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News 2017

December 2017

  • 31 Dec 17: The latest version (3.4.4) of the free FISTS Log Converter program for Windows is now available.

    This version adds support for the 2018 FISTS Europe Ladder.

    FISTS Log Converter can be used in conjunction with almost all amateur radio logbook programs -or- for anyone not currently using one, it includes its own optional, easy-to-use logbook.

    The program is available from the download web page.  Many thanks to the testers: Alex PA1FOX, Peter G4LHI, and Richard G0ILN.
  • 23 Dec 17: Why not join in the very last ever session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives on Sunday 24 December 2000-2200 UTC? 
    This is a friendly activity where you have QSOs of at least 5 minutes and in addition to the basic information (see below), you can exchange whatever else you like: details of equipment, key, antenna, WX, etc.

    Minimum exchange:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    Vibroplex "Bug" Keys will be awarded in January 2018 to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place operators.
    Be sure to send in your logs!

    See the full details on the website.

    Have a Happy Christmas and all the very best for the New Year from all at FISTS CW Club.
  • 22 Dec 17: How about having a short break from the Christmas/New Year festivities and join us in the final 2017 FISTS CW Club Europe on-air activities?
    • Ladder Sunday 24 December 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
      Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
          Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

      QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
    • Day-hopper with three, 1-hour sessions per day starting at 0800, 1300, & 1800 UTC on each day.  The final day for 2017 is:
      * Friday 29 December.

      The idea is absolutely NOT a contest but a means of enabling us to meet each other on air.  Operation is on 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, & 10m.  Calling 'CQ FISTS' on or around the FISTS centre of activity frequencies is recommended.
    Note: the Ladder will start afresh in January 2018 and details of a new set of Day-hopper sessions and other 2018 Activities will be announced later.

    Have a Happy Christmas and all the very best for the New Year from all at FISTS CW Club.
  • 18 Dec 17: The FISTS CW Club Europe BrassPounder December 2017 newsletter has just been published by David G4YVM, Activities Manager.

    BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.

    This edition includes details of the November 2017 Ladder results.

  • 09 Dec 17: The December 2017 Cumulatives Report from FISTS CW Club Americas has been published by Dennis K6DF.

    This newsletter contains the results and soapbox comments for the November 2017 Cumulatives on-air sessions.

  • 06 Dec 17: The penultimate session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives is on Sunday 10 December 2000-2200 UTC.

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps earn points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays throughout 2017.  QSOs must be on 80m, 40m, or 20m.  Exchange:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    Vibroplex "Bug" Keys will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place operators at the end of the year!
    Be sure to send in your logs!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.
  • 06 Dec 17: Please join us in the upcoming FISTS CW Club Europe on-air activities:
    • Ladder Sunday 10 December 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
      Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
          Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

      QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
    • Straight Key Week finishes on Saturday 09 December, 2200 UTC. 

      Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
          Name, RST, QTH, & member number (if applicable).

      DON'T FORGET to add SKW to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field and that this year operating times are 1 hour periods starting at the following UTC times: 0000, 0300, 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800, & 2100.
      Entrants must use straight keys or sideswipers (no bug keys, keyers, keyboards etc.)

      QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is not essential but very much appreciated.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
    • Day-hopper with three, 1-hour sessions per day starting at 0800, 1300, & 1800 UTC on each day.  The next four days are:
      * Tuesday 12 December.
      * Wednesday 20 December.
      * Thursday 28 December.
      * Friday 29 December.

      The idea is absolutely NOT a contest but a means of enabling us to meet each other on air.  Operation is on 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, & 10m.  Calling 'CQ FISTS' on or around the FISTS centre of activity frequencies is recommended.
  • 03 Dec 17: We're very pleased to welcome our latest FISTS CW Club members:

    NameCallNo. NameCallNo. NameCallNo.
    RichardK8WYY#18385 ShawnVA7IZ#18395 WilliamMI0WWB#18434
    StephenW4SKB#18386 SeanW9MCP#18396 TedM6UYF#18435
    TerryKG5OWB#18387 WesW7WSL#18397 CraigG0KVL#18436
    AngelWP4OSQ#18388 RonWN7Y#18398 DaveMI6WEQ#18437
    TerryW5HEX#18389 ClydeN0CG#18399 MartinM5TLA#18438
    JosephKD9JLV#18390 BrianM0YBM#18429 DanaW4CGC#18450
    AllisonKD9JOK#18391 TimG4YBU#18430 CharlesK3UIM#18451
    DeanKG7WGX#18392 GrantGSWL46#18431 ThomasKC3KJG#18452
    GalenAG5LS#18393 RobM1CBK#18432    
    RobertWD0EGC#18394 RomanDL3TU#18433    
  • 03 Dec 17: Please join us in congratulating the recent FISTS CW Club Awards winner:

    TomDK3DUA#18090 Millionaire 3 Million Endorsement

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 02 Dec 17: Straight Key Week, one of the most popular FISTS CW Club Europe Activities, starts on Sunday 03 December and finishes on Saturday 09 December UTC. 

    DON'T FORGET to add SKW to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field and that this year operating times are 1 hour periods starting at the following UTC times: 0000, 0300, 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800, & 2100.
    Entrants must use straight keys or sideswipers (no bug keys, keyers, keyboards etc.)

    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, RST, QTH, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is not essential but very much appreciated.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with members of FISTS Europe.
  • 02 Dec 17: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following November 2017 activities:
    • Cumulatives (FISTS CW Club Americas) no later than 7 December.
    • Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 December.
    • Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 December.

    Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs to encourage others to join in.

November 2017

  • 25 Nov 17: Please join us in the upcoming FISTS CW Club Europe on-air activities:
    • Ladder Sunday 26 November 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
      Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
          Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

      QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
    • Day-hopper with three, 1-hour sessions per day starting at 0800, 1300, & 1800 UTC on each day.  The next four days are:
      * Tuesday 28 November.
      * Monday 04 December.
      * Tuesday 12 December.
      * Wednesday 20 December.

      The idea is absolutely NOT a contest but a means of enabling us to meet each other on air.  Operation is on 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, & 10m.  Calling 'CQ FISTS' on or around the FISTS centre of activity frequencies is recommended.
  • 25 Nov 17: The next 2017 session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives is on Sunday 26 November 2000-2200 UTC (**note time change**).

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps earn points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays throughout 2017.  QSOs must be at least 5 minutes long and on 80m, 40m, or 20m.  Exchange:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    Vibroplex "Bug" Keys will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place operators at the end of the year!
    Be sure to send in your logs!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.
  • 21 Nov 17: The latest version (3.4.2) of the free FISTS Log Converter program for Windows is now available.

    This version adds support for the 2017 Straight Key Week (Sunday 03 - Saturday 09 December, FISTS CW Club Europe).

    FISTS Log Converter can be used in conjunction with almost all amateur radio logbook programs -or- for anyone not currently using one, it includes its own optional, easy-to-use logbook.

    The program is available from the download web page.  Many thanks to the testers: Alex PA1FOX, Peter G4LHI, and Richard G0ILN.
  • 15 Nov 17: The FISTS CW Club Europe BrassPounder November 2017 newsletter has just been published by David G4YVM, Activities Manager.

    BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.

    This edition includes details of the October 2017 Ladder results.

  • 14 Nov 17: The November 2017 Cumulatives Report from FISTS CW Club Americas has been published by Dennis K6DF.

    This newsletter contains the results and soapbox comments for the October 2017 Cumulatives on-air sessions.

  • 12 Nov 17: The next 2017 session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives is on Sunday 12 November 2000-2200 UTC (**note time change**).

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps earn points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays throughout 2017.  QSOs must be at least 5 minutes long and on 80m, 40m, or 20m.  Exchange:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    Vibroplex "Bug" Keys will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place operators at the end of the year!
    Be sure to send in your logs!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.
  • 11 Nov 17: Please join us in the upcoming FISTS CW Club Europe on-air activities:
    • Ladder Sunday 12 November 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
      Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
          Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

      QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
    • Day-hopper with three, 1-hour sessions per day starting at 0800, 1300, & 1800 UTC on each day.  The next four days are:
      * Friday 17 November.
      * Monday 20 November.
      * Tuesday 28 November.
      * Monday 04 December.

      The idea is absolutely NOT a contest but a means of enabling us to meet each other on air.  Operation is on 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, & 10m.  Calling 'CQ FISTS' on or around the FISTS centre of activity frequencies is recommended.
  • 09 Nov 17: We're very pleased to welcome our latest FISTS CW Club members:

    NameCallNo. NameCallNo. NameCallNo.
    NickVK4PLN#15219 JackK9VLX#18366 MichaelKQ9P#18384
    JeabE20FUP#15256 MichaelK3MRH#18367 EdM0MNG#18414
    SeanVR2OY#15257 ScottKG7WHX#18368 ChrisGW7VTO#18415
    BrianDU1MS#15258 BenK4ME#18369 ColmEI2KN#18416
    JesseVE3KPV#18352 ScottW2NTV#18370 CatherineGMSWL45#18417
    RobertW5RGM#18353 ChrisN3MLB#18371 MalcolmG4TJK#18418
    JamesWD8RYC#18354 RichardN1QX#18372 EnricoIK1WNO#18419
    MarkVE3BXG#18355 ArtN1ARG#18373 Ray2E0ELN#18420
    JimW6WTL#18356 DavidK7GP#18374 John2M0JST#18421
    RobertKD8CBV#18357 BrianK9LBC#18375 KenG0EKH#18422
    BrandtK4SR#18358 MartyK7CMI#18376 JoakimSM6PVB#18423
    DennisKE8HDE#18359 StephenKI4VGA#18377 SteveM6TTZ#18424
    KarlKA1FSX#18360 RaymondW6QPA#18378 RichardG4TPJ#18425
    RandallKC1NN#18361 MichaelWA3MMM#18379 Peter2E0CYS#18426
    DanielN9MUF#18362 JimVE6GL#18380 LenM6KVW#18427
    AngelNR3N#18363 DanielWB6SIU#18381 JohnMW0XOT#18428
    BrianWA9QLQ#18364 ThomasKE3GK#18382    
    ChristopherKW4ZJ#18365 JosephN3JJL#18383    
  • 03 Nov 17: The RSGB Marconi CW 2m Contest is this coming Weekend, 4 November 1400 UTC - 5 November 1400 UTC.  It is part of a Europe-wide contest and is the third out of three annual RSGB VHF CW contests (6m, 4m and 2m).

    Unlike HF contests, QSOs are a bit more relaxed and don't expect to get 599 for each QSO!  The exchange is RST, serial number and 6 character locator.  Most activity centres around 144.050, with the primary CW band plan segment 144.025 - 144.110 MHz.
  • 01 Nov 17: Please join us in congratulating the recent FISTS CW Club Awards winners:

    IanG4MLW#130 Spectrum 20m Endorsement
    CecilK5YQF#8077 Spectrum 30m Endorsement, Prefix 100 Endorsement, Prefix 150 Endorsement
    JoeN5XGG#9974 Silver Century, Millionaire, Millionaire 2 Million Endorsement
    ChrisG3XVL#16207 Millionaire 4 Million Endorsement
    AlanMW0BGL#16507 Rag Chewers
    EmilI5EFO#17028 Gold Century, 1 X QRP, Millionaire 4 Million Endorsement
    PaulM0GSX#17642 Millionaire
    KepaEA6BB#18080 Prefix, Prefix 50 Endorsement, Prefix 100 Endorsement, Prefix 150 Endorsement

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 01 Nov 17: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following October 2017 activities:
    • Cumulatives (FISTS CW Club Americas) no later than 7 November.
    • Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 November.
    • Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 November.

    Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs to encourage others to join in.

October 2017

  • 22 Oct 17: The next 2017 session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives is on Sunday 22 October 1900-2100 UTC.

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps earn points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays throughout 2017.  QSOs must be at least 5 minutes long and on 80m, 40m, or 20m.  Exchange:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    Vibroplex "Bug" Keys will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place operators at the end of the year!
    Be sure to send in your logs!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.
  • 21 Oct 17: Please join us in the upcoming FISTS CW Club Europe on-air activities:
    • Ladder Sunday 22 October 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
      Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
          Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

      QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
    • Day-hopper with three, 1-hour sessions per day starting at 0800, 1300, & 1800 UTC on each day.  The next four days are:
      * Thursday 26th October.
      * Friday 27th October.
      * Wednesday 1st November.
      * Thursday 9th November.

      The idea is absolutely NOT a contest but a means of enabling us to meet each other on air.  Operation is on 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, & 10m.  Calling 'CQ FISTS' on or around the FISTS centre of activity frequencies is recommended.
  • 13 Oct 17: The FISTS CW Club Americas Fall Unlimited Speed Sprint takes place on Saturday 14 October 1700-2100 UTC on 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m & 10m.

    Call "CQ FS".  The exchange includes:
    RST, U.S. state or Canadian province or DXCC country, first name, FISTS member number.
    Non-members send their power output in Watts instead of a member number.

    Members worldwide are invited to participate.

    For N1MM contest logger users, a User Defined Contest (UDC) file is available.  Go to the N1MM website, choose "FILES" then "User Defined Contests (UDC)" and look for the file G3ZQSmem.zip (can be used for Sprints despite the name).  A FISTS Call History File is also available.
  • 10 Oct 17: The October 2017 Cumulatives Report from FISTS CW Club Americas has been published by Dennis K6DF.

    This newsletter contains the results and soapbox comments for the September 2017 Cumulatives on-air sessions.

  • 10 Oct 17: The FISTS BrassPounder October 2017 newsletter has just been published by David G4YVM, Activities Manager.

    BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.

    This edition includes details of the September 2017 Ladder results.

  • 08 Oct 17: Please join us in the upcoming FISTS CW Club Europe on-air activities:
    • Ladder Sunday 8 October 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
      Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
          Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

      QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
    • Day-hopper with three, 1-hour sessions per day starting at 0800, 1300, & 1800 UTC on each day.  The next four days are:
      * Tuesday 10th October.
      * Wednesday 18th October.
      * Thursday 26th October.
      * Friday 27th October.

      The idea is absolutely NOT a contest but a means of enabling us to meet each other on air.  Operation is on 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, & 10m.  Calling 'CQ FISTS' on or around the FISTS centre of activity frequencies is recommended.
  • 07 Oct 17: The next 2017 session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives is on Sunday 8 October 1900-2100 UTC.

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps earn points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays throughout 2017.  QSOs must be at least 5 minutes long and on 80m, 40m, or 20m.  Exchange:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    Vibroplex "Bug" Keys will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place operators at the end of the year!
    Be sure to send in your logs!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.
  • 02 Oct 17: Please join us in congratulating the recent FISTS CW Club Awards winners:

    Phil2E0DPH#14543 Millionaire 3 Million Endorsement
    JohnG4LRG#14873 Millionaire 4 Million Endorsement
    ChrisG3XVL#16207 Rag Chewers 2m Endorsement, Spectrum 40m, Prefix
    JoeAA8TA#17164 Millionaire 2 Million Endorsement, Spectrum 40m, Prefix, Prefix 50 Endorsement, Prefix 100 Endorsement, Prefix 150 Endorsement

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 01 Oct 17: We're very pleased to welcome our latest FISTS CW Club members:

    NameCallNo. NameCallNo. NameCallNo.
    LaurieVK2GZ#15218 SteveW9BRI#18343 DaveGW3VBC#18407
    Kei7N2SUZ#15254 DavidK4BBH#18344 SmudgeG3GJW#18408
    MituJI1LMO#15255 RobertW8ARC#18345 InnermossGJSWL44#18409
    JasonW5ZP#18321 DavidW3ENG#18346 Paul2E0CPX#18410
    RonaldN6PUC#18338 CharlesKM4ZZ#18347 MarcinSQ9OZM#18411
    KennethN2FBV#18339 LeonardoOA4DQA#18348 PhilG4XWR#18412
    JohnKD9VN#18340 LornWY7LM#18349 JimmiOZ7ADL#18413
    HansKL4KI#18341 DavidK1MR#18350    
    GeorgeW0PHX#18342 AlanWB9JTK#18351    
  • 01 Oct 17: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following September 2017 activities:
    • Cumulatives (FISTS CW Club Americas) no later than 7 October.
    • Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 October.
    • Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 October.

    Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs to encourage others to join in.
  • 01 Oct 17: The first ever FISTS CW Club Europe Day-hopper sessions start on Monday 2nd October 2017 and continue through into November & December.  There are three, 1-hour sessions per day starting at 0800, 1300, & 1800 UTC on each day:

    * Monday 2nd October.
    * Tuesday 10th October.
    * Wednesday 18th October.
    * Thursday 26th October.
    * Friday 27th October.

    The idea is absolutely NOT a contest but a means of enabling us to meet each other on air.  Operation is on 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, & 10m.

    Calling 'CQ FISTS' on or around the FISTS centre of activity frequencies is recommended.  Members can submit reports of numbers worked, soap-box comments etc. etc. as a "Round-up news" at the end of the sessions (by the end of January 2018, please), and also send any questions, to: .

September 2017

  • 23 Sep 17: The next 2017 session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives is on Sunday 24 September 1900-2100 UTC.

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps earn points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays throughout 2017.  QSOs must be at least 5 minutes long and on 80m, 40m, or 20m.  Exchange:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    Vibroplex "Bug" Keys will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place operators at the end of the year!
    Be sure to send in your logs!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.
  • 23 Sep 17: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 24 September 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • 15 Sep 17: The FISTS BrassPounder September 2017 newsletter has just been published.

    BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.

    This edition includes details of the August 2017 Ladder results.

  • FISTS pentagon logo.
    14 Sep 17: FISTS CW Club Europe is delighted to welcome two new club team members:
    • David G4YVM, who will be Activities Manager.
    • Ian G4MLW, who will be dealing with Awards Printing and Distribution.
  • 13 Sep 17: The September 2017 Cumulatives Report from FISTS CW Club Americas has been published.

    This newsletter contains the results and soapbox comments for the August 2017 Cumulatives on-air sessions.

  • 09 Sep 17: The next 2017 session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives is on Sunday 10 September 1900-2100 UTC.

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps earn points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays throughout 2017.  QSOs must be at least 5 minutes long and on 80m, 40m, or 20m.  Exchange:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    Vibroplex "Bug" Keys will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place operators at the end of the year!
    Be sure to send in your logs!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.
  • 09 Sep 17: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 10 September 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • 03 Sep 17: We're very pleased to welcome our latest FISTS CW Club members:

    NameCallNo. NameCallNo. NameCallNo.
    RagavVU3VWR#15250 LairdKC5LL#18329 RobinG0KPG#18400
    ThreezaDW3TRZ#15251 CraigN8PWM#18330 DaveG8FXM#18401
    KatsuJH0ROS#15252 BobWA9NBU#18331 AndrewG0OEY#18402
    DaveXU7AKG#15253 ChrisKG5UAZ#18332 AndyG0FKW#18403
    GaryAA1UE#18324 DonaldW5LHJ#18333 JoF5NFB#18404
    TomKB9ENS#18325 JerryN6JNL#18334 AndyON7ALG#18405
    DavidN2DAV#18326 ZollieK4XR#18335 AndyM0RON#18406
    BrianKQ4MM#18327 JustoNO CALL 12#18336    
    FrankKK7HI#18328 LeeW2LMT#18337    
  • 03 Sep 17: Please join us in congratulating the recent FISTS CW Club Awards winners:

    JarmoOH2BN#16593 Silver Century
    RonDL5CL#17425 Spectrum 40m

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 01 Sep 17: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following August 2017 activities:
    • Cumulatives (FISTS CW Club Americas) no later than 7 September.
    • Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 September.
    • Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 September.

    Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs to encourage others to join in.
  • 01 Sep 17: FISTS CW Club Americas G3ZQS Memorial Straight Key Contest starts on Friday 1st September 23:00 UTC and runs until Sunday 3rd September 23:00 UTC.

    Bands are: 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, and 10m.  Call "CQ FS".  The exchange is:
    RST, U.S. state/Canadian province/DXCC country, first name, FISTS number (or power output for non-FISTS).

    Members worldwide are invited to participate.

    For N1MM contest logger users, a User Defined Contest (UDC) file is available.  Go to the N1MM website, choose "FILES" then "User Defined Contests (UDC)" and look for the file G3ZQSmem.zip .  A FISTS Call History File is also available.  Thanks to Les G4OGB for providing the UDC file.

August 2017

  • 28 Aug 17: FISTS CW Club will be at the Telford Hamfest & G-QRP Convention 2017 (UK) on Sunday 3rd September 2017, so please come and say hello.

    The doors open at 10:15 BST and maps etc. are available from the Telford HamFest website.
  • 27 Aug 17: The new QCX from QRP Labs (FISTS member Hans G0UPL) is a mono-band 5W CW transceiver kit, with a along list of features including rotary-encoder-turned synthesised VFO, Iambic keyer, CW decoder, and a WSPR beacon mode.  It is available in 80, 60, 40, 30, 20 and 17m options, priced only $49.  The built-in test equipment (BITE) is used for aligning and debugging the transceiver, making it possible to build and adjust this radio with literally NO other test equipment!

    This is a kit of parts that you assemble yourself.  There are NO surface mount components to solder (two SMD ICs are already factory pre-soldered).

    • Easy to build, single-board design, 10 x 8cm, all controls are board-mounted.
    • Professional quality double-sided, through-hole plated, silk-screen printed PCB.
    • Choice of single band, 80, 60, 40, 30, 20 or 17m.
    • Approximately 3-5W CW output (depending on supply voltage).
    • 7-16V recommended supply voltage.
    • Class E power amplifier, transistors run cool... even with no heatsinks.
    • 7-element Low Pass Filter ensures regulatory compliance.
    • CW envelope shaping to remove key clicks.
    • High performance receiver with at least 50dB of unwanted sideband cancellation.
    • 200Hz CW filter with no ringing.
    • Si5351A Synthesized VFO with rotary encoder tuning.
    • 16 x 2 blue backlight LCD screen.
    • Iambic keyer or straight key option included in the firmware.
    • Simple Digital Signal Processing assisted CW decoder, displayed real-time on-screen.
    • On-screen S-meter.
    • Full or semi QSK operation using fast solid-state transmit/receive switching.
    • Frequency presets, VFO A/B Split operation, RIT, configurable CW Offset.
    • Configurable sidetone frequency and volume.
    • Connectors: Power, 3.5mm keyer jack, 3.5mm stereo earphone jack, BNC RF output.
    • Onboard microswitch can be used as a simple straight Morse key.
    • Built-in test signal generator and alignment tools to complete simple set-up adjustments.
    • Built-in test equipment: voltmeter, RF power meter, frequency counter, signal generator.
    • Beacon mode, supporting automatic CW or WSPR operation.
    • GPS interface for reference frequency calibration and time-keeping (for WSPR beacon).
  • 26 Aug 17: The next 2017 session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives is on Sunday 27 August 1900-2100 UTC.

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps earn points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays throughout 2017.  QSOs must be at least 5 minutes long and on 80m, 40m, or 20m.  Exchange:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    Vibroplex "Bug" Keys will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place operators at the end of the year!
    Be sure to send in your logs!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.
  • 26 Aug 17: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 27 August 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • FISTS logo.
    17 Aug 17: New FISTS Day-hopper On-air Activity, October - December 2017

    FISTS CW Club Europe is pleased to announce the new Day-hopper on-air Activity, October - December 2017.

    Operation only on 160,80,40,20,15,10m bands.

    Activity dates:

    Monday October 2nd, Tuesday 10th, Wednesday 18th, Thursday 26th, Friday 27th.
    Wednesday November 1st, Thursday 9th, Friday 17th, Monday 20th, Tuesday 28th.
    Monday December 4th, Tuesday 12th, Wednesday 20th, Thursday 28th, Friday 29th.

    Three periods per day  08-0900, 13-1400, 18-1900 Zulu.

    Freq, FISTS CoA.

    Perhaps call "CQ FISTS".

    Members can submit reports of numbers worked, soap-box comments etc. etc. as a "Round-up news" at the end of the session (by end Jan 2018 please) to

    Please email David G4YVM with any questions:
  • 15 Aug 17: We're very pleased to welcome our latest FISTS CW Club members:

    NameCallNo. NameCallNo. NameCallNo.
    RuelDW1VGX#15199 EdG4KRJ#18197 RonW6YFX#18305
    JohnVK4010SWL#15216 AlanEI3HDB#18198 MichaelN1GVF#18306
    AdamVK8FEET#15217 Denis9A7DD#18199 RichardAA1FB#18307
    WoutPE1GXH#18179 HalAA2JQ#18287 RoyNQ4D#18308
    FISTS CW ClubII2FIST#18180 JosephKA0ENU#18288 AlexN9YHF#18309
    MaartenPA3DAR#18181 ThomasW6ESL#18289 JesseNY2KC#18310
    AntonioIW2HTH#18182 FroggyK8FU#18290 DavidKC1DNY#18311
    BenI8QFK#18183 BobKJ7NY#18291 TomN4LKL#18312
    Tom2E0EFK#18184 DanK0HNL#18292 Indiana Masonic Home ArcW9IMH#18313
    BrankoYU4DX#18185 BruceN4BRM#18293 SamuelWA9VBG#18314
    JustinGW0FZY#18186 PatrickN0SUR#18294 BrendaKC9WLI#18315
    MartinDH4NWG#18187 JamesKB3EFH#18295 JamesKD9BBU#18316
    MatthiasDF2OF#18188 DaveAC7FF#18296 IrvingKD9AEM#18317
    KlausDL2DWP#18189 JoshuaKG5PFD#18297 MichealKE5YXM#18318
    BryanM0IHY#18190 TomW7ZID#18298 BarryN4DCR#18319
    HorstDL8BCJ#18191 TomKG4WPD#18299 JohnWA0DOM#18320
    FrankDL2CC#18192 RaymondW8FLX#18300 JasonAA5AF#18321
    AlastairM0KRR#18193 RonK4SFC#18301 JesseK4FAC#18322
    RobertM3NQA#18194 JamesAG5FX#18302 RichardW0ZAP#18323
    JohnM6JLG#18195 GregW0GAS#18303    
    RayM3YLW#18196 AlbertKD2LBT#18304    
  • 13 Aug 17: The next 2017 session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives is on Sunday 13 August 1900-2100 UTC.

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps earn points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays throughout 2017.  QSOs must be at least 5 minutes long and on 80m, 40m, or 20m.  Exchange:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    Vibroplex "Bug" Keys will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place operators at the end of the year!
    Be sure to send in your logs!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.
  • 13 Aug 17: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 13 August 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • 12 Aug 17: Please join us in congratulating the recent FISTS CW Club Awards winners:

    VolkhardDL8UVG  Basic Century
    JarmoOH2BN#16593 Spectrum 20m
    EmilI5EFO#17028 Millionaire 3 Million Endorsement
    RogerAE4RM#17946 Millionaire

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 12 Aug 17: The August 2017 Cumulatives Report from FISTS CW Club Americas has been published.

    This newsletter contains the results and soapbox comments for the July 2017 Cumulatives on-air sessions.

  • 11 Aug 17: The FISTS BrassPounder August 2017 newsletter has just been published.

    BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.

    This edition includes details of the July 2017 Ladder results.

  • 06 Aug 17: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following July 2017 activities:

    Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs to encourage others to join in.

July 2017

  • 21 Jul 17: The next 2017 session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives is on Sunday 23 July 1900-2100 UTC.

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps earn points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays throughout 2017.  QSOs must be at least 5 minutes long and on 80m, 40m, or 20m.  Exchange:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    Vibroplex "Bug" Keys will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place operators at the end of the year!
    Be sure to send in your logs!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.
  • 21 Jul 17: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 23 July 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • 11 Jul 17: The July 2017 Cumulatives Report from FISTS CW Club Americas has been published.

    This newsletter contains the results and soapbox comments for the June 2017 Cumulatives on-air sessions.

  • 08 Jul 17: The FISTS BrassPounder July 2017 newsletter has just been published.

    BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.

    This edition includes details of the June 2017 Ladder results.

  • 07 Jul 17: The next 2017 session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives is on Sunday 9 July 1900-2100 UTC.

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps earn points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays throughout 2017.  QSOs must be at least 5 minutes long and on 80m, 40m, or 20m.  Exchange:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    Vibroplex "Bug" Keys will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place operators at the end of the year!
    Be sure to send in your logs!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.
  • 07 Jul 17: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 9 July 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • 01 Jul 17: The FISTS CW Club Americas Summer Unlimited Sprint takes place on Saturday 8 July 0000-0400 UTC on 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m & 10m.

    Call "CQ FS".  The exchange includes:
    RST, U.S. state or Canadian province or DXCC country, first name, FISTS member number.
    Non-members send their power output in Watts instead of a member number.

    Members worldwide are invited to participate.

    For N1MM contest logger users, a User Defined Contest (UDC) file is available.  Go to the N1MM website, choose "FILES" then "User Defined Contests (UDC)" and look for the file G3ZQSmem.zip (can be used for Sprints despite the name).  A FISTS Call History File is also available.
  • 01 Jul 17: We're very pleased to welcome our latest FISTS CW Club members:

    NameCallNo. NameCallNo. NameCallNo.
    ElioIU2FZA#18156 MaxIK2OFR#18178 TerryN7TB#18281
    Juan2E0EJZ#18172 VanWB5LAI#18274 DavidN5KWD#18282
    Paul5B8BA#18173 BillW0TG#18276 JohnKN4VV#18283
    GlennM1AQO#18174 ScottW7RX#18277 RyanKD5QAQ#18284
    CliveG8VKQ#18175 MichaelKI4FND#18278 AnthonyNA3AR#18285
    MariuszSP2SWI#18176 TomKB5RF#18279 TrockyK5CEU#18286
    PierreON8GE#18177 TerryN8WEL#18280    
  • 01 Jul 17: Please join us in congratulating the recent FISTS CW Club Awards winners:

    JeanF6JOE#16177 Millionaire 3 Million Endorsement
    TomAK4NY#17578 Silver Century, Millionaire, Millionaire 2 Million Endorsement, Millionaire 3 Million Endorsement, Millionaire 4 Million Endorsement, Millionaire 5 Million Endorsement, Millionaire 6 Million Endorsement, Spectrum 40m, Spectrum 20m Endorsement

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 01 Jul 17: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following June 2017 activities:

    Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs to encourage others to join in.

June 2017

  • 27 Jun 17: The "summer/autumn" EuCW Snakes & Ladders run starts on Saturday 01 July and ends on 31 December UTC.

    If you've not participated previously, now is a great time to start.  QSOs must take at least five minutes, stations must be European stations and the mode must be CW.  Each station may be contacted once per day, irrespective of the band.

    For full details, please see the comprehensive rules.
  • 27 Jun 17: The FISTS CW Club Americas Summer Slow Speed Sprint (max. 13 wpm) takes place on Saturday 1 July 0000-0400 UTC on 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m & 10m.

    Call "CQ FS".  The exchange includes:
    RST, U.S. state or Canadian province or DXCC country, first name, FISTS member number.
    Non-members send their power output in Watts instead of a member number.

    Members worldwide are invited to participate.

    For N1MM contest logger users, a User Defined Contest (UDC) file is available.  Go to the N1MM website, choose "FILES" then "User Defined Contests (UDC)" and look for the file G3ZQSmem.zip (can be used for Sprints despite the name).  A FISTS Call History File is also available.
  • 24 Jun 17: UK amateurs: The annual RSGB 6m CW contest is Sunday 25th June, 0900-1200 UTC.

    The exchange is RST, serial number and 6 character locator, with most European CW activity between 50.080-50.100 MHz.  Unlike HF contests, though, don't expect to get 599 for each QSO!  This should be interesting with the added likelihood of sporadic E propagation.

    QSOs with other FISTS CW Club members count towards FISTS Awards such as the Millionaire.
  • 24 Jun 17: The next 2017 session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives is on Sunday 25 June 1900-2100 UTC.

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps earn points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays throughout 2017.  QSOs must be at least 5 minutes long and on 80m, 40m, or 20m.  Exchange:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    Vibroplex "Bug" Keys will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place operators at the end of the year!
    Be sure to send in your logs!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.
  • 24 Jun 17: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 25 June 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • 15 Jun 17: We're very pleased to welcome our latest FISTS CW Club members:

    NameCallNo. NameCallNo. NameCallNo.
    JayBV3FQ#15196 JohnWM6W#18212 KaryW2KDK#18243
    JackBV2QS#15197 RobertAB9NP#18213 GeorgeKC9AAX#18244
    PoojithVU3YPP#15198 TorreKC9THA#18214 DougW8DHV#18245
    BillVK1FWBK#15215 DarrylK4VLP#18215 MikeKC0UKA#18246
    JohnG0CDB#18150 TimothyWM4P#18216 DustinKD8LZL#18247
    RoySM4VLG#18151 DallasKG5STN#18217 BobN9GG#18248
    AreLB3SA#18152 MichaelW4NLT#18218 GlennN4MJ#18249
    MikeG3VTO#18153 EdwardKV4WN#18219 JohnKC3CBQ#18250
    PetruHB9GKP#18154 DavidKD8QAB#18220 JimK5JFB#18251
    YrjoeOH3CK#18157 MichaelK8HA#18221 MarkKA9FQG#18252
    XaviEA3BP#18158 PhilK7PB#18222 JeniKC9PRL#18253
    DuncanMM0CMV#18160 DavidKD8KOR#18223 DavidN1MRR#18254
    GrazianoIW2NOY#18161 DaleWB6MMQ#18224 ChrisN0DQI#18255
    JasonGSWL43#18162 NelsonW0NRK#18225 MikeN8DAW#18256
    CliveG0ULR#18163 GeorgeKC3RV#18226 DanielK4DSH#18257
    AllanGW4VPX#18164 RichardKC2GVP#18227 JoeKA9OPL#18258
    JolG6KTO#18165 PatriciaAB4CT#18228 ScottKD4SIR#18259
    MarkM6VMS#18166 WarrenKH6WM#18229 ChrisAK1Z#18260
    BobM0KLO#18167 JamesKC1ENX#18230 JeffreyN1DJS#18261
    StefDL5DG#18168 StephenKD2KRG#18231 CarlosK4IGL#18262
    RenatoIZ8NXG#18169 GeorgeKC1BJT#18232 LarryN7TNT#18263
    JonM0JPS#18170 ElbertKQ3K#18233 PhilipW2OZB#18264
    TerryM6AQW#18171 FredK0FG#18234 CurtisKD0ZCY#18265
    AlW2WW#18204 JamesW3GYM#18235 PeteN4CQN#18266
    HeidiKG0GGY#18205 GregKG4USQ#18236 StuWA6BTK#18267
    StanK7BTA#18206 RonaldN1ZTY#18237 JohnKD0WGH#18268
    KimballN5RKO#18207 JimNJ3T#18238 GeraldKD2FSH#18269
    DavidWW9S#18208 LinN4YCI#18239 MarkKM4AHP#18270
    JoshuaKD9IAC#18209 MarilynKB8PAL#18240 KrisAC0UD#18271
    DaleAD9LZ#18210 DanWD8ASG#18241 DonaldKG5TKW#18272
    DanielAB8SI#18211 SusanSWL-42#18242 KentK0WRY#18273
  • 15 Jun 17: Please join us in congratulating the recent FISTS CW Club Awards winners:

    DanN8VV#10386 Basic Century, Silver Century, Millionaire, Millionaire 2 Million Endorsement, Millionaire 3 Million Endorsement, Worked All States
    JeanF6JOE#16177 Basic Century, Silver Century, Millionaire, Millionaire 2 Million Endorsement
    PeteG0PNM#16592 Gold Century, Millionaire 4 Million Endorsement, Prefix 150 Endorsement
    IanEA7JUK#17613 Basic Century, 1 X QRP
    PaulM0GSX#17642 Basic Century

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 14 Jun 17: The June 2017 Cumulatives Report from FISTS CW Club Americas has been published.

    This newsletter contains the results and soapbox comments for the May 2017 Cumulatives on-air sessions.

  • 11 Jun 17: The FISTS BrassPounder June 2017 newsletter has just been published.

    BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.

    This edition includes details of the May 2017 Ladder results.

  • 10 Jun 17: The next 2017 session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives is on Sunday 11 June 1900-2100 UTC.

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps earn points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays throughout 2017.  QSOs must be at least 5 minutes long and on 80m, 40m, or 20m.  Exchange:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    Vibroplex "Bug" Keys will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place operators at the end of the year!
    Be sure to send in your logs!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.
  • 10 Jun 17: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 11 June 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • 01 Jun 17: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following May 2017 activities:

    Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs to encourage others to join in.

May 2017

  • 28 May 17: The next 2017 session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives is on Sunday 28 May 1900-2100 UTC.

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps earn points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays throughout 2017.  QSOs must be at least 5 minutes long and on 80m, 40m, or 20m.  Exchange:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    Vibroplex "Bug" Keys will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place operators at the end of the year!
    Be sure to send in your logs!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.
  • 28 May 17: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 28 May 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • 11 May 17: The RSGB 4m (70 MHz) CW Contest 2017 is Sunday 14 May 0900-1200 UTC.

    The exchange is: RST, Serial Number (starting at 001) and a 6 character (e.g. IO92JL) locator and UK stations send the first 2 letters of their Postcode.

    This is one of three RSGB VHF CW contests (6m, 4m, & 2m).  These are more relaxed than HF contests and typically 'real' RSTs are exchanged, so have fun and listen carefully!  If you have QSOs with FISTS CW Club members, these count towards the FISTS Awards.
  • 11 May 17: The next 2017 session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives is on Sunday 14 May 1900-2100 UTC.

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps earn points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays throughout 2017.  QSOs must be at least 5 minutes long and on 80m, 40m, or 20m.  Exchange:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    Vibroplex "Bug" Keys will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place operators at the end of the year!
    Be sure to send in your logs!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.
  • 11 May 17: The FISTS CW Club Americas Spring Unlimited Sprint takes place on Saturday 13 May 1700-2100 UTC on 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m & 10m.

    Call "CQ FS".  The exchange includes:
    RST, U.S. state or Canadian province or DXCC country, first name, FISTS member number.
    Non-members send their power output in Watts instead of a member number.

    Members worldwide are invited to participate.

    For N1MM contest logger users, a User Defined Contest (UDC) file is available.  Go to the N1MM website, choose "FILES" then "User Defined Contests (UDC)" and look for the file G3ZQSmem.zip (can be used for Sprints despite the name).  A FISTS Call History File is also available.
  • 11 May 17: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 14 May 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • 10 May 17: The May 2017 Cumulatives Report from FISTS CW Club Americas has been published.

    This newsletter contains the results and soapbox comments for the April 2017 Cumulatives on-air sessions.

  • 08 May 17: The FISTS BrassPounder May 2017 newsletter has just been published.

    BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.

    This edition includes details of the April 2017 Ladder results.

  • 08 May 17: Please join us in congratulating the recent FISTS CW Club Awards winners:

    CodyKC2LSD#11793 Millionaire 6 Million Endorsement
    DavidG4YVM#15868 Rag Chewers
    TomAK4NY#17578 Basic Century

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 05 May 17: The FISTS CW Club Americas Spring Slow Speed Sprint (max. 13 wpm) takes place on Saturday 6 May 1700-2100 UTC on 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m & 10m.

    Call "CQ FS".  The exchange includes:
    RST, U.S. state or Canadian province or DXCC country, first name, FISTS member number.
    Non-members send their power output in Watts instead of a member number.

    Members worldwide are invited to participate.

    For N1MM contest logger users, a User Defined Contest (UDC) file is available.  Go to the N1MM website, choose "FILES" then "User Defined Contests (UDC)" and look for the file G3ZQSmem.zip (can be used for Sprints despite the name).  A FISTS Call History File is also available.
  • 05 May 17: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following April 2017 activities:
    Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, it's desirable to send in logs to encourage others to join in.

April 2017

  • 21 Apr 17: The 2017 EuCW QRS Week activity is Monday 24 April to Friday 28 April inclusive.

    Maximum speed is 14 wpm.

    Call 'CQ' or 'CQ QRS'

    See the full details on the EuCW website.

  • 21 Apr 17: The next 2017 session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives is on Sunday 23 April 1900-2100 UTC.

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps earn points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays throughout 2017.  QSOs must be at least 5 minutes long and on 80m, 40m, or 20m.  Exchange:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    Vibroplex "Bug" Keys will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place operators at the end of the year!
    Be sure to send in your logs!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.
  • 21 Apr 17: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 23 April 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • 09 Apr 17: The April 2017 Cumulatives Report from FISTS CW Club Americas has been published.

    This newsletter contains the results and soapbox comments for the March 2017 Cumulatives on-air sessions.

  • 09 Apr 17: The FISTS BrassPounder April 2017 newsletter has just been published.

    BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.

    This edition includes details of the March 2017 Ladder results.

  • 07 Apr 17: The next 2017 session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives is on Sunday 9 April 1900-2100 UTC.

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps earn points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays throughout 2017.  QSOs must be at least 5 minutes long and on 80m, 40m, or 20m.  Exchange:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    Vibroplex "Bug" Keys will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place operators at the end of the year!
    Be sure to send in your logs!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.
  • 07 Apr 17: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 9 April 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • 05 Apr 17: FISTS CW Club will be attending the NARSA Rally at the Norbreck Exhibition Centre, Blackpool, UK on Sunday 9th April 2017.  We're on stand 34, which is in the main hall.

    This is a lively event with a wide range of club and trade stands - well worth a visit.  The doors open at 10:30 BST and maps etc. are available on the NARSA website.
  • 02 Apr 17: Please join us in congratulating the recent FISTS CW Club Awards winners:

    RichardG0ILN#398 Prefix
    PhilZL3PAH#14103 Basic Century, Silver Century, Millionaire, Millionaire 2 Million Endorsement
    JohnG4LRG#14873 Spectrum 80m Endorsement
    AlanMW0BGL#16507 Basic Century
    PeteG0PNM#16592 Prefix 100 Endorsement
    EmilI5EFO#17028 Millionaire 2 Million Endorsement
    MikIZ2FME#18103 Millionaire

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 02 Apr 17: We're very pleased to welcome our latest FISTS CW Club members:

    NameCallNo. NameCallNo. NameCallNo.
    SureshVU2EOJ#15193 RichardW0KFG#18041 LesMM6XMQ#18142
    JimmyBU2DB#15194 BradAI6DS#18042 JonG4FUT#18143
    SamBX3AA#15195 RobertKE7BXZ#18043 DaveG7WHI#18144
    GarethVK4FQ#15212 JohnWB4YAL#18044 MarkOH2BS#18145
    ColinZL2EA#15213 RayW1YFF#18045 JonasTF3JB#18147
    RaymondVK4WY#15214 LarryN4CBS#18046 IvorG4RJA#18148
    BruceKA8ZXX#18035 BradAK0BC#18047 RobinG4DNP#18149
    ThomasKJ4KGT#18036 GeorgeW3GWM#18048 JamesK3YMI#18200
    BeverlyKJ4KGS#18037 GeorgeK1IG#18049 TommyW4OIS#18201
    BobK7QBW#18038 SteveG3ILO#18139 GreggKF5ZIM#18202
    PhilK6AXY#18039 RayG4MXE#18140 DonN8CAK#18203
    ThomasKD4HFG#18040 AloisDD8ALO#18141    
  • 02 Apr 17: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following March 2017 activities no later than 7 April:
    Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you can't win, it's desirable to send in logs to encourage others to join in.

March 2017

  • 26 Mar 17: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 26 March 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • 26 Mar 17: The next 2017 session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives is on Sunday 26 March 1900-2100 UTC (*Note* the change in times!).

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps earn points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays throughout 2017.  QSOs must be at least 5 minutes long and on 80m, 40m, or 20m.  Exchange:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    Vibroplex "Bug" Keys will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place operators at the end of the year!
    Be sure to send in your logs!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.
  • 10 Mar 17: The next 2017 session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives is on Sunday 12 March 1900-2100 UTC (*Note* the change in times!).

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps earn points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays throughout 2017.  QSOs must be at least 5 minutes long and on 80m, 40m, or 20m.  Exchange:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    Vibroplex "Bug" Keys will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place operators at the end of the year!
    Be sure to send in your logs!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.
  • 10 Mar 17: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 12 March 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • 09 Mar 17: The March 2017 Cumulatives Report from FISTS CW Club Americas has been published.

    This newsletter contains the results and soapbox comments for the February 2017 Cumulatives on-air sessions.

  • 08 Mar 17: The FISTS BrassPounder March 2017 newsletter has just been published.

    BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.

    This edition includes details of the February 2017 Ladder results.

  • 05 Mar 17: We're very pleased to welcome our latest FISTS CW Club members:

    NameCallNo. NameCallNo. NameCallNo.
    SmiffJE3AEB#15192 JustinNZ5NZ#18014 BrianNC4BT#18031
    JohnVK3CVF#15209 CraigWF6Q#18015 WilliamWA7WJR#18032
    AlanVK4AAN#15210 MichaelKM6HQI#18016 DaveG0DDF#18124
    MartinVK7MA#15211 CharlesKK4TKJ#18017 BobGM0LQY#18125
    Morse Operators ClubKM0RSE#18000 CharlesW5UTW#18018 AdrianM6HXE#18126
    PaulVA7CDB#18002 DavidW1AMX#18019 PolON4LFO#18127
    JoelK8SHB#18003 DennisK2DCD#18020 ColinG1LQT#18128
    JamesN3LBJ#18004 CharlesKF5DBN#18021 BillM6WVW#18129
    Fremont Amateur RadioWI6QW#18005 MichaelN7DQ#18022 Mark2M0RRT#18130
    GaryKM4OZZ#18006 RonaldK3YEO#18023 PeterG3TJE#18131
    StevenKT5MMI#18007 EdwardNI4MX#18024 RalphS55CX#18132
    JeffreyKT0G#18008 JosephKD9CSV#18025 DaveG6IYD#18133
    DickN0TGR#18009 BillN3WMC#18026 GianniIK4MEC#18134
    RichardW5FKW#18010 JamesK5KBA#18027 GrahamM0AEP#18135
    LyleNZ1B#18011 TerryWB0JRH#18028 JohnG0VWL#18136
    RonaldKK6URQ#18012 LloydN7LH#18029 DeanG4WQI#18137
    JohnAI6VM#18013 RexKE6MT#18030 CeesPA3GAT#18138
  • 04 Mar 17: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following February 2017 activities no later than 7 March:
    Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you can't win, it's desirable to send in logs to encourage others to join in.
  • 02 Mar 17: Please join us in congratulating the recent FISTS CW Club Awards winners:

    FelixDL5XL#10845 Basic Century
    PhilK4NE#13030 Basic Century
    TonyG6GLP#16262 Millionaire 2 Million Endorsement

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.

February 2017

  • 28 Feb 17: The new FISTS CW Club Americas KeyNote newsletter Issue 1, 2017 is ready to download for all current FISTS members.

    As well as the regular features, this issue includes:
    • Introducing Tim O'Connor, AC5SH, new FISTS Americas Chapter President.
    • Using KN0WCW.
    • The Speed-X Model 450 Code Practice Oscillator.
    • Bayou Jumper 40-Meter Transceiver Spy Radio.
    • The CWops Award.
    • One a Day Radio Club.
    • An Encounter Never To Be Forgotten.
    • Americas Chapter Cumulatives Event Bug Key Winners!
    • The Keynote Writer's Guide.

    Current members of FISTS Down Under, FISTS East Asia & FISTS Europe can use their FISTS Europe website password to get a copy.
  • 25 Feb 17: KN0WCW/5, the FISTS USA club call, will be active during the next 2017 session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives on Sunday 26 February 2000-2200 UTC.

    Vibroplex bug key prizes will be awarded to the top 3 entrants at the end of the year! 

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps earn points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays throughout 2017.  QSOs must be at least 5 minutes long and on 80m, 40m, or 20m.  Exchange:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.
  • 13 Feb 17: The February 2017 Cumulatives Report from FISTS CW Club Americas has been published.

    This newsletter contains the results and soapbox comments for the January 2017 Cumulatives on-air sessions.

  • 12 Feb 17: The FISTS BrassPounder February 2017 newsletter has just been published.

    BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.

    This edition includes details of the January 2017 Ladder results.

  • 10 Feb 17: KN0WCW/5, the FISTS USA club call, will be active during the next 2017 session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives on Sunday 11 February 2000-2200 UTC.

    Vibroplex bug key prizes will be awarded to the top 3 entrants at the end of the year! 

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps earn points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays throughout 2017.  QSOs must be at least 5 minutes long and on 80m, 40m, or 20m.  Exchange:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.
  • 10 Feb 17: The FISTS CW Club Americas Winter Unlimited Sprint takes place on Saturday 11 February 1700-2100 UTC on 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m & 10m.

    Call "CQ FS".  The exchange includes:
    RST, U.S. state or Canadian province or DXCC country, first name, FISTS member number.
    Non-members send their power output in Watts instead of a member number.

    Members worldwide are invited to participate.

    For N1MM contest logger users, a User Defined Contest (UDC) file is available.  Go to the N1MM website, choose "FILES" then "User Defined Contests (UDC)" and look for the file G3ZQSmem.zip (can be used for Sprints despite the name).  A FISTS Call History File is also available.
  • 10 Feb 17: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 12 February 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • 02 Feb 17: Please submit your January logs for the FISTS CW Club Americas Cumulatives by the end of February 7th.

    Even if you only had one QSO, it's very helpful to send in logs to encourage others to join in and give you a chance of winning one of the Vibroplex bug key prizes.
  • 02 Feb 17: Please join us in congratulating the recent FISTS CW Club Awards winners:

    PeterM5ABN#6423 Spectrum 80m Endorsement
    FISTS CW ClubMX5IPX#7778 Millionaire
    GeoffG0DDX#15552 Millionaire
    PhilF5IYJ#16622 Silver Century, Millionaire, Millionaire 2 Million Endorsement, Spectrum 40m
    EmilI5EFO#17028 Silver Century
    FanisSV2BBK#18061 Basic Century
    TomDK3DUA#18090 Millionaire 2 Million Endorsement
    MikIZ2FME#18103 Basic Century

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 02 Feb 17: We're very pleased to welcome our latest FISTS CW Club members:

    NameCallNo. NameCallNo. NameCallNo.
    AmaJN6PPD#15190 DouglasAD0FB#17987 DavidG0HVN#18107
    HiroJH4EYD#15191 MichaelWE3L#17988 JimM0GJQ#18109
    IanVK3IMB#15207 SeanN3JQ#17989 OllyM0WTL#18110
    AdrianVK5AW#15208 Harrisburg Academy ArcN3HAC#17990 MichaelEI5HSB#18111
    JohnW4JKL#17976 ErikWD5ENO#17991 JohnEI5JS#18112
    JimAB0LY#17977 DavidAC8SI#17992 UrosS56WVT#18113
    JohnKD0JPE#17978 MichaelN5NN#17993 JohnG7OXK#18114
    LoriK2LSB#17979 RichardKM6HQU#17994 KenGI1XPV#18115
    NeallW5NED#17980 MichaelN3IUI#17995 GaryM0WJD#18116
    TobeyKC0IMF#17981 PaulW5NWT#17996 IanG3YBY#18117
    RichardK1RIK#17982 BryanKG4GCX#17997 GrahameG3XHB#18118
    TimK0FKG#17983 WilliamKD2KUD#17998 IanM6ITH#18119
    JeffreyN2KOF#17984 MattW0MLD#17999 IanG3YRQ#18120
    DavidNT6AA#17985 CharlesW8CFO#18001 Ian2W0IGC#18121
    MatthewKG5ORU#17986 LeoEA7KB#18106 RichardG6VGC#18122
  • 02 Feb 17: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following January 2017 activities no later than 7 February:
    Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you can't win, it's really helpful to send in logs to encourage others to join in.

    See the Activity Calendar web page for details on sending in FISTS Eu activity logs.
    See the EuCW Snakes & Ladders web page for details of sending in logs for it.
  • 02 Feb 17: The FISTS CW Club Americas Winter Slow Speed Sprint (max. 13 wpm) takes place on Saturday 4 February 1700-2100 UTC on 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m & 10m.

    Call "CQ FS".  The exchange includes:
    RST, U.S. state or Canadian province or DXCC country, first name, FISTS member number.
    Non-members send their power output in Watts instead of a member number.

    Members worldwide are invited to participate.

    For N1MM contest logger users, a User Defined Contest (UDC) file is available.  Go to the N1MM website, choose "FILES" then "User Defined Contests (UDC)" and look for the file G3ZQSmem.zip (can be used for Sprints despite the name).  A FISTS Call History File is also available.

January 2017

  • 21 Jan 17: Please join us in the second 2017 FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 22 January 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • 21 Jan 17: The second 2017 session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives is on Sunday 22 January 2000-2200 UTC.

    Vibroplex bug key prizes will be awarded to the top 3 entrants at the end of the year! 

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps earn points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays throughout 2017.  QSOs must be at least 5 minutes long and on 80m, 40m, or 20m.  Exchange:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.
  • 16 Jan 17: The FISTS BrassPounder January 2017 newsletter has just been published.

    BrassPounder provides the results and comments for FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.

    This edition includes details of the Straight Key Week 2016 results and final 2016 Ladder results.

  • 15 Jan 17: The Vibroplex Bug Key Winners for 2016 have been announced in the FISTS CW Club Americas Cumulatives Report for January 2017.

    This newsletter contains the final results and soapbox comments for the 2016 FISTS Americas Cumulatives on-air activity and dates for the new 2017 activity sessions.

  • 13 Jan 17: Please join us in congratulating the recent FISTS CW Club Awards winners:

    IanG4MLW#130 Millionaire 8 Million Endorsement
    RonaldN7RD#2714 Silver Century, Millionaire, Prefix, Prefix 50 Endorsement, Prefix 100 Endorsement, Prefix 150 Endorsement
    AndySP9NLI#3741 Spectrum 20m
    PeterM5ABN#6423 Millionaire 4 Million Endorsement
    DerekM0DRK#8344 Millionaire 2 Million Endorsement
    ChrisG3XVL#16207 Silver Century, Millionaire 3 Million Endorsement, Rag Chewers 80m Endorsement
    MauroHB9FBG#16260 Millionaire 4 Million Endorsement
    JoeW8JPF#17164 Millionaire
    KepaEA6BB#18080 Silver Century

    For more information about FISTS Awards, available free to paid-up members worldwide, please see the Awards web page.
  • 07 Jan 17: Please join us in the first 2017 FISTS CW Club Europe Ladder sessions: Sunday 8 January 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 UTC.
    Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz.  Exchange a minimum of:
        Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).

    QSOs are friendly and conversational.  Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential.  Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
  • 05 Jan 17: The first 2017 session of the FISTS Americas Cumulatives is on Sunday 8 January 2000-2200 UTC.

    Bug key prizes will be awarded to the top 3 entrants at the end of the year! 

    This is a relaxed activity with minimum 5 minute QSOs.  Even if you don't want to send an entry in - and we hope you will - you can come along for some friendly QSOs and perhaps earn points towards FISTS Awards.

    The Cumulatives run on the 2nd and 4th Sundays throughout 2017.  QSOs must be at least 5 minutes long and on 80m, 40m, or 20m.  Exchange:
        RST, name, QTH or state, and member number (if applicable).

    Calling "CQ FISTS" is recommended.  Don't forget to log QSO end times!

    NOTE: FISTS CW Club Officers are NOT eligible for key prizes.

    See the full details on the website.  The free FISTS Log Converter program for Windows version 3.4.0 or later can be used to create and submit logs at the end of each month.  Select the "Activities" tab, then the month, and then "Cumulatives".
  • 01 Jan 17: We're very pleased to welcome our latest FISTS CW Club members:

    NameCallNo. NameCallNo. NameCallNo.
    ShoJH4DUQ#15189 MicahW5ABH#17968 DaveEI6AL#18098
    PeterVK6IS#15205 JerryW2GPK#17969 RobG4JGX#18099
    IanVK3IJB#15206 DavidKI7JJC#17970 SteveG0XAK#18100
    DavidK6CIM#17963 BillNM5BB#17971 BruceM0LMB#18101
    BruceW9AKX#17964 MarkWD4ELG#17972 PacoEA7AEV#18102
    StephenKZ5Q#17965 RichardKF7TUA#17973 MikIZ2FME#18103
    CliffKF7KU#17966 CarlKC1FLN#17974 AustinM0LAY#18105
    JohnVE7JBT#17967 JoshuaKA9LYH#17975 HansPA1ALV#18108
  • 01 Jan 17: If you haven't already, please submit your logs for the following December 2016 activities by their closing dates:
    Even if you only had one QSO or feel that you can't win, it's really helpful to send in logs to encourage others to join in.

    See the Activity Calendar web page for details on sending in FISTS Eu activity logs.
    See the EuCW Snakes & Ladders web page for details of sending in logs for it.
  • 01 Jan 17: Please submit your December logs for the FISTS CW Club Americas Cumulatives by the end of January 7th (ignore any warnings about late entries from FISTS Log Converter).

    Even if you only had one QSO, it's very helpful to send in logs to encourage others to join in and give you a chance of winning one of the Vibroplex bug key prizes.
  • 01 Jan 17: The "winter/spring" EuCW Snakes & Ladders run starts today Sunday 01 January and ends on 30 June UTC.

    If you've not participated previously, now is a great time to start.  QSOs must take at least five minutes, stations must be European stations and the mode must be CW.  Each station may be contacted once per day, irrespective of the band.

    For more details, please see the comprehensive rules.

    Have a very Happy New Year from all at FISTS CW Club.

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