> News 2021
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News 2021
December 2021
29 Dec 21: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder December 2021 newsletter
written by David G4YVM, Activities Manager, is now available.
BrassPounder provides the results and discussions about on-air Activities provided by FISTS CW Club Europe.
26 Dec 21: We hope everyone had an enjoyable Christmas.
In need of a break from the festivities?
Please join us in the final 2021 FISTS CW Club
on-air activity sessions:
Sunday 26 December 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational.
Have a very happy New Year. -
Sunday 26 December 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
21 Dec 21: The
December 2021 Key Note
is now available to all current FISTS CW Club members.
Please visit the Members' Area to get your copy:
Items in this issue include:Notes:
- The Unicorn sighted in the distance - G3VBS.
- Looking back - G3SCD/VK3DBD.
- A home made Pettersson key - GD4EIP.
- Amateur Bug key DIY project - DL8ABH.
- The Soviet KDM (R010) key - IZ2FME.
- Heritage status for Morse with UNESCO.
... and more besides!
- It may take longer than usual for members to receive a paper copy due to postal delays within Royal Mail.
If you have forgotten your password:
- FISTS Americas members ONLY: you can reset it at https://fistsna.org/memresetpw.php .
- FISTS Europe, East Asia, & Down Under members: please send an email using the 'Membership' address on the Contact Us web page.
06 Dec 21: Please send in your logs, comments, and photos for the following activities that were finished by 02 December 2021.
- Ladder (November) (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 December.
- Mechanical Key Days (*December*) (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 December.
- Snakes & Ladders (November) (EuCW) no later than 7 December.
* In all the activities, even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs because it encourages others to join in.
* For the Ladder, please include in your log ALL your Ladder QSOs from the (up to) 4 sessions in the month. If you need to make any changes, you can send in another log and it will replace the previous log you sent in.
November 2021
27 Nov 21: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
Ladder and
Mechanical Key Days
on-air activities:
Sunday 28 November 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational. -
Mechanical Key Days
Wednesday 01 December 00:01–23:59 UTC (and 01 of each month May–December).
Call CQ and have QSOs using any mechanical key (straight keys, side-swipers, semi-automatic (bug) keys). Friendly, conversational QSOs; exchange a minimum of:
RST, name, QTH, member number (if available)
FISTS Log Converter users: DON'T FORGET to add MKD to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field. Logs are welcome but not essential - the main objective is to enjoy the QSOs.
Sunday 28 November 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
14 Nov 21: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder November 2021 newsletter
written by David G4YVM, Activities Manager, is now available.
BrassPounder provides the results and discussions about on-air Activities provided by FISTS CW Club Europe.
12 Nov 21: The FISTS CW Club Americas
Fall (Autumn) Sprints
take place on Saturday 13 November 1600-1800 UTC and Sunday 21 November 2100-2300 UTC on 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m & 10m.
Call "CQ FS". The exchange includes:RST, U.S. state or Canadian province or DXCC country, first name, (FISTS members only) member number.Members and non-members worldwide are invited to participate. For more information, please see the full rules.
06 Nov 21: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
Ladder and
Mechanical Key Days
on-air activities:
Sunday 14 November 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational. -
Mechanical Key Days
Wednesday 01 December 00:01–23:59 UTC (and 01 of each month May–December).
Call CQ and have QSOs using any mechanical key (straight keys, side-swipers, semi-automatic (bug) keys). Friendly, conversational QSOs; exchange a minimum of:
RST, name, QTH, member number (if available)
FISTS Log Converter users: DON'T FORGET to add MKD to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field. Logs are welcome but not essential - the main objective is to enjoy the QSOs.
Sunday 14 November 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
05 Nov 21: Graham G3ZOD writes:
RSGB Marconi CW 2m Contest
is this Weekend, 06 November 1400 UTC - 07 November 1400 UTC.
It is part of a Europe-wide contest and is the third out of three annual RSGB VHF CW contests (6m, 4m and 2m).
Unlike HF contests, QSOs are a bit more relaxed and don't expect to get 599 for each QSO! The exchange is RST, serial number and 6 character locator. Most activity centres around 144.050, with the primary CW band plan segment 144.025 - 144.100 MHz. -
02 Nov 21: Please send in your logs, comments, and photos for the following activities that were finished by 02 November 2021.
- Ladder (October) (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 November.
- Straight Key Week 2021 (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 November.
- Mechanical Key Days (*November*) (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 November.
- Snakes & Ladders (October) (EuCW) no later than 7 November.
* In all the activities, even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs because it encourages others to join in.
* For the Ladder, please include in your log ALL your Ladder QSOs from the (up to) 4 sessions in the month. If you need to make any changes, you can send in another log and it will replace the previous log you sent in.
October 2021
25 Oct 21: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder October 2021 newsletter
written by David G4YVM, Activities Manager, is now available.
BrassPounder provides the results and discussions about on-air Activities provided by FISTS CW Club Europe.
23 Oct 21: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
Ladder and
Mechanical Key Days
on-air activities:
Sunday 24 October 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational. -
Mechanical Key Days
Monday 01 November 00:01–23:59 UTC (and 01 of each month May–December).
Call CQ and have QSOs using any mechanical key (straight keys, side-swipers, semi-automatic (bug) keys). Friendly, conversational QSOs; exchange a minimum of:
RST, name, QTH, member number (if available)
FISTS Log Converter users: DON'T FORGET to add MKD to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field. Logs are welcome but not essential - the main objective is to enjoy the QSOs.
Sunday 24 October 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
09 Oct 21: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
Ladder and
Mechanical Key Days
on-air activities:
Sunday 10 October 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational. -
Mechanical Key Days
Monday 01 November 00:01–23:59 UTC (and 01 of each month May–December).
Call CQ and have QSOs using any mechanical key (straight keys, side-swipers, semi-automatic (bug) keys). Friendly, conversational QSOs; exchange a minimum of:
RST, name, QTH, member number (if available)
FISTS Log Converter users: DON'T FORGET to add MKD to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field. Logs are welcome but not essential - the main objective is to enjoy the QSOs.
Sunday 10 October 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
02 Oct 21: Please send in your logs, comments, and photos for the following activities that were finished by 02 October 2021.
- Ladder (September) (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 October.
- Mechanical Key Days (*OCTOBER*) (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 October.
- Snakes & Ladders (September) (EuCW) no later than 7 October.
* In all the activities, even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs because it encourages others to join in.
* For the Ladder, please include in your log ALL your Ladder QSOs from the (up to) 4 sessions in the month. If you need to make any changes, you can send in another log and it will replace the previous log you sent in.
September 2021
25 Sep 21: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder September 2021 newsletter
written by David G4YVM, Activities Manager, is now available.
BrassPounder provides the results and discussions about on-air Activities provided by FISTS CW Club Europe.
25 Sep 21: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
Mechanical Key Days
Straight Key Week 2021
on-air activities:
Sunday 26 September 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational. -
Mechanical Key Days
Friday 01 October 00:01–23:59 UTC (and 01 of each month May–December).
Call CQ and have QSOs using any mechanical key (straight keys, side-swipers, semi-automatic (bug) keys). Friendly, conversational QSOs; exchange a minimum of:
RST, name, QTH, member number (if available)
FISTS Log Converter users: DON'T FORGET to add MKD to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field. Logs are welcome but not essential - the main objective is to enjoy the QSOs. -
Straight Key Week
Monday 27 September - Sunday 03 October UTC.
The operating times are 1 hour periods starting at the following UTC times: 0000, 0300, 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800, & 2100. If you are sending in a log, you must use straight keys or sideswipers (no bug keys, keyers, keyboards etc.)
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
FISTS Log Converter users: DON'T FORGET to add SKW to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field.
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is not essential but very much appreciated. QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
Sunday 26 September 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
22 Sep 21: The latest version, 4.1.1, of the free
FISTS Log Converter
program for Windows is now available.
This version adds the Straight Key Week 2021 on-air activity (FISTS CW Club Europe).
FISTS Log Converter can be used in conjunction with almost all amateur radio logbook programs -or- for anyone not currently using one, it includes its own optional, easy-to-use logbook.
The program is available from the download web page. Many thanks to the testers: Alex PA1FOX, Peter G4LHI, and Richard G0ILN. -
17 Sep 21: The
September 2021 Key Note
is now available to all current FISTS CW Club members.
Please visit the Members' Area to get your copy:
Items in this issue include:Notes:
- Do UK amateurs have big hands? - G3VBS.
- Deep Space Communications - GW0WEE.
- A key from a bag of parts - G3YZZ.
- Synchronicity! The EFHWV antenna - G0ILN.
- Activity news - G4YVM.
- Review: UR5CDX Paddle - G8FXC.
- Review: FMTMK4 Morse tutor - G0TUE.
... and more besides!
- It may take longer than usual for members to receive a paper copy due to postal delays caused by the Post Office and Royal Mail.
If you have forgotten your password:
- FISTS Americas members ONLY: you can reset it at https://fistsna.org/memresetpw.php .
- FISTS Europe, East Asia, & Down Under members: please send an email using the 'Membership' address on the Contact Us web page.
11 Sep 21: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
Mechanical Key Days
Straight Key Week 2021
on-air activities:
Sunday 12 September 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational. -
Mechanical Key Days
Friday 01 October 00:01–23:59 UTC (and 01 of each month May–December).
Call CQ and have QSOs using any mechanical key (straight keys, side-swipers, semi-automatic (bug) keys). Friendly, conversational QSOs; exchange a minimum of:
RST, name, QTH, member number (if available)
FISTS Log Converter users: DON'T FORGET to add MKD to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field. Logs are welcome but not essential - the main objective is to enjoy the QSOs. -
Straight Key Week
Monday 27 September - Sunday 03 October UTC.
The operating times are 1 hour periods starting at the following UTC times: 0000, 0300, 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800, & 2100. If you are sending in a log, you must use straight keys or sideswipers (no bug keys, keyers, keyboards etc.)
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
FISTS Log Converter users: DON'T FORGET to add SKW to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field.
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is not essential but very much appreciated. QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
Sunday 12 September 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
07 Sep 21: Please send in your logs, comments, and photos for the following activities that took place or were finished by the end of 01 September 2021.
- Ladder (August) (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 September.
- What 3 Words (August) (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 September.
- Mechanical Key Days (September) (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 September.
- Snakes & Ladders (August) (EuCW) no later than 7 September.
* In all the activities, even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs because it encourages others to join in.
* For the Ladder, please include in your log ALL your Ladder QSOs from the (up to) 4 sessions in the month. If you need to make any changes, you can send in another log and it will replace the previous log you sent in.
August 2021
21 Aug 21: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
Mechanical Key Days
What 3 Words
on-air activities:
Sunday 22 August 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational. -
Mechanical Key Days
Wednesday 01 September 00:01–23:59 UTC (and 01 of each month May–December).
Call CQ and have QSOs using any mechanical key (straight keys, side-swipers, semi-automatic (bug) keys). Friendly, conversational QSOs; exchange a minimum of:
RST, name, QTH, member number (if available)
FISTS Log Converter users - DON'T FORGET to add MKD to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field. Logs are welcome but not essential - the main objective is to enjoy the QSOs. -
What 3 Words
Friday 03 September – Sunday 05 September; 1 hour periods at 00:00, 03:00, 06:00, 09:00, 12:00, 15:00. 18:00, 21:00 UTC
(and first Friday - Sunday in each month July - September).
Exchange your What 3 Words (W3W) locator with other stations. Exchange is:
RST, name, W3W locator -or- W3W locator+stated place, member number (if available).
Log the W3W locator in 'Comment' as W3W followed by the W3W locator in double-quotes -or- the W3W locator and stated place in double-quotes. E.g.
W3W "gravel.grades.margin"
W3W "stops.yappy.mass Salisbury Cathedral"
Use the What 3 Words website to find out your W3W locator on an interactive map -or- by typing in a stated (named) place.
Sunday 22 August 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
14 Aug 21: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder August 2021 newsletter
written by David G4YVM, Activities Manager, is now available.
All the excitement of Formula 1 without the noise…the latest ladder results and comments as the top scoring G stations battle it out in the heat of summer! Sizzling reviews and commentary from world renowned operator G4YVM (famous in his street last year for what his cat did to a pigeon)…PLUS…
- The strangeness of Cycle 25 …a look at some QSOs.
- Radio in museums: Tangemere reviewed.
- Fancy some nice light headphones but can’t stand buds?
07 Aug 21: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
Mechanical Key Days
What 3 Words
on-air activities:
Sunday 08 August 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational. -
Mechanical Key Days
Wednesday 01 September 00:01–23:59 UTC (and 01 of each month May–December).
Call CQ and have QSOs using any mechanical key (straight keys, side-swipers, semi-automatic (bug) keys). Friendly, conversational QSOs; exchange a minimum of:
RST, name, QTH, member number (if available)
FISTS Log Converter users - DON'T FORGET to add MKD to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field. Logs are welcome but not essential - the main objective is to enjoy the QSOs. -
What 3 Words
Friday 03 September – Sunday 05 September; 1 hour periods at 00:00, 03:00, 06:00, 09:00, 12:00, 15:00. 18:00, 21:00 UTC
(and first Friday - Sunday in each month July - September).
Exchange your What 3 Words (W3W) locator with other stations. Exchange is:
RST, name, W3W locator -or- W3W locator+stated place, member number (if available).
Log the W3W locator in 'Comment' as W3W followed by the W3W locator in double-quotes -or- the W3W locator and stated place in double-quotes. E.g.
W3W "gravel.grades.margin"
W3W "stops.yappy.mass Salisbury Cathedral"
Use the What 3 Words website to find out your W3W locator on an interactive map -or- by typing in a stated (named) place.
Sunday 08 August 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
02 Aug 21: Please send in your logs, comments, and photos for the following activities that took place or were finished by the end of 01 August 2021.
- Ladder (July) (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 August.
- What 3 Words (July) (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 August.
- Mechanical Key Days (August) (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 August.
- Snakes & Ladders (July) (EuCW) no later than 7 August.
* In all the activities, even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs because it encourages others to join in.
* For the Ladder, please include in your log ALL your Ladder QSOs from the (up to) 4 sessions in the month. If you need to make any changes, you can send in another log and it will replace the previous log you sent in.
July 2021
23 Jul 21: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
Mechanical Key Days
What 3 Words
on-air activities:
Sunday 25 July 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational. -
Mechanical Key Days
Sunday 01 August 00:01–23:59 UTC (and 01 of each month May–December).
Call CQ and have QSOs using any mechanical key (straight keys, side-swipers, semi-automatic (bug) keys). Friendly, conversational QSOs; exchange a minimum of:
RST, name, QTH, member number (if available)
FISTS Log Converter users - DON'T FORGET to add MKD to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field. Logs are welcome but not essential - the main objective is to enjoy the QSOs. -
What 3 Words
Friday 06 August – Sunday 08 August; 1 hour periods at 00:00, 03:00, 06:00, 09:00, 12:00, 15:00. 18:00, 21:00 UTC
(and first Friday - Sunday in each month July - September).
Exchange your What 3 Words (W3W) locator with other stations. Exchange is:
RST, name, W3W locator -or- W3W locator+stated place, member number (if available).
Log the W3W locator in 'Comment' as W3W followed by the W3W locator in double-quotes -or- the W3W locator and stated place in double-quotes. E.g.
W3W "gravel.grades.margin"
W3W "stops.yappy.mass Salisbury Cathedral"
Use the What 3 Words website to find out your W3W locator on an interactive map -or- by typing in a stated (named) place.
Sunday 25 July 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
13 Jul 21: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder July 2021 newsletter
written by David G4YVM, Activities Manager, is now available.
G3YQ SK aged 108, Spark vs CW and how to tune the Valve Antenna! Also the results for the 2021 Ladder, Spring Word Search and June Mechanical Key Days on-air activities along with information about the upcoming activities and other topics.
BrassPounder provides the results and discussions about on-air Activities provided by FISTS CW Club Europe. -
10 Jul 21: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
Mechanical Key Days
What 3 Words
on-air activities:
Sunday 11 July 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational. -
Mechanical Key Days
Sunday 01 August 00:01–23:59 UTC (and 01 of each month May–December).
Call CQ and have QSOs using any mechanical key (straight keys, side-swipers, semi-automatic (bug) keys). Friendly, conversational QSOs; exchange a minimum of:
RST, name, QTH, member number (if available)
FISTS Log Converter users - DON'T FORGET to add MKD to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field. Logs are welcome but not essential - the main objective is to enjoy the QSOs. -
What 3 Words
Friday 06 August – Sunday 08 August; 1 hour periods at 00:00, 03:00, 06:00, 09:00, 12:00, 15:00. 18:00, 21:00 UTC
(and first Friday - Sunday in each month July - September).
Exchange your What 3 Words (W3W) locator with other stations. Exchange is:
RST, name, W3W locator -or- W3W locator+stated place, member number (if available).
Log the W3W locator in 'Comment' as W3W followed by the W3W locator in double-quotes -or- the W3W locator and stated place in double-quotes. E.g.
W3W "gravel.grades.margin"
W3W "stops.yappy.mass Salisbury Cathedral"
Use the What 3 Words website to find out your W3W locator on an interactive map -or- by typing in a stated (named) place.
Sunday 11 July 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
03 Jul 21: Please send in your logs, comments, and photos for the following activities that took place or were finished by the end of 01 July 2021.
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 July.
- Word Search (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 July.
- Mechanical Key Days (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 July.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 July.
* In all the activities, even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs because it encourages others to join in.
* For the Ladder, please include in your log ALL your Ladder QSOs from the (up to) 4 sessions in the month. If you need to make any changes, you can send in another log and it will replace the previous log you sent in.
June 2021
29 Jun 21: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
What 3 Words and
Mechanical Key Days
on-air activities:
What 3 Words
Friday 02 July – Sunday 04 July; 1 hour periods at 00:00, 03:00, 06:00, 09:00, 12:00, 15:00. 18:00, 21:00 UTC
(and first Friday - Sunday in each month July - September).
Exchange your What 3 Words (W3W) locator with other stations. Exchange is:
RST, name, W3W locator -or- W3W locator+stated place, member number (if available).
Log the W3W locator in 'Comment' as W3W followed by the W3W locator in double-quotes -or- the W3W locator and stated place in double-quotes. E.g.
W3W "gravel.grades.margin"
W3W "stops.yappy.mass Salisbury Cathedral"
Use the What 3 Words website to find out your W3W locator on an interactive map -or- by typing in a stated (named) place. -
Mechanical Key Days
Thursday 01 July 00:01–23:59 UTC (and 01 of each month May–December).
Call CQ and have QSOs using any mechanical key (straight keys, side-swipers, semi-automatic (bug) keys). Friendly, conversational QSOs; exchange a minimum of:
RST, name, QTH, member number (if available)
FISTS Log Converter users - DON'T FORGET to add MKD to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field. Logs are welcome but not essential - the main objective is to enjoy the QSOs.
What 3 Words
Friday 02 July – Sunday 04 July; 1 hour periods at 00:00, 03:00, 06:00, 09:00, 12:00, 15:00. 18:00, 21:00 UTC
(and first Friday - Sunday in each month July - September).
25 Jun 21: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
Mechanical Key Days
Word Search 2021
on-air activities:
Sunday 27 June 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational. -
Word Search 2021
Thursday 01 April 00:01 to Wednesday 30 June 23:59 UTC.
Have QSOs with anyone, member or not, and use a letter from their callsigns to build up
"I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils".No minimum exchange. Bands are 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 & 2m. Two sections: QRP and Open – you can include QSOs for either or both in your log. (If you are entering the Open section only, you can opt to have the letters chosen automatically for you.) -
Mechanical Key Days
Thursday 01 July 00:01–23:59 UTC (and 01 of each month May–December).
Call CQ and have QSOs using any mechanical key (straight keys, side-swipers, semi-automatic (bug) keys). Friendly, conversational QSOs; exchange a minimum of:
RST, name, QTH, member number (if available)
FISTS Log Converter users - DON'T FORGET to add MKD to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field. Logs are welcome but not essential - the main objective is to enjoy the QSOs.
Sunday 27 June 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
25 Jun 21: Graham G3ZOD writes:
UK amateurs, the annual
RSGB 6m CW contest
is Sunday 27 June, 0900-1200 UTC.
The exchange is RST, serial number and 6 character locator, with most European CW activity between 50.080-50.100 MHz. Unlike HF contests, though, don't expect to get 599 for each QSO! This should be interesting with the added likelihood of sporadic E propagation.
QSOs with FISTS CW Club members count towards FISTS Awards such as the Century and Millionaire. -
16 Jun 21: The
June 2021 Key Note
is now available to all current FISTS CW Club members.
Please visit the Members' Area to get your copy:
Items in this issue include:Notes:
- Logging - G5VZ.
- The dummies guide to sparkgap - GW0WEE.
- Building a CW pressure paddle - VK3IL.
- The Swedish key - G3VBS.
- Children and Morse - G4CLE.
- EFHW antenna love it or hate it? - M0BMN.
- 2E0OTB equipment revisited - MM0GSS.
- Review: GM0EUL mini paddle - G5VZ.
... and more besides!
- It may take longer than usual for members to receive a paper copy due to postal delays caused by the Post Office and Royal Mail.
If you have forgotten your password:
- FISTS Americas members ONLY: you can reset it at https://fistsna.org/memresetpw.php .
- FISTS Europe, East Asia, & Down Under members: please send an email using the 'Membership' address on the Contact Us web page.
12 Jun 21: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
Mechanical Key Days
Word Search 2021
on-air activities:
Sunday 13 June 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational. -
Word Search 2021
Thursday 01 April 00:01 to Wednesday 30 June 23:59 UTC.
Have QSOs with anyone, member or not, and use a letter from their callsigns to build up
"I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils".No minimum exchange. Bands are 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 & 2m. Two sections: QRP and Open – you can include QSOs for either or both in your log. (If you are entering the Open section only, you can opt to have the letters chosen automatically for you.) -
Mechanical Key Days
Thursday 01 July 00:01–23:59 UTC (and 01 of each month May–December).
Call CQ and have QSOs using any mechanical key (straight keys, side-swipers, semi-automatic (bug) keys). Friendly, conversational QSOs; exchange a minimum of:
RST, name, QTH, member number (if available)
FISTS Log Converter users - DON'T FORGET to add MKD to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field. Logs are welcome but not essential - the main objective is to enjoy the QSOs.
Sunday 13 June 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
12 Jun 21: The latest version, 4.1.0, of the free
FISTS Log Converter
program for Windows is now available.
This version adds the What 3 Words 2021 on-air activity (FISTS CW Club Europe).
FISTS Log Converter can be used in conjunction with almost all amateur radio logbook programs -or- for anyone not currently using one, it includes its own optional, easy-to-use logbook.
The program is available from the download web page. Many thanks to the testers: Alex PA1FOX, Peter G4LHI, and Richard G0ILN. -
10 Jun 21: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder June 2021 newsletter
written by David G4YVM, Activities Manager, is now available.
It includes the results for the 2021 Ladder and June Mechanical Key Days on-air activities along with information about the upcoming activities and other topics.
BrassPounder provides the results and discussions about on-air Activities provided by FISTS CW Club Europe.
02 Jun 21: Please send in your logs, comments, and photos for the following activities that took place or were finished by the end of 01 June 2021.
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 June.
- Mechanical Key Days (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 June.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 June.
* In all the activities, even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs because it encourages others to join in.
* For the Ladder, please include in your log ALL your Ladder QSOs from the (up to) 4 sessions in the month. If you need to make any changes, you can send in another log and it will replace the previous log you sent in.
May 2021
31 May 21: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
Mechanical Key Days
on-air activity:
Tuesday 01 June 00:01–23:59 UTC (and 01 of each month May–December).
Call CQ and have QSOs using any mechanical key (straight keys, side-swipers, semi-automatic (bug) keys). Friendly, conversational QSOs; exchange a minimum of:
RST, name, QTH, member number (if available)
FISTS Log Converter users - DON'T FORGET to add MKD to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field. Logs are welcome but not essential - the main objective is to enjoy the QSOs. Club Europe. -
21 May 21: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
Mechanical Key Days
Word Search 2021
on-air activities:
Mechanical Key Days
Tuesday 01 June 00:01–23:59 UTC (and 01 of each month May–December).
Call CQ and have QSOs using any mechanical key (straight keys, side-swipers, semi-automatic (bug) keys). Friendly, conversational QSOs; exchange a minimum of:
RST, name, QTH, member number (if available)
FISTS Log Converter users - DON'T FORGET to add MKD to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field. Logs are welcome but not essential - the main objective is to enjoy the QSOs. -
Sunday 23 May 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational. -
Word Search 2021
Thursday 01 April 00:01 to Wednesday 30 June 23:59 UTC.
Have QSOs with anyone, member or not, and use a letter from their callsigns to build up
"I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils".No minimum exchange. Bands are 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 & 2m. Two sections: QRP and Open – you can include QSOs for either or both in your log. (If you are entering the Open section only, you can opt to have the letters chosen automatically for you.)
Mechanical Key Days
Tuesday 01 June 00:01–23:59 UTC (and 01 of each month May–December).
15 May 21: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder May 2021 newsletter
written by David G4YVM, Activities Manager, is now available.
It includes the results for the 2021 Ladder and May Mechanical Key Days on-air activities along with information about the upcoming activities and other topics.
BrassPounder provides the results and discussions about on-air Activities provided by FISTS CW Club Europe.
02 May 21: Please send in your logs, comments, and photos for the 01 May
Mechanical Key Days
day (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 May.
01 May 21: Please send in your logs, comments, and photos for the following activities that took place or were finished by the end of 01 May 2021.
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 May.
- Mechanical Key Days (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 May.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 May.
* In all the activities, even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs because it encourages others to join in.
* For the Ladder, please include in your log ALL your Ladder QSOs from the (up to) 4 sessions in the month. If you need to make any changes, you can send in another log and it will replace the previous log you sent in.
April 2021
29 Apr 21: The first
Mechanical Key Days 2021
on-air activity session is Saturday 01 May 00:01–23:59 UTC.
There are significant changes this year!
- It is now a monthly, 1-day activity on 01 of each month May-December 2021 UTC.
- It runs continuously for 24 hours 00:01 to 23:59 UTC.
- Each month has its own final results, i.e. the results are not cumulative.
RST, name, QTH, member number (if available)
FISTS Log Converter users - DON'T FORGET to add MKD to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field. Logs are welcome but not essential - the main objective is to enjoy the QSOs.
Members anywhere in the world are invited to join in and send in logs. QSOs can be with non-members or members anywhere in the world. The activity is organised by FISTS CW Club Europe. -
26 Apr 21: The 2021
activity is Monday 26 April to Friday 30 April UTC (inclusive).
Maximum speed is 14 wpm.
Call 'CQ' or 'CQ QRS'.
See the full details on the EuCW website.
24 Apr 21: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
Mechanical Key Days
Word Search 2021
on-air activities:
Mechanical Key Days
Saturday 01 May 00:01–23:59 UTC (and 01 of each month May–December).
Call CQ and have QSOs using any mechanical key (straight keys, side-swipers, semi-automatic (bug) keys). Friendly, conversational QSOs; exchange a minimum of:
RST, name, QTH, member number (if available)
FISTS Log Converter users - DON'T FORGET to add MKD to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field. Logs are welcome but not essential - the main objective is to enjoy the QSOs. -
Sunday 25 April 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational. -
Word Search 2021
Thursday 01 April 00:01 to Wednesday 30 June 23:59 UTC.
Have QSOs with anyone, member or not, and use a letter from their callsigns to build up
"I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils".No minimum exchange. Bands are 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 & 2m. Two sections: QRP and Open – you can include QSOs for either or both in your log. (If you are entering the Open section only, you can opt to have the letters chosen automatically for you.)
Mechanical Key Days
Saturday 01 May 00:01–23:59 UTC (and 01 of each month May–December).
17 Apr 21: The latest version, 4.0.6, of the free
FISTS Log Converter
program for Windows is now available.
This version adds the Mechanical Key Days 2021 on-air activity (FISTS CW Club Europe).
FISTS Log Converter can be used in conjunction with almost all amateur radio logbook programs -or- for anyone not currently using one, it includes its own optional, easy-to-use logbook.
The program is available from the download web page. Many thanks to the testers: Alex PA1FOX, Peter G4LHI, and Richard G0ILN. -
13 Apr 21: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder April 2021 newsletter
written by David G4YVM, Activities Manager, is now available.
Topics include the results for the 2021 Ladder on-air activity along with information about the upcoming activities.
BrassPounder provides the results and discussions about on-air Activities provided by FISTS CW Club Europe.
10 Apr 21: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
Word Search 2021
on-air activities:
Sunday 11 April 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational. -
Word Search 2021
Thursday 01 April 00:01 to Wednesday 30 June 23:59 UTC.
Have QSOs with anyone, member or not, and use a letter from their callsigns to build up
"I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils".No minimum exchange. Bands are 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 & 2m. Two sections: QRP and Open – you can include QSOs for either or both in your log. (If you are entering the Open section only, you can opt to have the letters chosen automatically for you.)
Sunday 11 April 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
March 2021
31 Mar 21: The
March 2021 Key Note
is now available to all current FISTS CW Club members.
Please visit the Members' Area to get your copy:
Items in this issue include:Notes:
- Look Mum! I made a sideswiper - SM6RXZ.
- The Heliograph - GW0WEE.
- Keeping it in the family - M0SGW.
- Still hunting for the unicorn - G3VBS.
- Improve your Morse - G3MCK.
- Essex CW ARS Activity week - G0IBN.
- Grandma's Radio - G3YZZ.
- Review: The Secret Listeners - G0ILN.
... and more besides!
- It may take longer than usual for members to receive a paper copy due to postal delays caused by the Post Office and Royal Mail.
If you have forgotten your password:
- FISTS Americas members ONLY: you can reset it at https://fistsna.org/memresetpw.php .
- FISTS Europe, East Asia, & Down Under members: please send an email using the 'Membership' address on the Contact Us web page.
31 Mar 21: Please send in your logs, comments, and photos for the following activities that took place or were finished by the end of March 2021.
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 April.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 April.
* In all the activities, even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs because it encourages others to join in.
* For the Ladder, please include in your log ALL your Ladder QSOs from the (up to) 4 sessions in the month. If you need to make any changes, you can send in another log and it will replace the previous log you sent in.
26 Mar 21: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
Word Search 2021
on-air activities:
Sunday 28 March 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational. -
Word Search 2021
Thursday 01 April 00:01 to Wednesday 30 June 23:59 UTC.
Have QSOs with anyone, member or not, and use a letter from their callsigns to build up
"I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils".No minimum exchange. Bands are 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 & 2m. Two sections: QRP and Open – you can include QSOs for either or both in your log. (If you are entering the Open section only, you can opt to have the letters chosen automatically for you.)
Sunday 28 March 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
19 Mar 21: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder March 2021 newsletter
written by David G4YVM, Activities Manager, is now available.
Topics include the results for the 2021 Ladder on-air activity along with information about the upcoming activities.
BrassPounder provides the results and discussions about on-air Activities provided by FISTS CW Club Europe.
19 Mar 21: The latest version, 4.0.5, of the free
FISTS Log Converter
program for Windows is now available.
This version adds the Spring Word Search 2021 on-air activity (FISTS CW Club Europe).
FISTS Log Converter can be used in conjunction with almost all amateur radio logbook programs -or- for anyone not currently using one, it includes its own optional, easy-to-use logbook.
The program is available from the download web page. Many thanks to the testers: Alex PA1FOX, Peter G4LHI, and Richard G0ILN. -
12 Mar 21: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
on-air activity:
Sunday 14 March 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational.
Sunday 14 March 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
07 Mar 21: FISTS Zoom Talk
Dear FISTS it is with great excitement that I announce the first of our FISTS Zoom talks.
On Wednesday March 10th at 1930hrs John, G1AWJ, FIST 14875, will give us a talk on "The Y Service".
If you wish to join this meeting please use the link below.
See you there I hope.
David G4YVM -
01 Mar 21: Please send in your logs, comments, and photos for the following activities that took place or were finished by the end of February 2021.
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 March.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 March.
* In all the activities, even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs because it encourages others to join in.
* For the Ladder, please include in your log ALL your Ladder QSOs from the (up to) 4 sessions in the month. If you need to make any changes, you can send in another log and it will replace the previous log you sent in.
February 2021
27 Feb 21: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
on-air activity:
Sunday 28 February 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational.
Sunday 28 February 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
20 Feb 21: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder February 2021 newsletter
written by David G4YVM, Activities Manager, is now available.
Topics include the first results for the 2021 Ladder on-air activity along with information about the upcoming activities.
BrassPounder provides the results and discussions about on-air Activities provided by FISTS CW Club Europe.
13 Feb 21: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
on-air activity:
Sunday 14 February 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational.
Sunday 14 February 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
06 Feb 21: Please send in your logs, comments, and photos for the following activities that took place or were finished by the end of January 2021.
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 February.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 February.
* In all the activities, even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs because it encourages others to join in.
* For the Ladder, please include in your log ALL your Ladder QSOs from the (up to) 4 sessions in the month. If you need to make any changes, you can send in another log and it will replace the previous log you sent in.
January 2021
28 Jan 21: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder January 2021 newsletter
written by David G4YVM, Activities Manager, is now available.
Topics include the final results for the 2020 Ladder on-air activity along with information about the upcoming activities.
BrassPounder provides the results and discussions about on-air Activities provided by FISTS CW Club Europe.
22 Jan 21: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club second 2021
on-air activity:
Sunday 24 January 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational.
Sunday 24 January 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
08 Jan 21: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club first 2021
on-air activity:
Sunday 10 January 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational.
Sunday 10 January 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
06 Jan 21: Please send in your logs, comments, and photos for the following activities that took place or were finished by the end of December 2020:
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 January.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 January.
* In all the activities, even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs because it encourages others to join in.
* For the Ladder, please include in your log ALL your Ladder QSOs from the (up to) 4 sessions in the month. If you need to make any changes, you can send in another log and it will replace the previous log you sent in.