> Activities & Awards
Activities and Awards

Join in with FISTS, including FISTS Activities and Awards.
Look out for members on and around our Centre of Activity Frequencies.
For more information, see below.
FISTS Frequencies
Members are encouraged to meet up on and around the FISTS
Centre of Activity Frequencies
at any time and contact both members and non-members (a non-member is a member who hasn't
joined us
Please visit the FISTS Frequencies page for the list of European Centre of Activity Frequencies and links to worldwide FISTS Frequencies.
Please visit the FISTS Frequencies page for the list of European Centre of Activity Frequencies and links to worldwide FISTS Frequencies.
FISTS Activities (Europe)
FISTS Activities Calendar
gives details of on-air activities such as the twice-monthly
and the annual
Straight Eight Week.
These are friendly, relaxed and fun.
They do not consist of exchanging 599001 TU!
You are encouraged to submit logs and scores but this is optional.
Even if you're not in the least competitive, it's still worth coming on to meet other members
- they will be happy to exchange name etc. with you.
Results are published monthly in David G4YVM's
(Members' Area) newsletter.
For a current list of activities, please see the Activities Calendar page.
Results for all activities are available from the BrassPounder Newsletters (Members' Area) page.
For a current list of activities, please see the Activities Calendar page.
Results for all activities are available from the BrassPounder Newsletters (Members' Area) page.
FISTS Awards
FISTS offers a variety of operating
available to both members and non-members.
One of the most popular is the
Century Award.
For the initial award you need 100 points, earned by contacting other members
(1 point for a member in your country, 2 points for outside your country
with extra points available for
National Club Stations).
Please visit see the Awards page to see the full list of operating awards.
Please visit see the Awards page to see the full list of operating awards.
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