #18963 Rudi DF1ZA #19000 Ron K3SEW #18934 Phil N4KEZ #18964 Sean G0OOQ #19001 Charles KN4QEH #18935 Dennis K6DS #18965 Tony G0JYI #19002 Tony KV6DC #18936 Michael W4MDV #18966 Cliff GI4CZW #19003 Wes K4WDB #18937 Cleon WA7RCT #18967 Paul G0DJF #19004 -
09 Dec 18: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe on-air activities:
Sunday 09 December 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members. -
has three, 1-hour sessions per day starting at 0800, 1300, & 1800 UTC on each day.
Upcoming days in December are Tuesday 11th, Wednesday 19th, Thursday 27th, Friday 28th.
The idea is absolutely NOT a contest but a means of enabling us to meet each other on air. Operation is on 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, & 10m. Calling 'CQ FISTS' on or around the FISTS centre of activity frequencies is recommended.
Sunday 09 December 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
03 Dec 18: Please send in your logs for the following November 2018 activities:
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 December.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 December.
Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs to encourage others to join in.
November 2018
01 Dec 18: Straight Key Week (FISTS CW Club Europe),
starts on Sunday 02 December and finishes on Saturday 08 December UTC.
DON'T FORGET to add SKW to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field and that the operating times are 1 hour periods starting at the following UTC times: 0000, 0300, 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800, & 2100.
Entrants must use straight keys or sideswipers (no bug keys, keyers, keyboards etc.)
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, RST, QTH, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is not essential but very much appreciated. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with members of FISTS Europe. -
24 Nov 18: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe on-air activities:
Sunday 25 November 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members. -
has three, 1-hour sessions per day starting at 0800, 1300, & 1800 UTC on each day.
Upcoming day in November is Tuesday 27th.
Upcoming days in December are Monday 3rd, Tuesday 11th, Wednesday 19th, Thursday 27th, Friday 28th.
The idea is absolutely NOT a contest but a means of enabling us to meet each other on air. Operation is on 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, & 10m. Calling 'CQ FISTS' on or around the FISTS centre of activity frequencies is recommended.
Sunday 25 November 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
14 Nov 18: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder November 2018 newsletter
has just been published by David G4YVM, Activities Manager.
BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.
This edition includes details of the upcoming FISTS Winter Sports and the October 2018 Ladder results.
09 Nov 18: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe on-air activities:
Sunday 11 November 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members. -
has three, 1-hour sessions per day starting at 0800, 1300, & 1800 UTC on each day.
Upcoming days in November are Friday 16th, Monday 19th, Tuesday 27th.
Upcoming days in December are Monday 3rd, Tuesday 11th, Wednesday 19th, Thursday 27th, Friday 28th.
The idea is absolutely NOT a contest but a means of enabling us to meet each other on air. Operation is on 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, & 10m. Calling 'CQ FISTS' on or around the FISTS centre of activity frequencies is recommended.
Sunday 11 November 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
04 Nov 18: Please join us in congratulating the recent
FISTS CW Club Awards
Name Callsign Member Awards Dennis K6DF #3076 Millionaire 6 Million Endorsement, Millionaire 7 Million Endorsement, Millionaire 8 Million Endorsement, Millionaire 9 Million Endorsement, Millionaire 10 Million Endorsement, Millionaire 11 Million Endorsement, Millionaire 12 Million Endorsement, Millionaire 13 Million Endorsement, Spectrum 20m Gary AB0BM #13663 Diamond Century, Millionaire 8 Million Endorsement Nils DL3HR #18556 Basic Century
For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page. -
03 Nov 18: We're very pleased to welcome our latest
FISTS CW Club members:
Name Call No. Name Call No. Name Call No. Graeme VK3TUX #15234 Gene AC0ZU #18901 Butch WA0CIE #18916 Rob VK4FRMZ #15235 Patrick WX2PAT #18902 Mike W7ACP #18917 James WD0JB #18839 Chuck K0XM #18903 Christopher KB0CSA #18918 Stephen KC5TTY #18845 Horace KI5WA #18904 David N5DJH #18919 Josh AF0U #18846 Bob AD4PM #18905 Randy W7RAN #18920 Ron K3OLN #18847 Kevin W9YAP #18906 Don AE4DD #18921 Jody KE8GKO #18848 George KA2DDI #18907 Allen KM5VJ #18922 Rc WH6FQE #18849 Giselda KB2RWC #18908 Joseph KX4ND #18923 John K0AE #18850 Clinton KB2RBA #18909 Charles VE3CQH #18924 Steve G3ZPS #18875 John N8KIJ #18910 Matt AA4MB #18925 Guy ON4KLG #18876 Dave AD8WR #18911 Art N9HTL #18926 Ivan G0BON #18877 Joseph WX1E #18912 Glenn WN4T #18927 Mark G0TMT #18878 Bob N5BXN #18913 Steve KO6ZC #18928 Francis EI5GOB #18879 Kathleen W0UM #18914 Gwen NG3P #18929 Mark M0RKA #18880 Randall N4LCV #18915 -
03 Nov 18: Graham G3ZOD writes:
RSGB Marconi CW 2m Contest
is this Weekend, 3 November 1400 UTC - 4 November 1400 UTC.
It is part of a Europe-wide contest and is the third out of three annual RSGB VHF CW contests (6m, 4m and 2m).
Unlike HF contests, QSOs are a bit more relaxed and don't expect to get 599 for each QSO! The exchange is RST, serial number and 6 character locator. Most activity centres around 144.050, with the primary CW band plan segment 144.025 - 144.110 MHz. -
01 Nov 18: Please send in your logs for the following October 2018 activities:
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 November.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 November.
Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs to encourage others to join in.
October 2018
27 Oct 18: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe on-air activities
(***Don't forget that daylight savings time ends in Europe on 27 October!!) :
Sunday 28 October 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members. -
has three, 1-hour sessions per day starting at 0800, 1300, & 1800 UTC on each day.
Upcoming days in October are Wednesday 31st.
Upcoming days in November are Thursday 8th, Friday 16th, Monday 19th, Tuesday 27th.
The idea is absolutely NOT a contest but a means of enabling us to meet each other on air. Operation is on 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, & 10m. Calling 'CQ FISTS' on or around the FISTS centre of activity frequencies is recommended. -
Chirp 'n' Drift Day
runs from Friday 02 November 18:00 to Saturday 03 November 01:00 UTC.
This is a short event for all those radios that are a tad embarrassing or quirky for everyday use ...
they drift, they chirp, they do what they feel like ... yet they are fun or iconic.
Parasets, T1154s, anything you fancy!
No points, scores, or logs - just come on and enjoy the nostalgia.
RST, Name, QTH, transmitter/receiver type, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
Any band.
Sunday 28 October 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
14 Oct 18: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder October 2018 newsletter
has just been published by David G4YVM, Activities Manager.
BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.
This edition includes details of Word Search 2018 and September 2018 Ladder results.
13 Oct 18: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe on-air activities:
Sunday 14 October 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members. -
has three, 1-hour sessions per day starting at 0800, 1300, & 1800 UTC on each day.
Upcoming days are Wednesday October 17th, Thursday 25th, Friday 26th & Wednesday 31st.
The idea is absolutely NOT a contest but a means of enabling us to meet each other on air. Operation is on 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, & 10m. Calling 'CQ FISTS' on or around the FISTS centre of activity frequencies is recommended.
Sunday 14 October 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
05 Oct 18: We're very pleased to welcome our latest
FISTS CW Club members:
Name Call No. Name Call No. Name Call No. John VK5PF #15230 Gaylon AD4WL #18820 Gregg WX4K #18843 David VK3GDM #15231 Will KD9KZ #18821 Asa W5FB #18844 Nils VK3FLYS #15232 David AA5HL #18822 Chris 2E1HTE #18852 Simon VK2FK #15233 Milton AC1BS #18823 Dan G0DBI #18853 KENJI YD3KNJ #15269 Jason K7III #18824 Jan PA0SIM #18854 Ryu JR7UXB #15270 Carla VE5YAK #18825 Rick G3OPH #18855 Aki JJ0SFV #15271 Daniel W7RF #18826 David M0RIU #18856 Kou 7N1ICA #15272 David K5DEL #18827 Mike PA7MDJ #18857 Aki JK1OZS #15273 Don K9DRP #18828 Paul LA6IN #18858 Nobu JM7GTK #15274 Gerald WA5AFD #18829 Rob 2W0BJR #18859 Abo JL1SJY #15275 Jonathan N8YRE #18830 Mike DL4MGM #18860 Ken JA8CQU #15276 David N8MME #18831 Bob M0CSV #18861 Richard Ian N2RIC #18770 Brent WB3KYJ #18832 Geoff G3YTX #18862 Larry K4WLO #18810 Rich N2NOW #18833 John M0LFX #18863 Ted AF4OV #18811 Southern Cross WX0UFO #18834 Graham G3MFJ #18864 Tom NB5Q #18812 Mike KD5RJZ #18835 Clive GW4MBS #18865 Richard N5RWF #18813 Ken W7AHX #18836 Fer M0HXC #18866 Robert W7INF #18814 Jerry KB2QIU #18837 Brian G4HIV #18867 William K7PK #18815 Michael W6JN #18838 Fred G4HNQ #18868 Brad N1BTC #18816 James KC0YJD #18839 Sean G0UVM #18869 Robert AA5OY #18817 Paul W4GOT #18840 Paulo M6NGZ #18870 Dave KM6MYF #18818 Michael AC2MV #18841 Steve M0HQL #18871 Alex K6MAA #18819 John K0IP #18842 Martin M0XMP #18872 -
02 Oct 18: Please join us in congratulating the recent
FISTS CW Club Awards
Name Callsign Member Awards Chuck K9IA #12732 Basic Century, Millionaire, Millionaire 2 Million Endorsement, Worked All States, Prefix, Prefix 50 Endorsement John G4LRG #14873 Millionaire 5 Million Endorsement Kepa EA6BB #18080 Millionaire 2 Million Endorsement William MI0WWB #18434 Millionaire Rif 9A9CW #18749 Basic Century
For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page. -
01 Oct 18: Please send in your logs for the following activities:
- Word Search (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 October. (Please send a log even if you didn't complete the words - you will then be able to see your position(/s) in the results tables!)
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 October.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 October.
Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs to encourage others to join in.
September 2018
29 Sep 18: This year's
Essex CW Amateur Radio Club
(ECWARC) Boot Camp is on schedule for Saturday 27th October 2018.
Venue address:
3rd Witham Scout & Guide HQ,
Rear of Spring Lodge Community Centre,
Powers Hall End,
CM8 2HE.
The doors will open at 08:30 for registration. The meetings begin at 09:00; please be sure to arrive in plenty of time to register. The day finishes at approximately 16:30.
Your main decision is to decide which group you want to work with: under 10 wpm, up to 24 wpm, and 25 wpm up. Within each group, the aim is to show you how to progress to the top of that group and eventually move into the next group. Note that at times all groups are combined for a number of talks and group CW activities.
This is quite an intensive day. If you become tired or don't want to do a particular activity, you can opt out. Have a coffee, or sit in on the station we'll have on the air. There will be someone to talk to about setting up and operating. You will be able to use the station yourself, supervised or not as you wish.
If you plan to take the RSGB Morse test, please practice up to a speed of at least 2 wpm faster than the test speed you have nominated. It will also help the examiner if you can have your name, address, and call sign written out on a piece of paper in advance. We have only planned an hour for this activity as the number of delegates indicating interest was low. If the numbers swell on the day, it will have to be first-come-first-served.
Finally, what to bring? All of the following:
- Morse key with 3.5 mm jack and 3.5/6.0 mm adaptor.
- High impedance headphones, same jack requirements.
- Writing pad and pencil/pen.
- Name badge with call sign.
- Registration Fee £10.00 please bring correct amount (cash only).
Plastic cups will be available. If you prefer something more solid, please bring your own mug.
We will provide plenty of drinks, cakes, biscuits, and nibbles. If you require a more substantial lunch, please bring your own. Bear in mind we are only taking a 30-minute lunch break.
This is going to be a very enjoyable and rewarding day. You will be able to put faces to names and call signs and meet new fellow-enthusiasts. But, most importantly, you will have a clear picture of your CW strengths and weaknesses and know how to fix and exploit those to improve your operating speed and technique.
You will also be able to obtain information and answers about things that puzzle and confuse you: should I use a paddle key? What are all those different types for? How do I set up my straight key? What is the correct procedure for contesting versus regular QSOs? Which is the best CW software? And many more.
Looking forward to meeting with you all and to a great day.
73 Dean G4WQI ECWARC Chairman. -
27 Sep 18: New
FISTS Collection
disc with Morse courses and Key Notes from FISTS CW Club Europe!
We now have a replacement for the Morse training CDs we have offered for a number of years, the new FISTS Collection disc. This disc (DVD) contains:- Beginners' training course by K7QO (MP3 format) with its read-back texts.
- G0NZA improvers' course (MP3 format).
- Complete archive collection of our magazine Key Note up to February 2018.
- Software, training videos and much more too.
The disc comes with a 40 page A5 booklet giving advice for the newcomer to the hobby and the full text of the G0NZA training course.
The prices are £4.50 (GBP) including postage to the UK, or for outside the UK, £5.50 (GBP). The package can be obtained from the club sales web page.
Note: The old single discs are no longer available and all outstanding orders will receive this new package. -
26 Sep 18: Straight Key Week from FISTS CW Club Europe,
has returned for 2018 and starts on Sunday 02 December and finishes on Saturday 08 December UTC.
**If you use FISTS Log Converter program to send in entries, you will need to download the newly-released Version 3.5.3
DON'T FORGET to add SKW to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field and that operating times are 1 hour periods starting at the following UTC times: 0000, 0300, 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800, & 2100.
Entrants must use straight keys or sideswipers (no bug keys, keyers, keyboards etc.)
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, RST, QTH, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is not essential but very much appreciated. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with members of FISTS Europe. -
23 Sep 18: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe on-air activities:
Word Search
runs during the whole of September, 24x7.
It's not too late to join in and even if you haven't completed the phrase,
you can still submit your log and see how well you did in the results table in October.
Have QSOs with other members and use a letter from their callsigns to build up the phrase "ALFRED VAIL SPEEDWELL".
Minimum exchange is member number. Bands are 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 & 2m. Two sections: QRP and Open - you can include QSOs for both in your log. -
Sunday 23 September 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members. -
has three, 1-hour sessions per day starting at 0800, 1300, & 1800 UTC on each day.
The first day for 2018 is Monday 01 October.
The idea is absolutely NOT a contest but a means of enabling us to meet each other on air. Operation is on 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, & 10m. Calling 'CQ FISTS' on or around the FISTS centre of activity frequencies is recommended.
Word Search
runs during the whole of September, 24x7.
It's not too late to join in and even if you haven't completed the phrase,
you can still submit your log and see how well you did in the results table in October.
23 Sep 18: The FISTS CW Club Europe
Day-hopper 2018
sessions start on Monday 1st October 2018 and continue through into November & December.
There are three, 1-hour sessions per day starting at 0800, 1300, & 1800 UTC on each day.
The October sessions are:
* Monday 1st October.
* Tuesday 9th October.
* Wednesday 17th October.
* Thursday 25th October.
* Friday 26th October.
* Wednesday 31st October.
The idea is absolutely NOT a contest but a means of enabling us to meet each other on air. Operation is on 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, & 10m.
Calling 'CQ FISTS' on or around the FISTS centre of activity frequencies is recommended. Members can submit reports of numbers worked, soap-box comments etc. etc. as a "Round-up news" at the end of the sessions (by the end of January 2018, please), and also send any questions, to: . -
15 Sep 18: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder September 2018 newsletter
has just been published by David G4YVM, Activities Manager.
BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.
This edition includes details of the August 2018 Ladder results.
08 Sep 18: We're very pleased to welcome our latest
FISTS CW Club members:
Name Call No. Name Call No. Name Call No. Stuart G4XSH #18730 Richard KB3MBM #18770 Ismael YV6BXN #18790 Jan PA3GSV #18731 Tom KS5X #18771 Travis W0MUD #18791 Trev G1AHW #18732 Nicholas VE2NGO #18772 James KC3LKG #18792 Steve G8XEV #18733 Bert KC2ABB #18773 David W9FOG #18793 Paul M6OFV #18734 Jose WP3PW #18774 Adrian W2ADW #18794 Keith G0RQQ #18735 Paul K4DXX #18775 Robert KM4WYJ #18795 Andy IW0HK #18736 Wayne KE8ISD #18776 Tommy K4RCW #18796 Willy ON7TW #18737 Carlton KF7Y #18777 Jason AJ6EV #18797 Marc M0IMG #18738 Richard W5TFW #18778 Mike AA6MK #18798 Mark G1YWY #18739 Jim W8LGZ #18779 Max KE8DON #18799 John EI5KN #18740 Carl W1WJ #18780 Roy AF5XB #18800 Chris M0XTE #18741 William KC9BNW #18781 Robert NB4F #18802 Leslie G4ZBC #18742 Keith KC5NAV #18782 Mark AC5RN #18803 Darren 2E0EVU #18743 Matthew NB0X #18783 Paul K4JAZ #18804 Jan PA0JED #18744 Timothy WB8HRO #18784 Richard W9REA #18805 Phil G0BVD #18745 David NM5Z #18785 Robert KK4SER #18806 Jim M6URD #18746 John W6IET #18786 James KJ4J #18807 Peter PA4PK #18747 Charles KG4WAE #18787 William KN4GYS #18808 Rufus M0RUF #18748 Jerry AG5AY #18788 Alex WA4WDV #18809 Rif 9A9CW #18749 Scott N1CWV #18789 Kon SQ6GIT #18851 -
08 Sep 18: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe on-air activities:
Word Search
runs during the whole of September, 24x7.
It's not too late to join in and even if you haven't completed the phrase,
you can still submit your log and see how well you did in the results table in October.
Have QSOs with other members and use a letter from their callsigns to build up the phrase "ALFRED VAIL SPEEDWELL".
Minimum exchange is member number. Bands are 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 & 2m. Two sections: QRP and Open - you can include QSOs for both in your log. -
Sunday 09 September 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
Word Search
runs during the whole of September, 24x7.
It's not too late to join in and even if you haven't completed the phrase,
you can still submit your log and see how well you did in the results table in October.
01 Sep 18: Please join us in congratulating the recent
FISTS CW Club Awards
Name Callsign Member Awards Richard G0ILN #398 Rag Chewers Michael KK7H #18765 Basic Century, Millionaire, Millionaire 2 Million Endorsement
For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page. -
01 Sep 18: Please send in your logs for the following August 2018 activities:
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 September.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 September.
Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs to encourage others to join in.
August 2018
18 Aug 18: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder August 2018 newsletter
has just been published by David G4YVM, Activities Manager.
BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.
This edition includes details of the July 2018 Ladder results.
10 Aug 18: We're very pleased to welcome our latest
FISTS CW Club members:
Name Call No. Name Call No. Name Call No. Gary KB0KDX #18682 Maurice KA1S #18699 Bob K4FA #18755 David NG9F #18683 Jeremy M0RNX #18719 Tom KC3TOM #18756 Joseph KI5AAI #18684 Julian G4ETS #18720 Eric KE0FZA #18757 Daniel KE8FHF #18685 Fabian DJ1YFK #18721 Paul K4XRA #18758 Brian WD8DCS #18686 Nick G0AWH #18722 Scott KI5ANQ #18759 Tom K4THL #18687 Brian G4IYC #18723 Charles AA4LS #18760 Jeff KC3HWU #18688 Patrick ON4BCA #18724 Michael AD8BE #18761 Michael W5KSU #18689 Rene PA3GJA #18725 Ronald W1VET #18762 Michael VA7MN #18690 Steve M3FGU #18726 Dettleff KD8EFM #18763 Keith WD9GET #18691 Barry G4GMP #18727 Donald KA0FDY #18764 Bennett NC1WX #18692 Mark G6PMN #18728 Michael KK7H #18765 Rich W9RJK #18693 Pista HA2EBA #18729 Steven W0GSQ #18766 Patrick AC0I #18694 Michael N6MKW #18750 Hayward K5HMG #18767 Michael KD6KA #18695 Ronald NB3W #18751 Mike KI7SDQ #18768 Matthew KD8CWV #18696 Bruce KC9HTC #18752 Richard KA2DOV #18769 Ryan K9RL #18697 Robert KD0OJB #18753 Robert KM4WUU #18698 Thomas W2PIX #18754 -
10 Aug 18: Please join us in congratulating the recent
FISTS CW Club Awards
Name Callsign Member Awards Milan OK1KW #4827 Spectrum 40m, Spectrum 30m Endorsement, Spectrum 20m Endorsement, Spectrum 17m Endorsement, Prefix 50 Endorsement, Prefix 100 Endorsement, Prefix 150 Endorsement Pete G0PNM #16592 Spectrum 20m Endorsement William MI0WWB #18434 Basic Century Edward N7EDK #18504 Basic Century
For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page. -
10 Aug 18: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe on-air activities:
Sunday 12 August 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members. -
Word Search
started on 01 June and runs until Sunday 30 September 23:59 UTC, 24x7.
Have QSOs with other members and use a letter from their callsigns to build up the phrase "ALFRED VAIL SPEEDWELL".
Minimum exchange is member number. Bands are 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 & 2m. Two sections: QRP and Open - you can include QSOs for both in your log.
Sunday 12 August 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
02 Aug 18: Please send in your logs for the following July 2018 activities:
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 August.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 August.
Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs to encourage others to join in.
July 2018
29 Jul 18: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder July 2018 newsletter
has just been published by David G4YVM, Activities Manager.
BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.
This edition includes details of the June 2018 Ladder results.
21 Jul 18: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe on-air activities:
Sunday 22 July 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members. -
Word Search
started on 01 June and runs until Sunday 30 September 23:59 UTC, 24x7.
Have QSOs with other members and use a letter from their callsigns to build up the phrase "ALFRED VAIL SPEEDWELL".
Minimum exchange is member number. Bands are 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 & 2m. Two sections: QRP and Open - you can include QSOs for both in your log.
Sunday 22 July 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
08 Jul 18: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe and EuCW on-air activities:
Sunday 08 July 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members. -
EuCW Snakes & Ladders
new "summer/autumn"run started on 01 July and ends on 31 December UTC.
If you've not participated previously, now is a great time to start. QSOs must take at least five minutes, stations must be European stations and the mode must be CW. Each station may be contacted once per day, irrespective of the band. -
Word Search
started on 01 June and runs until Sunday 30 September 23:59 UTC, 24x7.
Have QSOs with other members and use a letter from their callsigns to build up the phrase "ALFRED VAIL SPEEDWELL".
Minimum exchange is member number. Bands are 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 & 2m. Two sections: QRP and Open - you can include QSOs for both in your log.
Sunday 08 July 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
06 Jul 18: Please send in your logs for the following June 2018 activities:
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 July.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 July.
Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs to encourage others to join in.
June 2018
24 Jun 18: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe on-air activities:
Sunday 24 June 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members. -
Word Search
started on 01 June and runs until Sunday 30 September 23:59 UTC, 24x7.
Have QSOs with other members and use a letter from their callsigns to build up the phrase "ALFRED VAIL SPEEDWELL".
Minimum exchange is member number. Bands are 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 & 2m. Two sections: QRP and Open - you can include QSOs for both in your log.
Sunday 24 June 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
22 Jun 18: UK amateurs: The annual
RSGB 6m CW contest
is Sunday 24th June, 0900-1200 UTC.
The exchange is RST, serial number and 6 character locator, with most European CW activity between 50.080-50.100 MHz. Unlike HF contests, though, don't expect to get 599 for each QSO! This should be interesting with the added likelihood of sporadic E propagation.
QSOs with other FISTS CW Club members count towards FISTS Awards such as the Millionaire. -
21 Jun 18: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder June 2018 newsletter
has just been published by David G4YVM, Activities Manager.
BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.
This edition includes details of the May 2018 Ladder results.
13 Jun 18: Please join us in congratulating the recent
FISTS CW Club Awards
Name Callsign Member Awards Ian G4MLW #130 Millionaire 9 Million Endorsement Colin G0XCF #2296 Silver Century Milan OK1KW #4827 Millionaire 17 Million Endorsement Gary AB0BM #13663 Worked All States Phil M0PBZ #15583 Basic Century Merv G4KLE #16273 Millionaire 4 Million Endorsement Alan MW0BGL #16507 Millionaire, Rag Chewers 80m Endorsement Bernard ON7ZH #18446 Basic Century Dan K0FD #18660 Basic Century, Spectrum 40m
For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page. -
13 Jun 18: We're very pleased to welcome our latest
FISTS CW Club members:
Name Call No. Name Call No. Name Call No. Ian VK5IP #15225 Timothy KA5GEX #18645 Ron AA0W #18668 Adam VK2FNHT #15226 Chris NW6V #18646 Nick KD8QLS #18669 Kiyo JA1SKM #15266 Steven W3SPC #18647 David KA8OHV #18670 Jun JH1EGX #15267 Kerry K7KRY #18648 Michael KG5NUX #18671 Kenneth W4KDK #18626 Albert K5FFO #18649 Brad KD8LWZ #18672 James KG4B #18627 Stephen KL3MM #18650 Mackenzie SWL91 #18673 Michael N2EJI #18628 Jerry WA0H #18651 Kenneth K8KCH #18674 William K1UFO #18629 Gary N3OS #18652 David W4NWL #18675 Eric K5EJB #18630 Carl W8WZ #18653 David WA6DH #18676 John K8DZR #18631 Bob K0FHG #18654 Gail N4YAK #18678 Thomas W5XNA #18632 Bob WA8ZKB #18655 Stan W6SMF #18679 Ed WR2D #18633 Jerry K8VGL #18656 Thomas WD9IGY #18680 Konstantin WT5NA #18634 Norman KA8ITF #18657 William AA2YV #18681 Wayne NC4B #18635 Timothy W8JJ #18658 Roger G4CGU #18710 Jay KI7JS #18636 David KB8ZOC #18659 Rick G1WYA #18711 Jeffrey N4VEJ #18637 Dan K0FD #18660 Ken GM4JMU #18712 Thomas W9TPB #18638 Donald SWL90 #18661 Cees PA1CA #18713 Bill KG7GMR #18639 Jim AJ3DI #18662 Iain G4YBN #18714 David VE2DEE #18640 Gary NU0W #18663 Mark G0MGX #18715 Michael N5MAJ #18641 Susan KN4MDC #18664 Analogue Bob G0CHK #18716 Richard WA5ED #18642 Dick W9XW #18665 Dale G4DKR #18717 Oliver WB3KLI #18643 Ed N3OB #18666 Jan PA2JS #18718 Richard NS3C #18644 Mardy VE3QEE #18667 -
09 Jun 18: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe on-air activities:
Sunday 10 June 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members. -
Word Search
started on 01 June and runs until Sunday 30 September 23:59 UTC, 24x7.
Have QSOs with other members and use a letter from their callsigns to build up the phrase "ALFRED VAIL SPEEDWELL".
Minimum exchange is member number. Bands are 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 & 2m. Two sections: QRP and Open - you can include QSOs for both in your log.
Sunday 10 June 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
07 Jun 18: Please send in your logs for the following May 2018 activities:
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 14 June.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 June.
Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs to encourage others to join in.
01 Jun 18: Today is the start of the
Word Search
activity from FISTS Europe.
It runs from 00:01 to Sunday 30 September 23:59 UTC, 24x7.
Have QSOs with other members and use a letter from their callsigns to build up the phrase "ALFRED VAIL SPEEDWELL".
This is a 'first past the post' activity, so the sooner you start having QSOs for it, the higher you are likely to appear in the final results table.
Minimum exchange is member number. Bands are 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 & 2m. Two sections: QRP and Open - you can include QSOs for either or both in your log. For more information, please see the Word Search rules.
May 2018
27 May 18: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe on-air activities:
Sunday 27 May 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members. -
Word Search
Friday 01 June 00:01 to Sunday 30 September 23:59 UTC, 24x7.
Have QSOs with other members and use a letter from their callsigns to build up the phrase "ALFRED VAIL SPEEDWELL".
Minimum exchange is member number. Bands are 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 & 2m. Two sections: QRP and Open - you can include QSOs for both in your log.
Sunday 27 May 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
21 May 18: The latest version, 3.5.1, of the free
FISTS Log Converter
program for Windows is now available.
This version adds support for the new Word Search activity (FISTS CW Club Europe).
FISTS Log Converter can be used in conjunction with almost all amateur radio logbook programs -or- for anyone not currently using one, it includes its own optional, easy-to-use logbook.
The program is available from the download web page. Many thanks to the testers: Alex PA1FOX, Michael G0POT, Peter G4LHI, and Richard G0ILN. -
19 May 18: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder May 2018 newsletter
has just been published by David G4YVM, Activities Manager.
BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.
This edition includes details of the April 2018 Ladder results.
11 May 18: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe on-air activities:
Sunday 13 May 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
Sunday 13 May 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
11 May 18: The
RSGB 4m (70 MHz) CW Contest 2018
is Sunday 13 May 0900-1200 UTC.
The exchange is: RST, Serial Number (starting at 001) and a 6 character (e.g. IO92JL) locator and UK stations send the first 2 letters of their Postcode.
This is one of three RSGB VHF CW contests (6m, 4m, & 2m). These are more relaxed than HF contests and typically 'real' RSTs are exchanged, so have fun and listen carefully! If you have QSOs with FISTS CW Club members, these count towards the FISTS Awards. -
03 May 18: Please join us in congratulating the recent
FISTS CW Club Awards
Name Callsign Member Awards Richard G0ILN #398 Prefix 50 Endorsement Peter G4LHI #2219 Spectrum 80m Endorsement Fritz DL4FDM #2225 Gold Century, Millionaire 2 Million Endorsement, Millionaire 3 Million Endorsement, Spectrum 40m, Prefix 50 Endorsement, Prefix 100 Endorsement, Prefix 150 Endorsement John G4LRG #14873 Gold Century Jean F6JOE #16177 Gold Century, Millionaire 5 Million Endorsement Mike DF2OK #16604 Basic Century Steve G4HXY #16937 Basic Century
For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page. -
02 May 18: We're very pleased to welcome our latest
FISTS CW Club members:
Name Call No. Name Call No. Name Call No. Benedict VR2VVR #15264 Donald KC0DE #18621 David M0ILX #18705 Aki JO1DGE #15265 Rich KD0ZV #18622 Stephen 2E0AAO #18706 Malcolm NB3T #18617 Robert K4MDF #18623 Nigel M0ICH #18707 Joe KA9QAT #18618 Matt K2MFW #18624 Gareth GM7WFT #18708 Joseph KI7LDI #18619 Bryan N3FZ #18625 Ken G0OBK #18709 Ronald K4FET #18620 Chris HB9AJP #18704 -
01 May 18: Please send in your logs for the following April 2018 activities:
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 May.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 May.
- QRS Week (EuCW) no later than 31 May.
Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs to encourage others to join in.
April 2018
22 Apr 18: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder April 2018 newsletter
has just been published by David G4YVM, Activities Manager.
BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.
This edition includes details of the March 2018 Ladder results.
22 Apr 18: The 2018
activity is Monday 23 April to Friday 27 April inclusive.
Maximum speed is 14 wpm.
Call 'CQ' or 'CQ QRS'.
See the full details on the EuCW website.
21 Apr 18: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe on-air activities:
Sunday 22 April 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
Sunday 22 April 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
07 Apr 18: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe on-air activities:
Sunday 08 April 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
Sunday 08 April 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
04 Apr 18: We're very pleased to welcome our latest
FISTS CW Club members:
Name Call No. Name Call No. Name Call No. Diarmuid VK1FDHA #15224 David M6KSF #18586 Wayne KK6ZPL #18604 Chang BX2AK #15262 Steve M6KLR #18587 Joe KU5M #18605 Lee BX2AB #15263 Mark M0MRX #18588 Al KC1IVZ #18606 Bo W4GHV #18541 Glyn G7UQN #18589 James AD0YO #18607 Ian W9IAN #18542 Julian M0JCE #18590 Alex KK6ZLY #18608 Lee KV5M #18543 Tony G6MEW #18591 Jonathan KC4DEJ #18609 Robert K4BKC #18544 Phil G8HTW #18592 Joseph VE9OCR #18610 Craig KD2NSP #18545 Matt M6XHX #18593 Manuel KC6ZSY #18611 John W4ZZY #18546 Mark M0LTG #18594 Clarence K0JZ #18612 Hector W1DEA #18547 Petr OK1LIX #18595 Thomas NS3U #18613 Ed KB7S #18548 Slade M6SQB #18596 Howard AE0Z #18614 John WA1QDX #18549 John GSWL48 #18597 Ben K2CPU #18615 Pekka OH7GYN #18580 Andreas DJ3EI #18598 Ralph N4RLI #18616 John G4SJY #18581 Joe IK2WAD #18599 John GW4LPB #18700 Andrew 9H4BA #18582 Los Alamos Arc W5PDO #18600 Grahame M0OSB #18701 Andy DF1BV #18583 Maynard KC1IXM #18601 Gavin G8XJR #18702 Nigel G8NYZ #18584 Michael K9MB #18602 Colin G4RTJ #18703 Matt 2E0LJZ #18585 Stephen KC3ANQ #18603 -
02 Apr 18: Please join us in congratulating the recent
FISTS CW Club Awards
Name Callsign Member Awards Dave G0DEB #380 1 X QRP Richard G0ILN #398 Millionaire 5 Million Endorsement Michael W3QT #13724 Millionaire 3 Million Endorsement Steve VK7CW #14164 Millionaire 7 Million Endorsement, Millionaire 8 Million Endorsement, Millionaire 9 Million Endorsement, Spectrum 40m Endorsement Jean F6JOE #16177 Spectrum 20m Endorsement
For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page. -
02 Apr 18: Please send in your logs for the following March 2018 activities:
- Listen for Learners (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 April.
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 April.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 April.
Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs to encourage others to join in.
March 2018
23 Mar 18: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe on-air activities:
Sunday 25 March 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members. -
Listen for Learners
activity (FISTS CW Club Europe) runs throughout March and encourages QSOs with newer members who joined
on or after 01 March 2017.
QSOs can be at any time BUT it's recommended that newer members call CQ LFL on or around the centre of activity frequencies starting on the hour for up to 5 minutes at: 0000, 0300, 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800, & 2100 UTC. Bands 160/80/40/20/15/10/2m. Minimum exchange is FISTS member number but otherwise talk about whatever you wish e.g. RST, Name, QTH, WX, transceiver, antenna, Morse key,...
Sunday 25 March 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
14 Mar 18: The
February 2018 Key Note
is now available to all current FISTS CW Club members.
Please visit the Members' Area to get your copy:
Items in this issue include:
- Getting the Hump over the Camelback Key
- Jet Setting and a Sad Story to tell
- QRP in Britagne
- Samuel Finley Breese Morse
- What makes a Good CW Operator?
- Review: MTR3-B QRP Transceiver
- Review: Palm Radio Palm Pico Single Key
- Review: The 9A5N Solid State Paddle
... and more besides!
13 Mar 18: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder March 2018 newsletter
has just been published by David G4YVM, Activities Manager.
BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.
This edition includes details of the February 2018 Ladder results.
08 Mar 18: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe on-air activities:
Sunday 11 March 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members. -
Listen for Learners
activity (FISTS CW Club Europe) runs throughout March and encourages QSOs with newer members who joined
on or after 01 March 2017.
QSOs can be at any time BUT it's recommended that newer members call CQ LFL on or around the centre of activity frequencies starting on the hour for up to 5 minutes at: 0000, 0300, 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800, & 2100 UTC. Bands 160/80/40/20/15/10/2m. Minimum exchange is FISTS member number but otherwise talk about whatever you wish e.g. RST, Name, QTH, WX, transceiver, antenna, Morse key,...
Sunday 11 March 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
07 Mar 18: The latest version, 3.4.8, of the free
FISTS Log Converter
program for Windows is now available.
This version adds support for 2m in the new Listen for Learners activity (FISTS CW Club Europe). Note that this works retrospectively; qualifying 2m QSOs starting from 01 March will be included when sending a log in at the start of April. It also includes fixes for several issues.
FISTS Log Converter can be used in conjunction with almost all amateur radio logbook programs -or- for anyone not currently using one, it includes its own optional, easy-to-use logbook.
The program is available from the download web page. Many thanks to the testers: Alex PA1FOX, Michael G0POT, Peter G4LHI, and Richard G0ILN. -
02 Mar 18: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following February 2018 activities:
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 March.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 March.
Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs to encourage others to join in.
02 Mar 18: We're very pleased to welcome our latest
FISTS CW Club members:
Name Call No. Name Call No. Name Call No. Glenn VK2GST #15223 Roger K5PE #18519 Marc KN4BKR #18538 Sun DS5PXJ #15261 Charles K9DCC #18520 Scott W9VHE #18539 James KF5KAQ #18502 Doug KI7RZB #18521 Michael N4IBG #18540 Greg K8ULT #18503 Mark KK7VP #18522 Karl SM3CNH #18564 Edward N7EDK #18504 Ben VE1AHX #18523 Alex DJ0MDO #18565 Brent VE1KF #18505 Tabren NO CALL 14 #18524 Graham 2E0XBA #18566 Andrew WB7DKZ #18506 Tony VE2KM #18525 Richard M0HGL #18567 Larry KJ1RE #18507 Patrick NO CALL 15 #18526 Matt M6NCQ #18568 James KI5II #18508 Frank N5NI #18527 Pieter ON3PH #18569 Robert KI4F #18509 Claude K5JTO #18528 Paul 2E0IGL #18570 Dennis KK0DJ #18510 John KC3ARN #18529 Chris GSWL47 #18571 Kevin WA9VFD #18511 Philip W1GEE #18530 Cris IZ3GAK #18572 John AB5GQ #18512 Robert N3XKB #18531 Paul G7VKZ #18573 Gregory KC1IVW #18513 Konstantin KZ4IG #18532 Joe IZ8AJU #18574 Mike KC3GEM #18514 John AJ6BJ #18533 Brian G3LTM #18575 Edmond Ars K5EOK #18515 Charles N9VJ #18534 Steve G7JHU #18576 Shelli K6SRJ #18516 Timothy KC3KUE #18535 Harry M0JFN #18577 Danica KC9W #18517 James K6JNX #18536 Mario IK2CMN #18578 Dana K3DWC #18518 David W5FUY #18537 Chris M0TCH #18579 -
01 Mar 18: Please join us in congratulating the recent
FISTS CW Club Awards
Name Callsign Member Awards Richard G0ILN #398 Spectrum 80m Endorsement Peter G4LHI #2219 Millionaire 10 Million Endorsement Ken G4RHR #2248 Gold Century, Millionaire 2 Million Endorsement
For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
February 2018
28 Feb 18: The new
Listen for Learners
activity (FISTS CW Club Europe) runs throughout March and encourages QSOs with newer members who joined
on or after 01 March 2017.
QSOs can be at any time BUT it's recommended that newer members call CQ LFL on or around the centre of activity frequencies starting on the hour for up to 5 minutes at: 0000, 0300, 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800, & 2100 UTC. Bands 160/80/40/20/15/10/2m. Minimum exchange is FISTS member number but otherwise talk about whatever you wish e.g. RST, Name, QTH, WX, transceiver, antenna, Morse key,...
See the Listen for Learners rules for full details.
The latest version of FISTS Log Converter, 3.4.6, supports Listen for Learners for 160m-10m. A newer version will be available within a few days that adds support for 2m. -
27 Feb 18: The latest version (3.4.6) of the free
FISTS Log Converter
program for Windows is now available.
This version adds initial support for the new Listen for Learners activity (FISTS CW Club Europe). (There will also be a further version soon that adds 2m to Listen for Learners.)
FISTS Log Converter can be used in conjunction with almost all amateur radio logbook programs -or- for anyone not currently using one, it includes its own optional, easy-to-use logbook.
The program is available from the download web page. Many thanks to the testers: Alex PA1FOX, Peter G4LHI, and Richard G0ILN. -
25 Feb 18: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe on-air activities:
Sunday 25 February 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members. - "Listen for Learners" starts on Thursday 01 March and runs throughout March - final details to be announced soon!
Sunday 25 February 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
11 Feb 18: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder February 2018 newsletter
has just been published by David G4YVM, Activities Manager.
BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.
This edition includes details of the January 2018 Ladder results and the upcoming Listen for Learners Activity.
11 Feb 18: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe on-air Ladder activity:
Sunday 11 February 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
Sunday 11 February 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
08 Feb 18: The latest version (3.4.5) of the free
FISTS Log Converter
program for Windows is now available.
This version adds support for the new DXCC entity 'Republic of Kosovo'.
FISTS Log Converter can be used in conjunction with almost all amateur radio logbook programs -or- for anyone not currently using one, it includes its own optional, easy-to-use logbook.
The program is available from the download web page. Many thanks to the testers: Alex PA1FOX, Peter G4LHI, and Richard G0ILN. -
04 Feb 18: We're very pleased to welcome our latest
FISTS CW Club members:
Name Call No. Name Call No. Name Call No. Toku JP7MLT #15259 Mark W3DXG #18487 Joseph N7WJ #18501 Kazu JR4GGT #15260 Foy WE0FC #18488 Vagi VU2JXL #18551 Phil W0NLK #18466 Stephen K4OBL #18489 Steve G1TOL #18552 Tom KN4GPT #18476 Judith KD0TOT #18490 David M0WDD #18553 Kurt AD0WE #18477 Patrick KK6YK #18491 Brian 2E0OET #18554 Dan N9WJ #18478 Eric K0EAP #18492 Jim 2E0HBV #18555 Harry N3HWH #18479 Barry KA0DXB #18493 Nils DL3HR #18556 Rod WI8A #18480 Chris K2HAE #18494 Pete M6VPH #18557 Robert K4UYQ #18481 Jim KI6KRO #18495 Richard GW0HDY #18558 Ken KD2KEH #18482 Ricky KX4RC #18496 Richard G4TGJ #18559 Richard K1CDX #18483 Dennis N0SMX #18497 Simon M0ILR #18560 Ryan KB0RAH #18484 Andrew AB3U #18498 Luca IK1OWC #18561 Thomas K4AEN #18485 Dennis AD6DM #18499 Ray M0DHP #18562 John W9WN #18486 Richard WR4RW #18500 -
04 Feb 18: Please join us in congratulating the recent
FISTS CW Club Awards
Name Callsign Member Awards Andy SP9NLI #3741 Prefix Peter M5ABN #6423 Millionaire 5 Million Endorsement Phil K4NE #13030 Silver Century, Millionaire, Millionaire 2 Million Endorsement Jean F6JOE #16177 Millionaire 4 Million Endorsement, Spectrum 80m Endorsement, Spectrum 40m Mike WI5H #16705 Basic Century, 1 X QRP, Millionaire, Millionaire 2 Million Endorsement, Millionaire 3 Million Endorsement, Spectrum 20m Emil I5EFO #17028 Spectrum 40m Fanis SV2BBK #18061 Millionaire
For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page. -
03 Feb 18: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following January 2018 activities:
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 February.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 February.
Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs to encourage others to join in.
03 Feb 18: The FISTS CW Club Americas
Winter Slow Speed Sprint
(max. 13 wpm) takes place on Saturday 3 February 1700-2100 UTC on 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m & 10m.
Call "CQ FS". The exchange includes:RST, U.S. state or Canadian province or DXCC country, first name, FISTS member number.
Non-members send their power output in Watts instead of a member number.
Members worldwide are invited to participate.
For N1MM contest logger users, a User Defined Contest (UDC) file is available. Go to the N1MM website, choose "FILES" then "User Defined Contests (UDC)" and look for the file G3ZQSmem.zip (can be used for Sprints despite the name). A FISTS Call History File is also available.
January 2018
27 Jan 18: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe on-air Ladder activity:
Sunday 28 January 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
Sunday 28 January 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
19 Jan 18: The final
Cumulatives Report
from FISTS CW Club Americas has been published by Dennis K6DF.
This newsletter contains the results and soapbox comments for the Cumulatives on-air sessions during 2018.
Please note that the Cumulatives have now finished and are not running in 2018. Congratulations to the certificate and key winners and thank you to everyone who has participated.
17 Jan 18: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder January 2018 newsletter
has just been published by David G4YVM, Activities Manager.
BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.
This edition includes details of the final results for the 2017 Ladder and Straight Key Week.
13 Jan 18: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe on-air Ladder activity:
Sunday 14 January 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
Sunday 14 January 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
08 Jan 18: We're very pleased to welcome our latest
FISTS CW Club members:
Name Call No. Name Call No. Name Call No. Herman VK7HW #15220 Tristan MW3VJN #18448 Don K6LPQ #18464 Karen VK2AKB #15221 Mike G4TSQ #18449 Christopher N0UK #18465 Brett VK2CBD #15222 Derek N0GB #18453 Philip WA0NLK #18466 Angel N4SNI #18388 Melanie K0MBM #18454 John AF6HC #18467 Andi DL5CG #18439 Robert NQ1A #18455 Bob AF4OI #18468 Trevor G0KIN #18440 Charles WS6A #18456 QRU Radio Club KX4S #18470 Ari OH2ECG #18441 Douglas K1CTR #18457 Curtis K4TL #18471 John GW0RAD #18442 Gene W2BXR #18458 Martin KM6MFI #18472 Graham G4JBD #18443 David KM4QVM #18459 Mark VA6MPJ #18473 Jim GI4SZW #18444 Michael NG0C #18460 Michael KM6PCX #18474 Robert G7IOC #18445 David KD9SU #18461 Paul K7AZT #18475 Bernard ON7ZH #18446 Thomas WD5GBS #18462 Tony 2E0FTF #18550 Mau IZ0GPP #18447 Aaron KG6OVR #18463 -
02 Jan 18: Please join us in congratulating the recent
FISTS CW Club Awards
Name Callsign Member Awards Andy SP9NLI #3741 Prefix Phil K4NE #13030 Silver Century, Millionaire, Millionaire 2 Million Endorsement
For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page. -
02 Jan 18: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following December 2017 activities:
- Cumulatives (FISTS CW Club Americas) no later than 7 January.
- Straight Key Week (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 January.
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 January.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 January.
Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs to encourage others to join in.
01 Jan 18: The "winter/spring"
EuCW Snakes & Ladders
run starts today, Monday 01 January, and finishes at the end of 30 June (UTC).
If you've not participated previously, now is a great time to start. QSOs must take at least five minutes, stations contacted must be European stations and the mode must be CW. Each station may be contacted once per day, irrespective of the band.
For more details, please see the comprehensive rules.
Have a very Happy New Year from all at FISTS CW Club.