> News 2010
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News 2010
December 2010
31 Dec 10: The 2011 FISTS
starts on on Sunday 9th January 14:00-1600 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Please submit your December Ladder entries by the end of Wednesday 5th January to Rob M0BPT. If you keep your log on a computer, you can use the free FISTS Log Converter Windows program to create logs with scores for the Ladder and other FISTS Activities. - 30 Dec 10: A very warm welcome to our latest members: Huw GW4DWN #14878, Michael VP8DMH/M0PRL #14879 and Florian DK4AA #14880.
- 23 Dec 10: Wanted: Datong D70 Morse Tutor. Please contact Phil G0ABY
23 Dec 10: There's a new version (2.1.0) of the
FISTS Log Converter
New features are the ability to view all the details of an award QSO, windows' layouts are saved and log entries can now be read from CSV (Comma Separated Value) files and Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.
To download a copy, please visit the FISTS Log Converter web page. - 17 Dec 10: Rob M0BPT has just published the FISTS Brasspounder November 2010 newsletter.
13 Dec 10: The final 2010
sessions are on Sunday 26th December (Boxing Day) 14:00-1600 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC.
The Ladder sessions are very relaxed; whether you want to meet other members to have a chat, collect some points towards FISTS Awards or send in logs for the Ladder, you'll be very welcome. Most activity takes place around 3.558 MHz, 7.028 MHz and 14.058 MHz. Please remember to QSY down from these frequencies to keep clear of the QRP center of activity frequencies. - 10 Dec 10: We're delighted to welcome our latest member: Joerg DL9YCS #14877.
- 10 Dec 10: If you'd like to see your progress towards FISTS Awards or apply for them, there's a new version of the FISTS Log Converter program 2.0.1 that helps with this as well as supporting the 2011 FISTS Activities in Europe. You can use the program in conjunction with your existing logbook software or free-standing. To download a copy, please visit the FISTS Log Converter web page.
09 Dec 10: We've received the following from Tony Dewsbury, G4CLX:
Members who have a faulty STARMASTERKEY or CMOS MEMORY KEYER made by DEWSBURY ELECTRONICS may be heartened to know that TONY DEWSBURY G4CLX can possibly repair them!
Contact - 05 Dec 10: Congratulations to Paul 2E0EAN / M6ABN #14564 on achieving his Intermediate Licence.
- 03 Dec 10: We're very pleased to welcome our latest member: Terry G3VSK #14876.
- 01 Dec 10: Congratulations to Phil M6PHL, #14543 on achieving the Basic Century Award.
November 2010
29 Nov 10: The next
sessions are on Sunday 12th December 14:00-1600 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Please submit your November Ladder entries by the end of Sunday 5th December to Rob M0BPT. If you keep your log on a computer, you can use the free FISTS Log Converter Windows program to create logs with scores for the Ladder and other FISTS Activities. - 26 Nov 10: It's a pleasure to welcome our latest member: John G1AWJ #14875.
- 20 Nov 10: A very warm welcome to our latest members: John G4LRG #14873 and Damir 9A3VV #14874.
- 16 Nov 10: Rob M0BPT has just published the FISTS BrassPounder October 2010 newsletter.
16 Nov 10: The next
sessions are on Sunday 28th November 14:00-1600 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC.
The Ladder sessions are very relaxed; whether you want to meet other members to have a chat, collect some points towards FISTS Awards or send in logs for the Ladder, you'll be very welcome. Most activity takes place around 3.558 MHz, 7.028 MHz and 14.058 MHz. Please remember to QSY down from these frequencies to keep clear of the QRP center of activity frequencies. - 12 Nov 10: We're delighted to welcome our latest member: Ray G3SRQ #14871.
- 12 Nov 10: Anyone with an interest in spark transmitters and receivers will find the following article by Harry Heap, G5HF, very interesting reading: Gas Mantles and Amateur Radio.
10 Nov 10: The
30th EUCW Fraternizing CW QSO Party 2010 results
are now available.
FISTS is a member society of EUCW (The European CW Association). - 03 Nov 10: Congratulations to Ian G4MLW, #130 and Bill G0BAK, #13262 on achieving the Basic Century Award.
October 2010
- 29 Oct 10: We're very pleased to welcome our latest member: Anatoly UR5HDE #14872.
26 Oct 10: The next
sessions are on Sunday 14th November 14:00-1600 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC.
Note that for UK stations, in local time these are an hour earlier than they were in October due to the clock change!
Please submit your October Ladder entries by the end of Friday 5th November to Rob M0BPT. If you keep your log on a computer, you can use the free FISTS Log Converter Windows program to create logs with scores for the Ladder and other FISTS Activities. -
24 Oct 10: Rob M0BPT has released the FISTS
Activities Calendar for 2011.
This includes the
Four Seasons Activity,
new for 2011.
He has also made available a 2011 year planner. - 22 Oct 10: It's a pleasure to welcome our latest member: Garo G0PZA #14870.
22 Oct 10: On Monday 25th October, 21:00 BST, UK TV's Channel 4 are screening
an episode in the series "Titanic: The Mission"
which should be of interest as it focusses on safety features and includes:
"Brendan tracks down a 100-year-old Marconi Emergency Wireless Transmitter and begins a delicate restoration of this antiquity with the aim of transmitting a message.".
For more information, see details of the episode on the Channel 4 website.
Thanks to Dave M0GGK, #12510, for spotting this. - 19 Oct 10: Rob M0BPT has just published the FISTS BrassPounder September 2010 newsletter.
- 18 Oct 10: The Summer & Autumn 2010 Key Note is available on the website from the Members' Area's Key Notes Archive.
16 Oct 10: Steve Smith G0TDJ is now undertaking GB2CW Slow Morse broadcasts from Crayford in north east Kent, near Dartford.
The transmissions are one hour long from 1830UTC on Thursday evenings on 145.250MHz.
At the beginning of each session, licensed radio amateurs are invited to call in and go on a list to be asked to read back practice passages.
Speeds start at under 5 words per minute and increase over the hour long session.
(From the Southgate ARC News .) - 15 Oct 10: A very warm welcome to our latest members: Koen PA0KVA #14867, Ian VA7IT #14868 and Steve EI5DD #14869.
- 15 Oct 10: The North American FISTS website www.fistsna.org is now working again.
- 13 Oct 10: We're aware of the issue with the North American FISTS website www.fistsna.org and expect it to be working again soon.
12 Oct 10: The next
sessions are on Sunday 24th October 15:00-17:00 BST and 19:00-21:00 BST (14:00-1600 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC).
The Ladder sessions are very relaxed; whether you want to meet other members to have a chat, collect some points towards FISTS Awards or send in logs for the Ladder, you'll be very welcome. Most activity takes place around 3.558 MHz, 7.028 MHz and 14.058 MHz. - 08 Oct 10: We're delighted to welcome our latest members: Gerry EI3JU #14865 and Andrew GW3OQK #14866.
- 06 Oct 10: Congratulations to Dave G4ZPI #12516 on achieving the Silver Century Award and to Bert F6HKA #14577 on achieving the Gold Century Award and Platinum Award.
- 06 Oct 10: Rob M0BPT has published the Straight Key Week (SKW) 2010 Results.
- 06 Oct 10: We're sorry to report that Chas, GM3JUD #57, became a silent key on 2nd October 2010. Chas was well known to members operating on 80m and will be much missed.
- 01 Oct 10: We're very pleased to welcome our latest members: Antonio I5NQK #14863 and Duncan M0RGO #14864.
01 Oct 10: The next
sessions are on Sunday 10th October 15:00-17:00 BST and 19:00-21:00 BST (14:00-1600 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC).
Please submit your September Ladder entries by the end of Tuesday 5th October to Rob M0BPT. If you keep your log on a computer, you can use the free FISTS Log Converter Windows program to create logs with scores for the Ladder and other FISTS Activities.
September 2010
- 27 Sep 10: We're pleased to welcome Phil M6PHL as the QSL sub-manager for the M and 2 series of callsigns. For Phil's address, please visit the QSL Bureau web page.
- 24 Sep 10: It's a pleasure to welcome our latest members: Harry PA3BLC #14860, Leif SM4MNC #14861 and Alan G8MKQ #14862.
- 20 Sep 10: Glenn M0AYI, #4844, is standing down as QSL Bureau sub-manager for the M and 2 series prefixes. Thanks to Glenn for his hard work for FISTS. If you can help take Glenn's place, please contact the QSL Bureau Manager.
20 Sep 10: The next
sessions are on Sunday 26th September 15:00-17:00 BST and 19:00-21:00 BST (14:00-1600 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC).
The Ladder sessions are very relaxed; whether you want to meet other members to have a chat, collect some points towards FISTS Awards or send in logs for the Ladder, you'll be very welcome. Most activity takes place around 3.558 MHz, 7.028 MHz and 14.058 MHz. - 18 Sep 10: Rob M0BPT has just published the FISTS BrassPounder August 2010 newsletter. This is on his new website http://m0bpt-fists.webs.com .
- 16 Sep 10: A very warm welcome to our latest member: Roberto PU3LGS #14859.
- 16 Sep 10: The price for 100 Custom QSL Cards is now 15 UK Pounds (GBP) including delivery within the UK. This is necessary to break even on them due to increased production and delivery costs.
14 Sep 10: Now that
Straight Key Week 2010 (SKW)
is over, logs need to be submitted to
by Sunday 26th September 2010.
If you have an electronic logbook and put the FISTS member numbers in the log's Comment / Notes / Remarks in the form FISTS 54321 (or FISTS #54321 / FIST 54321 / FIST #54321), you can create an entry in seconds by using the free FISTS Log Converter Windows program.
If you don't use Windows, you're welcome to export an ADIF file from your logbook program containing your SKW QSOs and send it by email to the web master and Graham will return an entry to you. -
08 Sep 10: From Rob M0BPT, FISTS Activities Manager
(note that
is worth 5 points in
Straight Key Week 2010 (SKW)
and 3 points for
Century Awards):
Hi all. Just a head up. Listen out for GX3ZQS #2 today day 4 of SKW from around 10am BST (9am UTC) on 80m and I'll see where it goes from there.
R -
07 Sep 10: From Rob M0BPT, FISTS Activities Manager:
GX0IPX (#1) should be on air 7th Sept (today) from Dudley West Midlands approx 10am BST (9am UTC), starting on 80m and see where it goes from there, 40/20m etc.
73 M0BPT - 03 Sep 10: We're delighted to welcome our latest members: Sean G0OAN #14854, Tony G4CZK #14855, Jack IZ3DBA #14856, Paulo CT1ETE #14857 and Dave MW6TEL #14858.
- 03 Sep 10: Sadly John G2FXS #4898, a long-standing member of FISTS, became a Silent Key on 18th August 2010.
- 03 Sep 10: Congratulations to John 2E0JCY #13253 on achieving the Basic Century Award and to Bert F6HKA #14577 on achieving the Worked All States Award.
August 2010
31 Aug 10: This weekend and the following six days are a great opportunity to exercise straight keys!
There's FISTS North America's
International G3ZQS Memorial Straight Key Contest
(3rd September 23:00 UTC to September 5th 23:00 UTC) and our
Straight Key Week 2010 (SKW)
(5th September 00:01 to 11th September 23:59).
The FISTS Log Converter Windows program can be used to create a log and score for Straight Key Week; just record the FISTS member numbers in your electronic logbook's comments / remarks, e.g. FISTS 765432. -
30 Aug 10: The next
sessions are on Sunday 12th September 15:00-17:00 BST and 19:00-21:00 BST (14:00-1600 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC).
Please submit your August Ladder entries by the end of Sunday 5th September to Rob M0BPT. If you keep your log on a computer, you can use the free FISTS Log Converter Windows program to create logs with scores for the Ladder and other FISTS Activities. - 27 Aug 10: We're very pleased to welcome our latest members: Peter M0LRM #14852 and Les M0UMH #14853.
- 24 Aug 10: Rob M0BPT has just published the FISTS BrassPounder July 2010 newsletter. Find out who got their collar fingered while operating CW!
- 20 Aug 10: It's a pleasure to welcome our latest members: Steen OZ4SR #14850 and Heinz OE3LHB #14851.
18 Aug 10: From Nao, JO3HPM #15008 and Manabu, JE1RZR #15020:
QTC! We, members of FISTS EAST ASIA Chapter, are going to exhibit a booth at upcoming Ham Fest in Tokyo on 20th and 21th August aiming to invite new comers to wonderful CW world.
Would be extremely happy if you could send us your short message with portrait telling how nicely you enjoy CW. Every printed files would be hung on the wall of our booth during the Ham Fest.
Please e-mail to je1rzr@jarl.com till 19th August. -
14 Aug 10: Morse class in Bath
Following success in the June Advanced exam, a number of local radio amateurs have asked if a Morse class can be run in Bath.
Steve Hartley, G0FUW, has agreed to arrange a course if there is sufficient interest.
It is proposed to run the classes one evening each week 7 to 9pm from early September.
Costs will be limited to classroom hire so the more that take part, the less it will cost.
If there are any would-be key bashers in the Bath area they should contact Steve on 01225 464394 between 7 and 9pm or via email. - 13 Aug 10: A very warm welcome to our latest members: Cor PA3FOE #14848 and Dave G4DRX #14849.
- 13 Aug 10: The next Ladder sessions are on Sunday 22nd August 15:00-17:00 BST and 19:00-21:00 BST (14:00-1600 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC).
- 06 Aug 10: We're delighted to welcome our latest members: Joe KA4WJB #14845, Allan M0GEU #14846 and Alan G1OJS #14847.
- 06 Aug 10: Congratulations to Bert F6HKA #14577 on achieving the Millionaire Award.
- 06 Aug 10: Please submit logs for the FISTS 3 Hour Sprint 2010 to Rob M0BPT, FISTS Activities Manager, by 7th August 2010. If you keep your log on a computer, you can use the free FISTS Log Converter Windows program, which will select your best 3 hours and create a log and score in the required form.
02 Aug 10: The next
sessions are on Sunday 8th August 15:00-17:00 BST and 19:00-21:00 BST (14:00-1600 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC).
Please submit your July Ladder entries by the end of Thursday 5th August to Rob M0BPT. If you keep your log on a computer, you can use the free FISTS Log Converter Windows program to create logs for the Ladder and other FISTS Activities.
July 2010
- 31 Jul 10: It's a pleasure to welcome our latest members: John M0JZK #14842, Carl 2E0CWC #14843 and Albert 2E0AZK #14844.
- 25 Jul 10: The member lists on the website have been updated to remove HQ members who haven't renewed for 2010-2011. To check you are still in the list and confirm your name and QTH, please visit the Member Lists web page. Please send details of any corrections to the web master.
- 23 Jul 10: A very warm welcome to our latest members: Barrie G4OKB #14840 and Geoff 2E0BTR #14841.
- 21 Jul 10: Rob M0BPT has just published the BrassPounder June 2010 newsletter.
19 Jul 10: The second and final session of the new
FISTS 3 Hour Sprint 2010
Activity takes place this coming Saturday 24th July, 00:01 - 23:59 UTC.
For the full details, please see
FISTS 3 Hour Sprint 2010.
Please submit logs to Rob M0BPT, FISTS Activities Manager, by 7th August 2010. If you keep your log on a computer, you can use the free FISTS Log Converter Windows program, which will select your best 3 hours and create a log and score in the required form. - 17 Jul 10: We're delighted to welcome our latest members: Paul PD0TAS #14838 and Janez S50JA #14839.
- 13 Jul 10: If your membership certificate is lost or damaged and you'd like a replacement, you can now order one on the Order Replacement FISTS Member Certificate web page.
- 13 Jul 10: The next Ladder sessions are on Sunday 25th July 15:00-17:00 BST and 19:00-21:00 BST (14:00-1600 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC).
- 05 Jul 10: It's a pleasure to welcome our latest members: Gerard PA0RKT #14835 and David G4COE #14837.
June 2010
29 Jun 10: The next
sessions are on Sunday 11th July 15:00-17:00 BST and 19:00-21:00 BST (14:00-1600 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC).
Please submit your June Ladder entries by the end of Monday 5th July to Rob M0BPT. If you keep your log on a computer, you can use the free FISTS Log Converter Windows program to create logs for the Ladder and other FISTS Activities in seconds. - 25 Jun 10: Wednesday 30th June is the very last day for existing members to renew their membership for 2010-2011. After this, member details will be removed and it'll be necessary to re-join and fill in a membership application form.
25 Jun 10: We're very pleased to welcome the following new
Jerry AA1OF #14832, Stephen G4GVD #14833 and Tony 2E0VHA #14834. -
22 Jun 10: The first session of the new
FISTS 3 Hour Sprint 2010
Activity takes place this coming Saturday 26th June, 00:01 - 23:59 UTC.
For the full details, please see
FISTS 3 Hour Sprint 2010.
If you keep your log on a computer, you can use the free FISTS Log Converter Windows program, which will select your best 3 hours and create a log and score in the form required by Rob M0BPT.
The second and final session takes place on Saturday 24th July. - 19 Jun 10: A very warm welcome to our latest member: Mervyn 2E0WVE #14831.
- 17 Jun 10: Rob M0BPT has just published the BrassPounder May 2010 newsletter.
- 14 Jun 10: The next Ladder sessions are on Sunday 27th June 15:00-17:00 BST and 19:00-21:00 BST (14:00-1600 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC).
- 10 Jun 10: We're delighted to welcome our latest members: Derek G4GVM #14828, Vincent G0ORC #14829 and Martyn GW6ITJ #14830.
- 10 Jun 10: Kanga Products (UK), re-formed earlier this year, has extended its range of QRP CW transceivers, transmitters and receivers, including making extra bands available.
- 05 Jun 10: We're very pleased to welcome our latest members: Herb OE5BFM #14826 and Ken GW4GJA #14827.
03 Jun 10: The next
sessions are on Sunday 13th June 15:00-17:00 BST and 19:00-21:00 BST (14:00-1600 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC).
Please submit your May Ladder entries by the end of Saturday 5th June to Rob M0BPT. If you keep your log on a computer, you can use the free FISTS Log Converter Windows program to create logs for the Ladder and other FISTS Activities in seconds.
May 2010
- 28 May 10: A very warm welcome to our latest member: Paul PA3AQL #14825.
- 23 May 10: Tomorrow (Monday 24th May), look out for Tony G3ZRJ #7727 operating as GB10GKA on 80m (around 3.550 MHz, 17:00-20:00 UTC) and 160m (around 1.835 MHz, 20:00 UTC onwards). GB10GKA is marking the 10th Anniversary of the closure of the world's largest maritime radio station, Portishead Radio / GKA, and is manned by ex. GKA Radio Officers. For more information, please see GB10GKA.
- 22 May 10: Look out for the article "National Coastwatch Institution" written by Ian G6TGO #14556 and just published in the June 2010 edition of RadCom (the Radio Society of Great Britain's monthly magazine).
- 21 May 10: Colin M5FRA #7738 has written an interesting short article Portable nostalgia about going /P on 2m in the 1970s. For some of us this brings back a lot memories of when going on VHF meant a strange mixture of commercial, adapted PMR and home-built equipment.
- 21 May 10: It's a pleasure to welcome our latest member: Graham VE3GTC #14824.
- 19 May 10: The website now has a page dedicated to remembering Silent Keys (members who have passed away). It is available here: Silent Keys
- 15 May 10: Rob M0BPT has just published the BrassPounder April 2010 newsletter.
- 10 May 10: If you had any QSOs, even if only "giving points away", during the EUCW Fraternizing CW QSO Party please submit an entry as the points will help towards our FISTS club score.
- 10 May 10: The next Ladder sessions are Sunday 23rd May 15:00-17:00 BST and 19:00-21:00 BST (14:00-1600 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC).
- 07 May 10: We're sad to have to report that Fred G3VVP became a silent key at the end of April. Although in 2008 Fred decided not to continue his membership, he was an enthusiastic and active member of FISTS and this is a sad loss to the amateur radio and CW communities.
- 07 May 10: We're delighted to welcome our latest members: Justin G0KSC #14820, Thomas F8VOD #14821, Graham 2E0JYK #14822 and Tuomas OH5JJL #14823.
05 May 10: The
EUCW Fraternizing CW QSO Party
takes place this coming weekend:
Saturday 8th May 10:00 - 12:00 UTC and
Sunday 9th May 18:00 - 20:00 UTC.
The bands that can be used are 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m and 10m. The EUCW Fraternizing Party web page gives preferred frequency ranges and also the IARU Region 1 Band Plan contest-preferred frequency ranges apply. FISTS is a member of the EUCW, an association of European CW clubs, so please help support this event. -
02 May 10: Congratulations to the following members:
Geoff G4AQZ #7768 has achieved the Diamond Century Award and
Milan OK1KW #4827 has achieved the Platinum 250 Award and the Millionaire Award 4 Million Endorsement Sticker. - 01 May 10: We're pleased to welcome our latest member: Paul ON6WP #14819.
01 May 10: The next
session is Sunday 9th May 15:00-17:00 BST and 19:00-21:00 BST (14:00-1600 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC).
Please submit your April Ladder entries by the end of Wednesday 5th May and EUCW QRS Party logs by 31st May to Rob M0BPT. If you keep your log on a computer, you can use the free FISTS Log Converter Windows program to create logs for the Ladder, EUCW QRS Party and other FISTS Activities in seconds.
April 2010
23 Apr 10: We're pleased to welcome the following new
Paul G4LNA #14815, Thomas G3YVZ #14816, Ruben EA4FYQ #14817 and David M0DKN #14818. - 21 Apr 10: Rob M0BPT has just published the BrassPounder March 2010 newsletter. Included in this is news that the G0HGA VHF/UHF/SHF CW Activity is being discontinued due to lack of support.
- 20 Apr 10: The EUCW QRS Party runs from this coming Monday 26th April 00:01 UTC to Friday 30th April 23:59 UTC. Maximum speed is 14 WPM. This is not a contest, but you are encouraged to submit logs to Rob M0BPT. EUCW is an association of European CW clubs. The EUCW QRS Party is organised by FISTS, so please help support it.
- 20 Apr 10: The next Ladder sessions are on Sunday 25th April 15:00-17:00 BST and 19:00-21:00 BST (14:00-1600 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC).
16 Apr 10: Welcome to our new
Mike G4VSS #14802,
Arnold M0AIS #14803,
Anne 2E0MLD #14804,
Peter 2E0LKC #14805,
Widnes & Runcorn ARC GX7HOA #14806,
John G0UCP #14807,
Nick G4OOE #14808,
Gareth 2E0BKW #14809,
Robert M0BJX #14810,
Anthony G0YSS #14811,
Craig MM0SSG #14812,
Alan G4GVB #14813 and
Ger EI4GXB #14814. - 12 Apr 10: We had a very successful time at the NARSA Norbreck Rally in Blackpool. There are photographs on the Activities & Awards page.
- 10 Apr 10: Welcome to our latest member, Duncan G4DFV #14801.
- 07 Apr 10: Congratulations to Milan OK1KW #4827 on achieving the Millionaire Award along with the 2 Million and 3 Million Endorsement Stickers.
- 04 Apr 10: Welcome to our latest member, John M0JCM #14800.
- 04 Apr 10: Please submit your March Ladder entries to Rob M0BPT by the end of tomorrow (Monday 5th April). If you keep your log on a computer, you can use the free FISTS Log Converter Windows program to create the log in seconds. Please also consider submitting a log for the March G0HGA VHF/UHF/SHF CW Activity by the 14th April (the program can be used for this too). All that's needed is normal CW contacts on 6m, 4m, 2m, 70cm, 23cm and 3cm. The next Ladder sessions are Sunday 11th April 15:00-17:00 BST and 19:00-21:00 BST (14:00-1600 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC).
03 Apr 10: The web archive of the FISTS club magazine / newsletter, Key Note,
has been extended to include the very first newsletter, published in October 1987.
This is available from the
members' Key Notes Archive
and the public Key Notes Archive
web pages.
If you have copies of any of the following Key Notes and are willing to scan them or loan them for scanning, or believe that they were not published, please contact Graham G3ZOD the web master : any for the years 1987-1988, June 1989, December 1989, October 1990 and June 1993. - 02 Apr 10: Rob M0BPT has published the Exchange Your Age Week 2010 results.
- 01 Apr 10: We've received an email from a relative of the late Gerry Jackson G3HQU FISTS #39 asking for any information about him. If you knew Gerry, please can you send Graham G3ZOD the web master an email.
March 2010
- 27 Mar 10: Annual renewals are due on 1st April - less than a week away now. Payment can be accepted by various methods - for details, please see the Subscription Rewewal page. Note: If you have an existing Standing Order, you will need to replace it or amend it due to the change in subscriptions. If you want to use the Standing Order form that was printed in the Spring Key Note but don't want to cut up your magazine, you can print a copy of the form from the website here: Standing Order form.
- 25 Mar 10: FISTS will be attending the NARSA Rally at the Norbreck Exhibition Centre, Blackpool on Sunday 11th April so please come and visit us. Maps etc. are available on the NARSA website.
- 25 Mar 10: The Spring Key Note is available on the website from the Members' Area's Key Notes Archive. Postal copies should start arriving from this weekend onwards.
- 24 Mar 10: The next FISTS Activity is the Ladder on Sunday 28th March. Bear in mind the clocks move forwards in the UK this coming weekend, so the local times are now 15:00-17:00 BST and 19:00-21:00 BST (14:00-1600 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC).
- 16 Mar 10: Sadly Tony G8XGQ #8949 became a silent key today after a long illness. He will be missed by FISTS members and in particular the Huntingdon Chapter.
- 15 Mar 10: Rob M0BPT has just published the BrassPounder February 2010 newsletter.
- 15 Mar 10: Please make sure that you send your Exchange Your Age Week 2010 logs and reports to Rob M0BPT by Monday 22nd March. Even if you were only there to give points away, logs are very much appreciated. The next FISTS Activity is the Ladder on Sunday 28th March 14:00-16:00 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC.
- 15 Mar 10: Brian M0ETO FISTS #7710 has announced his intention to cease running the 40m FISTS net. This is due to low participation and antenna/noise problems at his QTH.
- 14 Mar 10: Welcome to our new members, Kurt HB9DOI #14594, Vlad OK2MTV #14595, Allister G4MLG #14596, David G3UFO #14597, Bob G4GQP #14598 and Matt G4ZZB #14599.
- 14 Mar 10: Graham G3ZOD the web master has made the program FISTS Log Converter 1.0.0 available. If you keep an electronic log, this program makes it very easy to score FISTS Activities such as Exchange Your Age Week 2010 and create logs in the format preferred by Rob M0BPT.
07 Mar 10: Graham G3ZOD
the web master
has a Windows program that will accept electronic logs and create
Exchange Your Age Week 2010
(EYAW) logs in Rob M0BPT's preferred format including working out the points and checking the FISTS numbers.
If anyone might be interested, it just needs that in the Remarks/Comments entry in your log,
you include the age and FISTS number (as applicable) somewhere like this:
FISTS 54321 AGE 99
The exact order, position and case doesn't matter, e.g. this would be fine:
Running 5kw dipole age 99 terrible chirp fists 54321
It will accept ADIF files (most logging programs can create them) or Ham Radio Deluxe .MDB (Access database) logbook files.
It also works for the FISTS Ladder, G0HGA VHF/UHF/SHF CW Activity and Straight Key Week (SKW) 2010 activities.
Graham is tidying up the program and will post a copy on the website by the end of next Saturday. - 07 Mar 10: Welcome to our new members, Jacques ON4YZ #14592 and Paul M0PNN #14593.
- 05 Mar 10: Exchange Your Age Week 2010 (EYAW) starts this coming Sunday 7th March 00:01 UTC and runs for 7 days. This proved a popular event in 2009, so don't miss out! For details, please see Exchange Your Age Week 2010.
- 04 Mar 10: Congratulations to Bert F6HKA #14577 on achieving the Basic Century Award and the Silver Century Award - well done!
- 04 Mar 10: Logs and reports for the February FISTS Ladder need to be submitted to Rob M0BPT by the end of Friday 5th March. Logs and reports for the G0HGA VHF/UHF/SHF CW Activity need to be submitted by 14th March. The next Ladder session are on Sunday 14th March 14:00-1600 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC.
February 2010
- 28 Feb 10: Welcome to our latest members, Klaas PA0KBN #14587, Jack F8WAK/W4MZV #14588, John G7GUN #14589, William 2E0WAR #14590 and Christian DK5CH #14591.
- 22 Feb 10: The next FISTS Ladder sessions are on Sunday 28th February 14:00-1600 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC. Please come and join in - submitting logs is not required (but it is appreciated).
- 22 Feb 10: If you're writing an article, letter etc. for the upcoming Spring edition of Key Note please ensure that Paul M0BMN receives it by this coming Sunday (28th February). Articles can be emailed to Paul.
- 19 Feb 10: Welcome to our newest member, Colin DD5CF #14586.
- 17 Feb 10: Rob M0BPT has just published the BrassPounder January 2010 newsletter.
- 12 Feb 10: Welcome to our new members, Edwin HB9BQJ #14583, Norman G0WNT #14584 and William G7PVZ #14585.
- 10 Feb 10: If you use CW on 6m or higher frequency bands, please write to Ian G6TGO as soon as possible with a report on your activities for inclusion in the Spring Key Note VHF/UHF section.
- 10 Feb 10: If you have any ideas for articles for the upcoming Spring edition of Key Note, please let Paul M0BMN have your articles by 28th February. All submissions are very welcome, from notes about what you have been up to over the last few months to fully-fledged articles.
- 06 Feb 10: Ever wondered how long your callsign takes to transmit and how it compares with other people's callsigns? Visit the new Measure Callsign Weight web page to find out!
- 05 Feb 10: Welcome to our latest members, Roger G3SNT #14581 and Ken G6VGN #14582.
- 04 Feb 10: Logs and reports for the January FISTS Ladder need to be submitted to Rob M0BPT by the end of Friday 5th February. Logs and reports for the G0HGA VHF/UHF/SHF CW Activity need to be submitted by 14th February. The next Ladder session are on Sunday 14th February 14:00-1600 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC.
- 01 Feb 10: Congratulations to Milan OK1KW #4827 on achieving the Diamond Century Award. This is a significant achievement - well done Milan!
- 01 Feb 10: The work on the website is now complete. It may take up to 24 hours for the website to be available to everyone due to the time it takes for address (DNS) changes to be propagated around the Internet. If there are any problems, please let me know by sending an email to the web master.
January 2010
- 31 Jan 10: There will be some disruption to the main website http://www.fists.co.uk during the week starting 1st February. The temporary website http://www.fists.org.uk can be used while it's unavailable. Apologies for the inconvenience.
- 29 Jan 10: Welcome to Roger G3LDI #14580, our latest member.
26 Jan 10: We have a new QSL bureau sub-manager for G0, GD0, GI0, GJ0, GM0 and GU0 callsigns.
Please see the QSL Bureau web page for details. - 22 Jan 10: Welcome to new members David EI9FBB #14576, Bert F6HKA #14577, Jamie MW3ZKP #14578 and William 2E0LBD #14579, who have just joined us.
- 22 Jan 10: The first 2010 FISTS Ladder sessions were disappointing due to a concurrent 80m CW contest during the afternoon session and unhelpful propagation during the evening session. However, this coming Sunday's sessions (24th January 14:00-16:00 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC) look to be clear of any contests, so please do give the Ladder another try. 80m and 20m are the most used bands currently in the Ladder, but any can be used except 30m, 17m and 12m.
19 Jan 10: The web archive of the FISTS club magazine / newsletter, Key Note,
has been extended to include December 1988 to 1993, now covering over 20 years.
This is available from the
members' Key Notes Archive
and the
public Key Notes Archive
web pages.
It would be great if we could extend the archive even closer to the start of FISTS in 1987. If you have copies of any of the following Key Notes and are willing to scan them or loan them for scanning, or believe that they were not published, please contact Graham G3ZOD the web master : any for the years 1987-1988, June 1989, December 1989, October 1990 and June 1993. - 16 Jan 10: Welcome to our new members, Colin M0XED #14573, Andrew G4CWX #14574 and Tom EI5CA #14575, who joined us recently.
- 16 Jan 10: The new G0HGA VHF/UHF/SHF CW Activity 2010 has been extended to include 23cm and 3cm (10GHz), so the valid bands are 6m, 4m, 2m, 70cm, 23cm and 3cm. As we're half way through January, there's still plenty of time to join in!
- 13 Jan 10: If you currently have a Standing Order for your FISTS annual subscription, please bear in mind that you need to alter it or replace it *before* the 1st April to reflect the changes in subscription. For a list of the 2010 fees, please visit the Annual Renewal web page.
- 09 Jan 10: Welcome to our latest members, Maurizio IT9RRU #14568, Richard M0RKY #14569, Jan PA7O #14570, Jonathan G6HKA #14571 and Ken G3HSU #14572, who have joined us recently.
- 09 Jan 10: There is a new email address for contacting the FISTS Awards Manager Dennis K6DF. When writing, please put the word "FISTS" in the subject line.
- 03 Jan 10: The new 2010 FISTS Ladder starts on Sunday 10th January! The Ladder is a great way to meet up with members in friendly "normal" QSOs rather than "599 TU". There is no need to submit logs - just come and join in - but if you do submit logs and reports to Rob M0BPT, it's very much appreciated and makes it more fun. There are two, two hour sessions on every second and fourth Sunday in the month. Just join in one or both sessions as you wish. The first sessions are on Sunday 10th January 14:00-1600 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC. Note: Participants in the 2009 Ladder, please submit your final logs and reports to Rob M0BPT by 5th January (see the Activity Calendar for details).
- 01 Jan 10: Happy New Year! Welcome to our latest members, George MM0GFR #14566 and Zoran 9A3Y #14567, who joined us recently.