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Activities Calendar

To see reports and tables of results, visit the Brasspounder Newsletters page.  The free FISTS Log Converter program for Windows can be used to create entries for all the applicable FISTS activities below.

Details are available for 2025 2024 2023 2022 Older

Ongoing, Upcoming & Recent

Straight Eight 2025 08 April - 15 April 2025 UTC
Word Search Crossword 2025 01 May - 30 June 2025 UTC
Bug Key Week 2025 12 May - 19 May 2025 UTC
Mechanical Key Week 2025 08 September - 15 September 2025 UTC
Ladder 2025 2nd and 4th Sundays, January - December 2025,
14:00-15:59 & 18:00-19:59 UTC
60m Activation 2025 Finished
Three Hour Sprint 2025 Finished

Activities Calendar 2025

See the Upcoming Events page for a full list of dates and times for these and some other on-air activities.

Straight Eight 2025 08 April - 15 April 2025 UTC
Word Search Crossword 2025 01 May - 30 June 2025 UTC
Bug Key Week 2025 12 May - 19 May 2025 UTC
Mechanical Key Week 2025 08 September - 15 September 2025 UTC
Ladder 2025 2nd and 4th Sundays, January - December 2025,
14:00-15:59 & 18:00-19:59 UTC
60m Activation 2025 Finished
Three Hour Sprint 2025 Finished

DESCRIPTION See how many points you can earn for CW QSOs during your choice of any single 3-hour period on Sunday 2nd March UTC.
You can submit QSOs for any single 3-hour period during 00:00 - 23:59 UTC Sunday 2nd March 2025.

No QSOs STARTED later than three hours after the start of the earliest submitted QSO will be accepted.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given operator during your 3-hour period, i.e. all QSOs claimed must be unique callsigns.  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.
LOGS Entries must be received no later than 7TH MARCH 2025 and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

The email address for questions and entries is .

Log Format Description
FISTS Log Converter program Version 4.8.2 or later (free) for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.

You can provide it with any QSOs and it will automatically choose the highest-scoring 3-hour period for CW QSOs on 2nd March.
Excel, Calc, CSV, TSV files The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
QSO_Date, Call, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode


'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
'FISTS' can be a FISTS member number or be left blank, e.g. 15868
'Mode' must be CW
ADIF files These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above
Other Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.  If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask.

DESCRIPTION Mechanical Key Week runs for 8 days in September.  You must send CQs and have QSOs using any of these types of key:
  • straight ("up & down") key
  • sideswiper (aka "cootie") key
  • semi-automatic ("bug") mechanical key
  • fully-automatic ("bug") mechanical key

If in doubt about the eligibility of your key, please ask.  It does not matter what type of key your QSO partner uses.

Call "CQ MKW"
Continuous running, 24/7 from start to finish BUT if you concentrate your activity around the cardinal hours it will improve chances…maybe!  So, operate any time at all but try to be on at 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21.

00:00 UTC Monday 8th September to 23:59 UTC Monday 15th September.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given operator per day, i.e. all QSOs claimed each day must be unique callsigns.  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.
BONUS MULTIPLIER: QSO SCORE X 2 FOR QSO WITH A DIFFERENT FISTS CHAPTER.  E.g. 6 points for a European member contacting an Americas member.
LOGS Entries must be received no later than 7TH OCTOBER 2025 and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

The email address for questions and entries is .

You must log the type of key you used in your log's 'Comment' (or similar) field:
• Straight ("up & down") key: MYKEY  SK
• Sideswiper ("cootie") key: MYKEY  SS
• Semi-automatic ("bug") mechanical key: MYKEY  BUG
• Fully-automatic ("bug") mechanical key: MYKEY  FAB

Log Format Description
FISTS Log Converter program Version 4.8.2 or later (free) for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.

You can provide it with any QSOs and it will automatically choose the qualifying CW QSOs for the activity’s dates and times.
Excel, Calc, CSV, TSV files The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Comment

2025/09/14,G4YVM,David,Salisbury,7.026,599,559,17:05,15868,CW,MYKEY BUG

'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
'FISTS' can be a FISTS member number or be left blank, e.g. 15868
'Mode' must be CW
'Comment' must include MYKEY SK, MYKEY SS, MYKEY BUG or MYKEY FAB, e.g. Nice QSO MYKEY BUG
ADIF files These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.  If your logbook program supports logging your Morse key type using the MY_MORSE_KEY_TYPE field, that can be used instead of COMMENT or NOTES to specify your key type.
Other Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.  If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask.

DESCRIPTION Bug Key Week runs for 8 days in May.  You must send CQs and have QSOs using only semi-automatic ("bug") mechanical keys or fully-automatic ("bug") mechanical keys.  If in doubt about the eligibility of your key, please ask.  It does not matter what type of key your QSO partner uses.

Call "CQ BUG" (But they’ll probably know!)
Continuous running, 24/7 from start to finish BUT if you concentrate your BUG activity around the cardinal hours it will improve chances…maybe!  So, operate any time at all but try to be on at 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21.

00:00 UTC Monday 12th May to 23:59 UTC Monday 19 May.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given operator per day, i.e. all QSOs claimed each day must be unique callsigns.  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.
BONUS MULTIPLIER: QSO SCORE X 2 FOR QSO WITH A DIFFERENT FISTS CHAPTER.  E.g. 6 points for a European member contacting an Americas member.
LOGS Entries must be received no later than 7TH JUNE 2025 and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

The email address for questions and entries is .

You must log the type of key you used in your log's 'Comment' (or similar) field:
• Semi-automatic ("bug") mechanical key: MYKEY  BUG
• Fully-automatic ("bug") mechanical key: MYKEY  FAB

Log Format Description
FISTS Log Converter program Version 4.8.2 or later (free) for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.

You can provide it with any QSOs and it will automatically choose the qualifying CW QSOs for the activity’s dates and times.
Excel, Calc, CSV, TSV files The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Comment

2025/05/14,G4YVM,David,Salisbury,7.026,599,559,17:05,15868,CW,MYKEY BUG

'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
'FISTS' can be a FISTS member number or be left blank, e.g. 15868
'Mode' must be CW
'Comment' must include MYKEY BUG or MYKEY FAB, e.g. Nice QSO MYKEY BUG
ADIF files These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.  If your logbook program supports logging your Morse key type using the MY_MORSE_KEY_TYPE field, that can be used instead of COMMENT or NOTES to specify your key type.
Other Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.  If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask.

DESCRIPTION The idea is for members to work sufficient stations with CW to be able to use one letter of each callsign to spell the answers and complete the crossword presented below.
Every day, 0000 hours May 1st 2025 – 2359 hours June 30th 2025.  All times Zulu.
BANDS Operation only on 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, 10m, & 2m bands.
EXCHANGE There is no minimum exchange.

Why not say you're chasing the letters and which letter of theirs you're using?
GENERAL ANY STATION COUNTS.  FISTS OR NOT.  The aim is to use any one letter of a callsign suffix to spell the answers.

For example, in M0CDL/P the suffix letters are "CDL" and any ONE of them can be used in answers.  Only one QSO with an operator can be claimed, so for example if M0CDL/P is in the log, F/M0CDL cannot also be in the log.

You may use the chosen letter in a callsign any number of times in the answers.

For example, if you work G4YVM and use the letter M to answer a clue, you cannot use any other letter from that callsign.  However, you may use the letter M in more than one answer in the crossword, meaning that you don’t need to find another M.  For example, the M from a QSO with G4YVM can be used three times in answers AMATEUR and HAMMARLUND.
POINTS One point for each correct clue answered.

The results will be in order of the number of clues solved and the date the clues were completed.
CROSSWORD Image showing the crossword grid.

5. Without these tiny fellows we don't communicate
7. The first SSB rig in the UK
8. Ships had them, so do many amateurs. Aerials need them, maybe they tilt.
9. Oddly for wireless we use a lot of this
11. Australian kits? No, British, so hop to it.
12. Aerial with no middle
13. Probably the best CW club in the world
14. Type of key that does what it says if used badly.


1. Nine is insufficient, but eleven shortened technicians is too many
2. Kenwood's name came in threes in the 80s.
3. Club activities newsletter
4. Wear these if you need better ears
6. Lewis acted a professional in the 70s, Arthur made a radio
8. An inventor and a modulation type
9. Measure of power, pardon?
10. Many use one of these to save their wrists badly
15. A thousand Watts, or a radio maker
LOGS Entries must be received no later than 7TH JULY 2025 and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

The email address for questions and entries is .

Log Format Description
FISTS Log Converter program Version 4.8.2 or later (free) for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs and answers quickly and easily.
Excel, Calc, CSV, TSV files QSOs:
The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
QSO_Date, Call, Band, Time_On, Mode, Comment

2025/05/02,G4YVM,40m,13:00,CW,WSC V

'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
'Band' is in metres followed by the letter m, e.g. 40m
'Mode' must be CW
'Comment' must contain WSC followed by a space and then the wanted letter, e.g. if letter V is wanted, WSC V

The accompanying email must contain a list of completed answers, e.g.:
3 across MAGNET
1 down KEYER
ADIF files QSOs:
These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.

The accompanying email must contain a list of completed answers, e.g.:
3 across MAGNET
1 down KEYER
Other Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.  If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask.

DESCRIPTION Straight Eight runs for 8 days in April.  You must send CQs and have QSOs using a straight ("up & down") key or a sideswiper (aka "cootie") key; no semi-automatic ("bug") keys, fully-automatic ("bug") keys or electronic keyers.  If in doubt about the eligibility of your key, please ask.  It does not matter what type of key your QSO partner uses.

Call "CQ SK8" 
Continuous running, 24/7 from start to finish BUT if you concentrate your activity around the cardinal hours it will improve chances…maybe!  So, operate any time at all but try to be on at 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21.

00:00 UTC Tuesday 8th April to 23:59 UTC Tuesday 15th April.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given operator per day, i.e. all QSOs claimed each day must be unique callsigns.  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.
BONUS MULTIPLIER: QSO SCORE X 2 FOR QSO WITH A DIFFERENT FISTS CHAPTER.  E.g. 6 points for a European member contacting an Americas member.
LOGS Entries must be received no later than 7TH MAY 2025 and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

The email address for questions and entries is .

You must include this in your log's 'Comment' (or similar) field:
• If you are using a Straight ("up & down") Key: MYKEY  SK
• If you are using a Sideswiper ("cootie") Key: MYKEY  SS

Log Format Description
FISTS Log Converter program Version 4.8.2 or later (free) for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.

You can provide it with any QSOs and it will automatically choose the qualifying CW QSOs for the activity’s dates and times.
Excel, Calc, CSV, TSV files The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Comment

2025/04/10,G4YVM,David,Salisbury,7.026,599,559,17:05,15868,CW,MYKEY SS

'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
'FISTS' can be a FISTS member number or be left blank, e.g. 15868
'Mode' must be CW
'Comment' must include MYKEY SK or MYKEY SS, e.g. Nice QSO MYKEY SS
ADIF files These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.  If your logbook program supports logging your Morse key type using the MY_MORSE_KEY_TYPE field, that can be used instead of COMMENT or NOTES to specify your key type.
Other Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.  If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask.

DESCRIPTION Let's get busy on 60m in February with 2 weeks of CW QSOs with anyone on the band (no scores, no results tables!)
Continuous running, 24/7 from start to finish BUT if you concentrate your activity around the cardinal hours it will improve chances…maybe!  So, operate any time at all but try to be on at 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21 LOCAL TIME PLEASE  (if you want to work Dx then adjust accordingly).  Also try different times of the day and night to learn about propagation.

Monday 10th Feb to Monday 24th Feb - 2 weeks activity.
FREQUENCIES Any 60m frequency you are licensed to use for CW.
EXCHANGE There is no minimum exchange.
SCORING There are no points.
LOGS In order to assess the success or otherwise of this event I would appreciate soapbox comments and total number of QSO please to .

DESCRIPTION The Ladder is a monthly activity with two, two-hour sessions on the 2nd and 4th Sunday in a month.  As with all FISTS Europe activities, it is a relaxed and sociable activity.

The results at the end of the year will list the leading three entries in two categories:
  • Entrants located anywhere.
  • Entrants located outside DXCC entity 223 (England).
(If operating from more than one DXCC entity, the location will be the one used most in the sessions.)
QSOs must start between 14:00–15:59 UTC and 18:00–19:59 UTC on the following Sundays:

12/26 January, 09/23 February, 09/23 March, 13/27 April, 11/25 May, 08/22 June, 13/27 July, 10/24 August, 14/28 September, 12/26 October, 09/23 November, 14/28 December.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP Centre of Activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING There are four 2-hour sessions in each month of which at most two can be claimed.  Within each claimed session, a station can be worked once; it follows that a station can earn points at most twice (once per claimed session).  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.
LOGS Send in your entry after the last session in a month and no later than the 7th of the following month.  Include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

The email address for logs and questions is

FISTS Log Converter program Version 4.6.2 or later (free) for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.

You can provide it with any QSOs and it will automatically choose the qualifying CW QSOs for the activity’s dates and times.
Calc, CSV, TSV files
The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode


'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
'FISTS' can be a FISTS member number or be left blank, e.g. 15868
'Mode' must be CW
ADIF files These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
Other Other file formats may be acceptable.  If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets.  For details, please email

Activities Calendar 2024

See the Upcoming Events page for a full list of dates and times for these and some other on-air activities.

Ladder 2024 Finished
Call that an Aerial? 2024 Finished
Bonfire Night Valves 2024 Finished
Vintage Chirp n Drift Week 2024 Finished
Dave Dixon G0AYD Memorial Finished
Straight Eight Reprise 2024 Finished
30m Activation 2024 Finished
Mechanical Key Week Finished
European Tour Finished
Top Gun Finished
Win Copy of Roger So Far Finished
Straight Eight 2024 Finished
60m Activation 2024 Finished

DESCRIPTION Let's get busy on 60m in February with 2 weeks of CW QSOs with anyone on the band (no scores, no results tables!)
Continuous running, 24/7 from start to finish BUT if you concentrate your activity around the cardinal hours it will improve chances…maybe!  So, operate any time at all but try to be on at 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21 LOCAL TIME PLEASE  (if you want to work Dx then adjust accordingly).  Also try different times of the day and night to learn about propagation.

Monday 12th Feb to Monday 26th Feb - 2 weeks activity.
FREQUENCIES Any 60m frequency you are licensed to use for CW.
EXCHANGE There is no minimum exchange.
SCORING There are no points.
LOGS In order to assess the success or otherwise of this event I would appreciate soapbox comments and total number of QSO please to .

DESCRIPTION Straight Eight runs for 8 days in March.  You must send CQs and have QSOs using a straight ("up & down") key or a sideswiper (aka "cootie") key; no semi-automatic (aka "bug") keys, fully-automatic keys or electronic keyers.  If in doubt about the eligibility of your key, please ask.  It does not matter what type of key your QSO partner uses.

Call "CQ SK8" 
Continuous running, 24/7 from start to finish BUT if you concentrate your SK8 activity around the cardinal hours it will improve chances…maybe! So, operate any time at all but try to be on at 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21.

00:01 UTC Friday 1st March to 23:59 UTC Friday 8th March.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP Centre of Activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given operator per day, i.e. all QSOs claimed each day must be unique callsigns.  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.

BONUS MULTIPLIER: QSO SCORE X 2 FOR QSO WITH A DIFFERENT FISTS CHAPTER.  E.g. 6 points for a European member contacting an Americas member.

LOGS Send in your entry after the last day.

Entries must be received by 15TH MARCH 2024 and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • You must include this in your log's 'Comment' (or similar) field: SK8
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program version 4.5.0 or later for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points, Comment
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 3
    'Comment' must include SK8, e.g. Nice QSO SK8
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION Win a copy of the book "Roger So Far - The first 100 years of the Royal Corps of Signals" by achieving the highest number of CW QSOs in any single 100 minute period of your choice during March 2024.

"Roger So Far", written by Nick Kendall Carpenter, celebrates The Royal Corps of Signals' 100 years of service, innovation and achievement.

Note: Open to FISTS CW Club members only.  In the event of a tie, a winner will be chosen at random.
00:00Z Friday 1st March to 23:59Z Sunday 31st March.

Once you have begun your challenge attempt you have 100 minutes to complete it.  It is a race against the clock.  All QSOs in your submitted log must begin within the same period of 100 minutes from the time of the start of the first QSO.

Remember that you can have as many attempts as you like before submitting your best 100 minutes but you may only submit ONE logged period to enter.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE No minimum exchange.
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given operator.

Scoring: 1 point per QSO.
LOGS Entries must be received no later than 7th April 2024 and must include your callsign, name and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program version 4.5.0 or later for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Freq, Time_On, Mode, Comment, Points
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 3.557
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Comment' for the first QSO must include WRSF, e.g. Temp 20C WRSF
    'Points' can contain 1 or be left blank, e.g. 1
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

TOP GUN 2024
DESCRIPTION Top Gun 24 is an activity designed for those who built and operate the Kanga Products Rooster kit as part of the FISTS club project.  As with all FISTS Europe activities, it is a relaxed and sociable activity and anyone can join in regardless of rig.  I hope someone can figure out why ‘TopGun’! (TG Maverick…more of a clue.)  The results at the end of the activity will list the leading three entries in two categories.
  • Rooster: Entrants who used a Kanga Rooster.
  • Non-Rooster: Entrants who did NOT use a Rooster. (QRP and QRO combined)
QSOs must take place on May bank holiday weekend, May 4th – 6th (a Welsh & English bank holiday but the activity is not limited to Welsh & English entrants).

00:01 UTC Saturday 4th May to 23:59 UTC Monday 6th May.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • Operating will typically be on or around a supplied crystal frequency.  Most kits will use 40m, 7.0283, but if you build for another frequency or band that’s fine too.
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, Rig, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given operator per day, i.e. all QSOs claimed each day must be unique callsigns.  Scoring:
1Non-member whether on a Rooster or not.
6FISTS member (current or lapsed) NOT on homebrew or kit-built rig.
10FISTS member (current or lapsed) on other homebrew or kit-built rig.
14FISTS member (current or lapsed) on a Rooster.

BONUS MULTIPLIER: QSO SCORE X 2 FOR QSO WITH A DIFFERENT FISTS CHAPTER.  E.g. 10 points for a European member contacting an Americas member who was using a kit-built Elecraft K2.
LOGS Entries must be no later than 7TH JUNE 2024 and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • For QSOs with current or lapsed members, your log's 'Comment' (or similar) field can include from below at most one value for RIG and at most one value for MYRIG:
    Value Meaning
    RIG  ROOSTER My QSO partner used a Rooster transceiver.
    RIG  HOMEBREW My QSO partner used homebrew or kit-built equipment.
    MYRIG  ROOSTER I used a Rooster transceiver.

    If at least one eligible QSO in your log includes MYRIG  ROOSTER then you will be entered in the Rooster category, otherwise you will be entered in the Non-Rooster category.  Examples:
    RIG  ROOSTER  FISTS  98765

    Note: you can include other information, e.g.
    Temp 21C  MYRIG  ROOSTER  Lots  of  QSB  FISTS  98765
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program version 4.6.2 or later for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points, Comment
    2024/05/04,G4YVM,David,Salisbury,7.026,599,559,17:05,15868,CW,8,RIG ROOSTER
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 3
    'Comment' - see the Comment section above
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION Euro Tour ’24…an activity to include the whole of the European FISTS community.  The task is to work as many FISTS from different Euro countries as possible.  A ‘country’ is a DXCC entity, to keep it straightforward and apolitical.
Continuous running, 24/7 from start to finish BUT if you concentrate your tour activity around the cardinal hours it will improve chances…maybe!  So, operate any time at all but try to be on at 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21 UTC.

00:01 UTC Saturday 1st June to 23:59 UTC Sunday 30th June.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given operator per day, i.e. all QSOs claimed each day must be unique callsigns.  Scoring:
1Non-member in a European DXCC entity.
2FISTS member (current or lapsed) in a European DXCC entity.
5Per European DXCC entity.

So, if a DL works members 1 x G, 2 x GW, 1 x F, 3 x EA = 7 QSO x 2 = 14pts PLUS 4 x 5 pts for 5 entities = 14 plus 20 = 34pts total.
LOGS Electronic logs only.

Entries must be received no later than 7TH JULY 2024 and must include your callsign, name and email address.  The email address for questions and entries is .

Log Format Description
FISTS Log Converter program Version 4.6.2 or later (free!) for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
Excel, Calc, CSV, TSV files The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, DXCC


'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
'FISTS' must either be blank or contain a FISTS member number only, e.g. 8385
'Mode' must be CW
'DXCC' must be the DXCC entity number for European stations or can be blank for stations outside Europe, e.g. 223
ADIF files These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.

DESCRIPTION An activity to give away a brand new Rooster kit from the estate of Dave, G0AYD, SK

Entrants MUST be using “off grid and non-engine powered electricity” powered portable stations and MUST be signing /P.  Entrants MUST be running 15 watts or less..  You may use batteries, waterwheels, wind generators, solar panels or dilithium crystals if you can get ‘em…just not a petrol / diesel generator or your car / caravan (even if on batteries) etc.  THE SPIRIT IS TO BE IN THE FIELD.

It is accepted that some FISTS might wish to enter but through no personal lack of effort cannot venture forth, so there is a category for stations based at home who wish to enter.  They must log /P stations only.  The prize of the Rooster will go to an actual field station but I’m sure we will rustle something for fixed base stations working only /P as well.
Continuous running, 24/7 from start to finish BUT if you concentrate your activity around the cardinal hours it will improve chances…maybe!  So, operate any time at all but try to be on at 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21 UTC.

00:01 UTC Saturday 1st June to 23:59 UTC Monday 30th September.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP Centre of Activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH.
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given operator per day, i.e. all QSOs claimed each day must be unique callsigns.  Scoring:

Category 1: Field Stations
1Any licenced station.

Category 2: Home Base Stations
1Any licenced station signing "/P"
LOGS Electronic logs only.

Entries must be received no later than 7TH OCTOBER 2024 and must include your callsign, name and email address.

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program version 4.6.3 or later for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, Mode, Points, Comment
    Example for Category 1: Field (/P) Stations:
    2024/06/02,G3ZOD,Gra,Stockport,3.557,599,559,17:05,CW,1,AYD FIELD
    Example for Category 2: Home Base Stations:
    2024/07/03,G4YVM/P,David,Salisbury,7.026,599,559,12:05,CW,1,AYD HOME
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can be 1 or be left blank, e.g. 1
    'Comment' must include one of these:
    - for field (/P) stations AYD FIELD, e.g. Nice QSO AYD FIELD
    - for home base stations AYD HOME, e.g. Nice QSO AYD HOME
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION An activity to promote unusual radiators and let entrants win a SARK aerial analyser.  Entrants should attempt to gain QSO using unusual radiators.  UNCONVENTIONAL AERIAL SYSTEM ONLY PLEASE.  DO NOT ENTER IF YOU ARE USING A “NORMAL” OR CONVENTIONAL AERIAL SYSTEM.  Any method of loading is acceptable, it’s the radiator wot does it!!
Continuous running, 24/7 from start to finish BUT if you concentrate your activity around the cardinal hours it will improve chances…maybe!  So, operate any time at all but try to be on at 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21 UTC.

00:01 UTC Monday 1st July to 23:59 UTC Saturday 30th November.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP Centre of Activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH.
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given operator per day, i.e. all QSOs claimed each day must be unique callsigns.  Scoring:
1Any licenced station.
LOGS Electronic logs only.

Entries must be received no later than 7TH DECEMBER 2024 and must include your callsign, name, email address and MUST be accompanied by soapbox comments on your aerials.  Photographic evidence to support will be greatly appreciated!!  Even phone shots to please.

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program version 4.6.3 or later for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, Mode, Points, Comment
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can be 1 or be left blank, e.g. 1
    'Comment' must include CTA, e.g. Nice QSO CTA
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION Mechanical Key Week runs for 11 days in August.  You must send CQs and have QSOs using a straight ("up & down") key, sideswiper (aka "cootie") key, semi-automatic (aka "bug") key or fully-automatic mechanical key; no electronic keyers.  If in doubt about the eligibility of your key, please ask.  It does not matter what type of key your QSO partner uses.

Call "CQ MKW" 
Continuous running, 24/7 from start to finish BUT if you concentrate your MKW activity around the cardinal hours it will improve chances…maybe!  So, operate any time at all but try to be on at 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21.

00:00 UTC Thursday 1st August to 23:59 UTC Sunday 11th August.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given operator per day, i.e. all QSOs claimed each day must be unique callsigns.  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.
BONUS MULTIPLIER: QSO SCORE X 2 FOR QSO WITH A DIFFERENT FISTS CHAPTER.  E.g. 6 points for a European member contacting an Americas member.
LOGS Entries must be received no later than 7TH SEPTEMBER 2024 and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).  The email address for questions and entries is .

You must include this in your log's 'Comment' (or similar) field: MKW

Log Format Description
FISTS Log Converter program Version 4.7.1 or later (free & available late July) for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
Excel, Calc, CSV, TSV files The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Comment


'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
'FISTS' can be a FISTS member number or be left blank, e.g. 15868
'Mode' must be CW
'Comment' must include MKW separated by spaces, e.g. Nice QSO MKW
ADIF files These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
Other Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.  If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask.

DESCRIPTION Straight Eight Reprise runs for 8 days in September.  You must send CQs and have QSOs using a straight ("up & down") key or a sideswiper (aka "cootie") key; no semi-automatic (aka "bug") keys, fully-automatic keys or electronic keyers.  If in doubt about the eligibility of your key, please ask.  It does not matter what type of key your QSO partner uses.

Call "CQ SK8" 
Continuous running, 24/7 from start to finish BUT if you concentrate your SK8 activity around the cardinal hours it will improve chances…maybe! So, operate any time at all but try to be on at 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21.

00:00 UTC Sunday 8th September to 23:59 UTC Sunday 15th September.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given operator per day, i.e. all QSOs claimed each day must be unique callsigns.  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.
BONUS MULTIPLIER: QSO SCORE X 2 FOR QSO WITH A DIFFERENT FISTS CHAPTER.  E.g. 6 points for a European member contacting an Americas member.
LOGS Entries must be received no later than 7TH OCTOBER 2024 and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).  The email address for questions and entries is .

You must include this in your log's 'Comment' (or similar) field: SK8

Log Format Description
FISTS Log Converter program Version 4.7.1 or later (free & available late July) for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
Excel, Calc, CSV, TSV files The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Comment


'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
'FISTS' can be a FISTS member number or be left blank, e.g. 15868
'Mode' must be CW
'Comment' must include SK8 separated by spaces, e.g. Nice QSO SK8
ADIF files These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
Other Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.  If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask.

DESCRIPTION Bonfire Night Valves runs for 10 days in November.  A time to dust off the valve gear, or try to work as many valve sets as you can.

Continuous running, 24/7 from start to finish BUT if you concentrate your activity around the cardinal hours it will improve chances…maybe!  So, operate any time at all but try to be on at 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21.

00:00 UTC Friday 1st November to 23:59 UTC Sunday 10th November.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name and QTH.
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given operator per day, i.e. all QSOs claimed each day must be unique callsigns.

“Valve gear” can be a separate TX, separate RX or transceiver that contains at least one valve.  Score per QSO is one of the following:
  • 1 POINT if only you use valve gear.
  • 1 POINT if only the other station is using valve gear.
  • 4 POINTS if both you and the other station are using valve gear.
LOGS Entries must be received no later than 7TH DECEMBER 2024 and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).  The email address for questions and entries is .

Log Format Description
FISTS Log Converter program Version 4.7.3 or later (free) for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
Excel, Calc, CSV, TSV files The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, Mode, Comment

2024/11/02,G4YVM,David,Salisbury,7.026,599,559,17:05,CW,BNV 2

'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
'Mode' must be CW
'Comment' must include BNV followed by the points claimed (1 or 4) with everything separated by spaces, e.g. Nice  QSO  BNV  4
ADIF files These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
Other Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.  If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask.

DESCRIPTION The Ladder is a monthly activity with two, two-hour sessions on the 2nd and 4th Sunday in a month.  As with all FISTS Europe activities, it is a relaxed and sociable activity.

The results at the end of the year will list the leading three entries in two categories:
  • Entrants located anywhere.
  • Entrants located outside DXCC entity 223 (England).
(If operating from more than one DXCC entity, the location will be the one used most in the sessions.)
QSOs must start between 14:00–15:59 UTC and 18:00–19:59 UTC on the following Sundays:

14/28 January, 11/25 February, 10/24 March, 14/28 April, 12/26 May, 09/23 June, 14/28 July, 11/25 August, 08/22 September, 13/27 October, 10/24 November, 08/22 December.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP Centre of Activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING There are four 2-hour sessions in each month of which at most two can be claimed.  Within each claimed session, a station can be worked once; it follows that a station can earn points at most twice (once per claimed session).  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.
LOGS Send in your entry after the last session in a month.  Entries must be received no later than the 7th of the following month and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'FISTS' must either be blank or contain a FISTS member number only, e.g. 8385
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 3
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION Let's get busy on 30m in September with a week of CW QSOs with anyone on the band (no scores, no results tables!)
Continuous running, 24/7 from start to finish BUT if you concentrate your activity around the cardinal hours it will improve chances…maybe!  So, operate any time at all but try to be on at 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21 LOCAL TIME PLEASE  (if you want to work Dx then adjust accordingly).  Also try different times of the day and night to learn about propagation.

Sunday 25th August till Saturday 31st August.
FREQUENCIES Remember the FISTS Centres of Activity (CoA) are 10.118 & 10.128 and the most used QRP CoA is 10.116.
EXCHANGE There is no minimum exchange.
SCORING There are no points.
LOGS In order to assess the success or otherwise of this event I would appreciate soapbox comments and total number of QSO please to .

DESCRIPTION CW QSOs using all old, valve, vintage or modern rebuilds welcome.  No commercial equipment built nor home made kit from designs after 1985.
00:00Z Sunday 6th October to 23:59Z Sunday 13th October.
LOGS No logs BUT please send reports and photos to .

Activities Calendar 2023

See the Upcoming Events page for a full list of dates and times for these and some other on-air activities.

Win RSGB Yearbook Finished
Mechanical Key Week Finished
100 Years of Big Ben on the Wireless Finished
Ladder 2023 Finished
Winter Warmer 2023 Finished
60m Activation Finished
30m Activation Finished
Act Your Age Week 2023 Finished
Straight Eight 2023 Finished
Chadburn Cup for Affiliated Clubs 2023 Finished

DESCRIPTION Win an RSGB Yearbook by contacting RSGB members and collecting their RSGB member numbers.  Highest number of QSOs wins!

The Yearbook:
  • Includes more than 100,000 UK and Northern Ireland callsigns.
  • The most comprehensive guide to amateur radio in the UK and worldwide.
  • Over 170 pages of invaluable reference material for just about everything you are ever likely to want to know about amateur radio.
Note: Open to FISTS CW Club members only (do not need to be RSGB members).  In the event of a tie, a winner will be chosen at random.
Continuous running, 24/7 from start to finish BUT if you concentrate your activity around the cardinal hours it will improve chances…maybe!  So, operate any time at all but try to be on at 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21.

00:01Z Friday 1st December to 23:59Z Sunday 31st December.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange you SEND is:
If you are an RSGB member, your RSGB member number.

The minimum exchange you RECEIVE is:
RSGB member number.
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given RSGB member per day regardless of callsign.

Scoring: 1 point per QSO.
LOGS Entries must be received no later than 7th January 2024 and must include your callsign, name and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program version 4.4.5 or later for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Freq, Time_On, Mode, Comment, Points
    2023/12/03,G3QNH,3.557,17:05,CW,RSGB 54321,1
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 3.557
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Comment' must include an RSGB member number, e.g. Temp 20C RSGB 54321
    'Points' can contain 1 or be left blank, e.g. 1
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION Let's get busy on 30m in September with 3 weeks of CW QSOs with anyone on the band (no scores, no results tables!)
Continuous running, 24/7 from start to finish BUT if you concentrate your activity around the cardinal hours it will improve chances…maybe!  So, operate any time at all but try to be on at 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21 LOCAL TIME PLEASE  (if you want to work Dx then adjust accordingly).  Also try different times of the day and night to learn about propagation.

Monday 4th September till Monday 25th September - 3 weeks activity.
FREQUENCIES Remember the FISTS Centres of Activity (CoA) are 10.118 & 10.128 and the most used QRP CoA is 10.116.
EXCHANGE There is no minimum exchange.
SCORING There are no points.
LOGS In order to assess the success or otherwise of this event I would appreciate soapbox comments and total number of QSO please to .

DESCRIPTION Let's get busy on 60m in October with 3 weeks of CW QSOs with anyone on the band (no scores, no results tables!)
Continuous running, 24/7 from start to finish BUT if you concentrate your activity around the cardinal hours it will improve chances…maybe!  So, operate any time at all but try to be on at 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21 LOCAL TIME PLEASE  (if you want to work Dx then adjust accordingly).  Also try different times of the day and night to learn about propagation.

Monday 2nd October till Monday 23rd October - 3 weeks activity.
FREQUENCIES Any 60m frequency you are licensed to use for CW.
  • UK holders of a Full licence only: The RSGB Band Plan 60m primary CW segment is
    5258.5 kHz - 5264.0 kHz and includes a QRP Centre of Activity (CoA) of 5262.0 kHz.
  • Outside UK: There is an IARU Region 1 (Europe) Band Plan that includes a 60m CW and narrow band segment.  Please refer to your national guidelines.
EXCHANGE There is no minimum exchange.
SCORING There are no points.
LOGS In order to assess the success or otherwise of this event I would appreciate soapbox comments and total number of QSO please to .

DESCRIPTION November is here, winter must be acknowledged!  What summer we had is now a memory but for amateurs it means top band and 80m are our playground again.  And if it’s chilly…get the valve amps out and have a real warm up…
Continuous running, 24/7 from start to finish BUT if you concentrate your activity around the cardinal hours it will improve chances…maybe!  So, operate any time at all but try to be on at 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21.

00:01Z Wednesday 1st November to 23:59Z Thursday 30th November.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given operator per day, i.e. all QSOs claimed each day must be unique callsigns.  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.

BONUS MULTIPLIER: QSO SCORE X 2 FOR QSO WITH A DIFFERENT FISTS CHAPTER.  E.g. 6 points for a European member contacting an Americas member.
LOGS Entries must be received no later than 7th December 2023 and must include your callsign, name and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html version 4.4.0 or later for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 3.557
    'FISTS' can be a FISTS member number or be left blank, e.g. 15868
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 3
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION Mechanical Key Week runs for 7 days in December.  You must send CQs and have QSOs using a straight ("up & down") key, sideswiper (aka "cootie") key, semi-automatic (aka "bug") key or fully-automatic mechanical key; no electronic keyers.  If in doubt about the eligibility of your key, please ask.  It does not matter what type of key your QSO partner uses.

Call "CQ MKW" 
Continuous running, 24/7 from start to finish BUT if you concentrate your MKW activity around the cardinal hours it will improve chances…maybe!  So, operate any time at all but try to be on at 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21.

00:01 UTC Monday 11th December to 23:59 UTC Sunday 17th December.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given operator per day, i.e. all QSOs claimed each day must be unique callsigns.  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.

BONUS MULTIPLIER: QSO SCORE X 2 FOR QSO WITH A DIFFERENT FISTS CHAPTER.  E.g. 6 points for a European member contacting an Americas member.
LOGS Send in your entry after the last day.

Entries must be received by 7th January 2024 and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • You must include this in your log's 'Comment' (or similar) field: MKW
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html version 4.4.0 or later for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points, Comment
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'FISTS' can be a FISTS member number or be left blank, e.g. 15868
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 9
    'Comment' must include MKW, e.g. Nice QSO MKW
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION 100 years ago this month, on 31st December 1923 the BBC broadcast the sound of Big Ben for the very first time…and hasn’t stopped since.  Big Ben, iconic bell in the Elizabeth Tower in the Palace of Westminster weighs in at almost 14 tons, and is known around the globe.  Join us for this one day commemoration of Big Ben’s wireless debut!  We are using ONLY 80m and 20m, good winter night and day bands.  AND they add up to 100!!

Call "CQ BigBen"
Continuous running for 24 hours BUT if you concentrate your activity around the cardinal hours it will improve chances…maybe!  So, operate any time at all but try to be on at 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21.

00:01Z to 23:59Z Sunday 31st December.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use 80m and 20m only.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m and 20m these are 3.560 and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given operator per day, i.e. all QSOs claimed each day must be unique callsigns.  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.

BONUS MULTIPLIER: QSO SCORE X 2 FOR QSO WITH A DIFFERENT FISTS CHAPTER.  E.g. 6 points for a European member contacting an Americas member.
LOGS Entries must be received no later than 7th January 2024 and must include your callsign, name and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html version 4.4.0 or later for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 3.557
    'FISTS' can be a FISTS member number or be left blank, e.g. 15868
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 3
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION Act your Age Week runs for 7 days in July.  Any QSO counts but the important thing is the other person's age.  They must send their age because this is how points are scored.  Please ask them AT MOST ONCE; not everyone will be willing to reveal their age.

Any radio, any key, any band listed below under FREQUENCIES so long as the entire QSO is conducted in Morse code.

Call "CQ Age” or simply "CQ".
Continuous running, 24/7 from start to finish BUT if you concentrate your Age activity around the cardinal hours it will improve chances…maybe!  So, operate any time at all but try to be on at 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21.

00:01 UTC Monday 3 July to 23:59 UTC Sunday 9 July 2023.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.  This is a courtesy. 
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name and Age.
Age is sent as a whole number of years, e.g. 54
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given operator per day, i.e. all QSOs claimed each day must be unique callsigns.

  • All QSOs score 1 point for each year of age.
  • Bonus of 10% of age (rounded) for each QSO starting between 0000-0059, 0300-0359, 0600-0659, 0900-0959, 1200-1259, 1500-1559, 1800-1859 & 2100-2159 UTC.

QSO with someone aged 59 at 17:20 is 59 points (59 + no bonus).
QSO with someone aged 64 at 18:10 is 70 points (64 + bonus of 6).
QSO with someone aged 65 at 18:30 is 72 points (65 + bonus of 7).
LOGS Send in your entry after the last day.

Entries must be received by 31 July 2023 and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html version 4.3.3 or later for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, Mode, Age, Points
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.026
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Age' is a whole number of years, e.g. 54
    'Points' can contain the QSO points or be left blank, e.g. 59
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
    Note: if your logbook application does not provide an AGE field, you can instead include age in a COMMENT or NOTES field, e.g. NICE QSO AGE 54
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION Straight Eight runs for 8 days in May.  You must send CQs and have QSOs using a straight ("up & down") key or a sideswiper (aka "cootie") key; no semi-automatic (aka "bug") keys or electronic keyers.  If in doubt about the eligibility of your key, please ask.  It does not matter what type of key your QSO partner uses.

Call "CQ SK8" 
Continuous running, 24/7 from start to finish BUT if you concentrate your SK8 activity around the cardinal hours it will improve chances…maybe! So, operate any time at all but try to be on at 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21.

00:01 UTC Monday 1st May to 23:59 UTC Monday 8th May.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given operator per day, i.e. all QSOs claimed each day must be unique callsigns.  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.

BONUS MULTIPLIER: QSO SCORE X 2 FOR QSO WITH A DIFFERENT FISTS CHAPTER.  E.g. 6 points for a European member contacting an Americas member.

LOGS Send in your entry after the last day.

Entries must be received by 15TH MAY 2023 and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • You must include this in your log's 'Comment' (or similar) field: SK8
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html version 4.3.2 or later for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points, Comment
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 9
    'Comment' must include SK8, e.g. Nice QSO SK8
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION There are many Clubs who choose to be affiliated to FISTS, so this cup is for them and their members.  Anyone can enter the cup challenge provided they are a member of an affiliated club and the more members of an affiliated club who enter, the better the chances of that club winning.

Please note: overseas clubs may enter.  The cup is open to all affiliated clubs.

The challenge runs from January to December each year and it is a simple challenge: the more points a club team gains the better its chances of winning.  The winning club is the club with most points at the end of the year.

Operators may belong to and operate for more than one club, as many members already do.

Team members MUST operate using their club callsigns.  I.e. ANY club member, and any number of club members can operate for the award but they MUST use the club callsign whilst on air.
Ended early in September 2023.

7 days a week, continuous running.  Starting 0000Z January 1st each year and running till 2359Z December 31st of the same year.
FREQUENCIES 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, 10m & 2m.
SCORING All QSOs made for the purposes of the award must be made using a club callsign registered with FISTS CW Club.

Clubs with multiple callsigns MAY be worked more than once per day provided each QSO is with a different operator and is on a different band – so you can’t count Fred, who is using GX0ABC and then simply changes to GX0ARC for the same club, twice.  Working GX0ARC twice on one day is not permitted, working GX0ARC on 20m and working GX6ARC on 80m in the same day IS permitted.

A member callsign (rather than a club callsign) may NOT be worked more than once per day.

Note that "callsign" means a main callsign. For example G4YVM/P counts as the main callsign G4YVM.

Contest QSOs are permitted because we can’t police them but FISTS numbers MUST be transmitted during the QSO.  Also see the note re club calls: if you work the contest as a club, fine, if you work it as yourself or as a Specific contest call, not fine.  As ever, honesty to the fore please.

Points will be awarded as follows:

  • For non-FISTS stations worked – nil points.
  • For FISTS members worked – 1 point.
  • For FISTS HQ callsigns worked – 5 points.
  • For FISTS affiliated clubs worked – 10 points.
Points are NOT awarded for intra-club QSO (e.g for GX0ARC working GX0ARC, no points.  For GX0ARC working GX6ARC – the same club – NO POINTS).  Points are only awarded for QSOs between different clubs.  If a club station works an operator who is also a member of the same club, NO POINTS.  Obviously we cannot check everything so please, a little honesty!

QSO must be held both ways in Morse code.
LOGS Entries must be received no later than the 7th of the following month and include:
  • The club's name.
  • The name and email address of the person submitting the log.
  • The club's callsign optionally followed by a "/" and one of the operators' callsigns, e.g. either GX0ARC or GX0ARC/G4YVM
A single club log can be submitted each month or a club's members may submit logs containing just their QSOs.  In the single log or combined log for the club, contacted stations’ FISTS member numbers must appear in QSOs no more than once per day (QSOs with non-club callsigns) and no more than once per band per day (QSOs with club callsigns).

Clubs must be affiliated to enter the cup challenge.  Logs of non-affiliated clubs will not be counted.  Clubs MAY affiliate part way through the event but must be aware that no logs from the period pre-affiliation will be counted.

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program for Windows version 4.3.1 or later is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Time_On, Freq, FISTS, Station_Callsign, Operator, Mode, Points
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number, e.g. 7.027
    'FISTS' must contain a FISTS member number, e.g. 12540
    'Station_Callsign' can be left blank if all the QSOs in the log are using the club callsign specified in the covering information e.g. GX0ARC.  Otherwise, 'Station_Callsign' must contain the operator's callsign for the QSO e.g. G3QFE.
    'Operator' can be left blank if all the QSOs in the log are from the operator whose callsign is included in the covering information e.g. G4YVM.  Otherwise, 'Operator' must contain the operator's callsign for the QSO e.g. G3QFE.
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 1
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.  If the ADIF file includes the STATION_CALLSIGN field in QSO records, this must be set to one of the club's callsigns.
  • Other electronic file formats may be acceptable - please ask.

The email address for questions and entries is .
PRIZES Each year the affiliated club with most points will be awarded "the" Chadburn cup to retain as well as an electronic certificate which they can print for each club participant.

DESCRIPTION The Ladder is a monthly activity with two, two-hour sessions on the 2nd and 4th Sunday in a month.  As with all FISTS Europe activities, it is a relaxed and sociable activity.

The results at the end of the year will list the leading three entries in two categories:
  • Entrants located anywhere.
  • Entrants located outside DXCC entity 223 (England).
(If operating from more than one DXCC entity, the location will be the one used most in the sessions.)
Session times are 14:00-16:00 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC on the following Sundays:

08/22 January, 12/26 February, 12/26 March, 09/23 April, 14/28 May, 11/25 June, 09/23 July, 13/27 August, 10/24 September, 08/22 October, 12/26 November, 10/24 December.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING There are four 2-hour sessions in each month of which at most two can be claimed.  Within each claimed session, a station can be worked once; it follows that a station can earn points at most twice (once per claimed session).  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.
LOGS Send in your entry after the last session in a month.  Entries must be received no later than the 7th of the following month and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'FISTS' must either be blank or contain a FISTS member number only, e.g. 8385
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 3
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

Activities Calendar 2022

To see a list of dates and times for these and some other on-air activities, please visit the Upcoming Events web page

Straight Key Week 2022
Autumn Party
Royal Platinum Jubilee Weekend Celebration
35th Anniversary Challenge 2022
Ladder 2022
2m Chronophage 2022

DESCRIPTION Straight Key Week runs for 7 days in November.  You must send CQs and have QSOs using a straight ("up & down") key or a sideswiper (aka "cootie") key; no semi-automatic (aka "bug") keys or electronic keyers.  If in doubt about the eligibility of your key, please ask.  It does not matter what type of key your QSO partner uses.
ONE hour periods commencing at the cardinal times of the clock (think radio room clock silence periods), 12, 3, 6, 9.  Twice per 24hrs, so EIGHT x ONE hour operating periods per 24hrs.

00:01 UTC Monday 14 November to 23:59 UTC Sunday 20 November.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING You may claim only ONE QSO with any given operator per day, i.e. all QSOs claimed each day must be unique callsigns.  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.

BONUS MULTIPLIER: QSO SCORE X 2 FOR QSO WITH A DIFFERENT FISTS CHAPTER.  E.g. 6 points for a European member contacting an Americas member.
LOGS Send in your entry after the last day.  Entries must be received by 07 December 2022 and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • You must include this in your log's 'Comment' (or similar) field: SKW
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html version 4.3.0 or later for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points, Comment
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 3
    'Comment' must include SKW, e.g. Nice QSO SKW
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION We are having a meet-up on the bands this autumn.  Not a ladder, not an award or other points collection, just a FISTS gathering.

As far as can be seen from contest calendars, there’s very little CW going on, so let’s wheel out the homebrew, the military gear, the old stuff and the new and let's just chat to each other.  No points, any bands, just around the FISTS Centre of Activity frequencies, shall we?
DATE & TIME Saturday October 22nd at 1900Z to 2359Z.

INTRODUCTION FISTS CW Club is celebrating the Platinum Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth over the holiday weekend at the beginning on June 2022.

The celebration will take the form of an international on-air activity and culminates in the award of commemorative plaques to two participants.
OVERVIEW An on-air activity on the days Friday, 3. June; Saturday, 4. June; Sunday, 5. June 2022.

UK stations may use the RSL 'Q' per Ofcom regulation. NoV applications can be made on the RSGB NoV web page.
ACTIVITY The activity is open to all licensed radio amateurs.

Work as many stations as you can over the three days – starting at 0001UTC on Friday, 3. June 2022 and ending at 2359UTC on Sunday, 5. June 2022.

All HF bands from 160m to 10m, excluding WARC bands and 60m: That is, CW contacts on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m.

Each contact must include the exchange of callsigns and, as a minimum, must also include signal reports, operators’ names, location of stations and – as applicable – each operator’s FISTS number.
SCORING Only CW contacts may be counted for scoring purposes.
1 point for each QSO per station contacted per band per day (One callsign only once per band on each of the three days).
One QSO point plus bonus points added.
  • 1 bonus point added for working any UK station using 'Q' RSL
  • 1 bonus point added for a FISTS member when their member number is received on air and logged
  • 5 bonus points added for a FISTS HQ station – including GX0IPX or GQ0IPX, GX3ZQS or GQ3ZQS, MX5IPX or MQ5IPX, VK2FDU, ZL6FF, JL3YMV, KN0WCW.
Scores will be subject to adjudication by FISTS Europe and that process will be final.
AWARDS Two awards will be presented: one for the highest scoring UK station using 'Q' RSL; one for a station – UK-based or elsewhere – being the station, not using 'Q' RSL, with most points. These awards will be commemorative plaques, engraved with the recipient’s callsign and name.
LOGS Logs must be submitted before the end of Monday, 13. June 2022 using FISTS Log Converter or by email in one of the following formats (paper logs cannot be accepted). 
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html for Windows version 4.2.2 or later is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'FISTS' must either be blank or contain a FISTS member number only, e.g. 12540
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 3
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.

The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION A cunning way to celebrate 35 glorious years of FISTS with a fantastic prize at the end worth at least a few bob!

Stations do not have to be members to join in or count for points.

Whilst manual Morse is to be preferred, any form of coding / decoding is permitted.

The challenge is to accrue points throughout the year.  Points are accrued by a simple summation of the callsign numbers.  All the digits in the callsign are added (so S53 for example is NOT worth fifty three but eight).  Callsigns that are exclusively zeros, e.g 2E0ABC, will score the number of points equivalent to the date: 2E0ABC is worth 1pt on the 1st, 7pts on the 7th and 31pts on the 31st.  So if you work G4, DL7 and IK6 you accrue 17 points.  If you work G3, F6 and W0AB you get 3+6+the date’s number!

Extra secondary locators or other digits separated by slashes will not count.  G4YVM is four points. F4/G4YVM is still four points.

However, you can count a maximum of 35 points each day (if you get more than 35 points in any one day, the excess do not count).  If you get 65 points today and no points for the rest of the month, you score 35.  These points will add up to quite a lot over time!

MONTH Days Max pts (days x 35)
May 31 1085
June 30 1050
July 31 1085
August 31 1085
September 30 1050
October 31 1085
November 30 1050
December 31 1085

Max aggregate = 8575.
7 days a week, continuous running.  Starting 0000Z May 1st 2022 and running till 2359Z December 31st 2022.
FREQUENCIES 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 10m & 2m.
SCORING No station may be counted more than once per day.  “Station” means main callsign…G4YVM and G4YVM/P may NOT be worked on the same day.

Stations can be members or non-members.

QSO must be held both ways in Morse code.
LOGS Entries must be received no later than the 7th of the following month and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html for Windows version 4.2.1 or later is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Freq, Time_On, Mode, Points
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 4
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .
PRIZES As well as a very nice anniversary mug for the winner.  There is one mug for the FISTS member winner and one for the winning NON-MEMBER.  Chris G5VZ has donated a plaque for the winner and the runner up and these will be awarded to members only.  Entrants do not need to state which section they enter, there is ONE section.  The winning member will be the member with most points and the winning non-member will be the non-member with most points at the close of the activity 2359Z December 31st 2022.  In the event that no non-members their prizes will not be issued.  In the event of a tie normal joint-prizes will be issued.

DESCRIPTION The Ladder is a monthly activity with two, two-hour sessions on the 2nd and 4th Sunday in a month.  As with all FISTS Europe activities, it is a relaxed and sociable activity.

The results at the end of the year will list the leading three entries in two categories:
  • Entrants located anywhere.
  • Entrants located outside DXCC entity 223 (England).
(If operating from more than one DXCC entity, the location will be the one used most in the sessions.)
Session times are 14:00-16:00 UTC and 18:00-20:00 UTC on the following Sundays:

09/23 January, 13/27 February, 13/27 March, 10/24 April, 08/22 May, 12/26 June, 10/24 July, 14/28 August, 11/25 September, 09/23 October, 13/27 November, 11/25 December.
FREQUENCIES The following rules apply only if you are sending in an entry:
  • You can use any amateur radio band in your licence except for 12m, 17m, 30m, 60m, and bands lower in frequency than 160m.
  • Keep at least 1 kHz away from QRP centre of activity frequencies unless running QRP.  (For 80m, 40m, and 20m, these are 3.560, 7.030, and 14.060 MHz.)
  • After you finish a QSO on 3.558 or 7.028 MHz, unless you replied to a CQ or tail-ended a QSO, you must QSY by at least 500 Hz for a minimum of 10 minutes.
EXCHANGE The minimum exchange is:
RST, Name, QTH, and FISTS member number (if applicable).
SCORING There are four 2-hour sessions in each month of which at most two can be claimed.  Within each claimed session, a station can be worked once; it follows that a station can earn points at most twice (once per claimed session).  Scoring:
3FISTS member (current or lapsed).
5FISTS-affiliated club station.
LOGS Send in your entry after the last session in a month.  Entries must be received no later than the 7th of the following month and must include your callsign, name, and email address (if you have one).

Log formats:
  • The free FISTS Log Converter program https://fists.co.uk/flc.html for Windows is recommended for creating and submitting logs quickly and easily.
  • Excel, Calc, CSV (comma-separated values), or TSV (tab-separated values) files.  The first row/record in the file must include these exact column names although they don't need to be in this order:
    QSO_Date, Call, Name, QTH, Freq, RST_Sent, RST_Rcvd, Time_On, FISTS, Mode, Points
    'QSO_Date' and 'Time_On' are UTC.
    'Freq' is in MHz and must be a decimal number only, e.g. 7.027
    'FISTS' must either be blank or contain a FISTS member number only, e.g. 8385
    'Mode' must be CW
    'Points' can contain a number or be left blank, e.g. 3
  • ADIF files.  These can be ADI (text) files or ADX (XML) files and must include the fields named above.
  • Other file formats may be acceptable - please ask.
  • If you don't have access to email, you can use official FISTS Activity paper log sheets; please ask and we will post you a set.
The email address for questions and entries is .

DESCRIPTION Named after the eponymous clock in Cambridge, the chronophage is a fun event on 2m CW.  Most folks these days have only vertical antennas, so try both polarisations if you have the choice!  No points, no contest mode.
Licence power limits.
February 27th to March 6th

Sunday. Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday. Sunday.  NB the Tuesday is planned to coincide with the UKAC contest 1st March 2000 – 2230Z.  This is intentional to introduce people to it and to maximise chances of a QSO.

All day each day.
FREQUENCIES 2m, 144.050 or 144.058.  During UKAC it will be all over the band.
LOGS and COMMENTS Logs and comments welcome to ...let's have some VHF fun.

Details of earlier activities are available on the Activities Calendar Archive web page.
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