> Members' Area
> QSL Bureau
QSL Bureau
The FISTS QSL bureau is run as a service for members and can be used to send and receive QSL cards between members. The manager is Robert M0BPT
Sending Cards
Send all outgoing cards to Robert:Receiving Cards
European and DX Members
Please send postage to Robert Walker (details above) in either British Pounds (£), US Dollars ($) or Euros (€).UK Members
Please send stamped, self-addressed envelopes to your QSL bureau sub-manager.Welsh stations (GW, MW, 2W) send envelopes to Paul Webb. All other UK prefixes (GM/MM/2M, GD/MD/2D etc.) send envelopes to the sub-manager below with the corresponding English prefix (G, M, 2E etc.). For example, MM3QQQ sends envelopes to the M3 sub-manager, Phil Hughes.
Remember to put your callsign and envelope number in the top left corner, e.g. G3QQQ 1 of 3.
Your sub-manager sends you your cards when the weight and/or size limit for the stamp on the envelope is reached. If you want to receive cards more frequently, please tell your sub-manager how many to include in each envelope, e.g. if you want 2 per envelope, write WAIT 2 at the top left of the envelope.
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