> News 2020
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News 2020
December 2020
26 Dec 20: We hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas and wish you all the very best for 2021.
Please join us in the FISTS CW Club final 2020
on-air activity:
Sunday 27 December 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational.
Sunday 27 December 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
21 Dec 20: The
December 2020 Key Note
is now available to all current FISTS CW Club members.
Please visit the Members' Area to get your copy:
Items in this issue include:Notes:
- A Vibroplex refurbishment- G0ILN.
- A frame loop for top band - G4TQM.
- Nate goes to war (Part IV) - K7ZBQ.
- SK CW with a Web SDR - PA0SIM.
- My Morse Code Adventure - GD4EIP.
- Prowlers at night! - M0BPT.
- So you think you can read Morse? - GW0WEE.
- My route into amateur radio - M1EDF.
... and more besides!
- It may take longer than usual for members to receive a paper copy due to postal delays caused by the Post Office and Royal Mail.
If you have forgotten your password:
- FISTS Americas members ONLY: you can reset it at https://fistsna.org/memresetpw.php .
- FISTS Europe, East Asia, & Down Under members: please send an email using the 'Membership' address on the Contact Us web page.
18 Dec 20: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder December 2020 newsletter
written by David G4YVM, Activities Manager, is now available.
Topics include discussion of G0AYD's radios, Exchange Your Gifts Week, and the results for the Mechanical Key Days 2020 and November 2020 Ladder on-air activities along with information about the upcoming activities.
BrassPounder provides the results and discussions about on-air Activities provided by FISTS CW Club Europe.
12 Dec 20: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
on-air activity:
Sunday 13 December 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational.
Sunday 13 December 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
06 Dec 20: Please send in your logs, comments, and photos for the following activities that took place or were finished by the end of November 2020:
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 December.
- Mechanical Key Days 2020 (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 December.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 December.
* In all the activities, even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs because it encourages others to join in.
* For the Ladder, please include in your log ALL your Ladder QSOs from the (up to) 4 sessions in the month. If you need to make any changes, you can send in another log and it will replace the previous log you sent in.
November 2020
21 Nov 20: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
Mechanical Key Days
on-air activities:
Sunday 22 November 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational. -
Mechanical Key Days
Mon 16 November to Sun 22 November UTC.
The operating times are 1 hour periods starting at the following UTC times: 0000, 0300, 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800, & 2100. If you are sending in a log, you must use straight keys, sideswipers, or bug keys (no keyers, keyboards etc.)
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
FISTS Log Converter users: DON'T FORGET to add MKD to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field.
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is not essential but very much appreciated. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
Sunday 22 November 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
17 Nov 20: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder November 2020 newsletter
written by David G4YVM, Activities Manager, is now available.
Topics include discussion of the Xiegu G90, Exchange Your Gifts Week, and the results for the Word Search 2020 and October 2020 Ladder on-air activities along with information about the upcoming activities.
BrassPounder provides the results and discussions about on-air Activities provided by FISTS CW Club Europe.
07 Nov 20: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
Mechanical Key Days
on-air activities:
Sunday 08 November 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational. -
Mechanical Key Days
Mon 16 November to Sun 22 November UTC.
The operating times are 1 hour periods starting at the following UTC times: 0000, 0300, 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800, & 2100. If you are sending in a log, you must use straight keys, sideswipers, or bug keys (no keyers, keyboards etc.)
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
FISTS Log Converter users: DON'T FORGET to add MKD to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field.
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is not essential but very much appreciated. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
Sunday 08 November 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
06 Nov 20: Graham G3ZOD writes:
RSGB Marconi CW 2m Contest
is this Weekend, 07 November 1400 UTC - 08 November 1400 UTC.
It is part of a Europe-wide contest and is the third out of three annual RSGB VHF CW contests (6m, 4m and 2m).
Unlike HF contests, QSOs are a bit more relaxed and don't expect to get 599 for each QSO! The exchange is RST, serial number and 6 character locator. Most activity centres around 144.050, with the primary CW band plan segment 144.025 - 144.100 MHz. -
03 Nov 20: The latest version, 4.0.4, of the free
FISTS Log Converter
program for Windows is now available.
This version adds the Mechanical Key Days 2020 on-air activity (FISTS CW Club Europe).
FISTS Log Converter can be used in conjunction with almost all amateur radio logbook programs -or- for anyone not currently using one, it includes its own optional, easy-to-use logbook.
The program is available from the download web page. Many thanks to the testers: Alex PA1FOX, Peter G4LHI, and Richard G0ILN. -
01 Nov 20: Please send in your logs, comments, and photos for the following activities that took place or were finished by the end of October 2020.
*Note*: If you are sending in a Ladder log, PLEASE also send in a Word Search log.
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 November.
- Word Search 2020 (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 November.
- 2m Chronophage 2020 (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 November.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 November.
* While the 2m Chronophage was for fun on 2m (no points or results tables), please DO send in comments, photos, and perhaps logs too.
* In all the activities, even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs because it encourages others to join in.
* For the Ladder, please include in your log ALL your Ladder QSOs from the (up to) 4 sessions in the month. If you need to make any changes, you can send in another log and it will replace the previous log you sent in.
October 2020
25 Oct 20: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
2m Chronophage
Word Search 2020
on-air activities:
Sunday 25 October 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational. - 2m Chronophage Monday 28 September to Sunday 25 October, Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays, 1 hour at 12:00, 15:00 & 19:00 UTC. This is an opportunity to meet up on 2m CW around 144.050 or 144.058 MHz. No scores, no results tables - just 2m CW for the fun of it.
Word Search 2020
Saturday 01 August 00:01 until Saturday 31 October 23:59 UTC.
Have QSOs with other members and use a letter from their callsigns to build up the phrase "'FOR GOD'S SAKE SEND US ASSISTANCE!'. DE SS TREVEAL."
Minimum exchange is member number. Bands are 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 & 2m. QSOs can be with members anywhere. Two sections: QRP and Open - you can include QSOs for either or both in your log. If you are entering the Open section only, you can opt to have the letters chosen automatically for you.
Sunday 25 October 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
16 Oct 20: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder October 2020 newsletter
written by David G4YVM, Activities Manager, is now available.
Topics include discussion of the 2m Chronophage on-air activity and the results for the September 2020 Ladder activity along with information about the upcoming activities.
BrassPounder provides the results and discussions about FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.
10 Oct 20: The
September 2020 Key Note
is now available to all current FISTS CW Club members.
Please visit the Members' Area to get your copy:
Items in this issue include:Notes:
- A visit to the USA - G0TLU.
- FMT Mk3 Speed read out - G4AJY.
- Nate goes to war (Part III) - K7ZB.
- My journey - G4CLE.
- Releasing the potential of affiliated clubs - MI0WWB.
- Katsumi EK-9X keyer revisited - G3YZZ.
... and more besides!
- It may take longer than usual for members to receive a paper copy due to postal delays caused by the Post Office and Royal Mail.
If you have forgotten your password:
- FISTS Americas members ONLY: you can reset it at https://fistsna.org/memresetpw.php .
- FISTS Europe, East Asia, & Down Under members: please send an email using the 'Membership' address on the Contact Us web page.
10 Oct 20: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
2m Chronophage
Word Search 2020
on-air activities:
Sunday 11 October 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational. - 2m Chronophage Monday 28 September to Sunday 25 October, Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays, 1 hour at 12:00, 15:00 & 19:00 UTC. This is an opportunity to meet up on 2m CW around 144.050 or 144.058 MHz. No scores, no results tables - just 2m CW for the fun of it.
Word Search 2020
Saturday 01 August 00:01 until Saturday 31 October 23:59 UTC.
Have QSOs with other members and use a letter from their callsigns to build up the phrase "'FOR GOD'S SAKE SEND US ASSISTANCE!'. DE SS TREVEAL."
Minimum exchange is member number. Bands are 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 & 2m. QSOs can be with members anywhere. Two sections: QRP and Open - you can include QSOs for either or both in your log. If you are entering the Open section only, you can opt to have the letters chosen automatically for you.
Sunday 11 October 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
01 Oct 20: Please send in your logs and comments for the following activities that took place or were finished by the end of September 2020:
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 October.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 October.
* In all the activities, even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs because it encourages others to join in.
* For the Ladder, please include in your log ALL your Ladder QSOs from the (up to) 4 sessions in the month. If you need to make any changes, you can send in another log and it will replace the previous log you sent in.
September 2020
25 Sep 20: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
2m Chronophage
Word Search 2020
on-air activities:
Sunday 27 September 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational. - 2m Chronophage Monday 28 September to Sunday 25 October, Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays, 1 hour at 12:00, 15:00 & 19:00 UTC. This is an opportunity to meet up on 2m CW around 144.050 or 144.058 MHz. No scores, no results tables - just 2m CW for the fun of it.
Word Search 2020
Saturday 01 August 00:01 until Saturday 31 October 23:59 UTC.
Have QSOs with other members and use a letter from their callsigns to build up the phrase "'FOR GOD'S SAKE SEND US ASSISTANCE!'. DE SS TREVEAL."
Minimum exchange is member number. Bands are 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 & 2m. QSOs can be with members anywhere. Two sections: QRP and Open - you can include QSOs for either or both in your log. If you are entering the Open section only, you can opt to have the letters chosen automatically for you.
Sunday 27 September 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
12 Sep 20: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
Word Search 2020
on-air activities:
Sunday 13 September 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational. -
Word Search 2020
Saturday 01 August 00:01 until Saturday 31 October 23:59 UTC.
Have QSOs with other members and use a letter from their callsigns to build up the phrase "'FOR GOD'S SAKE SEND US ASSISTANCE!'. DE SS TREVEAL."
Minimum exchange is member number. Bands are 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 & 2m. QSOs can be with members anywhere. Two sections: QRP and Open - you can include QSOs for either or both in your log. If you are entering the Open section only, you can opt to have the letters chosen automatically for you.
Sunday 13 September 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
10 Sep 20: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder September 2020 newsletter
written by David G4YVM, Activities Manager, is now available.
Topics include the new 2m Chronophage on-air activity and the results for the August 2020 Ladder activity along with information about the upcoming activities.
BrassPounder provides the results and discussions about FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.
01 Sep 20: Please send in your logs and comments for the following activities that took place or were finished by the end of August 2020:
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 September.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 September.
* In all the activities, even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs because it encourages others to join in.
* For the Ladder, please include in your log ALL your Ladder QSOs from the (up to) 4 sessions in the month. If you need to make any changes, you can send in another log and it will replace the previous log you sent in.
August 2020
19 Aug 20: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
Word Search 2020
on-air activities:
Sunday 23 August 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational. -
Word Search 2020
Saturday 01 August 00:01 until Saturday 31 October 23:59 UTC.
Have QSOs with other members and use a letter from their callsigns to build up the phrase "'FOR GOD'S SAKE SEND US ASSISTANCE!'. DE SS TREVEAL."
Minimum exchange is member number. Bands are 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 & 2m. QSOs can be with members anywhere. Two sections: QRP and Open - you can include QSOs for either or both in your log. If you are entering the Open section only, you can opt to have the letters chosen automatically for you.
Sunday 23 August 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
17 Aug 20: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder August 2020 newsletter
written by David G4YVM, Activities Manager, is now available.
BrassPounder provides the results and discussions about FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.
Topics include the results for the July 2020 Ladder and the Straight Key Week 2020 activities along with information about the upcoming activities.
06 Aug 20: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
Word Search 2020
on-air activities:
Sunday 09 August 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational. -
Word Search 2020
Saturday 01 August 00:01 until Saturday 31 October 23:59 UTC.
Have QSOs with other members and use a letter from their callsigns to build up the phrase "'FOR GOD'S SAKE SEND US ASSISTANCE!'. DE SS TREVEAL."
Minimum exchange is member number. Bands are 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 & 2m. QSOs can be with members anywhere. Two sections: QRP and Open - you can include QSOs for either or both in your log. If you are entering the Open section only, you can opt to have the letters chosen automatically for you.
Sunday 09 August 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
01 Aug 20: Please send in your logs and comments for the following activities that took place or were finished by the end of July 2020:
- Straight Key Week (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 August.
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 August.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 August.
* In all the activities, even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs because it encourages others to join in.
* For the Ladder, please include in your log ALL your Ladder QSOs from the (up to) 4 sessions in the month. If you need to make any changes, you can send in another log and it will replace the previous log you sent in.
* If you use FISTS Log Converter to read ADIF files from your logbook program, please ensure that you have installed version 4.0.1 or later.
July 2020
25 Jul 20: Please join us in the FISTS CW Club
Word Search 2020
on-air activities:
Sunday 26 July 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs can be with members & non-members anywhere and are friendly and conversational. -
Word Search 2020
Saturday 01 August 00:01 until Saturday 31 October 23:59 UTC.
Have QSOs with other members and use a letter from their callsigns to build up the phrase "'FOR GOD'S SAKE SEND US ASSISTANCE!'. DE SS TREVEAL."
Minimum exchange is member number. Bands are 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 & 2m. QSOs can be with members anywhere. Two sections: QRP and Open - you can include QSOs for either or both in your log. If you are entering the Open section only, you can opt to have the letters chosen automatically for you.
Sunday 26 July 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
19 Jul 20: The latest version, 4.0.1, of the free
FISTS Log Converter
program for Windows is now available.
This version includes the following changes:
- Resolves a problem caused by Microsoft Windows Update KB4565633 that was resulting in the message:
"An exception has occurred in FISTS Log Converter 4.0.0 ...: No data table supplied". - Improves handling of international/accented characters.
- Adds the Ladder 2021 on-air activity (FISTS CW Club Europe).
FISTS Log Converter can be used in conjunction with almost all amateur radio logbook programs -or- for anyone not currently using one, it includes its own optional, easy-to-use logbook.
The program is available from the download web page. Many thanks to the testers: Alex PA1FOX, Peter G4LHI, Phil M0PBZ, and Richard G0ILN. - Resolves a problem caused by Microsoft Windows Update KB4565633 that was resulting in the message:
12 Jul 20: The
June 2020 Key Note
is now available to all current FISTS CW Club members.
Please visit the Members' Area to get your copy:
Items in this issue include:Notes:
- The "Virus Perplexed" key - G0VFS.
- Mind the gap - G3VBS.
- Nate goes to war (Part II) - K7ZB.
- The "Morse-Mad" mystery Key? - G0RDO.
- Strange beacon apparatus? - M1EDF.
- News from Sota-Beams - M0BPT.
- II2EMCA Commemorative station - IZ2FME.
- Lockdown CW and beyond - M0IRU.
... and more besides!
- It may take longer than usual for members to receive a paper copy due to postal delays caused by the Post Office and Royal Mail.
If you have forgotten your password:
- FISTS Americas members ONLY: you can reset it at https://fists.co.uk/am/reset.aspx .
- FISTS Europe, East Asia, & Down Under members: please send an email using the membership address on the Contact Us web page.
11 Jul 20: Please join us in the
on-air activity (FISTS CW Club Europe):
Sunday 12 July 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
Sunday 12 July 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
09 Jul 20: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder July 2020 newsletter
written by David G4YVM, Activities Manager, is now available.
BrassPounder provides the results and discussions about FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.
Topics include the results for the June 2020 Ladder and the Dunkirk Memorial activities along with information about the upcoming activities.
June 2020
30 Jun 20: Please send in your logs and comments for the following activities that took place or finished in June 2020.
Your 24 May Ladder QSOs count towards the Dunkirk Memorial - please send a log in for it!!
- Dunkirk Memorial (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 July.
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 July.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 July.
* In all the activities, even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs because it encourages others to join in.
* For the Ladder, please include in your log ALL your Ladder QSOs from the (up to) 4 sessions in the month. If you need to make any changes, you can send in another log and it will replace the previous log you sent in.
* If you use FISTS Log Converter, you need version 4.0.0 to send in Dunkirk Memorial logs. -
27 Jun 20: Graham G3ZOD writes:
UK amateurs, the annual
RSGB 6m CW contest
is Sunday 28 June, 0900-1200 UTC.
The exchange is RST, serial number and 6 character locator, with most European CW activity between 50.080-50.100 MHz. Unlike HF contests, though, don't expect to get 599 for each QSO! This should be interesting with the added likelihood of sporadic E propagation.
QSOs with FISTS CW Club members count towards FISTS Awards such as the Century and Millionaire. -
27 Jun 20: Please join us in the
Straight Key Week
on-air activities (FISTS CW Club Europe):
Sunday 28 June 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members. -
Straight Key Week
Wednesday 01 July to Tuesday 07 July UTC.
The operating times are 1 hour periods starting at the following UTC times: 0000, 0300, 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800, & 2100. If you are sending in a log, you must use straight keys or sideswipers (no bug keys, keyers, keyboards etc.)
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028 and 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
FISTS Log Converter users: DON'T FORGET to add SKW to your logbook's Comment (or similar) field.
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is not essential but very much appreciated. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
Sunday 28 June 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
18 Jun 20: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder June 2020 newsletter
written by David G4YVM, Activities Manager, is now available.
BrassPounder provides the results and discussions about FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.
Topics include the results for the Ladder in May 2020 along with information about the upcoming activities.
13 Jun 20: Please join us in the
on-air activity (FISTS CW Club Europe):
Sunday 14 June 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
Sunday 14 June 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
01 Jun 20: Please send in your logs and comments for the following activities that took place or finished in May 2020.
*** If you use FISTS Log Converter, please ensure you have installed
version 3.8.1 or later
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 June.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 June.
Notes: For the Ladder, please include in your log ALL your Ladder QSOs from the (up to) 4 sessions in the month. If you need to make any changes, you can send in another log and it will replace the previous log you sent in. In all the activities, even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs because it encourages others to join in.
May 2020
21 May 20: Please join us in the
Dunkirk Memorial
on-air activities (FISTS CW Club Europe):
Sunday 24 May 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members. -
Dunkirk Memorial
Monday 18 May - Friday 05 June (inclusive) UTC.
Work as many stations around Dunkirk and Dover as you can. 1 point for stations further than 50 miles from Dunkirk or Dover, 3 points for stations within 50 miles of them, and a special 10 points for a QSO with GB4DLS.
Maximum of one QSO per station during the activity. No required details to exchange. For Belgium, England, France, and Netherlands stations, log 6-character locators (no need to exchange locators over the air).
Sunday 24 May 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
17 May 20:
FISTS Dunkirk Memorial Activity
Monday 18 May - Friday 05 June 2020 UTC:
During this period,
which date covers both the memorial event and the actual operation dates, this activity is to simply work as many stations around Dunkirk and Dover (the operation was run from Dover) as you can.
Remember it is FUN. Exchanges should be normal but more points will be awarded for stations within 50 miles of Dover or Dunkirk. Distances will be based on Locator distances. Locators do NOT need to be exchanged but for stations in Belgium, England, France, & Netherlands, you MUST enter the locator of the station into your log to claim "within 50 miles" bonus points. If you are not given the locator over the ear, it is often shown as the Grid Square in QRZ.com. If it's not there, you can find it using the postal address from QRZ.com on this Maidenhead Grid Square Locator Map web page.
If you wish, you can use the new version of the FISTS Log Converter, 4.0.0 program for Windows to see your progress and send in an entry.
The scores are 1 point per qso, 3 points per qso within 50 miles of either Dunkirk or Dover castle, and 10 points for the Andover club special event callsign GB4DLS.
For full details, please see FISTS Dunkirk Memorial Activity web page. -
16 May 20: The latest version, 4.0.0, of the free
FISTS Log Converter
program for Windows is now available.
This version adds the following activities:
- Dunkirk Memorial 2020 (FISTS CW Club Europe).
- Straight Key Week 2020 (FISTS CW Club Europe).
- Word Search 2020 (FISTS CW Club Europe).
- Snakes & Ladders 2021 (EuCW).
- QRS Week 2021 (EuCW)
FISTS Log Converter can be used in conjunction with almost all amateur radio logbook programs -or- for anyone not currently using one, it includes its own optional, easy-to-use logbook.
The program is available from the download web page. Many thanks to the testers: Alex PA1FOX, Peter G4LHI, Phil M0PBZ, and Richard G0ILN.
14 May 20: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder May 2020 newsletter
written by David G4YVM, Activities Manager, is now available.
BrassPounder provides the results and discussions about FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.
Topics include the results for the Ladder in April 2020 along with information about the upcoming activities.
09 May 20: Please join us in the
on-air activity (FISTS CW Club Europe):
Sunday 10 May 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
Sunday 10 May 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
09 May 20: Graham G3ZOD writes:
RSGB 4m (70 MHz) CW Contest 2020
is Sunday 10 May 0900-1200 UTC.
The exchange is: RST, Serial Number (starting at 001) and a 6 character (e.g. IO92JL) locator and UK stations send the first 2 letters of their Postcode.
This is one of three RSGB VHF CW contests (6m, 4m, & 2m). These are more relaxed than HF contests and typically 'real' RSTs are exchanged, so have fun and listen carefully! If you have QSOs with FISTS CW Club members, these count towards the FISTS Awards. -
04 May 20: Please send in your logs and comments for the following activities that took place or finished in April 2020.
*** If you use FISTS Log Converter, please ensure you have installed
version 3.8.1
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 May.
- QRS Week (EuCW) no later than 31 May.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 May.
Notes: For the Ladder, please include in your log ALL your Ladder QSOs from the (up to) 4 sessions in the month. If you need to make any changes, you can send in another log and it will replace the previous log you sent in. In all the activities, even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs because it encourages others to join in. -
01 May 20: The
March 2020 Key Note
is now available to all current FISTS CW Club members.
Please visit the Members' Area to get your copy:
Items in this issue include:Notes:
- The GHD GD907WS Key - IK0IXI.
- Worn out, useless and kaput - G3VBS.
- M0AVW Silent Key - M0CDL.
- The FISTS Pentagon Iambic Key - G0KOK.
- A simple cheap cover idea - G3YZZ.
- Restored keys - GW0VSW.
- Encouraging newcomers - G3KMG.
- CW on a Northern bound train - M0AEP.
... and more besides!
- It may take longer than usual for members to receive a paper copy due to postal delays caused by the Post Office and Royal Mail.
If you have forgotten your password:
- FISTS Americas members ONLY: you can reset it at https://fists.co.uk/am/reset.aspx .
- FISTS Europe, East Asia, & Down Under members: please send an email using the membership address on the Contact Us web page.
April 2020
26 Apr 20: The 2020
activity is Monday 27 April to Friday 01 May UTC (inclusive).
(*** If you use FISTS Log Converter, please ensure you have installed version 3.8.1 BEFORE sending in your log.)
Maximum speed is 14 wpm.
Call 'CQ' or 'CQ QRS'.
See the full details on the EuCW website. -
25 Apr 20: Please join us in the
on-air activity (FISTS CW Club Europe):
Sunday 26 April 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
Sunday 26 April 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
20 Apr 20: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder April 2020 newsletter
written by David G4YVM, Activities Manager, is now available.
BrassPounder provides the results and discussions about FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.
Topics include the results for the Ladder in March 2020 along with information about the upcoming activities.
11 Apr 20: Please join us in the
on-air activity (FISTS CW Club Europe):
Sunday 12 April 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
Sunday 12 April 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
04 Apr 20: Please send in your logs and comments for the following activities that took place or finished in March 2020.
*** If you use FISTS Log Converter, please ensure you have installed
version 3.8.1
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 April.
- Low Bands Day Hopper (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 April. Note: As a non-competitive activity, comments on this one, please - logs are optional.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 April.
Notes: For the Ladder, please include in your log ALL your Ladder QSOs from the (up to) 4 sessions in the month. If you need to make any changes, you can send in another log and it will replace the previous log you sent in. In all the activities, even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs because it encourages others to join in.
March 2020
22 Mar 20: Please join us in the
Low Bands Day-hopper
on-air activities (FISTS CW Club Europe):
Sunday 22 March 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members. -
Low Bands Day-hopper
March: Sun 29.
This has has three, 1-hour sessions per day starting at 0800, 1300, & 1800 UTC on each day.
The idea is absolutely NOT a contest but a means of enabling us to meet each other on air. Operation is on 160m, 80m, 40m, & 2m. Calling 'CQ FISTS' on or around the FISTS centre of activity frequencies is recommended.
Sunday 22 March 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
12 Mar 20: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder March 2020 newsletter
written by David G4YVM, Activities Manager, is now available.
BrassPounder provides the results and discussions about FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.
Topics include the results for the Ladder in February 2020 along with information about the upcoming activities.
07 Mar 20: Please join us in the
Low Bands Day-hopper
on-air activities (FISTS CW Club Europe):
Sunday 08 March 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members. -
Low Bands Day-hopper
March: Fri 13, Sat 21, Sun 29.
This has has three, 1-hour sessions per day starting at 0800, 1300, & 1800 UTC on each day.
The idea is absolutely NOT a contest but a means of enabling us to meet each other on air. Operation is on 160m, 80m, 40m, & 2m. Calling 'CQ FISTS' on or around the FISTS centre of activity frequencies is recommended.
Sunday 08 March 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
05 Mar 20: Please send in your logs and comments for the following activities that took place or finished in February 2020.
*** If you use FISTS Log Converter, please ensure you have installed
version 3.8.1
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 March.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 March.
Notes: For the Ladder, please include in your log ALL your Ladder QSOs from the (up to) 4 sessions in the month. If you need to make any changes, you can send in another log and it will replace the previous log you sent in. In all the activities, even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs because it encourages others to join in.
February 2020
27 Feb 20: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder February 2020 newsletter
written by David G4YVM, Activities Manager, is now available.
BrassPounder provides the results and discussions about FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.
Topics include the results for the Ladder in January 2020 along with information about the upcoming activities.
23 Feb 20: Please join us in the
Low Bands Day-hopper
on-air activities (FISTS CW Club Europe):
Sunday 23 February 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members. -
Low Bands Day-hopper
February: Wed 26.
March: Thu 05, Fri 13, Sat 21, Sun 29.
This has has three, 1-hour sessions per day starting at 0800, 1300, & 1800 UTC on each day.
The idea is absolutely NOT a contest but a means of enabling us to meet each other on air. Operation is on 160m, 80m, 40m, & 2m. Calling 'CQ FISTS' on or around the FISTS centre of activity frequencies is recommended.
Sunday 23 February 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
09 Feb 20: Please join us in the
Low Bands Day-hopper
on-air activities (FISTS CW Club Europe):
Low Bands Day-hopper
February: Mon 10, Tue 18, Wed 26.
March: Thu 05, Fri 13, Sat 21, Sun 29.
This has has three, 1-hour sessions per day starting at 0800, 1300, & 1800 UTC on each day.
The idea is absolutely NOT a contest but a means of enabling us to meet each other on air. Operation is on 160m, 80m, 40m, & 2m. Calling 'CQ FISTS' on or around the FISTS centre of activity frequencies is recommended. -
Sunday 09 February 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
Low Bands Day-hopper
02 Feb 20: Please send in your logs and comments for the following activities that took place or finished in January 2020.
*** If you use FISTS Log Converter, please ensure you install
version 3.8.1
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 February.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 February.
Notes: You can send in logs at any time and more than once, but each log MUST include ALL QSOs (the most recent log replaces earlier ones). In all the activities, even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs because it encourages others to join in.
January 2020
31 Jan 20: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder January 2020 newsletter
written by David G4YVM, Activities Manager, is now available.
BrassPounder provides the results and discussions about FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.
Topics include the final results for the 2019 Ladder and Straight Key week activities, along with information about the upcoming activities.
26 Jan 20: IMPORTANT: The latest version, 3.8.1, of the free
FISTS Log Converter
program for Windows is now available.
This version fixes a problem that was preventing sending in logs for FISTS Activities, FISTS Awards, and EuCW Activities.
FISTS Log Converter can be used in conjunction with almost all amateur radio logbook programs -or- for anyone not currently using one, it includes its own optional, easy-to-use logbook.
The program is available from the download web page. Many thanks to the testers: Alex PA1FOX, Peter G4LHI, and Richard G0ILN.
24 Jan 20: Please join us in the
Low Bands Day-hopper
on-air activities (FISTS CW Club Europe):
Low Bands Day-hopper
January: Sat 25.
February: Sun 02, Mon 10, Tue 18, Wed 26.
March: Thu 05, Fri 13, Sat 21, Sun 29.
This has has three, 1-hour sessions per day starting at 0800, 1300, & 1800 UTC on each day.
The idea is absolutely NOT a contest but a means of enabling us to meet each other on air. Operation is on 160m, 80m, 40m, & 2m. Calling 'CQ FISTS' on or around the FISTS centre of activity frequencies is recommended. -
Sunday 26 January 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members.
Low Bands Day-hopper
17 Jan 20: The
Autumn 2019 Key Note
is now available to all current FISTS CW Club members.
Please visit the Members' Area to get your copy:
Items in this issue include:
- Operation from "Down Under" - G3WZD.
- Xiegu G90 Review - M0GSX.
- FMT kit review - GI0BEY.
- Marconi mystery key solved? - M6BRN.
- A visitor to the National Radio Station - G4KLE.
- Tools - For the use of.. - G3VBS.
- RPP. Reverse protection polarity - M0BMN.
... and more besides!
11 Jan 20: The latest version, 3.8.0, of the free
FISTS Log Converter
program for Windows is now available.
This version adds support for the FISTS CW Club Europe's Ladder and EuCW's Snakes & Ladders and QRS Week activities.
FISTS Log Converter can be used in conjunction with almost all amateur radio logbook programs -or- for anyone not currently using one, it includes its own optional, easy-to-use logbook.
The program is available from the download web page. Many thanks to the testers: Alex PA1FOX, Peter G4LHI, and Richard G0ILN.
09 Jan 20: Please join us in the
Low Bands Day-hopper
on-air activities (FISTS CW Club Europe):
Sunday 12 January 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Activity is typically around 14.058, 7.028, & 3.558 MHz. Exchange a minimum of:
Name, QTH, RST, & member number (if applicable).
QSOs are friendly and conversational. Submitting logs is very much appreciated but not essential. Members from all FISTS Chapters are encouraged to join in; QSOs do not have to be with FISTS members. -
Low Bands Day-hopper
January: Fri 17, Sat 25.
February: Sun 02, Mon 10, Tue 18, Wed 26.
March: Thu 05, Fri 13, Sat 21, Sun 29.
This has has three, 1-hour sessions per day starting at 0800, 1300, & 1800 UTC on each day.
The idea is absolutely NOT a contest but a means of enabling us to meet each other on air. Operation is on 160m, 80m, 40m, & 2m. Calling 'CQ FISTS' on or around the FISTS centre of activity frequencies is recommended.
Sunday 12 January 14:00-16:00 & 18:00-20:00 UTC.
08 Jan 20: The FISTS CW Club Europe
BrassPounder December 2019 newsletter
written by David G4YVM, Activities Manager, is now available.
BrassPounder provides the results and discussions about FISTS CW Club on-air Activities in Europe/UK.
This edition includes the results for the November 2019 Ladder activity and provides information about the upcoming activities.
04 Jan 20: Please send in your logs and comments for the following activities that took place or finished in December 2019:
- Ladder (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 January.
- Straight Key Week (FISTS CW Club Europe) no later than 7 January.
- Snakes & Ladders (EuCW) no later than 7 January.
Notes: You can send in logs at any time and more than once, but each log MUST include ALL QSOs (the most recent log replaces earlier ones). In all the activities, even if you only had one QSO or feel that you won't be highly placed, please do send in logs because it encourages others to join in.