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Activities Calendar Archive

Please choose a year for the activities:
2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009

To see reports and tables of results, visit the Activity Results page.  The free FISTS Log Converter program for Windows can be used to create entries for all the FISTS activities below.

Activities Calendar 2021

To see a list of dates and times for these and some other on-air activities, please visit the Upcoming Events web page

Straight Key Week 2021
What 3 Words 2021
Mechanical Key Days 2021
Spring Word Search 2021
Ladder 2021

DESCRIPTION Straight Key Week runs for 7 days in September/October.  You must send CQs and have QSOs using a straight ("up & down") key or a sideswiper (aka "cootie") key; no semi-automatic (aka "bug") keys or electronic keyers.  If in doubt about the eligibility of your key, please ask.  It does not matter what type of key your QSO partner uses.
ONE hour periods commencing at the cardinal times of the clock (think radio room clock silence periods), 12, 3, 6, 9.  Twice per 24hrs, so EIGHT x ONE hour operating periods per 24hrs.

00:01 UTC Monday 27 September to 23:59 UTC Sunday 03 October.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given operator per day,  i.e. all QSOs claimed each day must be unique callsigns.  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.
LOGS Send in your entry after the last day.  Entries must be received by 07 November 2021 and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • You must include this in your log's 'Comment' (or similar) field: SKW
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html version 4.1.1 or later for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points, Comment
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 3
    'Comment' must include SKW, e.g. Nice QSO SKW
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

WHAT 3 WORDS 2021 (W3W)
DESCRIPTION An activity designed to encourage further familiarity with the What 3 Words locating app.  Qualifying QSO will be QSO wherein a W3W location is exchanged.  This can be the station location OR a stated location sent by the sender, e.g. Salisbury Cathedral, STOPS.YAPPY.MASS
ONE hour periods commencing at the cardinal times of the clock (think radio room clock silence periods), 12, 3, 6, 9. Twice per 24hrs, so EIGHT x ONE hour operating periods per 24hrs.

00:01- 2359UTC first Friday, Saturday and Sunday in July, August and September 2021
July 2,3,4, August 6,7,8 and September 3,4,5.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Please use FISTS Centre of Activity and UP frequencies keeping clear of QRP frequencies unless using QRP.
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, W3W locator OR W3W locator AND the stated place (see text), and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING A station can be claimed once on each day.  Scoring:
1 Any station exchanging W3W.
LOGS Send in the your entries by the following dates:
July entry no later than 07 August.
August entry no later than 07 September.
September entry no later than 07 October.

Entries must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • You must put this in your log's 'Comment' (or similar) field: W3W followed by the W3W locator in double-quotes or the W3W locator and stated place in double-quotes.  E.g.
    W3W  "stops.yappy.mass  Salisbury  Cathedral"
    W3W  "gravel.grades.margin"
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html version 4.0.7 or later for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points, Comment
    2021/07/02,G3ZOD,Gra,3.559,559,549,21:15,8385,CW,1,W3W  "gravel.grades.margin"
    W3W  "stops.yappy.mass  Salisbury  Cathedral"
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain 1 or be left blank, e.g. 1
    'Comment' must include W3W followed by double-quotes surrounding the W3W locator or W3W locator and stated place.
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION Mechanical Key Days runs from May to December 2021.  You must send CQs and have QSOs using a straight ("up & down") key, a sideswiper (aka "cootie") key or a semi-automatic (aka "bug") key - no electronic keyers, keyboards, or other gizmos!  If in doubt about the eligibility of your key, please ask.  It does not matter what type of key your QSO partner uses.
FIRST day of each month - 0001hrs to 2359hrs UTC.
01 May, 01 June, 01 July, 01 August, 01 September, 01 October, 01 November, & 01 December.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Please use FISTS Centre of Activity and UP frequencies keeping clear of QRP frequencies unless using QRP.
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING A station can be claimed once on each day.  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.
LOGS Each month's entry must be received no later than 07 of that month and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • You must put this in your log's 'Comment' (or similar) field: MKD
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html version 4.0.6 or later for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points, Comment
    2021/06/01,G4LHI,Peter,Huntingdon,7.026,599,559,17:05,2219,CW,2,MKD QSO
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 3
    'Comment' must include MKD, e.g. Nice QSO MKD
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION The idea is for members to work sufficient stations to be able to use one letter of each callsign to spell
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Every day, 0001 hours April 1st 2021 - 2359 hours June 30th 2021.  All times Zulu.
BANDS Operation only on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m, & 2m bands.
FISTS Centre of Activity frequencies AND UP PLEASE.
EXCHANGE There is no required exchange.

Why not say you're chasing the letters and which letter of theirs you're using?
GENERAL ANY STATION COUNTS.  FISTS OR NOT.  The aim is to use any letter of a callsign suffix to spell
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;

For example, in M0CDL/P the suffix letters are "CDL" and any one of them can be used as they all occur in the phrase.

There are two sections:
  • QRP (5 Watts or less)
  • Open (any power)
Entrants can use ANY letter from a suffix but they cannot use a callsign more than once under any circumstances EXCEPT that if you use a callsign for one section (say, QRP) then choose to enter the other section (Open) you CAN work the station a second time and use the callsign in the new section.  Note that it must be a new QSO on a different day though.  Under all other circumstances, even making multiple QSOs, does not permit reuse of the callsign at all.

Entrants may use QRP (5 Watts or less) or Open (any power).  Callsigns used in one section may be used in the other but they must be worked again.  Whilst QSOs of greater than 5 Watts cannot be counted in the QRP section, QSOs made using QRP can be counted in the Open section if desired.

For example, G4LHI counts as an H for HIGH but if I work him using 5 Watts I can count him in the QRP section OR the Open section BUT if I choose subsequently to enter the other section as well, I MUST work G4LHI AGAIN on a different day to get the H for the new section.

Please email the Activities Manager, David G4YVM, with any questions:

The winning three places will be based on the number of letters achieved and the start date and time of the final qualifying QSO.  IF THREE PEOPLE ALL GET ALL LETTERS, THE TIMES OF QSO WILL DECIDE THE WINNER.
LOGS You can send in your log at any time but no later than 7th July 2021 please.  If you send in more than one log, each log must contain the full list of QSOs and the most recent log supersedes earlier logs.  Include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html version 4.0.5 or later for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Freq, Time_On, Mode, TX_Pwr, Points, Comment

    Example (1): Choosing letters automatically (Open section only):

    Example (2): Choosing letters yourself (any section):
    2021/04/18,G4LHI,7.032,14:25,2219,CW,100,1,WSOPEN  H
    2021/06/21,G3ZOD,3.562,10:05,CW,2.5,1,WSQRP  D
    • 'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    • 'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.032
    • 'Mode' must be CW
    • 'TX_Pwr' is your power and can be:
      - for the QRP section, a number not greater than 5, e.g. 2.5
      - for the Open section, blank or your power e.g. 100 
    • 'Points' can contain 1 or be left blank, e.g. 1
    • 'Comment' is optional:
      • To enter the Open section and choose letters automatically, do NOT include WSQRP or WSOPEN in 'Comment' in any QSO log entries.
      • To choose the letters yourself or enter the QRP section, you MUST include WSQRP (QRP section) or WSOPEN (Open section) followed by the letter being claimed, e.g. Nice QSO WSOPEN  W
      Note: if you have QSOs with one or more callsigns that contain more than one required letter in the callsign, you may achieve letters sooner if you choose them carefully yourself.
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above except where it says above that a field can be blank.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for entries is .

DESCRIPTION The Ladder is a monthly activity with two, two-hour sessions on the 2nd and 4th Sunday in a month.  As with all FISTS Europe activities, it is a relaxed and sociable activity.

The results at the end of the year will list the leading three entries in two categories:
  • Entrants located anywhere.
  • Entrants located outside DXCC entity 223 (England).
(If operating from more than one DXCC entity, the location will be the one used most in the sessions.)
Session times are 14:00-16:00 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC on the following Sundays:

10/24 January, 14/28 February, 14/28 March, 11/25 April, 09/23 May, 13/27 June, 11/25 July, 08/22 August, 12/26 September, 10/24 October, 14/28 November, 12/26 December.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING There are four 2-hour sessions in each month of which at most two can be claimed.  Within each claimed session, a station can be worked once; it follows that a station can earn points at most twice (once per claimed session).  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.
LOGS Send in your entry after the last session in a month.  Entries must be received no later than the 7th of the following month and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'FISTS' must either be blank or contain a FISTS member number only, e.g. 8385
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 3
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

Activities Calendar 2020

To see a list of dates and times for these and some other on-air activities, please visit the Upcoming Events web page

Exchange Your Gifts 2020
Mechanical Key Days 2020 (MKD)
2m Chronophage 2020
Dunkirk Memorial 2020
Straight Key Week 2020 (SKW)
Word Search 2020
Ladder 2020
Low Bands Day Hopper 2020

DESCRIPTION Mechanical Key Days runs from Monday 16 - Sunday 22 November 2020.  You must send CQs and have QSOs using a straight ("up & down") key, a sideswiper (aka "cootie") key or a semi-automatic (aka "bug") key - no electronic keyers, keyboards, or other gizmos!  If in doubt about the eligibility of your key, please ask.  It does not matter what type of key your QSO partner uses.
ONE hour periods commencing at the cardinal times of the clock (think radio room clock silence periods), 12, 3, 6, 9.  Twice per 24hrs, so EIGHT x ONE hour operating periods per 24hrs.

00:01 UTC Monday 16 November to 22:00 UTC Sunday 22 November.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING A station can be claimed once on each day.  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.
LOGS Send in your entry after the last day.  Entries must be received by 07 December 2020 and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • You must put this in your log's 'Comment' (or similar) field: MKD
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points, Comment
    2020/06/07,G4LHI,Peter,Huntingdon,7.026,599,559,17:05,2219,CW,2,MKD QSO
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 3
    'Comment' must include MKD, e.g. Nice QSO MKD
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION Those of you who know your Latin or your clocks will know the chronophage as a time eater (do Google Chronophage and if you can get to Cambridge, do so…it is well worth the trip! www.johnctaylor.com/the-chronophage).
Sept 28th to Oct 25th.

Monday, Friday Saturday and Sunday.

1200, 1500, 1900 Z each day.
FREQUENCIES 2m ONLY, CW obviously.

Now this is contentious.  I would say calling on 144.050 but I know some FISTS would also say no, no, it's on 144.058.  SO... Calling on either 144.050 or 144.058, you take your pick.  I would like to be able to be hard and fast on this but that's just not possible.  Perhaps what I should say is… "call CQ and tune low to high"!  Now that takes us back!
LOGS and COMMENTS Logs and comments welcome to ...let's have some VHF fun.

DESCRIPTION During the period 18th May 0001z to 5th June 2359z, which date covers both the memorial event and the actual operation dates, this activity is to simply work as many stations around Dunkirk and Dover (the operation was run from Dover) as you can.

Remember it is FUN. Exchanges should be normal but more points will be awarded for stations within 50 miles of Dover or Dunkirk. Distances will be based on Locator distances.  Locators do NOT need to be exchanged but for stations in Belgium, England, France, & Netherlands, you MUST enter the locator of the station into your log to claim "within 50 miles" bonus points.  If you are not given the locator over the ear, it is often shown as the Grid Square in QRZ.com.  If it's not there, you can find it using the postal address from QRZ.com on this Maidenhead Grid Square Locator Map web page.

The scores are 1 point per qso, 3 points per qso within 50 miles of either Dunkirk or Dover castle, and 10 points for the Andover club special event callsign GB4DLS.  Locators for the two anchor points are:
Dunkirk JO11eb
Dover JO01pd
18th May 0001z to 5th June 2359 UTC.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
EXCHANGE There is no minimum exchange.
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given operator during the activity,  i.e. all QSOs claimed must be unique callsigns.  Scoring:
1 Station located anywhere.
3 Station located 50 miles or less from JO11eb (Dunkirk) or JO01pd (Dover).
10 Special event station GB4DLS.
LOGS Send in your entry after the last day.  Entries must be received by 07 July 2020 and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html version 4.0.0 or later for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Freq, Time_On, Gridsquare,Mode, Points
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'Gridsquare' can be a locator with at least 6 characters -or- left blank for stations other than those in Belgium, England, France, & Netherlands.  E.g. JO01nb
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 3 
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION Straight Key Week runs for 7 days in July.  You must send CQs and have QSOs using a straight ("up & down") key or a sideswiper (aka "cootie") key; no semi-automatic (aka "bug") keys or electronic keyers.  If in doubt about the eligibility of your key, please ask.  It does not matter what type of key your QSO partner uses.
ONE hour periods commencing at the cardinal times of the clock (think radio room clock silence periods), 12, 3, 6, 9.  Twice per 24hrs, so EIGHT x ONE hour operating periods per 24hrs.

00:01 UTC Wednesday 01 July to 22:00 UTC Tuesday 07 July.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given operator per day,  i.e. all QSOs claimed each day must be unique callsigns.  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.
LOGS Send in your entry after the last day.  Entries must be received by 07 August 2020 and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • You must put this in your log's 'Comment' (or similar) field: SKW
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html version 4.0.0 or later for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points, Comment
    2020/07/03,G4LHI,Peter,Huntingdon,7.026,599,559,17:05,2219,CW,2,SKW QSO
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 3
    'Comment' must include SKW, e.g. Nice QSO SKW
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION The idea is for members to work sufficient FISTS members to be able to use one letter of each callsign to spell
Every day, 0001 hours August 1st 2020 - 2359 hours October 31st 2020.  All times Zulu.
BANDS Operation only on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m, & 2m bands.
FISTS Centre of Activity frequencies.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
FISTS member number.

Why not say you're chasing the letters and which letter of theirs you're using?
GENERAL ONLY FISTS members count.  The aim is to use any letter of a callsign suffix to spell
For example, in M0CDL/P the suffix letters are "CDL" and any of them can be used as they all occur in the phrase.

There are two sections:
  • QRP (5 Watts or less)
  • Open (any power)
Entrants can use ANY letter from a FISTS suffix but they cannot use a callsign more than once under any circumstances EXCEPT that if you use a callsign for one section (say, QRP) then choose to enter the other section (Open) you CAN work the station a second time and use the callsign in the new section.  Note that it must be a new QSO on a different day though.  Under all other circumstances, even making multiple QSOs, does not permit reuse of the callsign at all.

Entrants may use QRP (5 Watts or less) or Open (any power).  Callsigns used in one section may be used in the other but they must be worked again.  Whilst QSOs of greater than 5 Watts cannot be counted in the QRP section, QSOs made using QRP can be counted in the Open section if desired.

For example, G4LHI counts as an H for WHAT but if I work him using 5 Watts I can count him in the QRP section OR the Open section BUT if I choose subsequently to enter the other section as well, I MUST work G4LHI AGAIN on a different day to get the H for the new section.

Please email the Activities Manager, David G4YVM, with any questions:
POINTS Points for FISTS:FISTS only.

The winning three places will be based on the number of letters achieved and the start date and time of the final qualifying QSO.
LOGS You can send in your log at any time but no later than 7th November 2020 please.  If you send in more than one log, each log must contain the full list of QSOs and the most recent log supersedes earlier logs.  Include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html version 4.0.0 or later for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Freq, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, TX_Pwr, Points, Comment

    Example (1): Choosing letters automatically (Open section only):

    Example (2): Choosing letters yourself (any section):
    2020/08/18,G4LHI,7.027,14:25,2219,CW,100,1,WSOPEN  H
    2020/09/21,G3ZOD,3.554,10:05,8385,CW,2.5,1,WSQRP  D
    • 'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    • 'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    • 'FISTS' must contain a FISTS member number only, e.g. 8385
    • 'Mode' must be CW
    • 'TX_Pwr' is your power and can be:
      - for the QRP section, a number not greater than 5, e.g. 2.5
      - for the Open section, blank or your power e.g. 100 
    • 'Points' can contain 1 or be left blank, e.g. 1
    • 'Comment' is optional:
      • To enter the Open section and choose letters automatically, do NOT include WSQRP or WSOPEN in 'Comment' in any QSO log entries.
      • To choose the letters yourself or enter the QRP section, you MUST include WSQRP (QRP section) or WSOPEN (Open section) followed by the letter being claimed, e.g. Nice QSO WSOPEN  W
      Note: if you have QSOs with one or more callsigns that contain more than one required letter in the callsign, you may achieve letters sooner if you choose them carefully yourself.
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above except where it says above that a field can be blank.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for entries is .

DESCRIPTION The Ladder is a monthly activity with two, two-hour sessions on the 2nd and 4th Sunday in a month.  As with all FISTS Europe activities, it is a relaxed and sociable activity.

The results at the end of the year will list the leading three entries in two categories:
  • Entrants located anywhere.
  • Entrants located outside DXCC entity 223 (England).
(If operating from more than one DXCC entity, the location will be the one used most in the sessions.)
Session times are 14:00-16:00 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC on the following Sundays:

12/26 January, 09/23 February, 08/22 March, 12/26 April, 10/24 May, 14/28 June, 12/26 July, 09/23 August, 13/27 September, 11/25 October, 08/22 November, 13/27 December.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING There are four 2-hour sessions in each month of which at most two can be claimed.  Within each claimed session, a station can be worked once; it follows that a station can earn points at most twice (once per claimed session).  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.
LOGS Send in your entry after the last session in a month.  Entries must be received no later than the 7th of the following month and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'FISTS' must either be blank or contain a FISTS member number only, e.g. 8385
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 3
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION The idea is absolutely NOT a contest but a means of enabling us to meet each other on air.
BANDS Operation only on 160,80,40 and 2m bands.
NOTE band restrictions for this one!
DATES and TIMES Friday 17th January, Saturday 25th.

Sunday February 2nd, Monday 10th, Tuesday 18th, Wednesday 26th.

Thursday 5th March, Friday 13th, Saturday 21st, Sunday 29th.

Three periods per day 08-0900, 13-1400, 18-1900 Zulu.

Perhaps call "CQ FISTS".
GENERAL Members can submit reports of numbers worked, soap-box comments etc. etc. as a "Round-up news" at the end of the session (by end Apr 2020 please) to

Please email David G4YVM with any questions:

Activities Calendar 2019

To see a list of dates and times for these and some other on-air activities, please visit the Upcoming Events web page

Word Search 2019
Chirp n Drift 2019
Iconic Rig Event 2019
2m Bank Holiday Refresher 2019
Straight Key Week 2019 (SKW)
Winter Sports 2019
Ladder 2019

DESCRIPTION New for 2019: If you are entering the Open section only, you can opt to have the letters chosen automatically for you!

The idea is for members to work sufficient FISTS members to be able to use one letter of each callsign to spell WHAT HATH GOD WROUGHT?  SFB MORSE.
Every day, 0001 hours July 1st 2019 - 2359 hours September 30th 2019.  All times Zulu.
BANDS Operation only on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m, & 2m bands.
FISTS Centre of Activity frequencies.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
FISTS member number.

Why not say you're chasing the letters and which letter of theirs you're using?
GENERAL ONLY FISTS members count.  The aim is to use any letter of a callsign suffix to spell
For example, in M2AGW/P one of the three letters A, G, or W can be used.

There are two sections:
  • QRP (5 Watts or less)
  • Open (any power)
Entrants can use ANY letter from a FISTS suffix but they cannot use a callsign more than once under any circumstances EXCEPT that if you use a callsign for one section (say, QRP) then choose to enter the other section (Open) you CAN work the station a second time and use the callsign in the new section.  Note that it must be a new QSO on a different day though.  Under all other circumstances, even making multiple QSOs, does not permit reuse of the callsign at all.

Entrants may use QRP (5 Watts or less) or Open (any power).  Callsigns used in one section may be used in the other but they must be worked again.  Whilst QSOs of greater than 5 Watts cannot be counted in the QRP section, QSOs made using QRP can be counted in the Open section if desired.

For example, G4LHI counts as an H for WHAT but if I work him using 5 Watts I can count him in the QRP section OR the Open section BUT if I choose subsequently to enter the other section as well, I MUST work G4LHI AGAIN on a different day to get the H for the new section.

Please email the Activities Manager, David G4YVM, with any questions:
POINTS Points for FISTS:FISTS only.

The winning three places will be based on the number of letters achieved and the start date and time of the final qualifying QSO.

The winning three places can have a certificate.
LOGS You can send in your log at any time but no later than 7th October 2019 please.  If you send in more than one log, each log must contain the full list of QSOs and the most recent log supersedes earlier logs.  Include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html version 3.5.3 or later for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Freq, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, TX_Pwr, Points, Comment

    Example (1): Choosing letters automatically (Open section only):

    Example (2): Choosing letters yourself (any section):
    2019/07/18,G4LHI,7.027,14:25,2219,CW,100,1,WSOPEN  H
    2019/08/21,G3ZOD,3.554,10:05,8385,CW,2.5,1,WSQRP  D
    • 'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    • 'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    • 'FISTS' must contain a FISTS member number only, e.g. 8385
    • 'Mode' must be CW
    • 'TX_Pwr' is your power and can be:
      - for the QRP section, a number not greater than 5, e.g. 2.5
      - for the Open section, blank or your power e.g. 100 
    • 'Points' can contain 1 or be left blank, e.g. 1
    • 'Comment' is optional:
      • To enter the Open section and choose letters automatically, do NOT include WSQRP or WSOPEN in 'Comment' in any QSO log entries.
      • To choose the letters yourself or enter the QRP section, you MUST include WSQRP (QRP section) or WSOPEN (Open section) followed by the letter being claimed, e.g. Nice QSO WSOPEN  W
      Note: if you have QSOs with one or more callsigns that contain more than one required letter in the callsign, you may achieve letters sooner if you choose them carefully yourself.
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above except where it says above that a field can be blank.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for entries is .

DESCRIPTION As requested, a second Chirp n Drift activity is scheduled for Monday 6th May, a UK Bank Holiday.  Let's go for 1800Z to 0000Z (which if you recall is after BST so will be 7pm to 1am British time).  Last time we had some German and Dutch stations joining in so for you chaps it will be 8pm I think, but as it's not a Bank Holiday for you that might suit quite well).  Monday 6th May then, dust off the chirpy gear and spread the word for another exciting and interesting event.  I hope to work a few more 1154s and elusive Parasets this time, but homebrew gear is also most welcome!!
Monday 6th May 18:00 - 00:00Z (BST: 6th May 19:00 - 7th May 01:00)
LOGS No logs BUT please send reports and photos to .

DESCRIPTION After the last Chirp N Drift I was asked to organise an event for classic rigs which might rarely get an outing but which do not chirp or drift!  So, time to add volts to that FT7B, TS180, Drake TR7 and of course, the Gentleman of rigs, the FT101ZD plus a host of others time has removed from my memory.  Let's hear them!  I suggest we run this on May 27th, another UK Bank Holiday.  Let's go, again, for 1800Z to 0000Z (7pm to 1am British time).
Monday 27th May 18:00 - 00:00Z (BST: 27th May 19:00 - 28th May 01:00)
LOGS No logs BUT please send reports and photos to .

DESCRIPTION The Refresher is to encourage activity on the 2m band over six 2 hour periods, between Easter Bank Holiday Monday and Spring Bank Holiday Monday with an easy going pace.

Intended for all CW operators, it is aimed specifically for those who haven't operated for a while, feel a little rusty or just need a little confidence boost!!

The idea is to encourage members to take part in an event, where the minimum expectation is to have a basic QSO exchange with other operators.

HOWEVER if members feel they are confident to have a longer in depth QSO, then that's encouraged also.

To add to the fun, points can be claimed for each station worked to create a little healthy, light hearted competition.
Monday 22nd April 19:00 - 21:00 (Easter Bank Holiday).

Tuesday 30th April 19:00 - 21:00.

Wednesday 8th May 19:00 - 21:00.

Thursday 16th May 19:00 - 21:00.

Saturday 25th May 14:00 - 16:00.

Monday 27th May 10:00 - 12:00 (Spring Bank Holiday).
FREQUENCIES Recommended 144.025 - 144.100 with centre of activity 144.052.

Please keep clear of the Calling (144.050) and QRP (144.060) centre of activity frequencies by at least ±1 kHz.

Example recommended CQ call:
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS number (if applicable).
SCORING A QSO can only be claimed once per session.
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.

For each session a multiplier will apply which will be the total number of points claimed, multiplied by the number of stations worked, multiplied by the number of countries worked.

E.g. 45 points claimed, 17 stations worked, 3 countries worked - 45×17×3 = 2,295.
LOGS Please submit logs from the 3 highest scoring sessions that you participate in by Friday 7th June.  Entries must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html version 3.7.0 or later for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 144.054
    'FISTS' must either be blank or contain a FISTS member number only, e.g. 2219
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 3
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION Straight Key Week runs for 7 days in December.  You must send CQs and have QSOs using a straight ("up & down") key or a sideswiper (aka "cootie") key; no semi-automatic (aka "bug") keys or electronic keyers.  If in doubt about the eligibility of your key, please ask.  It does not matter what type of key your QSO partner uses.

Certificates will be awarded for the first, second and third highest scores.
ONE hour periods commencing at the cardinal times of the clock (think radio room clock silence periods), 12, 3, 6, 9.  Twice per 24hrs, so EIGHT x ONE hour operating periods per 24hrs.

00:01 UTC Sunday 01 December to 22:00 UTC Saturday 07 December.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given operator per day,  i.e. all QSOs claimed each day must be unique callsigns.  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.
LOGS Send in your entry after the last day.  Entries must be received by 31 December 2019 and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • You must put this in your log's 'Comment' (or similar) field: SKW
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html version 3.7.0 or later for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points, Comment
    2019/12/07,G4LHI,Peter,Huntingdon,7.026,599,559,17:05,2219,CW,2,SKW QSO
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 3
    'Comment' must include SKW, e.g. Nice QSO SKW
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION Winter Sports is a set of five events (Ski Jump, Alpine Skiing, Cross Country Skiing, Bobsleigh, & Speed Skating) that take place between 0001Z January 19th 2019 and 2359Z March 31st 2019.

There are two sections in each event:
  • QRP (5 Watts or less).
  • Open (any power).

Each event can be entered up to two times; once in the QRP section and once in the Open section.  An individual QSO can be used in more than one event; however it must be used either only in QRP sections or only in Open sections.

Only the highest scoring day for each event section will count in the final results.  However, you can try on as many days as you like to improve on your scores.

Bands: 1.8, 3.5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 MHz only.

Add WQRP to each QSO you are claiming as QRP in your logbook's Comment or Notes field.  If you are claiming a QRP QSO, you must also log your transmit output power.

Ski Jump

Participants must, on one UTC day, make four contacts spread over three or four bands.  Points are awarded for furthest DX on the fourth contact. 
  • First 3 QSOs: Must be with one or more FISTS members.  Each QSO must be on a different band in descending frequency order (e.g. 10m, 40m, 80m).  FISTS member numbers must be exchanged and logged.
  • Fourth ("jump") QSO: Can be with a FISTS member or non-member.  This QSO must be on the same band as the third QSO -or- a band that is lower in frequency (continuing the example above, it could be either on 80m or 160m).  You must log your 6-character locator and the contacted station's 6-character locator.
Your score is the distance in kilometres from you to the station in the fourth QSO.

Add WJUMP to each QSO you are claiming in your logbook's Comment or Notes field. 

Alpine Skiing

Participants must contact, on one UTC day, one station (FISTS or non-FISTS) in Austria, followed by up to eight more with one in each bordering country (in any order):
Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Slovakia, Slovenia, & Switzerland
Points awarded are 1 per country (maximum of 9).  The objective is to work Austria and all bordering countries.

Each QSO log entry must include a value for DXCC (ARRL DXCC Entity Code).  All good logbook programs will include DXCC automatically based on the station's prefix; however, if logging using (for example) a spreadsheet, you must enter the DXCC code yourself..

Add WALPINE to each QSO you are claiming in your logbook's Comment or Notes field.

Cross Country Skiing

Participants must contact, on one UTC day, FISTS members or non-members in contiguous countries as listed in the table below.  Points are for the number of contiguous countries worked.  The objective is to use a map and selectively call / answer on air.  Note: not all countries worldwide are included - only the ones in the table are allowed.

Each QSO log entry must include a value for DXCC (ARRL DXCC Entity Code).  All good logbook programs will include DXCC automatically based on the station's prefix; however, if logging using (for example) a spreadsheet, you must enter the DXCC code yourself..

Add WCROSS  to each QSO you are claiming in your logbook's Comment or Notes field.

Table of valid movements between countries
FromAllowed Destinations
UK(*)Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Ireland
IrelandNorthern Ireland, UK(*)
BelgiumFrance, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands
DenmarkFaroe, Greenland, Canada, Iceland, Norway, Poland, Sweden, UK(*)
GermanyDenmark, Poland, Czech Republic, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands
NetherlandsGermany, Belgium, France, UK(*)
NorwaySweden, Finland, Russia
FranceBelgium, German, Italy, Netherlands, Spain
Northern IrelandIreland, UK(*)
SpainFrance, Portugal
AustriaCzech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland
Czech RepublicSlovakia, Poland, Austria, Hungary
HungarySlovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria
ItalyFrance, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, San Marino, Vatican City
LiechtensteinAustria, Switzerland
SlovakiaGermany, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland
SloveniaAustria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy.
RussiaNorway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, North Korea, China
LatviaRussia, Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania
LithuaniaBelarus, Latvia, Poland, Russia
PolandGermany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Russia
EstoniaLatvia, Russia
BelarusLatvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Ukraine

(*) For the purposes of this event, 'UK' comprises England, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Scotland, & Wales but NOT Northern Ireland.


Participants must work, on one UTC day, with one or more FISTS stations on at least three bands, i.e. the same team have a net QSO on three or more bands.  The same team members must be included in the net on each band.  Points are number in team multiplied by the number of bands.  Obviously this activity promotes sked making.  The objective is to net with a group consistently.

A net on a band must be logged as a separate QSO with each team member.  To count as part of the net, each QSO on a band must have a start time that is within 5 minutes of the start time of the first QSO.

FISTS member numbers must be logged but don't need to be exchanged on-air.

Add WBOB to each QSO you are claiming in your logbook's Comment or Notes field. 

Speed Skating

Participants must work, on one UTC day, stations on as many bands as possible (minimum 2 and maximum 6) and as fast as possible.  You have a choice on a day whether to work FISTS members or not:
  • If you contact a non-FISTS member on the first QSO of the day, all the following QSOs must be with the same non-member.
  • If you contact a FISTS member on the first QSO of the day, all the following QSOs must be with one or more FISTS members.
Points are for the number of bands and least time between the first and last QSO.  This is calculated as follows (you don't need to do this - it will be done after you send in your log!):
(10,000,000 x number of bands) / time between last and first QSO in minutes
If contacting FISTS members, their member numbers must be exchanged on-air and logged.

Add WSPEED to each QSO you are claiming in your logbook's Comment or Notes field. 
LOGS Entries must be received no later than the 7th of April 2019 and include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Freq, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, TX_Pwr, My_Gridsquare, Gridsquare, DXCC, Comment
    2019/02/28, G3ZOD, 1.825, 17:30, 8385, CW, 5, IO83WJ, IO93WJ, 223, WQRP  WJUMP
    • 'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    • 'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    • 'FISTS' must either be blank or contain a FISTS member number only, e.g. 8385
    • 'Mode' must be CW
    • 'My_Gridsquare' can contain your 6-character locator or be left blank, e.g. IO83WJ
    • 'Gridsquare' can contain the contacted station's 6-character locator or be left blank, e.g. IO83WJ
    • 'DXCC' for Alpine Skiing and Cross Country Skiing must contain an ARRL DXCC Entity Code.  Otherwise it can be be left blank.  E.g. for England it is 223
    • 'Comment' must contain one or more of the following: WJUMP WALPINE WCROSS WBOB WSPEED.  Optionally it can also contain WQRP.
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION The Ladder is a monthly activity with two, two-hour sessions on the 2nd and 4th Sunday in a month.  As with all FISTS Europe activities, it is a relaxed and sociable activity.

Certificates will be awarded at the end of the year for the first, second and third highest scores in two categories:
  • Entrants located anywhere.
  • Entrants located outside DXCC entity 223 (England).
(If operating from more than one DXCC entity, the location will be the one used most in the sessions.)
Session times are 14:00-16:00 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC on the following Sundays:

13/27 January, 10/24 February, 10/24 March, 14/28 April, 12/26 May, 09/23 June, 14/28 July, 11/25 August, 08/22 September, 13/27 October, 10/24 November, 08/22 December.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING There are four 2-hour sessions in each month of which at most two can be claimed.  Within each claimed session, a station can be worked once; it follows that a station can earn points at most twice (once per claimed session).  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.
LOGS Send in your entry after the last session in a month.  Entries must be received no later than the 7th of the following month and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'FISTS' must either be blank or contain a FISTS member number only, e.g. 8385
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 3
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

Activities Calendar 2018

To see a list of dates and times for these and some other on-air activities, please visit the Upcoming Events web page

Chirp 'n' Drift Day 2018 (CNDD)
Day-hopper 2018
Straight Key Week 2018 (SKW)
Word Search 2018
Listen for Learners 2018
Ladder 2018

DESCRIPTION A one-day event for all those radios that are a tad embarrassing or quirky for everyday use ... they drift, they chirp, they do what they feel like ... yet they are fun or iconic.  Parasets, T1154s, anything you fancy!
1800Z Friday 2nd November to 0100Z Saturday 3rd November.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, transmitter/receiver type, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
CONTACT The email address for questions and soap box comments is .

DESCRIPTION Straight Key Week runs for 7 days in December.  You must send CQs and have QSOs using a straight ("up & down") key or a sideswiper (aka "cootie") key; no semi-automatic (aka "bug") keys or electronic keyers.  If in doubt about the eligibility of your key, please ask.  It does not matter what type of key your QSO partner uses.

Certificates will be awarded for the first, second and third highest scores.
ONE hour periods commencing at the cardinal times of the clock (think radio room clock silence periods), 12, 3, 6, 9.  Twice per 24hrs, so EIGHT x ONE hour operating periods per 24hrs.

00:01 UTC Sunday 02 December to 22:00 UTC Saturday 08 December.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given operator per day,  i.e. all QSOs claimed each day must be unique callsigns.  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.
LOGS Send in your entry after the last day.  Entries must be received by 31 December 2018 and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • You must put this in your log's 'Comment' (or similar) field: SKW
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html version 3.5.3 or later for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points, Comment
    2018/12/07,G4LHI,Peter,Huntingdon,7.026,599,559,17:05,2219,CW,2,SKW QSO
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 3
    'Comment' must include SKW, e.g. Nice QSO SKW
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION The idea is absolutely NOT a contest but a means of enabling us to meet each other on air.
BANDS Operation only on 160,80,40,20,15,10m bands.
DATES and TIMES Monday October 1st, Tuesday 9th, Wednesday 17th, Thursday 25th, Friday 26th, Wednesday 31st.

Thursday November 8th, Friday 16th, Monday 19th, Tuesday 27th.

Monday December 3rd, Tuesday 11th, Wednesday 19th, Thursday 27th, Friday 28th.

Three periods per day 08-0900, 13-1400, 18-1900 Zulu.

Perhaps call "CQ FISTS".
GENERAL Members can submit reports of numbers worked, soap-box comments etc. etc. as a "Round-up news" at the end of the session (by end Jan 2018 please) to

Please email David G4YVM with any questions:

DESCRIPTION The idea is for members to work sufficient FISTS members to be able to use one letter of each callsign to spell ALFRED VAIL SPEEDWELL.
Every day, 0001 hours June 1st 2018 - 2359 hours September 30th 2018.  All times Zulu.
BANDS Operation only on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m, & 2m bands.
FISTS Centre of Activity frequencies.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
FISTS member number.

Why not say you're chasing the letters and which letter of theirs you're using?
GENERAL ONLY FISTS members count.  The aim is to use any letter of a callsign suffix to spell ALFRED VAIL SPEEDWELL
For example, in M2AVS/P one of the three letters A, V, or S can be used.

There are two sections:
  • QRP (5 Watts or less)
  • Open (any power)
Entrants can use ANY letter from a FISTS suffix but they cannot use a callsign more than once under any circumstances EXCEPT that if you use a callsign for one section (say, QRP) then choose to enter the other section (Open) you CAN work the station a second time and use the callsign in the new section.  Note that it must be a new QSO on a different day though.  Under all other circumstances, even making multiple QSOs, does not permit reuse of the callsign at all.

Entrants may use QRP (5 Watts or less) or Open (any power).  Callsigns used in one section may be used in the other but they must be worked again.  Whilst QSOs of greater than 5 Watts cannot be counted in the QRP section, QSOs made using QRP can be counted in the Open section if desired.

For example, G3ZXL counts as an L for SpeedwelL but if I work him using 5 Watts I can count him in the QRP section OR the Open section BUT if I choose subsequently to enter the other section as well, I MUST work G3ZXL AGAIN on a different day to get the L for the new section.

Please email the Activities Manager, David G4YVM, with any questions:
POINTS Points for FISTS:FISTS only.

The winning three places will be based on the number of letters achieved and the start date and time of the final qualifying QSO.

The winning three places can have a certificate.
LOGS You can send in your log at any time but no later than 7th October 2018 please.  If you send in more than one log, each log must contain the full list of QSOs and the most recent log supersedes earlier logs.  Include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html version 3.5.1 or later for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Freq, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, TX_Pwr, Points, Comment

    2018/06/18,G4LHI,7.027,14:25,2219,CW,100,1,WSOPEN  L
    2018/07/21,G3ZOD,3.554,10:05,8385,CW,2.5,1,WSQRP  D
    • 'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    • 'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    • 'FISTS' must either be blank or contain a FISTS member number only, e.g. 8385
    • 'Mode' must be CW
    • 'TX_Pwr' is your power and can be:
      - for the QRP section, a number not greater than 5, e.g. 2.5
      - for the Open section, blank or your power e.g. 100 
    • 'Points' can contain 1 or be left blank, e.g. 1
    • 'Comment' must include WSQRP (QRP section) or WSOPEN (Open section) followed by the letter being claimed, e.g. Nice QSO WSOPEN  L
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above except where it says above that a field can be blank.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for entries is .

DESCRIPTION The idea is for older hands to work newcomers.  We encourage listening specifically for newcomers during the periods stated.  This is not an award; it's a simple activity.
Every day, March 2018.  All times Zulu.
BANDS Operation only on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m, & 2m bands.
FREQUENCIES FISTS Centres of Activity.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
FISTS member number (if applicable).
GENERAL New members who joined FISTS on or after 01 March 2017 to call CQ LFL at the recommended times: 0000, 0300, 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100 Zulu.  Established members, who joined FISTS before 01 March 2017, to avoid calling CQ for 5 minutes on the cardinal times (00, 15, 30, 45).  Established QSOs are not expected to cease and if you forget the activity and call CQ, never mind.  Members can submit reports of numbers worked, soap-box comments etc. etc.

New members who joined FISTS on or after 01 March 2017 have member numbers starting with:
  • FISTS Europe: 18137
  • FISTS Down Under: 15212
  • FISTS East Asia: 15193
  • FISTS North America: 18033
Please email the Activities Manager, David G4YVM, with any questions:
POINTS If you joined on or after 01 March 2017, you can claim:
  • 1 point per QSO with a new member (joined on or after 01 March 2017).
  • 1 point per QSO with an established member (joined before 01 March 2017) provided the QSO is at least 10 minutes long.
If you joined before 01 March 2017, you can claim:
  • 1 point per QSO with a new member (joined on or after 01 March 2017).
Points for FISTS:FISTS only.
LOGS Send in your entry no later than the 7th of April and include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • You must put this in your log's 'Comment' (or similar) field: LFL
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html version 3.4.6 or later for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Freq, Time_On, Time_Off, FISTS, Mode, Points, Comment
    'QSO_Date', 'Time_On', & 'Time_Off' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'FISTS' must either be blank or contain a FISTS member number only, e.g. 2219
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 1
    'Comment' must include LFL, e.g. Nice QSO LFL
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for entries is .

DESCRIPTION The Ladder is a monthly activity with two, two-hour sessions on the 2nd and 4th Sunday in a month.  As with all FISTS Europe activities, it is a relaxed and sociable activity.

Certificates will be awarded at the end of the year for the first, second and third highest scores in two categories:
  • Entrants located anywhere.
  • Entrants located outside DXCC entity 223 (England).
(If operating from more than one DXCC entity, the location will be the one used most in the sessions.)
Session times are 14:00-16:00 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC on the following Sundays:

14/28 January, 11/25 February, 11/25 March, 08/22 April, 13/27 May, 10/24 June, 08/22 July, 12/26 August, 09/23 September, 14/28 October, 11/25 November, 09/23 December.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING There are four 2-hour sessions in each month of which at most two can be claimed.  Within each claimed session, a station can be worked once; it follows that a station can earn points at most twice (once per claimed session).  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.
LOGS Send in your entry after the last session in a month.  Entries must be received no later than the 7th of the following month and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'FISTS' must either be blank or contain a FISTS member number only, e.g. 8385
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 3
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

Activities Calendar 2017

To see a list of dates and times for these and some other on-air activities, please visit the Upcoming Events web page

Day-hopper 2017
Straight Key Week 2017 (SKW)
Ladder 2017

DESCRIPTION The idea is absolutely NOT a contest but a means of enabling us to meet each other on air.
BANDS Operation only on 160,80,40,20,15,10m bands.
DATES and TIMES Monday October 2nd, Tuesday 10th, Wednesday 18th, Thursday 26th, Friday 27th.

Wednesday November 1st, Thursday 9th, Friday 17th, Monday 20th, Tuesday 28th.

Monday December 4th, Tuesday 12th, Wednesday 20th, Thursday 28th, Friday 29th.

Three periods per day 08-0900, 13-1400, 18-1900 Zulu.

Perhaps call "CQ FISTS".
GENERAL Members can submit reports of numbers worked, soap-box comments etc. etc. as a "Round-up news" at the end of the session (by end Jan 2018 please) to

Please email David G4YVM with any questions:

DESCRIPTION Straight Key Week runs for 7 days in December.  You must send CQs and have QSOs using a straight ("up & down") key or a sideswiper (aka "cootie") key; no semi-automatic (aka "bug") keys or electronic keyers.  If in doubt about the eligibility of your key, please ask.  It does not matter what type of key your QSO partner uses.

Certificates will be awarded for the first, second and third highest scores.
Note changes in times for 2017!

ONE hour periods commencing at the cardinal times of the clock (think radio room clock silence periods), 12, 3, 6, 9.  Twice per 24hrs, so EIGHT x ONE hour operating periods per 24hrs.

00:01 UTC Sunday 03 December to 22:00 UTC Saturday 09 December.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given operator per day,  i.e. all QSOs claimed each day must be unique callsigns.  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.
LOGS Send in your entry after the last day.  Entries must be received by 31 December 2017 and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • You must put this in your log's 'Comment' (or similar) field: SKW
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points, Comment
    2017/12/07,G4LHI,Peter,Huntingdon,7.026,599,559,17:05,2219,CW,2,SKW QSO
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 3
    'Comment' must include SKW, e.g. Nice QSO SKW
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION The Ladder is a monthly activity with two, two-hour sessions on the 2nd and 4th Sunday in a month.  As with all FISTS Europe activities, it is a relaxed and sociable activity.

Certificates will be awarded at the end of the year for the first, second and third highest scores in two categories:
  • Entrants located anywhere.
  • Entrants located outside DXCC entity 223 (England).
(If operating from more than one DXCC entity, the location will be the one used most in the sessions.)

Changes for 2017: Higher scores for FISTS members/clubs and the last entry date is now the 7th of the following month.
Session times are 14:00-16:00 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC on the following Sundays:

08/22 January, 12/26 February, 12/26 March, 09/23 April, 14/28 May, 11/25 June, 09/23 July, 13/27 August, 10/24 September, 08/22 October, 12/26 November, 10/24 December.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING A station can be claimed once in each two hour session.  Up to two out of the four sessions in a month can be claimed.  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.
LOGS Send in your entry after the last session in a month.  Entries must be received no later than the 7th of the following month and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'FISTS' must either be blank or contain a FISTS member number only, e.g. 8385
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 3
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

Activities Calendar 2016

New for this year by request is the 5-day Mechanical Key Days - a variation on Straight Key Week with the use of semi-automatic ("bug") keys included.  Also new is the Accuracy Challenge, in which the accuracy of the exchanged information becomes key (!)

This year the Fifth Sundays activity has changed to be a 24 hour QRS activity - QRS Fifth Sundays.  The Two Metre activity is back for two months in the year.  Other activities continuing from last year are the Ladder and Straight Key Week.  Additionally, Exchange Your Age Week is back by request after a year's absence.

In previous years some activities permitted a QSO with a station per band per day; this year, in the interest of keeping participants together and so increasing the probability of having QSOs, all activities allow one QSO with a station per session (Ladder) or per day (all other activities).

Note that for Straight Key Week, Mechanical Key Days, and QRS Fifth Sundays, qualifying QSOs must have SKW, MKD, or QRS (respectively) included in the log book's 'Comment' (or similar) field.  This will make it simpler where an entrant has a mixture of qualifying and non-qualifying QSOs during the activities' time periods.

To see a list of dates and times for these and some other on-air activities, please visit the Upcoming Events web page
Ladder 2016
QRS Fifth Sundays 2016
Exchange Your Age Week 2016 (EYAW)
Mechanical Key Days 2016 (MKD)
Two Metre Months 2016
Accuracy Challenge 2016
Straight Key Week 2016 (SKW)

DESCRIPTION The Ladder is a monthly activity with two, two-hour sessions on the 2nd and 4th Sunday in a month.  As with all FISTS Europe activities, it is a relaxed and sociable activity.

Certificates will be awarded at the end of the year for the first, second and third highest scores in two categories:
  • Entrants located anywhere.
  • Entrants located outside DXCC entity 223 (England).
(If operating from more than one DXCC entity, the location will be the one used most in the sessions.)
Session times are 14:00-16:00 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC on the following Sundays:

10/24 January, 14/28 February, 13/27 March, 10/24 April, 08/22 May, 12/26 June, 10/24 July, 14/28 August, 11/25 September, 09/23 October, 13/27 November, and 11/25 December.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING A station can be claimed once in each two hour session.  Up to two out of the four sessions in a month can be claimed.  Scoring:
2FISTS member (current or lapsed).
3FISTS-affiliated club station.
LOGS Send in your entry after the last session in a month.  Entries must be received by the 5th of the following month and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'FISTS' must either be blank or contain a FISTS member number only, e.g. 8385
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 2
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION QRS Fifth Sundays is new for 2016.  It runs for 24 hours on each fifth Sunday in a month.  You must send at no more than 14 words per minute (wpm) but it does not matter what speed your QSO partner sends at.  Don't send faster than they do!

Certificates will be awarded at the end of the year for the first, second and third highest scores.
Session times are 00:01-23:59 UTC on the following Sundays:

31 January, 29 May, 31 July, and 30 October.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, and QTH.
SCORING A station can be claimed once on each Sunday.  There is 1 point per QSO.
LOGS Send in your entry after each day.  Entries must be received by the 10th of the following month and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • You must put this in your log's 'Comment' (or similar) field: QRS
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, Mode, Points, Comment
    2016/01/31,G4LHI,Peter,Huntingdon,7.026,599,559,17:05,CW,1,QRS QSO
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain the number 1 or be left blank, e.g. 1
    'Comment' must include QRS, e.g. Nice QSO QRS
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION Exchange Your Age Week runs for 7 days in March.  You get bonus points by exchanging your age with your QSO partner (if they are willing to give it; please ask them at most once).

Certificates will be awarded for the first, second and third highest scores.
00:01 UTC Sunday 06 March to 23:59 UTC Saturday 12 March.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, FISTS member number (if applicable), and Age (if available).
Age is sent as a whole number of years, e.g. 54
SCORING A station can be claimed once on each day.  Add your QSO partner's age (if available) to the following to get the final score for a QSO:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.
LOGS Send in your entry after the last day.  Entries must be received by 31 March 2016 and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Age, Points
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Age' is either blank or a whole number of years, e.g. 54
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 57
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION Mechanical Key Days runs for 5 days in June.  You must send CQs and have QSOs using a straight ("up & down") key or a sideswiper (aka "cootie") key or a semi-automatic (aka "bug") key - no electronic keyers.  If in doubt about the eligibility of your key, please ask.  It does not matter what type of key your QSO partner uses.

Certificates will be awarded for the first, second and third highest scores.
00:01 UTC Monday 06 June to 23:59 UTC Friday 10 June.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING A station can be claimed once on each day.  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.
LOGS Send in your entry after the last day.  Entries must be received by 30 June 2016 and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • You must put this in your log's 'Comment' (or similar) field: MKD
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points, Comment
    2016/06/07,G4LHI,Peter,Huntingdon,7.026,599,559,17:05,2219,CW,2,MKD QSO
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 3
    'Comment' must include MKD, e.g. Nice QSO MKD
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION Two Metre Months activity runs for 1 hour on every Saturday and Sunday morning during August and November.

Note that for 2016, the recommended centre frequency has moved to 144.052 - see FREQUENCIES below.

Certificates will be awarded at the end of the year in these categories:
  • First, second, and third highest score.
  • Most distant QSO.
  • Most number of QSOs.
Session times are 08:00-09:00 UTC on the following days:
06/07 August, 13/14 August, 20/21 August, 27/28 August

and 09:00-10:00 UTC on the following days:
05/06 November, 12/13 November, 19/20 November, 26/27 November.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • Activity is centred around 144.052 MHz.
  • For CQs and QSOs, keep at least 1 kHz away from 144.050 MHz.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, 6-character locator, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING A station can be claimed once per day.  For each QSO, the multiplier is the rounded-down distance between you and your QSO partner in kilometres, divided by 10, and rounded down.  Multiply the QSO points (1 or 2) by the multiplier.
2FISTS member (current or lapsed), FISTS-affiliated club station, or FISTS HQ station (GX0IPX, GX3ZQS, MX5IPX, VK2FDU, ZL6FF, JL3YMV, KN0WCW).
E.g. for a QSO with a club member at 177.8 km, 177.8 rounded down is 177.  Dividing 177 by 10 gives 17.7, which rounded down is 17.  Multiplying 2 (for a club member) by 17 gives 34 points.
There is an official distance and multiplier calculator available at https://fists.co.uk/distance.aspx.
LOGS Send in an entry after the last session in a month.  Entries must be received by the 10th of the following month and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, My_Gridsquare, Gridsquare, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 144.052
    'FISTS' must either be blank or contain a FISTS member number only, e.g. 8385
    'My_Gridsquare' must contain your Maidenhead Locator with at least 6 characters, e.g. IO92WI 'Gridsquare' must contain your QSO partner's Maidenhead Locator with at least 6 characters, e.g. IO83WJ 'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 34
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION The Accuracy Challenge consists of two, two hour sessions that run concurrently with the afternoon Ladder sessions in September.  In addition to the normal FISTS activity QSO exchange, send and receive a 3-letter word and 3-digit number, e.g. CAT 481.  There are substantial bonus points for accurate receipt of these.

The words and numbers will be available from 01 August 2016 at http;//fists.co.uk/mac or by email to .

Certificates will be awarded after the two sessions for the first, second and third highest scores.
There are two sessions:

14:00-16:00 UTC Sunday 11 September.
14:00-16:00 UTC Sunday 25 September.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, FISTS member number (if applicable), 3-letter word & 3-digit number (if available).
SCORING A station can be claimed once per session.  Scoring:
2FISTS member (current or lapsed), FISTS-affiliated club station, or FISTS HQ station (GX0IPX, GX3ZQS, MX5IPX, VK2FDU, ZL6FF, JL3YMV, KN0WCW).
There is a bonus of 15 points for each pair of correctly-received 3-letter words and 3-digit numbers.
LOGS Send in your entry after the second session.  Entries must be received by 05 October 2016 and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points, Comment.
    2016/09/25,M0QFE,Albert,Coventry,7.027,599,559,14:32,65432,CW,17,CAT 481
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'Comment' must include the 3-letter word followed by the 3-digit number (if received).  Use of a space between the word & number and upper/lower case is unimportant.  However, the letters and numbers must be typed accurately - be careful not to confuse the letter l with digit 1 (one) or letter O with digit 0 (zero).)  Examples:
    CAT 481
    cat481 heavy QSB
    Nice QSO cat 481
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 2
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION Straight Key Week runs for 7 days in December.  You must send CQs and have QSOs using a straight ("up & down") key or a sideswiper (aka "cootie") key; no semi-automatic (aka "bug") keys or electronic keyers.  If in doubt about the eligibility of your key, please ask.  It does not matter what type of key your QSO partner uses.

Certificates will be awarded for the first, second and third highest scores.
00:01 UTC Sunday 04 December to 23:59 UTC Saturday 10 December.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING A station can be claimed once on each day.  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.
LOGS Send in your entry after the last day.  Entries must be received by 31 December 2016 and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • You must put this in your log's 'Comment' (or similar) field: SKW
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points, Comment
    2016/12/07,G4LHI,Peter,Huntingdon,7.026,599,559,17:05,2219,CW,2,SKW QSO
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 3
    'Comment' must include SKW, e.g. Nice QSO SKW
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

Activities Calendar 2015

The Activity Calendar 2015 contains information on the following activities:

Ladder 2015
Fifth Sundays 2015
Two Metre Activity 2015
Straight Key Week 2015 (SKW)  

Ladder 2015

Small clipart image of wooden ladder.
OCCASIONS January 2015 to December 2015
On the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month
TIMES Two sessions on each Ladder Sunday from 1400-1600 and 1800-2000.  All times are UTC
In any calendar month you can submit logs from ANY TWO of the four two-hour sessions
FREQUENCIES Any licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands - which are 30m, 17m and 12m - or 60m and allocations below 500kHz.
During a FISTS activity session and operating on 40m or 80m, if you call on a published frequency (A FISTS Centre of Activity) please clear the frequency after one contact.
This applies to all participants, HQ stations and members alike.  Once clear of the published frequency there is no further mandatory QSY required during an activity.
3 points FISTS Affiliated Club Station
2 points for a FISTS member
1 point for a non-member
Any station can only count once on each calendar Sunday
EXCHANGE RST/Name/QTH/FISTS Number (If applicable)
LOGS For each QSO logged: Date/Call sign/Name/QTH/Frequency/RST/Time, UTC/FISTS Number or Non-member/Points claimed

For each log: Summary to include total number of QSOs and total of points claimed
DATES Jan 11/25 - Feb 8/22 - March 8/22 - April 12/26 - May 10/24 - June 14/28 - July 12/26 - Aug 9/23 - Sept 13/27 - Oct 11/25 - Nov 8/22 - Dec 13/27
GENERAL Any log entry not showing the required exchange information will be excluded from the scores
ENTRIES Logs must be received by the fifth of the month that follows the month in which the contacts were made
  • The FISTS Log Converter program http://fists.co.uk/flc for Windows is recommended for tabulating log entries and submitting the entry
  • Entries can also be submitted by email in Excel, CSV or Cabrillo format
  • If email is unavailable, official FISTS Activity paper log sheets only can be filled in neatly by hand; if the log sheets are required, please ask and we will post a set. Post: to FISTS Activities, PO Box 6743, Tipton DY4 4AU
Email to

Fifth Sundays 2015

OCCASIONS January 2015 to December 2015.
On the fifth Sunday of March, May, August and November
TIMES One session on each fifth Sunday from 1300-1700 UTC
FREQUENCIES Any licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands - which are 30m, 17m and 12m - or 60m and allocations below 500kHz.
During a FISTS activity session and operating on 40m or 80m, if you call on a published frequency (A FISTS Centre of Activity) please clear the frequency after one contact.
This applies to all participants, HQ stations and members alike.  Once clear of the published frequency there is no further mandatory QSY required during an activity.
SCORING 5 points per contact - any operator (Irrespective of call sign used) can be worked only once on any band per Sunday (But contacts on each band count separately)

Then apply these in order:
  1. Multiply by five for a FISTS HQ station
  2. Multiply by five for a FISTS Affiliated Club Station
  3. Add five points for a FISTS member
  4. Finally, multiply by five if it's a new country for that day's session
EXCHANGE RST/QTH/Name/FISTS Number (If applicable)
LOGS For each QSO logged: Date/Call sign/Name/QTH/Frequency/RST/Time, UTC/FISTS Number or Non-member/Points claimed

For each log: Summary to include total number of QSOs and total of points claimed
DATES 29. March, 31. May, 30. August and 29. November
GENERAL Any log entry not showing the required exchange information will be excluded from the scores
ENTRIES Logs must be received by the tenth of the month that follows the month in which the contacts were made
  • The FISTS Log Converter program http://fists.co.uk/flc for Windows is recommended for tabulating log entries and submitting the entry
  • Entries can also be submitted by email in Excel, CSV or Cabrillo format
  • If email is unavailable, official FISTS Activity paper log sheets only can be filled in neatly by hand; if the log sheets are required, please ask and we will post a set. Post: to FISTS Activities, PO Box 6743, Tipton DY4 4AU
Email to

Two Metre Activity 2015

AWARDS Certificates will be awarded to:
  1. The three entrants with the most points
  2. The entrant making the most distant contact during the activity
  3. The entrant submitting logs for the most number of valid contacts during the activity
Additionally, all entrants will receive a certificate marking their participation
OCCASIONS Six months from January 2015 to June 2015
Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings
TIMES Saturday afternoon between 15h00 and 16h00
Sunday morning between 10h00 and 11h00
All times are UTC
FREQUENCIES Any frequency allowed in any segment of the 2m (144MHz) amateur band allocated for CW (NoV allocation above 146MHz should not be used)
The usual FISTS calling frequency is 144.058.  Please clear the calling frequency once contact is established
SCORING Score is calculated from basic QSO points multiplied by a distance premium, as follows
2 points for a FISTS member, affiliated club station or HQ station
1 point for a non-member
Multiplied by 1 (one) point for each whole 10km between the two QSO partners (See section 'DISTANCES' below)
Any station can only count once on any calendar day
EXCHANGE RST/Name/Maidenhead 6-character Locator/FISTS Number (If applicable)
LOGS For each QSO logged: Date / Call sign / Name / My Locator / Locator / Frequency / RST / Time, UTC / FISTS Number or Non-member / Actual distance / Points claimed

Please record frequency as MHz including kHz, for example
144.065 MHz

For each log: Summary to include own call sign, FISTS number, total number of QSOs, total of points claimed and actual distance of longest path
If all QSOs during a month are from within a single locator, My Locator can be omitted for each QSO and included in the Summary instead
All locators are 6-character Maidenhead squares
DATES January: 3-4, 10-11, 17-18, 24-25, 31
February: 1, 7-8, 14-15, 21-22, 28
March: 1, 7-8, 14-15, 21-22, 28-29
April: 4-5, 11-12, 18-19, 25-26
May: 2-3, 9-10, 16-17, 23-24, 30-31
June: 6-7. 13-14, 20-21, 27-28
GENERAL Any log entry not showing the required exchange information may be excluded from the assessed scores
Distances must be calculated from 6-character locators as described in the section 'DISTANCES'
DISTANCES Actual Distance
Distances are calculated in whole kilometres, rounded down using the IARU 6-character Maidenhead Locator for each station in a contact.
The recorded distances will be validated using the web application found at
The distance reported by the web application will be final
A mobile station may be estimated at its most distant location during the contact logged
Distance Multiplier
The multiplier is calculated by taking the integer (Whole number) part of the result of actual distance divided by 10
ENTRIES Logs must be received by the fifth of the month that follows the month in which the contacts were made
  • The FISTS Log Converter program http://fists.co.uk/flc for Windows is recommended for tabulating log entries and submitting the entry
  • Entries can also be submitted by email in Excel, CSV or Cabrillo format
  • If email is unavailable, official FISTS Activity paper log sheets only can be filled in neatly by hand; if the log sheets are required, please ask and we will post a set. Post: to FISTS Activities, PO Box 6743, Tipton DY4 4AU
Email to

Straight Key Week 2015 (SKW)

DATE 0001 UTC Sunday 29th November to 2359 UTC Saturday 5th December 2015
FREQUENCIES Any licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands - which are 30m, 17m and 12m - or 60m and allocations below 500kHz.
During a FISTS activity session and operating on 40m or 80m, if you call on a published frequency (A FISTS Centre of Activity) please clear the frequency after one contact.
This applies to all participants, HQ stations and members alike.  Once clear of the published frequency there is no further mandatory QSY required during an activity.
RULES This is another fun event in which manual sending is our aim!
Simple rules; usual exchange between members or non-members
SCORING 10 points for a FISTS HQ station
5 points for a FISTS Affiliated Club Station
3 points for a FISTS member
1 point for a non-member
EXCHANGE RST/QTH/Name/FISTS Number (If applicable)
LOGS For each QSO logged: Date/Call sign/Name/QTH/Frequency/RST/Time, UTC/FISTS Number or Non-member/Points claimed
For each log: Summary to include total number of QSOs and grand total points claimed
GENERAL Any type of manual keying may be used - manual keying includes up-and-down pump keys and side-to-side swipers or Cooties with two-wire (Signal and ground) connection to the radio.  Keys which generate auto-repeat elements - like mechanical bug keys - are not allowed nor are any keys used in combination with an electronic keyer.  If in doubt, please ask for adjudication before the activity
Any operator (Regardless of callsign used) may only be worked for points once per band per day
Any log entry not showing the required exchange information will be excluded from the scores
ENTRIES Logs must be received on or before 01 January 2016
  • The FISTS Log Converter program http://fists.co.uk/flc for Windows is recommended for tabulating log entries and submitting the entry
  • Entries can also be submitted by email in Excel, CSV or Cabrillo format
  • If email is unavailable, official FISTS Activity paper log sheets only can be filled in neatly by hand; if the log sheets are required, please ask and we will post a set. Post: to FISTS Activities, PO Box 6743, Tipton DY4 4AU
Email to

Activities Calendar 2014

The Activity Calendar 2014 contains information on the following activities:

Ladder 2014
Fifth Sundays 2014
International Days 2014
Exchange Your Age Week 2014 (EYAW)
Two Metre Activity 2014
100 Yards Dot Dot Dash 2014
Straight Key Week 2014 (SKW)

Ladder 2014

Small clipart image of wooden ladder.
OCCASIONS January 2014 to December 2014
On the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month
TIMES Two sessions on each Ladder Sunday from 1400-1600 and 1800-2000.  All times are UTC
In any calendar month you can submit logs from ANY TWO of the four two-hour sessions
FREQUENCIES Any licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands - which are 30m, 17m and 12m - or 60m and allocations below 500kHz.
During a FISTS activity session and operating on 40m or 80m, if you call on a published frequency (A FISTS Centre of Activity) please clear the frequency after one contact.
This applies to all participants, HQ stations and members alike.  Once clear of the published frequency there is no further mandatory QSY required during an activity.
3 points FISTS Affiliated Club Station
2 points for a FISTS member
1 point for a non-member
Any station can only count once on each calendar Sunday
EXCHANGE RST/Name/QTH/FISTS Number (If applicable)
LOGS For each QSO logged: Date/Call sign/Name/QTH/Frequency/RST/Time, UTC/FISTS Number or Non-member/Points claimed

For each log: Summary to include total number of QSOs and total of points claimed
DATES Jan 12/26 - Feb 9/23 - March 9/23 - April 13/27 - May 11/25 - June 8/22- July 13/27 - Aug 10/24 - Sept 14/28 - Oct 12/26 - Nov 9/23 - Dec 14/28
GENERAL Any log entry not showing the required exchange information will be excluded from the scores
ENTRIES TO All entries can be received by post or email
Post to FISTS Ladder, PO Box 6743, Tipton DY4 4AU
email to
Logs must be received by the fifth of the month that follows the month in which the contacts were made
Logs may be in Excel, CSV, tabbed Word or Cabrillo format or neatly reproduced on paper

Fifth Sundays 2014

OCCASIONS January 2014 to December 2014.
On the fifth Sunday of March, June, August and November
TIMES One session on each fifth Sunday from 1300-1700 UTC
FREQUENCIES Any licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands - which are 30m, 17m and 12m - or 60m and allocations below 500kHz.
During a FISTS activity session and operating on 40m or 80m, if you call on a published frequency (A FISTS Centre of Activity) please clear the frequency after one contact.
This applies to all participants, HQ stations and members alike.  Once clear of the published frequency there is no further mandatory QSY required during an activity.
SCORING 5 points per contact - any operator (Irrespective of call sign used) can be worked only once on any band per Sunday (But contacts on each band count separately)

Then apply these in order:
  1. Multiply by five for a FISTS HQ station
  2. Multiply by five for a FISTS Affiliated Club Station
  3. Add five points for a FISTS member
  4. Finally, multiply by five if it's a new country for that day's session
EXCHANGE RST/QTH/Name/FISTS Number (If applicable)
LOGS For each QSO logged: Date/Call sign/Name/QTH/Frequency/RST/Time, UTC/FISTS Number or Non-member/Points claimed

For each log: Summary to include total number of QSOs and total of points claimed
DATES 30. March, 29. June, 31. August and 30. November
GENERAL Any log entry not showing the required exchange information will be excluded from the scores
ENTRIES TO All entries can be received by post or email
Post to FISTS Ladder, PO Box 6743, Tipton DY4 4AU
email to
Logs must be received by the tenth of the month that follows the month in which the contacts were made
Logs may be in Excel, CSV, tabbed Word or Cabrillo format or neatly reproduced on paper

International Days 2014

OCCASIONS Celebrated Days Across Europe
TIMES Single session on each day from 1400-1700 UTC
FREQUENCIES All licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands, 30m, 17m and 12m, 60m and allocations below 500kHz.
SCORING 5 points per FISTS member in Wales on St David's Day; Ireland on St Patrick's Day; England on St George's Day; Scotland on St Andrew's Day; Isle of Man on Tynwald Day; France on Bastille Day; Germany on German Unity Day; any other European country on Europa Day
3 points per non-FISTS member in the appropriate country
2 points per FISTS member elsewhere
1 point per non-member elsewhere
Any station can only count once on each activity day
EXCHANGE RST/QTH/Name/FISTS Number (If applicable)
LOGS For each QSO logged: Date/Call sign/Name/QTH/Frequency/RST/Time, UTC/FISTS Number or Non-member/Points claimed

For each log: Summary to include total number of QSOs and total of points claimed
DATES St David, 1. March; St Patrick, 17. March; St George, 23. April; Europa Day, 9. May; Tynwald Day, 7. July; Bastille Day, 14. July; German Unity Day, 3. October; St Andrew, 30.November
GENERAL Any log entry not showing the required exchange information will be excluded from the scores
ENTRIES TO All entries can be received by post or email
Post to FISTS Ladder, PO Box 6743, Tipton DY4 4AU
email to
Logs must be received by the fifth of the month that follows the month in which the contacts were made
Logs may be in Excel, CSV, tabbed Word or Cabrillo format or neatly reproduced on paper

Exchange Your Age Week 2014 (EYAW)

DATE 0001 UTC Saturday 17th May to 2359 UTC Friday 23th May 2014
FREQUENCIES Any licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands - which are 30m, 17m and 12m - or 60m and allocations below 500kHz.
During a FISTS activity session and operating on 40m or 80m, if you call on a published frequency (A FISTS Centre of Activity) please clear the frequency after one contact.
This applies to all participants, HQ stations and members alike.  Once clear of the published frequency there is no further mandatory QSY required during an activity.
RULES This is a fun event where senior operators are going to be in demand!
Simple rules; usual exchange between members or non-members. But also exchange your age with your QSO partners to boost your score.
At the end of the activity just total the ages exchanged and add them to your final points score
SCORING 5 points for a FISTS HQ station
3 points for a FISTS Affiliated Club Station
2 points for a FISTS member
1 point for a non-member
EXCHANGE RST/QTH/Name/FISTS Number (If applicable)/Operator's age
LOGS For each QSO logged: Date/Call sign/Name/QTH/Frequency/RST/Time, UTC/FISTS Number or Non-member/Age received/Points claimed
For each log: Summary to include total number of QSOs and sub-total of QSO points claimed, sub-total of ages received and grand total points claimed
GENERAL Any type of keying may be used
Any operator (Regardless of callsign used) may only be worked for points once per day
Any log entry not showing the required exchange information will be excluded from the scores
ENTRIES TO All entries can be received by post or email
Post to FISTS Ladder, PO Box 6743, Tipton DY4 4AU
email to
Logs must be received on or before 24th June 2014
Logs may be in Excel, CSV, tabbed word or Cabrillo format or neatly reproduced on paper

Two Metre Activity 2014

THE AWARD Three awards will be made in this activity
    The entrant recording the most points during the activity
    The entrant making the most distant contact during the activity
    The entrant submitting logs for the most number of valid contacts during the activity
(In the event of a tie, joint awards may be made in any category)
Certificates will also be issued to the first three placed operators in category 1, highest points accrued
OCCASIONS Six months from July 2014 to December 2014
Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings
TIMES Saturday evening between 17h00 and 18h00
Sunday morning between 09h00 and 10h00
All times are UTC
FREQUENCIES Any frequency allowed in any segment of the 2m (144MHz) amateur band allocated for CW
The usual FISTS calling frequency is 144.058. Please clear the calling frequency once contact is established
SCORING Score is calculated from basic QSO points multiplied by a distance premium, as follows
2 points for a FISTS member, affiliated club station or HQ station
1 point for a non-member
Multiplied by 1 (one) point for each whole 10km between the two QSO partners (See section 'DISTANCES' below)
Any station can only count once on any calendar day
EXCHANGE RST/Name/Maidenhead 6-character Locator/FISTS Number (If applicable)
LOGS For each QSO logged: Date / Call sign / Name / My Locator / Locator / Frequency / RST / Time, UTC / FISTS Number or Non-member / Actual distance / Points claimed

Please record frequency as MHz including kHz, for example
144.065 MHz

For each log: Summary to include own call sign, FISTS number, total number of QSOs, total of points claimed and actual distance of longest path
If all QSOs during a month are from within a single locator, My Locator can be omitted for each QSO and included in the Summary instead
All locators are 6-character Maidenhead squares
DATES July, 5,6; 12,13; 19,20; 26,27
August, 2,3; 9,10; 16,17; 23,24; 30,31
September, 6,7; 13,14; 20,21; 27,28
October, 4,5; 11,12; 18,19; 25,26
November, 1,2; 8.9; 15,16; 22,23; 29,30
December, 6,7; 13,14; 20,21; 27,28
GENERAL Any log entry not showing the required exchange information may be excluded from the assessed scores
Distances must be calculated from 6-character locators as described in the section 'DISTANCES'
DISTANCES Actual Distance
Distances are calculated in whole kilometres, rounded down using the IARU 6-character Maidenhead Locator for each station in a contact.
The recorded distances will be validated using the web application found at
The distance reported by the web application will be final
A mobile station may be estimated at its most distant location during the contact logged
Distance Multiplier
The multiplier is calculated by taking the integer (Whole number) part of the result of actual distance divided by 10
ENTRIES TO All entries can be received by post or email
Post to FISTS Ladder, PO Box 6743, Tipton DY4 4AU
email to
Logs must be received by the fifth of the month that follows the month in which the contacts were made
Logs may be in Excel, CSV or Cabrillo format or neatly reproduced on paper

100 Yard Dot Dot Dash 2014

OCCASION A tribute to the BBC's spoof sports reporter and FISTS CW Club Patron, Wimble Dot.
DATE 1400-1540 UTC (100 minutes) Sunday 5th October 2014
THE AWARD Certificates will be issued to the Gold (1st Place), Silver (2nd Place), and Bronze (3rd Place) operators.
FREQUENCIES Any licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands - which are 30m, 17m and 12m - or 60m and allocations below 500kHz. Keep at least 400 Hz away from published frequencies (FISTS Centres of Activity).
SCORING 1 point for each QSO with additional points available:
+1 point for receiving your QSO partner's FISTS Member Number
+1 point for receiving your QSO partner's WX temperature (C or F)
+1 point for receiving your QSO partner's Power
(Maximum 4 points per QSO)
EXCHANGE Transmit your: Name / FISTS Number / WX temperature (C or F) / TX power
Receive their: Name / optional: FISTS Number / optional: WX temperature (C or F) / optional: their TX power
LOGS For each QSO logged: Date / Call sign / Name / Frequency / Time, UTC / FISTS Number or Non-member / Received WX temperature or No-temp / Received TX Power or No-power / Points claimed
For each log: Summary to include total number of QSOs and total of QSO points claimed

If using FISTS Log Converter to produce an entry, log their temperature in your logbook's Comment/Notes field as (for example 70 F):
If your logbook doesn't have a field for their transmit power, log it in the Comment/Notes field as (for example 50 Watts and 70 F):
GENERAL Have short QSOs or normal conversational QSOs as you wish.
Call 'CQ E E' if you want to have short QSOs.
If having QSOs with non-participants, please have conversational QSOs and ask them at most once for their temperature/TX power.
ENTRIES TO All entries can be received by post or email
Post to FISTS Ladder, PO Box 6743, Tipton DY4 4AU
email to
Logs must be received on or before 5th November 2014
Logs may be in Excel, CSV or Cabrillo format or neatly reproduced on paper

Straight Key Week 2014 (SKW)

DATE 0001 UTC Sunday 30th November to 2359 UTC Saturday 6th December 2014
FREQUENCIES Any licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands - which are 30m, 17m and 12m - or 60m and allocations below 500kHz.
During a FISTS activity session and operating on 40m or 80m, if you call on a published frequency (A FISTS Centre of Activity) please clear the frequency after one contact.
This applies to all participants, HQ stations and members alike.  Once clear of the published frequency there is no further mandatory QSY required during an activity.
RULES This is another fun event in which manual sending is our aim!
Simple rules; usual exchange between members or non-members
SCORING 10 points for a FISTS HQ station
5 points for a FISTS Affiliated Club Station
3 points for a FISTS member
1 point for a non-member
EXCHANGE RST/QTH/Name/FISTS Number (If applicable)
LOGS For each QSO logged: Date/Call sign/Name/QTH/Frequency/RST/Time, UTC/FISTS Number or Non-member/Points claimed
For each log: Summary to include total number of QSOs and grand total points claimed
GENERAL Any type of manual keying may be used - manual keying includes up-and-down pump keys and side-to-side swipers or Cooties with two-wire (Signal and ground) connection to the radio.  Keys which generate auto-repeat elements - like mechanical bug keys - are not allowed nor are any keys used in combination with an electronic keyer.  If in doubt, please ask for adjudication before the activity
Any operator (Regardless of callsign used) may only be worked for points once per band per day
Any log entry not showing the required exchange information will be excluded from the scores
ENTRIES TO All entries can be received by post or email
Post to FISTS Ladder, PO Box 6743, Tipton DY4 4AU
email to
Logs must be received on or before 1st January 2015
Logs may be in Excel, CSV, tabbed word or Cabrillo format or neatly reproduced on paper

Activities Calendar 2013

The Activity Calendar 2013 contains information on the following activities:

Ladder 2013
Fifth Sundays 2013
International Days 2013
Exchange Your Age Week 2013 (EYAW)
Straight Key Week 2013 (SKW)

Ladder 2013

Small clipart image of wooden ladder.
OCCASIONS January 2013 to December 2013
On the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month
TIMES Two sessions on each Ladder Sunday from 1400-1600 and 1800-2000.  All times are UTC
In any calendar month you can submit logs from ANY TWO of the four two-hour sessions
FREQUENCIES Any licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands - which are 30m, 17m and 12m - or 60m and allocations below 500kHz.
During a FISTS activity session and operating on 40m or 80m, if you call on a published frequency (A FISTS Centre of Activity) please clear the frequency after one contact.
This applies to all participants, HQ stations and members alike.  Once clear of the published frequency there is no further mandatory QSY required during an activity.

The earlier QSY Rule no longer applies
3 points FISTS Affiliated Club Station
2 points for a FISTS member
1 point for a non-member
Any station can only count once on each calendar Sunday
EXCHANGE RST/Name/QTH/FISTS Number (If applicable)
LOGS For each QSO logged: Date/Call sign/Name/QTH/Frequency/RST/Time, UTC/FISTS Number or Non-member/Points claimed

For each log: Summary to include total number of QSOs and total of points claimed
DATES Jan 13/27 - Feb 10/24 - March 10/24 - April 14/28 - May 12/26 - June 9/23- July 14/28 - Aug 11/25 - Sept 8/22 - Oct 13/27- Nov 10/24 - Dec 8/22
GENERAL Any log entry not showing the required exchange information will be excluded from the scores
ENTRIES TO All entries can be received by post or email
Post to FISTS Ladder, PO Box 6743, Tipton DY4 4AU
email to
Logs must be received by the fifth of the month that follows the month in which the contacts were made
Logs may be in Excel, CSV, tabbed Word or Cabrillo format or neatly reproduced on paper

Fifth Sundays 2013

OCCASIONS January 2013 to December 2013.
On the fifth Sunday of March, June, September and December
TIMES One session on each fifth Sunday from 1300-1700 UTC
FREQUENCIES Any licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands - which are 30m, 17m and 12m - or 60m and allocations below 500kHz.
During a FISTS activity session and operating on 40m or 80m, if you call on a published frequency (A FISTS Centre of Activity) please clear the frequency after one contact.
This applies to all participants, HQ stations and members alike.  Once clear of the published frequency there is no further mandatory QSY required during an activity.

The earlier QSY Rule no longer applies
SCORING 5 points per contact - any operator (Irrespective of call sign used) can be worked only once on any band per Sunday (But contacts on each band count separately)

Then apply these in order:
  1. Multiply by five for a FISTS HQ station
  2. Multiply by five for a FISTS Affiliated Club Station
  3. Add five points for a FISTS member
  4. Finally, multiply by five if it's a new country for that day's session
EXCHANGE RST/QTH/Name/FISTS Number (If applicable)
LOGS For each QSO logged: Date/Call sign/Name/QTH/Frequency/RST/Time, UTC/FISTS Number or Non-member/Points claimed

For each log: Summary to include total number of QSOs and total of points claimed
DATES 31. March, 30. June, 29. September and 29. December
GENERAL Any log entry not showing the required exchange information will be excluded from the scores
ENTRIES TO All entries can be received by post or email
Post to FISTS Ladder, PO Box 6743, Tipton DY4 4AU
email to
Logs must be received by the tenth of the month that follows the month in which the contacts were made
Logs may be in Excel, CSV, tabbed Word or Cabrillo format or neatly reproduced on paper

International Days 2013

OCCASIONS Celebrated Days Across Europe
TIMES Single session on each day from 1400-1700 UTC
FREQUENCIES All licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands, 30m, 17m and 12m, 60m and allocations below 500kHz.
SCORING 5 points per FISTS member in Wales on St David's Day; Ireland on St Patrick's Day; England on St George's Day; Scotland on St Andrew's Day; Isle of Man on Tynwald Day; France on Bastille Day; Germany on German Unity Day; any other European country on Europa Day
3 points per non-FISTS member in the appropriate country
2 points per FISTS member elsewhere
1 point per non-member elsewhere
Any station can only count once on each activity day
EXCHANGE RST/QTH/Name/FISTS Number (If applicable)
LOGS For each QSO logged: Date/Call sign/Name/QTH/Frequency/RST/Time, UTC/FISTS Number or Non-member/Points claimed

For each log: Summary to include total number of QSOs and total of points claimed
DATES St David, 1. March; St Patrick, 17. March; St George, 23. April; Europa Day, 9. May; Tynwald Day, 5. July; Bastille Day, 14. July; German Unity Day, 3. October; St Andrew, 30.November
GENERAL Any log entry not showing the required exchange information will be excluded from the scores
ENTRIES TO All entries can be received by post or email
Post to FISTS Ladder, PO Box 6743, Tipton DY4 4AU
email to
Logs must be received by the fifth of the month that follows the month in which the contacts were made
Logs may be in Excel, CSV, tabbed Word or Cabrillo format or neatly reproduced on paper

Exchange Your Age Week 2013 (EYAW)

DATE 0001 UTC Saturday 18th May to 2359 UTC Friday 24th May 2013
FREQUENCIES Any licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands - which are 30m, 17m and 12m - or 60m and allocations below 500kHz.
During a FISTS activity session and operating on 40m or 80m, if you call on a published frequency (A FISTS Centre of Activity) please clear the frequency after one contact.
This applies to all participants, HQ stations and members alike.  Once clear of the published frequency there is no further mandatory QSY required during an activity.

The earlier QSY Rule no longer applies
RULES This is a fun event where senior operators are going to be in demand!
Simple rules; usual exchange between members or non-members. But also exchange your age with your QSO partners to boost your score.
At the end of the activity just total the ages exchanged and add them to your final points score
SCORING 5 points for a FISTS HQ station
3 points for a FISTS Affiliated Club Station
2 points for a FISTS member
1 point for a non-member
EXCHANGE RST/QTH/Name/FISTS Number (If applicable)/Operator's age
LOGS For each QSO logged: Date/Call sign/Name/QTH/Frequency/RST/Time, UTC/FISTS Number or Non-member/Age received/Points claimed
For each log: Summary to include total number of QSOs and sub-total of QSO points claimed, sub-total of ages received and grand total points claimed
GENERAL Any type of keying may be used
Any operator (Regardless of callsign used) may only be worked for points once per day
Any log entry not showing the required exchange information will be excluded from the scores
ENTRIES TO All entries can be received by post or email
Post to FISTS Ladder, PO Box 6743, Tipton DY4 4AU
email to
Logs must be received on or before 24th June 2013
Logs may be in Excel, CSV, tabbed word or Cabrillo format or neatly reproduced on paper

Straight Key Week 2013 (SKW)

DATE 0001 UTC Sunday 1st December to 2359 UTC Saturday 7th December 2013
FREQUENCIES Any licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands - which are 30m, 17m and 12m - or 60m and allocations below 500kHz.
During a FISTS activity session and operating on 40m or 80m, if you call on a published frequency (A FISTS Centre of Activity) please clear the frequency after one contact.
This applies to all participants, HQ stations and members alike.  Once clear of the published frequency there is no further mandatory QSY required during an activity.

The earlier QSY Rule no longer applies
RULES This is another fun event in which manual sending is our aim!
Simple rules; usual exchange between members or non-members
SCORING 10 points for a FISTS HQ station
5 points for a FISTS Affiliated Club Station
3 points for a FISTS member
1 point for a non-member
EXCHANGE RST/QTH/Name/FISTS Number (If applicable)
LOGS For each QSO logged: Date/Call sign/Name/QTH/Frequency/RST/Time, UTC/FISTS Number or Non-member/Points claimed
For each log: Summary to include total number of QSOs and grand total points claimed
GENERAL Any type of manual keying may be used - manual keying includes up-and-down pump keys and side-to-side swipers or Cooties with two-wire (Signal and ground) connection to the radio.  Keys which generate auto-repeat elements - like mechanical bug keys - are not allowed nor are any keys used in combination with an electronic keyer.  If in doubt, please ask for adjudication before the activity
Any operator (Regardless of callsign used) may only be worked for points once per band per day
Any log entry not showing the required exchange information will be excluded from the scores
ENTRIES TO All entries can be received by post or email
Post to FISTS Ladder, PO Box 6743, Tipton DY4 4AU
email to
Logs must be received on or before 1st January 2014
Logs may be in Excel, CSV, tabbed word or Cabrillo format or neatly reproduced on paper

Activities Calendar 2012

The Activity Calendar 2012 contains information on the following activities:

Ladder Activity 2012 Results
Exchange Your Age Week 2012 (EYAW) Results
Titanic 24 hour sprint 2012 Results
Counties Week 2012 Results
FISTS Eu Silver Jubilee Week 2012 Results
Straight Key Week 2012 (SKW)  

I have decided to make some changes to the society's activities for 2012.

Firstly, you'll notice the deletion of the EUCW-FISTS QRS Activity.  I've decided to remove this for 2012 owing to general apathy towards the event and dwindling numbers of entrants.  For those who enjoy the event, fear not, I shall make it a Bi-ennial event; and look at participation next year.
I have ended the Four Seasons Activity (FSA) as you will see.  It has been an interesting exercise, and something I may repeat in the future.  Certificates will be mailed to the participants at the beginning of 2012.  Thanks to all for your support.

Secondly, you'll see three new additions to the calendar.
As you'll be aware, 2012 heralds the 25 years that have passed since the society came into being.  For this important year in the society's history, I hope many of you will be able to be active during the Silver Jubilee event that is planned.
I shall open the event to, and offer an award to the highest placed non-member to encourage all to join us on this special occasion.

You will also notice a special 24 hour event commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the loss of the RMS Titanic.  At the moment I'm awaiting confirmation from third parties worldwide that will be recognising this event.
I will keep you up to date with who will be participating.  Keep looking at the Fists NG and keynote for updates.  This will be operational on the 15th of April 2012.

You will also notice that I've abolished the rule that outlawed the use of pre-programmed CQ Loops.  This has been done in response to feedback from participants.  NOTE: this does not apply to SKW, and will be only allowed for general CQ's!

And finally, take a look at the other new activity for 2012; the counties week, where all can focus on chatting with amateurs from all parts of the British Isles and Eire.


I do hope that you'll find time to come on air and support the events that have been planned for 2012.


Ladder Activity 2012

Small clipart image of wooden ladder.
DATES January 2012 to December 2012. To be run on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month.
TIMES TWO, TWO HOUR SESSIONS OPERATING BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 1400-1600 AND 1800-2000. ALL TIMES UTC! NOTE: You can only submit ANY TWO of your two-hour sessions out of a possible four!
QRG All licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands.
SCORING 5 points FISTS HQ station.
 3 points Fists affiliated Club Station.
 2 points for a Fist member.
 1 point for a non-member.
A station can only count once on each Sunday.
DATES Jan 8th/22nd - Feb 12th/26th - March 11th/25th - April 8th/22nd - May 13th/27th - June 10th/24th- July 8th/22nd - Aug 12th/26th - Sept 9th/23rd - Oct 14th/28th- Nov 11th/25th - Dec 9th/23rd
GENERAL PLEASE vacate or pass on the FIST calling frequency after 5 continuous QSO's or QSY off the calling frequency. PLEASE NOTE, These activities are meant to be fun and friendly as well as competitive. Any contact not showing the required return information will be excluded from the total scores.
All entries can be received by post or E-mail to; R.D.Walker, FISTS-PO Box 6743, TIPTON DY4 4AU. Logs are to be received by the 5th of the next month in Excel, CSV, tabbed word formats or hard copy. E-mail: m0bpt(at)yahoo.co.uk

Exchange Your Age Week 2012 (EYAW)

DATE 0001 UTC Sunday 4th March to 2359 UTC Saturday 10th March 2012. UTC
QRG All licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands.
RULES Here's a fun event where our senior members are going to be in demand! Simple rules; usual exchange between members/non-members. BUT Exchange your age with your QSO partner(s) and at the end of the event; total the ages exchanged and add them to your final points score!
SCORING 5 points for a FISTS HQ station.
 3 points for a FISTS Affiliated Club Station.
 2 points for a Fist Member.
 1 point for a Non Member.
GENERAL PLEASE vacate or pass on the FIST calling frequency after 5 continuous QSO's or QSY off the calling frequency. All logs are to be received by the 24th March 2012. Any type of key or keyer may be used. A station can only be worked once per day during the event.
All entries can be received by post to: R.D.Walker M0BPT. FISTS - PO Box 6743, TIPTON, DY4 4AU. Or email in Excel/csv/tabbed word document format if possible please.

Titanic 24 hour sprint 2012

Titanic 24 hour sprint 2012
DATE 00.01 - 23.59 UTC Sunday 15th April 2012.
QRG All licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands.
RULES Recognising the 100th anniversary of the loss of the RMS Titanic on the 15th April 1912. This event is a standard exchange between stations.
SCORING 10 points for any Titanic special event station.
5 points for a FISTS HQ station.
 3 points for a FISTS Affiliated Club Station.
 2 points for a Fist Member.
 1 point for a Non Member.
GENERAL Titanic special event stations from around the world will be active on this day. For the most recent list, see Titanic special event stations.
All entries can be received by post to: R.D.Walker M0BPT. FISTS - PO Box 6743, TIPTON, DY4 4AU. Or email in Excel/csv/tabbed word document format if possible please. To be received no later than the 30th April 2012.

Counties Week 2012

DATE 0001 UTC Sunday 10th June to 2359 UTC Saturday 16th June 2012. UTC
QRG All licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands.
RULES This simple fun event gives members the chance to chase counties in the United kingdom, Northern Ireland and Eire.
Usual exchange between members, non-members.
Exchange the county of operation with your QSO partner for a bonus point.
SCORING 5 points for a FISTS HQ station.
 3 points for a FISTS Affiliated Club Station.
 2 points for a Fist Member.
 1 point for a Non Member.
GENERAL PLEASE vacate or pass on the FIST calling frequency after 5 continuous QSO's or QSY off the calling frequency.  All logs are to be received by the 30th June 2012.  Any type of key or keyer may be used.  A station can only be worked once per day during the event.
All entries can be received by post to: R.D.Walker M0BPT. FISTS - PO Box 6743, TIPTON, DY4 4AU. Or email in Excel/csv/tabbed word document format if possible please.

FISTS Eu Silver Jubilee Week 2012

DATE 0001 UTC Sunday 2nd September to 2359 UTC Saturday 8th September 2012. UTC
QRG All licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands.
RULES A simple event recognising the passing of 25 years since the founding of the society.
A "Founders award" will be issued to the highest scoring participant!
If 50 members (Or more) are worked during the activity, I will award certificates of merit endorsing the achievement.
This event is open to entries from non-members.
For the first time I shall offer an award for the log of the highest non-member entrant.
SCORING 10 points for a FISTS HQ station.
 3 points for a FISTS Affiliated Club Station.
 2 points for a Fist Member.
 1 point for a Non Member.
GENERAL PLEASE vacate or pass on the FIST calling frequency after 5 continuous QSO's or QSY off the calling frequency. All logs are to be received by the 29th September 2012. Any type of key or keyer may be used. A station can only be worked once per day during the event.
SEND TO All entries can be received by post to: R.D.Walker M0BPT. FISTS - PO Box 6743, TIPTON, DY4 4AU. Or email in Excel/csv/tabbed word document format if possible please.

Straight Key Week 2012 (SKW)

DATE 0001 UTC Sunday 2nd December to 2359 Saturday 8th December 2012. UTC
QRG All licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands.
SCORE 5 points FISTS HQ stations
 3 points for a FISTS affiliated Club Station,
 2 points for a Fist Member
 1 point for a Non Member.
EXCHANGE RST/NAME/QTH/FIST No or NM/DAY No. Sunday is Day 1 Monday is Day 2 and so on To Saturday as Day 7. All entrants must have used a straight Key for all their QSO's but a worked station does not have to use a straight key.
LOGS To include DATE/CALL/NAME/QTH/QRG/RST/TIME/FIST No or NM/DAY No/POINTS. All entries to be received by the 31st December 2012.
GENERAL A station can only be worked once per day! PLEASE vacate or pass on the FIST calling frequency after 5 continuous QSO's or QSY off the calling frequency. PLEASE NOTE, These contests are meant to be fun and friendly as well as competitive. Any contact not showing the required return information will be excluded from the total scores.
AMENDMENTS AMENDMENT TO THE RULES! As from 2010 a manual sideswiper may be used as long as no electronic means of keying are used. This amendment has been allowed for those who find straight keying for a long period of time causing discomfort and aggravating any medical condition.
AWARDS Certificates to the three highest placed entrants.
All entries can be received by post to: R.D.Walker M0BPT. FISTS - PO Box 6743, TIPTON, DY4 4AU. Or email in Excel/csv/tabbed word document format if possible please.

Activities Calendar 2011

The Activity Calendar 2011 contains information on the following activities:

Fist on the Air 2011 Award
Four Seasons Activity 2011
Ladder Activity 2011
Exchange Your Age Week 2011 (EYAW)
EUCW QRS Party 2011
Straight Key Week 2011 (SKW)

Fist on the Air Award 2011

Photograph of a Czech Morse key
In recognition of the generous donation from Mike Bowthorpe, G0CVZ of three Czech Morse Keys as prizes to worthy recipients, I've decided to activate a "Fist on the air" Award for FISTS Europe/UK members.  Running from the 1st of April 2011 to the 31st of March 2012.  Using the Activity ladder, FSA (Four seasons activity), EYAW (Exchange your age week) and SKW (Straight key week) activities as benchmarks.  The highest three points percentages will each receive one of these wonderful gifts!

The Four Seasons 2011 Activity

This year I'm introducing a new activity to the calendar. My thanks and recognition to FISTS Member Martin, IK2RMZ/DL1GBZ#853 for his idea...

The Four Seasons Activity 2011 (NOT A CONTEST!)
Winter Season 1st Jan-31st March Spring Season 1st April-30th June
Summer Season 1st July-30th Sept Autumn Season 1st Oct-31st December
Bands: HF: 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10m-VHF: 6/2/70cm
Mode: CW
Times: NONE
Score: 1 point per 5 minute QSO duration
Example: QSO duration 0-4 min = 0 point
QSO duration 5-9 min = 1 point
QSO duration 10-14 min = 2 points
FISTS members = Double points
Limitations: Not more than a 30 minute QSO
Not more than 90 minutes QSO Duration with the same station per month
Logs: Monthly by the 7th to include:
Via Email: m0bpt(at)yahoo.co.uk. Excel, csv, Tabbed word format, Open Office if possible please.
Surface mail: R.D.Walker.
Power Class A: QRO.
(Up to your countries legal limit. Please be aware of band-plans regarding QRP centres of activity!)
Class B: QRP 5 Watts Maximum output from the Transmitter.
General: Each Season is a separate activity, this means that scores are not carried over!
Contacts made during other FISTS Activities can be used in the FSA!
This activity has been designed to be leisurely with contacts being of quality rather than quantity!
Entrants are respectfully reminded to match the speed wherever possible of their QSO Partner!
Awards: Seasonal certificates will be awarded to the entrant in each class with the most points after each session.
A "GOLD AWARD" Certificate will be awarded to the entrant in each class who has amassed the most points during the activity at the end of the year.
Separate awards issued for each chapter of FISTS. i.e. FISTS EU; NA; DU; and EA Endorsed accordingly.

Ladder Activity 2011

DATES January 2011 to December 2011. To be run on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month.
TIMES TWO, TWO HOUR SESSIONS OPERATING BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 1400-1600 AND 1800-2000. ALL TIMES UTC! NOTE: You can only submit ANY TWO of your two-hour sessions out of a possible four!
QRG All licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands.
SCORING 5 points FISTS HQ station.
3 points Fists affiliated Club Station.
2 points for a Fist member.
1 point for a non-member.
A station can only count once on each Sunday.
DATES Jan 9th/23rd - Feb13th /27th - March 13th/27th - April 10th/24th - May 8th/22nd - June 12th/26th- July 10th/24th Aug 14th/28th - Sept 11th/25th - Oct 9th/23rd- Nov 13th/27th - Dec 11th/25th
GENERAL PLEASE vacate or pass on the FIST calling frequency after 5 continuous QSO's or QSY off the calling frequency. PLEASE NOTE, These activities are meant to be fun and friendly as well as competitive. Any contact not showing the required return information will be excluded from the total scores.
All entries can be received by post or E-mail to; R.D.Walker. Logs are to be received by the 5th of the next month in Excel, CSV, tabbed word formats or hard copy. E-mail: m0bpt(at)yahoo.co.uk

Exchange Your Age Week 2011 (EYAW)

DATES 0001 UTC Sunday 6th March to 2359 UTC Saturday 12th March 2011. UTC
QRG All licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands.
RULES Here's a fun event where our senior members are going to be in demand! Simple rules; usual exchange between members/non-members. BUT Exchange your age with your QSO partner(s) and at the end of the event; total the ages exchanged and add them to your final points score!
SCORING 5 points for a FISTS HQ station.
3 points for a FISTS Affiliated Club Station.
2 points for a Fist Member.
1 point for a Non Member.
GENERAL PLEASE vacate or pass on the FIST calling frequency after 5 continuous QSO's or QSY off the calling frequency. All logs are to be received by the 22nd March 2011. Any type of key or keyer may be used, but no keyboard sending or pre-programmed messages from computers or keyers allowed. A station can only be worked once per day during the event.
All entries can be received by post to: R.D.Walker. Or email in Excel/csv/tabbed word document format if possible please.

EUCW QRS Party 2011

GENERAL FISTS CW Club invites all radio amateurs to take part in the annual EUCW/FISTS QRS Party over five days, Monday-Friday, in April each year. This is not a contest . Just enjoy plenty of slow Morse activity for a period of five days. The dates selected are intended to avoid weekend contest activity. Work any station, including members of EUCW clubs (see below), but send only in QRS. Standard QSO's with non-participating stations can be included in logs.
Monday 25th April 2011, 0001 UTC, to Friday 29th April 2011, 2359 UTC.
MODE CW only
POWER A - More than 10w input or 5w output power
B - QRP (10w input or 5w output, or less)
C - Short wave listeners.
Stations may be worked once per day, per band.
QRG's Recommended areas of activity, +/- 10 kHz of the FISTS calling frequencies, including WARC bands (see below), but contacts can be made on any frequency. Non-QRP stations should avoid calling CQ on the popular QRP frequencies (see below).
Use any type of key or keyer. No keyboard sending or pre-programmed messages from computers or keyers, but pre-programmed CQ calls or CQ loops are permitted. Maximum speed 14 words per minute (70cpm). The speed of a QSO should be at the speed of the slower station.
CONTACTS Normal friendly QSO's, no special requirements. QSO's with any station count. Work any station in any country, including stations not taking part in the QRS Party but try to persuade them to work QRS.
LOGS Logs should show Date, Time, Call sign, Name, QTH and EUCW Club/Number (if appropriate) of the stations worked/heard, and may include up to three votes for "Most Readable Morse Heard" (one vote per station).
FEEDBACK This is not a contest, but logs and feedback will be welcomed in the following classes:
A - More than 10w input or 5w output power
B - QRP (10w input or 5w output, or less)
C - Short wave listeners.
AWARDS A) A certificate will be awarded to the three participants working/hearing the most stations in each class.
B) Certificates of Merit will be awarded to the three operators receiving most votes for the "Most Readable Morse Heard", provided the operators nominated have also submitted a log. If the operators receiving the most votes have not submitted a log the certificates of merit will be awarded to the qualifying operators with the next highest number of votes. In the event of a tie in first, second or third places, multiple certificates will be awarded, marked "Shared Award".
C) A "NEWCOMERS AWARD" Will be issued to the person who submits a log and uses the QRS PARTY WEEK for their 1st "On Air" QSO. This must be verified by an EUCW Member.
SEND LOGS TO FISTS/EUCW QRS Party Organizer: Robert Walker M0BPT. EMAIL To be received by surface mail or e-mail not later than 31st May 2011.
INFO FISTS calling frequencies : Recommended area of activity +/- 10 kHz 2m 144.058 MHz 6m Use any authorized CW frequency"10m 28.058 MHz 12m 24.918 MHz 15m 21.058 MHz 17m 18.085 MHz 20m 14.058 MHz 30m 10.118/10.128 MHz 40m 7.028 MHz 80m 3.558 MHz 160m 1.818 MHz QRP CW Calling Frequencies to be avoided by non-QRP stations. 1843; 3560; 7030; 10116; 14060; 18096; 21060; 24906; 28060 kHz.

Straight Key Week 2011 (SKW)

DATE 0001 UTC Sunday 4th September to 2359 Saturday 10th September 2011. UTC
QRG All licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands.
SCORE 5 points FISTS HQ stations
3 points for a FISTS affiliated Club Station,
2 points for a Fist Member,
1 point for a Non Member.
EXCHANGE RST/NAME/QTH/FIST No or NM/DAY No. Sunday is Day 1 Monday is Day 2 and so on To Saturday as Day 7. All entrants must have used a straight Key for all their QSO's but a worked station does not have to use a straight key.
LOGS To include DATE/CALL/NAME/QTH/QRG/RST/TIME/FIST No or NM/DAY No/POINTS. All entries to be received by the 26th September 2011.
GENERAL A station can only be worked once per day! PLEASE vacate or pass on the FIST calling frequency after 5 continuous QSO's or QSY off the calling frequency. PLEASE NOTE, These contests are meant to be fun and friendly as well as competitive. Any contact not showing the required return information will be excluded from the total scores.
AMENDMENTS AMENDMENT TO THE RULES! As from 2010 a manual sideswiper may be used as long as no electronic means of keying are used. This amendment has been allowed for those who find straight keying for a long period of time causing discomfort and aggravating any medical condition.
AWARDS QRO Members: Certificates to the three highest placed entrants.
QRP members: Certificates to the three highest placed entrants.
All entries can be received by post to; R.D.Walker. or by EMAIL in Excel/csv/tabbed word format if possible please

Activities Calendar 2010

The Activity Calendar 2010 contains information on the following activities:

G0HGA VHF/UHF/SHF CW Activity 2010 (discontinued)
FISTS 3 Hour Sprint 2010
Ladder Activity 2010
Exchange Your Age Week 2010 (EYAW)
EUCW QRS Party 2010
Straight Key Week 2010 (SKW)

The 2010 GØHGA VHF/UHF/SHF CW Activity

The G0HGA VHF/UHF/SHF CW Activity was discontinued at the end of March 2010, but the details are left here for information.

As many of you will know, Angie. GØHGA FISTS #41 became SK earlier in the year. In her memory I've decided to do a One year activity. (If it is successful, I will consider extending the activity) Simple rules, just designed to promote CW activity again on the VHF/UHF/SHF Frequencies. Angie was a staunch advocate of CWon these frequencies, and I feel it would be a fitting tribute to her.

  G0HGA VHF/UHF/SHF CW Activity 2010
POWER Up to your countries legal limit
DATES 0001 1st January to 2359 31st December 2010
BANDS 6M 4M 2M 70CM 23CM 10GHz Bands (Any authorised frequency)
SCORING 1 point Non-members, 2 points FISTS Members, 3 points FISTS affiliated club stations, 5 points FISTS HQ Stations
SEND TO: R.D.Walker. Email:
FORMATS ACCEPTED Excel, csv, tabbed word format, tabbed txt file format preferred. Or a hard copy of your log with the entries of interest highlighted
GENERAL Monthly returns by the 14th of the next month. The purpose of the activity is to promote CW on the bands specified, it is not a contest!! 2M Activity "Natter nights" 144.058+/- 1930pm onwards Monday Wednesday and Friday evenings local time. Entries in other events scheduled by other organisations during the year are permissable as long as the required information was exchanged. A station cannot be worked more than four times in a month on a specific band.
GENERAL#2 FISTS NA, FISTS DU, and FISTS EA. Seperate awards offered should they wish to join in!

FISTS 3 Hour Sprint 2010

After being asked for an event by some members involving high speed operation, I've decided on something to be added to the 2010 activity calendar that's a little different.

DATES Session#1 26th June 2010.0001-2359UTC. Session#2 24th July 2010 0001-2359UTC
BANDS 80m, 40m, & 20m.
SCORING NM=1pt, members=2pts, club calls=3pts, HQ calls=5pts.
TIMES You can choose to operate anytime during the 24 hour period, but can only submit 3 hours of log
EXCHANGE Call, report. (fists number)
LOGS Date, call, time in, time out, fists nr or nm, points. The total time of each QSO must be recorded in your log. Logs to be received no later than the 7 th August 2010, in excel, csv, tabbed word format, tabbed txt file format please!
GENERAL Although primarily for high speed operation, members are respectfully reminded to match the speed of your QSO partner throughout. Stations can only be worked ONCE per band per session.

Ladder Activity 2010

DATES January 2010 to December 2010. To be run on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month.
TIMES TWO, TWO HOUR SESSIONS OPERATING BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 1400-1600 AND 1800-2000. ALL TIMES UTC! NOTE: You can only submit ANY TWO of your two-hour sessions out of a possible four!
QRG All licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands.
SCORING 5 points FISTS HQ station, 3 points for a Fists affiliated Club Station, 2 points for a Fist member, 1 point for a non-member. A station can only count once on each Sunday.
DATES Jan 10th/24th - Feb14th /28th - March 14th/28th - April 11th/25th - May 9th/23rd -
June 13th/27th- July 11th/25th Aug 8th/22nd - Sept 12th/26th - Oct 10th/24th- Nov 14th/28th - Dec 12th/26th
GENERAL PLEASE vacate or pass on the FIST calling frequency after 5 continuous QSO's or QSY off the calling frequency. PLEASE NOTE, These activities are meant to be fun and friendly as well as competitive. Any contact not showing the required return information will be excluded from the total scores.
All entries can be received by post or E-mail to; R.D.Walker. Logs are to be received by the 5th of the next month in Excel, CSV, tabbed word formats or hard copy. E-mail: m0bpt(at)yahoo.co.uk

Exchange Your Age Week 2010 (EYAW)

DATES 0001 UTC on 7th March to 2359 UTC on 13th March 2010. UTC
QRG All licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands.
RULES Here's a fun event where our senior members are going to be in demand! Simple rules; usual exchange between members/non-members. BUT Exchange your age with your QSO partner(s) and at the end of the event; total the ages exchanged and add them to your final points score!
SCORING 5 points for a FISTS HQ station, 3 points for a FISTS Affiliated Club Station, 2 points for a Fist Member. 1 point for a Non Member.
GENERAL PLEASE vacate or pass on the FIST calling frequency after 5 continuous QSO's or QSY off the calling frequency. All logs are to be received by the 22nd March 2010. Any type of key or keyer may be used, but no keyboard sending or pre-programmed messages from computers or keyers allowed. A station can only be worked once per day during the event.
All entries can be received by post to: R.D.Walker. Or email in Excel/csv/tabbed word document format if possible please.

EUCW QRS Party 2010

GENERAL FISTS CW Club invites all radio amateurs to take part in the annual EUCW/FISTS QRS Party over five days, Monday-Friday, in April each year. This is not a contest . Just enjoy plenty of slow Morse activity for a period of five days. The dates selected are intended to avoid weekend contest activity. Work any station, including members of EUCW clubs (see below), but send only in QRS. Standard QSO's with non-participating stations can be included in logs.
Monday 26th April 2010, 0001 UTC, to Friday 30th April 2010, 2359 UTC.
MODE CW only
POWER A - More than 10w input or 5w output power
B - QRP (10w input or 5w output, or less)
C - Short wave listeners.
Stations may be worked once per day, per band.
QRG's Recommended areas of activity, +/- 10 kHz of the FISTS calling frequencies, including WARC bands (see below), but contacts can be made on any frequency. Non-QRP stations should avoid calling CQ on the popular QRP frequencies (see below).
Use any type of key or keyer. No keyboard sending or pre-programmed messages from computers or keyers, but pre-programmed CQ calls or CQ loops are permitted. Maximum speed 14 words per minute (70cpm). The speed of a QSO should be at the speed of the slower station.
CONTACTS Normal friendly QSO's, no special requirements. QSO's with any station count. Work any station in any country, including stations not taking part in the QRS Party but try to persuade them to work QRS.
LOGS Logs should show Date, Time, Call sign, Name, QTH and EUCW Club/Number (if appropriate) of the stations worked/heard, and may include up to three votes for "Most Readable Morse Heard" (one vote per station).
FEEDBACK This is not a contest, but logs and feedback will be welcomed in the following classes:
A - More than 10w input or 5w output power
B - QRP (10w input or 5w output, or less)
C - Short wave listeners.
AWARDS A) A certificate will be awarded to the three participants working/hearing the most stations in each class.
B) Certificates of Merit will be awarded to the three operators receiving most votes for the "Most Readable Morse Heard", provided the operators nominated have also submitted a log. If the operators receiving the most votes have not submitted a log the certificates of merit will be awarded to the qualifying operators with the next highest number of votes. In the event of a tie in first, second or third places, multiple certificates will be awarded, marked "Shared Award".
C) A "NEWCOMERS AWARD" Will be issued to the person who submits a log and uses the QRS PARTY WEEK for their 1st "On Air" QSO. This must be verified by an EUCW Member.
SEND LOGS TO FISTS/EUCW QRS Party Organizer: Robert Walker M0BPT. EMAIL To be received by surface mail or e-mail not later than 31st May 2010.
INFO FISTS calling frequencies : Recommended area of activity +/- 10 kHz 2m 144.058 MHz 6m Use any authorized CW frequency 10m 28.058 MHz 12m 24.918 MHz 15m 21.058 MHz 17m 18.085 MHz 20m 14.058 MHz 30m 10.118/10.128 MHz 40m 7.028 MHz 80m 3.558 MHz 160m 1.818 MHz QRP CW Calling Frequencies to be avoided by non-QRP stations. 1843; 3560; 7030; 10116; 14060; 18096; 21060; 24906; 28060 kHz.

Straight Key Week 2010 (SKW)

DATE 0001 UTC on 5th September to
2359 on 11th September 2010. UTC
QRG All licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands.
SCORE 5 points FISTS HQ stations,
3 points for a FISTS affiliated Club Station,
2 points for a Fist Member,
1 point for a Non Member.
EXCHANGE RST/NAME/QTH/FIST No or NM/DAY No. Sunday is Day 1 Monday is Day 2 and so on To Saturday as Day 7. All entrants must have used a straight Key for all their QSO's but the worked station does not have to use a straight key.
LOGS To include DATE/CALL/NAME/QTH/QRG/RST/TIME/FIST No or NM/DAY No/POINTS. All entries to be received by the 26th September 2010.
GENERAL A station can only be worked once per day! PLEASE vacate or pass on the FIST calling frequency after 5 continuous QSO's or QSY off the calling frequency. PLEASE NOTE, These contests are meant to be fun and friendly as well as competitive. Any contact not showing the required return information will be excluded from the total scores.
AMENDMENTS AMENDMENT TO THE RULES! As from 2010 a manual sideswiper may be used as long as no electronic means of keying are used. This amendment has been allowed for those who find straight keying for a long period of time causing discomfort and aggravating any medical condition.
All entries can be received by post to; R.D.Walker. or by EMAIL in Excel/csv/tabbed word format if possible please

Activities Calendar 2009

The Activity Calendar 2009 contains information on the following activities:

WARC Band Challenge 2009 (discontinued)
Ladder Activity 2009
Exchange Your Age Week 2009 (EYAW)
EUCW QRS Party 2009
Straight Key Week 2009 (SKW)

WARC Band Challenge 2009

The WARC Challenge was discontinued at the end of June 2009, but the details are left here for information.

DATES 00.01 1st January to 23.59 31st December. UTC
BANDS 30M, 17M &12M
SCORING 1 point non members, 2 points fists members, 3 points Fists club Stations.
EXCHANGE FISTS nr, or NM, and IARU locator square, (Four character format) which can be used as a multiplier for the total number of contacts made during the year.
EXAMPLE #5576 (or) NM IARU Loc IO82. FOR THE LOCATOR SQUARE TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR A MULTIPLIER, A CLUB MEMBER MUST HAVE BEEN WORKED WITHIN THE SQUARE. i.e. G9XYZ scores 2,400 points and gains 12 different locator squares on a combination of all three WARC bands. = 2,400 x 12 = 28,800. REPEAT STATIONS: CAN ONLY BE WORKED A MAXIMUM OF FOUR TIMES PER MONTH.
AWARDS Outright winner: The “G3ZQS” Award with your call, year, etc, Engraved. 1st Runner up: certificate 2nd Runner up: Certificate. A certificate will also be awarded to the highest points scored by a QRP entrant. ( Max 5w output at the transmitter) endorsed accordingly. Therefore all entrants must declare their power output. A certificate will also be awarded to the highest scoring “Receiving station” log.

To include; date/call/name/locator/qrg/time/Fists nr or nm/points scored

EXAMPLE M0BPT rob IO82 30m 11.48 #5576 or nm 2pts or 1pt
SEND TO: Land mail: R.D.Walker. or email Monthly returns by the14th of the next month By email in excel/csv/tabbed word format if possible please.
GENERAL The purpose of the challenge is to promote activity on the WARC bands IT IS NOT A CONTEST!. CALL “CQ” on or around the following frequencies; 30m-10.118/10.128 MHz: 17m-18.085 MHz: 12m-24.918 MHz PLEASE NOTE, These activities are meant to be fun and friendly as well as competitive. Any contact not showing the required return information will be excluded from the total scores.

Ladder Activity 2009

DATES January 2009 to December 2009. To be run on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month.

TWO, TWO HOUR SESSIONS OPERATING BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 1400-1600 AND 1800-2000. ALL TIMES UTC! NOTE: You can only submit ANY TWO of your two-hour sessions out of a possible four!


All licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands

SCORING 5 points FISTS club station, 3 points for a Fists affiliated Club Station, 2 points for a Fist member, 1 point for a non-member. A station can only count once on each Sunday.

Jan 11th/25th - Feb8th /22th - March 8th/22nd - April 12th/26th - May 10th/24th - June 14th/28th– July 12th/26th Aug 9th/23rd - Sept 13th/27th - Oct 11th/25th– Nov 8th/22nd - Dec 13th/27th

GENERAL PLEASE vacate or pass on the FIST calling frequency after 5 continuous QSO’s or QSY off the calling frequency. PLEASE NOTE, These activities are meant to be fun and friendly as well as competitive. Any contact not showing the required return information will be excluded from the total scores.

All entries can be received by post or E-mail to; R.D.Walker. logs are to be received by the 5th of the next month in Excel, CSV, tabbed word formats or hard copy. e-mail: m0bpt(at)yahoo.co.uk

Exchange Your Age Week 2009 (EYAW)

DATES 0001 UTC on 1st March to 2359 UTC on 7th March 09. UTC
FREQUENCY All licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands.
RULES Here's a fun event where our senior members are going to be in demand! Simple rules; usual exchange between members/non-members. BUT Exchange your age with your QSO partner(s) and at the end of the event; total the ages exchanged and add them to your final points score!
SCORING 5 points for a FISTS club station, 3 points for a FISTS Affiliated Club Station, 2 points for a Fist Member. 1 point for a Non Member.
GENERAL PLEASE vacate or pass on the FIST calling frequency after 5 continuous QSO’s or QSY off the calling frequency.  All logs are to be received by the 22nd March 09. Any type of key or keyer may be used, but no keyboard sending or pre-programmed messages from computers or keyers allowed. A station can only be worked once per day during the event.
SEND TO: All entries can be received by post to: R.D.Walker. Or email in Excel/csv/tabbed word document format if possible please.

EUCW QRS Party 2009

GENERAL FISTS CWClub invites all radio amateurs to take part in the annual EUCW/FISTS QRS Party over five days, Monday-Friday, in April each year. This is not a contest . Just enjoy plenty of slow Morse activity for a period of five days. The dates selected are intended to avoid weekend contest activity. Work any station, including members of EUCW clubs (see below), but send only in QRS. Standard QSO’s with non-participating stations can be included in logs.
DATES/TIMES Monday 27th April 2009, 0001 UTC, to Friday 1st May 2009, 2359 UTC.
MODE CW only
POWER A - More than 10w input or 5w output power B - QRP (10w input or 5w output, or less) C - Short wave listeners.
CALL CQ QRS. Stations may be worked once per day, per band.
FREQUENCIES Recommended areas of activity, +/- 10 kHz of the FISTS calling frequencies, including WARC bands (see below), but contacts can be made on any frequency. Non-QRP stations should avoid calling CQ on the popular QRP frequencies (see below).
KEYS/SPEEDS Use any type of key or keyer. No keyboard sending or pre-programmed messages from computers or keyers, but pre-programmed CQ calls or CQ loops are permitted. Maximum speed 14 words per minute (70cpm). The speed of a QSO should be at the speed of the slower station.
CONTACTS Normal friendly QSO's, no special requirements. QSO's with any station count. Work any station in any country, including stations not taking part in the QRS Party but try to persuade them to work QRS.
LOGS Logs should show Date, Time, Call sign, Name, QTH and EUCW Club/Number (if appropriate) of the stations worked/heard, and may include up to three votes for "Most Readable Morse Heard" (one vote per station).
FEEDBACK This is not a contest, but logs and feedback will be welcomed in the following classes: A - More than 10w input or 5w output power B - QRP (10w input or 5w output, or less) C - Short wave listeners.

A) A certificate will be awarded to the three participants working/hearing the most stations in each class.

B) Certificates of Merit will be awarded to the three operators receiving most votes for the "Most Readable Morse Heard", provided the operators nominated have also submitted a log. If the operators receiving the most votes have not submitted a log the certificates of merit will be awarded to the qualifying operators with the next highest number of votes. In the event of a tie in first, second or third places, multiple certificates will be awarded, marked "Shared Award".

C) A “NEWCOMERS AWARD” Will be issued to a person who uses the QRS PARTY WEEK for their 1 st “On Air” QSO. This must be verified by an EUCW Member.
SEND LOGS TO: FISTS/EUCW QRS Party Organizer: Robert Walker M0BPT. EMAIL To be received by surface mail or e-mail not later than 31st May 2009.
GENERAL INFORMATION FISTS calling frequencies : Recommended area of activity +/- 10 kHz 2m 144.058 MHz 6m Use any authorized CW frequency 10m 28.058 MHz 12m 24.918 MHz 15m 21.058 MHz 17m 18.085 MHz 20m 14.058 MHz 30m 10.118/10.128 MHz 40m 7.028 MHz 80m 3.558 MHz 160m 1.808 MHz QRP CW Calling Frequencies to be avoided by non-QRP stations. 1843; 3560; 7030; 10116; 14060; 18096; 21060; 24906; 28060 kHz.

Straight Key Week 2009 (SKW)

DATE 0001 UTC on 6th September to 2359 on 12th September 2009. UTC
FREQUENCY All licensed amateur bands except the WARC bands.
SCORING 5 points FISTS club stations, 3 points for a FISTS affiliated Club Station, 2 points for a Fist Member, 1 point for a Non Member.
EXCHANGE RST/NAME/QTH/FIST No or NM/DAY No. Sunday is Day 1 Monday is Day 2 and so on To Saturday as Day 7. All entrants must have used a straight Key for all their QSO’s but the worked station does not have to use a straight key.
LOGS To include DATE/CALL/NAME/QTH/QRG/RST/TIME/FIST No or NM/DAY No/POINTS. All entries to be received by the 26th September 2009.
GENERAL A station can only be worked once per day! PLEASE vacate or pass on the FIST calling frequency after 5 continuous QSO’s or QSY off the calling frequency. PLEASE NOTE, These contests are meant to be fun and friendly as well as competitive. Any contact not showing the required return information will be excluded from the total scores.
SEND LOGS TO: All entries can be received by post to; R.D.Walker. or by EMAIL in Excel/csv/tabbed word format if possible please
Back to Activities & Awards page